It has been more than ten years since he separated from Song Juan. He inquired about her everywhere. Only two years ago did he know that song Juan was a singer at Wang Dun's house, but he didn't have the strength to go to Wang Dun to bring people out. Moreover, even if he brought them out, song Juan also wandered around with him, but he was still on shile's hunting list.

At this time, I happened to meet Zhang Dan. Zhang Dan inserted people in all parties, and the Wang Dun family was no exception, so they had the deal.

Although song Xuan lived a humble life. At first he was a singer and later became Wang Dun's concubine, he was safe and secure under their protection.

Then, it was last year that Wang Dun actually sold all the domestic slaves, and song Juan turned to simashao and became his concubine.

The clouds fell and sighed slightly.

Since Chen cangya told him about it, he has been worried. Simashao is the one who wants to be the emperor, and he knows the dirty things in the harem like the back of his hand.

He couldn't bear his sister to be the emperor's concubine. Whether she could survive in the harem or not, the harem was not a good place.

How he wanted to take her to wanjian city. That was the real carefree paradise outside the sky.

But looking at all this in front of him, he was not sure, because he saw something from Song Xun's eyes.


It's not necessarily the kind of love you have to have when Lu Qing and Yu Mingchuan are together. It's just pure happiness.

She seems to enjoy being with Sima Shao. She may not have deep feelings, but she is really happy.

Does she like the life of walking on the tip of a knife?

Why did she encourage Sima nan to make trouble with Lu Qing today? Is she really so stupid?

No, looking at the interaction between her and Sima Shao just now, she should be a smart woman. Besides, she was very smart when she was a child. She has been a singer and concubine in someone else's house for more than ten years. She must have tasted the cold and warm in the world. She won't be a fool.

Yunluo's doubts are getting deeper and deeper. She almost wants to go out and ask whether she has been bullied these years? Is it hard to learn flute? Would you like to go with him

But his feet were nailed to the ground.

Because he saw a very familiar scene.

Sima Shao should have reached the limit. After shaking in his arms, he leaned against the post behind him, looking satisfied and infatuated.

At this time, song Xuan wiped one hand on a small glass bead on her waist, and her fingers stained a little red. This finger was wiped on her lips by song Xuan, and then she took the initiative to kiss simashao.

Enjoying the warmth after the event, Sima Shao still held song Xuan, his body was not separated, and continued to kiss together.

The clouds began to fall back step by step.

A pair of foxes opened their eyes wide.

He doesn't believe it!

He can also use the technique of song Xun, and he often used it before.

The thing hidden in the glass bead should be qianrihong, which is not a highly toxic drug. But if you eat it for a long time, your body will become weaker and weaker. You can get seriously ill if you catch wind and cold.

Song Xuan's use is harmful to herself. However, this drug is not insoluble. As long as she drinks licorice at ordinary times, she can get rid of it.

However, most people are not aware of this poison. Even if the miracle doctor is reborn, he can't find any way. At most, he says that the patient's body is weak, so he can give up some prescriptions for recuperation.

At present, Sima Shao and song Xuan have not been together for more than half a year. They should not see any symptoms, but if they go on for a long time

What exactly is song Xuan making up his mind?

And where did she get these drugs?

He has only seen this kind of thing in Guo heilue's place. Does Wang Dun also have it?

It is well known that Langya Wang wants to control Jin. If Wang Dun wants to kill the ambitious simashao, it is not impossible.

Sima Shao is now in his early twenties, and his younger brothers are still young. The emperor's father Sima Rui is not as healthy as before recently. If Sima Shao slowly weakens at this time, when Sima Rui's oil runs out, he may be replaced by other sons to succeed.

Moreover, all this is done without anyone's knowledge. No one knows who did it.

After all, I can't see simashao poisoning at all.

He doesn't care about the life and death of the state of Jin. The only thing that makes Yunluo tangle is who song Juan is.

And whoever she is, it's not what he wants to see.

At that time, he only remembered that people's teeth sold them separately. After several twists and turns, he came to Guo heilue's hand, but his sister song Xuan never heard from him.

Song Juan learned flute from Lvzhu when he was a child. He was very talented. Yunluo relied on this clue. After he left shile eighteen horses for several years, he finally learned that she had become a concubine at Wang Dun's house.

Then the most likely thing is that Wang Dun trained her into a spy and deliberately placed her next to Sima Shao.

Her fate is just like him.

At the thought of this, Yunluo felt a pang of heartache. Now that he has got rid of this situation, his sister must be able to do the same.

What she did was too dangerous.

After calming down, Yunluo knows that it's not a good time to go out now. He must find a time to ask song Xuan alone, but he still remembers his brother.

His name is Song Yu instead of Yunluo.

Yunluo quietly left the palace, but he didn't know that at the moment he turned and left, song Xuan also turned his head and looked at the bushes where xiangyunluo had been.

"Xuanyi, is there anyone there“

Sima Shao still stuck song Xuan on himself, turned his head and looked in that direction.

"I don't know. I just feel like something is looking at us. It's really hateful."

Song Xuan slightly tooted his mouth and pushed simashao angrily. As a result, simashao smiled more.

"Someone must be jealous that I have such a beauty in my arms. If I can't eat it, I can only spy on it secretly."

With that, Sima Shao deliberately hugged song Juan and started what had happened before. Now their bodies are still stuck together, and song Juan's face is even redder.

Such a beautiful color is in front of us. It looks more attractive than at night. Sima Shao is just and vigorous. How can he let go.

Soon, the shameful voice sounded again in the pavilion.

As soon as Yunluo returned to his residence, he saw Lu Qing sitting in his room waiting.

"I heard you went to the palace, but did you find out anything?"

Lu Qing ate the dried fruits collected by Yunluo and opened a jar of rice wine with relish.

"I found some clues. Song Xuan may be the spy Wang Dunan inserted into simashao."

Yunluo didn't hide it. If it was what he guessed, then this was the internal struggle in Jin. They just need to watch the fire from the shore. There's no need to start with song Xuan.

"If she was inserted by Wang Dunan, is she deliberately provoking our relationship with Sima's family today, undermining Sima Shao's recruitment plan?"