With this result, Lu Qing walked back and forth in the house several times, thinking of talking to Ye Qiu quickly and reconfirming it.

After all, they have no evidence to show that dieyunmo did have an affair with Murong Yuehua.

"Lei Yin, go to the residence of Murong Yuehua and die yunmo again to see if they are different."

Leiyin said nothing and disappeared again.

It's faster this time.

"Lord, there is a big play in the residence of dieyunmo. You can't see it late. You should watch it quickly!"

With these words, Lei Yin's face was indescribable. Lu Qing quickly knew what he meant.

"Go quickly and ask Shang yeqiu to come!"

Lu Qing wrapped himself in fox fur and ran out with the wind under his feet.

Soon, ye Qiu was also called over. They met and climbed the wall of tianyunmo's residence together.

As soon as I climbed over, I heard a low cry from the closed door and the sound of whips on my body.

However, this is definitely not really pulling people, because there are some indescribable sounds mixed with that low cry.

"How? Do you want it?"

With the emergence of this sentence, there was another loud slap.

This is the sound of slapping on the meat. Where is the thickest meat on people

One slap after another, Lu Qing was shocked. However, the words in the room were even worse.

Ye Qiu obviously understood what Lu Qing meant to bring her. In addition to being shocked at the beginning, ye Qiu soon entered the state of watching the play.

This is definitely a big play.

The martial arts of Tianyun desert is definitely not simple. Lu Qing could find that they were so hidden at the beginning. Now such a group of people are listening to his room outside the door. Of course, he won't know.

However, he was still doing his and didn't come out to drive them away.

What does that mean?

"Madam doesn't call her husband at the theatre."

While Lu Qing was listening and thinking, there was a warm breath in his ear. Yu Mingchuan didn't know when he came.

"Shh - it's going to be serious..."

Lu Qing pinched Yu Mingchuan's dishonest hand and continued to listen.

"Madam likes this? Why don't we try it back?" Yu Mingchuan whispered in Lu Qing's ear and bit her earlobe intentionally or unintentionally.

"Fuck off, I don't like being beaten, or I'll beat you." Lu Qing patted yumingchuan several times.

Yumingchuan didn't say anything, but there was a flash of light in his eyes.

All the people in the listening room came here. After listening to it for a while, they also enjoyed it with interest. Naturally, scenes automatically appeared in their minds, which was very fragrant and beautiful.

When there is no movement inside, the door opens.

Die yunmo still had a warm smile, which was totally wrong with the man who was always full of dirty words and slapped people in the room just now.

"You have also stood in the hospital for a long time. I must have known that I have taught my wife a lesson. As for the previous misunderstanding, I apologize for my wife. I hope you are generous. This matter has been exposed. I will guarantee that it will not happen again in the future."

After saying that, ultimatum yunmo made a special salute to Ye Qiu. It seems that he knows everything.

Ye Qiu couldn't help laughing. He waved with Duan yunmo and walked back.

Her big fool is still standing in the snow.

Yumingchuan just nodded to yunmo and went out with Lu Qing.

Seeing the crowd disperse, dieyun Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

He did not expect that such a thing would happen. Fortunately, the result was very good and solved many of his problems.

From now on, he should really be able to join this group, not just an outsider.

And his fiancee was finally completely controlled by him.

This is also an unexpected harvest. Murong Yuehua has always been indifferent to him. Even if he is gentle in every way, she is also lukewarm.

But unexpectedly, she actually likes this way.

He had heard a lot of gossip recently. Although he didn't care on the surface, he still had a pimple in his heart until he found that Murong Yuehua ran to find Fang Jiming.

After watching them fight for a while, he already understood the problem.

So after Murong Yuehua took off all his clothes with great shame and put on that posture, he almost wanted to kill, but at this time, Fang Jiming ran away.

This opportunity could not be better. He immediately went over, tied Murong Yuehua's eyes and her hands with a cloth towel, and then began what she longed for, but unexpectedly, she was so enthusiastic.

He knew there were people outside, but he had no time to take into account. Murong Yuehua's enthusiasm also let him out of control. He was almost crazy.

Until he finished, he untied the cloth towel on Murong Yuehua's eyes. As a result, Murong Yuehua was scared and almost ran away.

Then he grabbed her back to her house and tied her up directly to prevent her from running away.

Thinking of the eavesdropper, Duan yunmo went outside and soon learned that there was something wrong with Fang Jiming and ye Qiu.

Those two people are close friends of Yu Mingchuan. He can't make them dislike him at this time. Once he is suspected and loses his value, Murong TuYan and his family may not be so safe.

Thinking of Lu Qing's intelligence, he went back to his residence. When they all came, he gave them a play they wanted to see. Of course, he was willing and happy.

It is said that there were spanking sounds in two places this night, especially in Ye Qiu's residence.

Fang Jiming lay on the bed obediently. Ye Qiu didn't stop until his hands were red.

"Look, are you going to beat other women, hum!"

"If a woman is bad for you in the future, I will fight, not only fight, but also kill!" Fang Jiming turned to Ye Qiu, and his hot eyes could almost melt people.

"You... Silly!" Ye Qiu slapped Fang Jiming on the ass again, but the next moment Fang Jiming turned over and pressed her down.

The joy of their recovery made them crazy and rolled to one place.

In the other place, the sound of spanking was not so loud. Yu Mingchuan just patted it gently with his hand, and then looked at his people's original white skin and turned pink, so he couldn't help but stop and turn

It snowed heavily and cleared up on the third day.

Li Liang suggested that we should leave in a few days, or we would start now just in time for the snow to melt. The road is muddy and I'm afraid it's very difficult to go.

Yumingchuan agreed.

In the next few days, Yu Mingchuan, Li Liang, Duan yunmo, Yunluo, and several leaders of the begging army began to discuss how to break the two forces in Longxi and Longnan.

Dieyunmo didn't call a military division here, but took a position to join the army and followed yumingchuan.