Lu Qing ate some raisins and looked at Xiang Yunluo with some doubts.

Yunluo nodded: "that's about it."

Lu Qing stood up and took a few steps, but she still felt something wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. Did the words of monk dao'an who fooled her work and always make her suspicious?

Which woman wants to hurt her? And Daoan said that the woman had something to do with someone around her. Who was it?

To hurt her, at present, Sima Nan has the most motive, but it's early for her.

Or is there an expert behind simanan? Who was the one squatting on her wall last night?

Lu Qing only felt that there was a fog ahead. Although he just seemed to see some outline, he still couldn't see clearly.

Seeing the cloud falling, Lu Qing was still absent-minded. Lu Qing went out and met Lin Xiao, who was as silent as a ghost.

When Lin Xiao saw Lu Qing, he wanted to talk and stopped. At last, he chose to close his mouth and enter the house silently.

Lu Qing was slightly stunned. What happened to Lin Xiao?

Why are they all strange recently? Is there something she doesn't know that has taken root in the dark.

Keep moving forward. Well, there's something wrong. There's another one.

The stealthy light cyan figure in the corner is Murong Han

There's nothing to hide. It's just that. Everyone knows that a big man is embarrassed.

Did Lin Xiao look like that just now because he felt like a light bulb and wanted to live in another place?

Lu Qing looked back and saw that Lin Xiao came out of the house soon. It seemed that he just went back for a drink, and then continued to follow Lu Qing not far or near as her escort.

He shook his head. Lu Qing continued to walk forward, pretending not to see the light blue corner of his clothes. Instead, he chatted with Lei Yin waiting at the door.

"Lei Yin, what do you think of song Xuan?"

"Idea? I have no idea about her." Lei Yin said. He glanced at Bai Jitai quickly, but found that Bai Jitai's expression was indifferent and didn't seem to care at all.

"I mean, what do you think of her." Lu Qingfu's forehead, Lei Yin, where do you want to go, but I don't blame him. Song Xuan is really a very thoughtful woman.

"Oh, well, my mouth is a little swollen, and my eyes are too slender. They look like Yunluo's coquettish fox. In addition to their body shape, they are too ugly."

Lei Yin shook his head as he spoke. The corners of his eyes still smoked to baijitai from time to time, but baijitai still had no response.

"Lei Yin, I remember your brain recovered for some time, but now it's lost again." Lu Qing's mouth twitched slightly, but Lei Yin reminded her that song Xuan's eyes were really similar to Yunluo, but they were just eyes.

Is this why Yunluo always stares at Song Xuan? Just like when yumingchuan saw her eyebrows and his image, he always touched them.

"What do you mean, city leader? I think she's ugly and hypocritical. She's not as good as my family. I don't know what a group of people are staring at her like they haven't seen a woman."

Lei Yin shook his head in disdain. This time, he looked squarely at the woman in his family and gathered up to hold Bai Jitai. Bai Jitai, who had never expressed any expression, finally showed a smile and touched Lei Yin's head


Lu Qing pondered over the word. Song Xuan was really hypocritical. She must be uncomfortable, but she still bowed her head to them.

In fact, she doesn't have to do this. Anyway, she is Sima Shao's concubine, and Sima Nan is the princess of Jin. She doesn't even maintain this face. No wonder Sima Nan is angry.

However, if song Xuan is a spy sent by Wang Dun, everything makes sense.

A spy doesn't just live with a mask.

When she returned to her residence, Lu Qing saw Gong Shuliang sitting in the living room, just like her in Yunluo's room.

Drinking rice wine and eating dried fruit.

But there is a delicate wooden box next to it.

"When it's finished, try to fit." Gong Shuliang took a sip of wine, stood up, personally opened the box and showed a silver lining in front of Lu Qing.

Lu Qing suddenly felt dazzled. This dress is much brighter than the one she gave Ye Qiu. I'm afraid it's also much stronger.

However, since it's a lining, it's not appropriate to try it here.

Lu Qing took the silver armour, said thank you to gongshuliang, and hurried to the inner room.

If it weren't for gongshuliang's always thinking about her, she really wanted to rush over and give gongshuliang a big hug.

Why can't they be friends? What a worry.

He took off his robe. Lu Qing only left a close fitting dress, and then put on this special underwear.

It's really good and fits very well. Only some space for long meat is reserved in some parts. It can be said to be very considerate

The key is that the place where the clothes are close to the skin feels like silk. It's very smooth. Even if it's close to the body, it won't be uncomfortable.

She was so disgusted with Zhang Dan's clothes, but now she can't put down the lining woven by gongshuliang. Sure enough, people are different from people.

If only gongshuliang could put down his persistence.

He carefully took off the silver armor. Lu Qing put on his inner coat and cotton robe, folded the silver armor neatly and came out from the inside.

"It fits you very well. Your craftsmanship is really good." Lu Qing praised sincerely.

Gongshuliang put down his wine glass, went to Lu Qing and said in a voice that only they could hear: "is it comfortable to wear it close to your body? Every time you wear it, Shifu just thinks that it is an apprentice's hand on Shifu... Hiss..."

Gongshuliang fell back to the chair with his feet and looked at Lu Qing angrily. Lu Qing gave him a white look and put the silver armor into the box. As a result, he found that there were no other clothes in the box.

"What about yumingchuan?"

"Wait." gongshuliang replied unhappily.

"How long?"

"Half a year."

Half a year, after half a year, the world has changed greatly. Who knows what will happen? It's the most dangerous period of time. Public defeat Liang is deliberately angry with her.

"If it takes so long, how about borrowing this from you?"

"OK, but you have to take it off yourself. I don't wear anything in my silver armor."

Gongshuliang looked at Lu Qing provocatively. Sure enough, he saw Lu Qing's anger.

I don't know why. He hasn't seen her for some time. He always wants to give her the best things, but every time he sees her protecting yumingchuan so much, he can't help but want to make her angry.

It turns out that I really put a person in my heart. It's actually this feeling.