Yunluo didn't make any arrangements. Qi Huo's army was incorporated. Yunluo became a bare general. It's not appropriate to call general Yun again, but everyone didn't have a good name. Seeing his extraordinary style, they began to call childe Yun.

After hearing this, Lu Qing only felt that the Sao Bao degree of the goods had increased a bit because of this title.

Lu Qing participated in some of these meetings. The overall plan has not yet taken shape. Lu Qing doesn't understand the art of war, so she has to let Yu Mingchuan just tell her what to do. She goes to do what she is good at.

First, I went to the nearby mountains to find a circle of minerals. I found that there was basically nothing available, especially coal. I was very disappointed.

After all, if there is no coal, the people here can only cut down trees if they want to make a fire.

Even if they build walls with soil, even in a small city of the size of Lahan City, they have cut down many trees to steam the soil. After all, the steamed soil can be stronger than ordinary stones.

What people need on weekdays, not to mention.

Now there are few people here. In the future, there will be more residents, and the trees will be reduced. In particular, there are Diqiang people here, who don't like farming and prefer grazing.

Perhaps this is how the soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yellow River began.

No matter how the world goes in the future, Lu Qing doesn't want to be the same as future generations.

Therefore, Lu Qing found many people begging for the living army, especially the farmers who originally lived nearby, asked which trees grew fast and which grass roots were deep here, and recorded them one by one.

These things can be compiled into the books of Tiangong Academy in the future. If they are suitable in some places, they can be used.

After exploring dozens of mountains, Lu Qing finally found a phosphate fertilizer belt in a mountain depression.

It's not as good as Beidahe, but it can be used for a long time for a small town like rare.

Lu Qing was recorded again.

With the harvest, Lu Qing felt much better. That day, when Lu Qing went back, he beat two rabbits.

In the residual snow on the hillside, Lu Qing saw a touch of red.

The human demon called Yunluo ran out for a walk alone.

Well, Lu Qing thought he should go out for a walk. After all, he didn't bring hunting tools. He just stood in the snow.

"Young master Yun, are you coming out to enjoy the snow?"

Lu Qing, carrying two rabbits, stopped more than ten feet away from the cloud.

The cloud fell back and smiled at Lu Qing, but for a moment, it made people feel that there was only this red, flirtatious and independent bloom in the world, like a group of burning blood.

"Lord Lu is really interested. Seeing that he has a good harvest today, won't he invite me to drink and eat meat?"

Lu Qing frowned when she looked at the enchanting smile of the human demon. She was just a courtesy greeting. Unexpectedly, the goods quickly tangled up. She was carrying a rabbit in her hand, and it was hard to refuse him

"OK, come to the residence of General Yu and me tonight. Good wine and food are waiting for you." after that, Lu Qing turned around and left with the rabbit.

Is this guy whining in the snow to wait for her to come?

Back at her residence, Lu qinglisuo peeled the two rabbits. Somehow, looking at the rabbit blood in her hands, she suddenly thought of Zhang Dan.

That time, she was chased by the Qiang people to the snow peak of Qilian Mountain. That's how she peeled the rabbit and ate it with him.

Frowning, Lu Qing forced herself to put aside this thought and began to concentrate on burning rabbit meat.

They are probably the most extravagant team. The military grain brought by Wang Jian is not only for hunger, but also dried meat, dried fish, grain, Qianjin cake, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and even spices from the western regions.

Therefore, Lu qingshao rabbit is handy now.

When Lu Qing cleaned up the rabbit and cooked some simple dishes, he waited for yumingchuan to come back.

When it was completely dark, Yunluo came with yumingchuan.

"What a delicious smell! I haven't eaten so delicious for many years!" the cloud fell into the room, closed his eyes and smelled intoxicated for a while, then lifted up his red robe and sat on a new chair.

This chair is rather simple. Lu Qing took down the original table here and tossed it again because he was not used to kneeling, so he got this set of tables and chairs.

"I didn't expect Lord Lu to cook in person. It's my great honor."

Lu Qing looked at the goods with indifferent eyes. He just took a few pieces of rabbit meat into his bowl and gave yumingchuan a few pieces. He didn't mean to greet Yunluo at all.

The cloud fell and picked up the corner of his eyebrow and looked at yumingchuan.

"Benefactor, your wife doesn't seem to welcome me."

"Do you want her to welcome you?" Yu Mingchuan looked at Xiang Yunluo very badly.

Yunluo instantly understood the meaning of yumingchuan and couldn't help smiling.

It's really all kinds of love

"It's a lot to eat. If you dare to wink at my husband again, I'll let Lei Yin open another corner of your eye!"

Lu Qing took a look at the white cloud, and she felt that this guy was too charming to be controlled by men. In particular, this guy always came close to yumingchuan in return for his kindness and looked very eye-catching.

"Speaking of Lei Yin, we are colleagues. It's good to catch up with the old days another day."

With that, Yunluo smiled at Lei Yin standing at the door. Lei Yin also opened his mouth and smiled impolitely. The smile looked like a wolf.

"Madam, I let the cloud fall. It's to check the events of that night. I have a little clue."

A boot came from under the table and rubbed Lu Qing's calf.

Lu Qing looks up. Is there a cable? Yunluocha?

At this time, Yunluo was eating rabbit meat with amazing eyes. The original romantic charm was not left for half a minute. His mouth was full, and even the corners of his mouth were stained with gravy

Lu Qing smoked at the corner of his mouth. Hasn't he eaten meat in 800 years?

It's easy to swallow a mouthful of meat. The cloud drops and looks at Lu Qing. The heat in his eyes can burn people to ashes.

Lu Qing's secret way is not good

"Lord Lu, do you know what I've been eating all these years?" he said. The heat in Yunluo's eyes actually added a little light. Is it tears?

Seeing Lu Qing didn't answer, Yunluo raised his head.

"After living for more than 20 years, I ate pig food for more than 20 years. Until this time, I didn't know that there was such delicious food in the world! Lord Lu, don't worry, I will kill all kinds of demons and monsters around you. My only requirement is..."

Then Yunluo's charming eyes suddenly stared at Lu Qing, who quickly shook his head.

"If you want me to cook for you every day, there is no door!"

"Once a day!"

"My husband hasn't eaten the rice I cooked every day. How old are you?"

"I can protect you!"

"I don't want it!"

"I killed yumingchuan!"

"You dare!"

"I have my own means."

"I poisoned your food!"

"It's worth being a full ghost!"

"Brain pit!"

"That's why we need delicious food to fill it!"

They turned to yumingchuan in an instant.

"Yulang, kill him!"

"Benefactor, think about my ability!"