Now they burned incense to drive away mosquitoes in the whole imperial palace. Although it was a little choking, she no longer saw mosquitoes, and she was relieved.

But now she feels the same as the legend of people outside.

Her brother Li Chu is guarding the site near Murong Xianbei. It is said that it is cool there and there is no plague. Instead, he can save his life. His father is arranged at the Taihang mountain pass, which is not much better than them. It is said that someone has begun to give birth to insects.

The hotter the day, the faster the worm grows.

The place where Li Zhi lived was originally the best palace, and it was cool in summer, but now the palace was burned, and the new palace Li Zhi moved into, although better than other concubines, was still a little worse than the original one.

Now the sun is too big. Several palace maids are fanning Li Zhi, but Li Zhi still feels sweaty and greasy.

Lu Qing's saltpeter ice making technology was not introduced here. After all, when Li Zhi went to Yumen pass, it was early autumn. Everyone had stopped making ice, and Li Zhi disdained the set of Tiangong academy, so he didn't learn it.

As for the Capricorn people here, they haven't studied these things, so they can only do it.

Endure the itch on her body, Li Zhi doesn't dare to scratch. Once she scratches a trace, her icy flesh and bones will inevitably arouse shile's dislike. In case she falls out of favor, everything will be over.

After such a day, it was cooler at night.

Shile came to Li Zhi's room on time. Without saying a word, he directly pressed Li Zhi on the bamboo couch and vented all the anger accumulated in the past two days.

Daojin said that Ann had brought Lu Qing, but he was ambushed by Lu Qing.

Lu Qing was able to escape such a tight guard in the Imperial Palace, burned the palace in the Imperial Palace, and... Brought someone to insult one of his concubines.

Huyanmo also found their tracks. However, he also lost them. Lu Qing took a group of people and killed all the guards of their west gate without even alerting anyone!

This is hitting him in the face!

Sure enough, Li Zhi was right. If he doesn't get rid of him, he will become a great trouble.

You can burn his palace today. Maybe you'll assassinate him tomorrow.

Seeing shile completely absent-minded and just venting blindly, Li Zhi was still a little happy despite her discomfort.

Lu Qing came to Xiangguo to make a fuss these two days. It seems that she has strengthened shile's determination to get rid of her, which is better.

That night, shile tossed Li Zhi for a long time, and Li Zhi was bitten out of blood.

On the skin as white as congealed fat, a little red plum is beautiful.

Li Zhi felt more and more that it was right for her to endure itching without scratching in the daytime. Her skin was not owned by ordinary women. Shile was infatuated with her for so long, thanks to her body.

I just hope I can give birth to shile's son and a half as soon as possible, so shile will love and spoil her more. She has already seen that Shi Daya is not pleasing to her eyes. She has no masculinity at all. Her Li Zhi's child can never be so cowardly.

That night, all the people in huyanmo were still on guard. At the same time, people outside the city were searching for the trace of Lu Qing.

They even searched the big houses as granaries several times. Tens of thousands of women checked them one by one for fear that Lu Qing might be mixed in.

Nine children from beginning to end are very cooperative, with huyanmo's killer and Capricorn soldiers, turned the granary upside down.

But no trace of Lu Qing was found, which made huyanmo doubt that there must be Lu Qing's insiders in the city, and I'm afraid only the Han people can be Lu Qing's insiders.

So huyanmo went to shile. He needed a new order - torture.

It was not until midnight that jiuer returned to his room tired and planned to wash and sleep.

Although she was tired, she was very relieved. Huyanmo's painstaking search just showed that the group of people in wanjian city had escaped.

Lit the candle, nine almost screamed.

Because she's sitting in the room.

Wearing the clothes of a patrol soldier and some dirt on his face, he looks like duanbu Xianbei people who occasionally come here. A few strands of golden hair emerge from his helmet.

The man quickly pulled off his helmet and made a silent gesture to jiu'er.

Jiuer was stunned and looked carefully. She met this person the night before yesterday. It was one of the people in wanjian city.

"Your name is jiu'er, isn't it?"

Murong handing looked at jiu'er, and jiu'er had some difficulty breathing in an instant.

She has seen some duanbu Xianbei men and had a love affair with them, but she has never seen any of them. There is a handsome man in front of her, especially when others focus on looking at you, those blue eyes can almost suck people in.

"Yes, didn't you escape? I heard that Simon's people died that night."

"Well, they all escaped. I came here to ask you for help. No, it's the goddess of wanjian city who asks you for help."

"Is she really the goddess?"

After confirming what he thought, jiuer suddenly became excited. The goddess has come to Xiangguo and may be able to save them

"Put this letter in the third room on the left on the second floor of tianxiangju in the south of the city as soon as possible," Murong Han took out the letter from his arms and handed it to jiu'er.

"Is this?" jiu'er received the letter with some doubts. Tianxiangju is the place of the Capricorn people. It's too risky for them to send a message to wanjian city in that place.

"Can I entrust you with a letter that is vital to the whole Central Plains?" Murong Han stared at jiu'er with more and more pressing eyes.

Nine son suddenly retreated two steps, covered his heart and looked frightened. This heavy task is too heavy. How can she afford it as a weak woman.

"Don't be afraid. Now Xiangju is full of Capricorn people that day. We can't get close to it. Instead, we saw many Han women serving there, but the people you arranged passed by?"

"Yes, but..." jiu'er still hesitated. She didn't want to do it, but was afraid that if she failed, wouldn't she be a sinner forever?

"You can go there in person tomorrow and let it go quietly. Don't be seen." Murong Han told him heavily. Then he looked out and was ready to leave.

Nine son hesitated for a moment, finally gritted his teeth and hid the letter in his sleeve.

"I... I'll go."

"Thank you."

Murong Han jumped up and quickly disappeared into the boundless night.

In the still cool night, in Chang'an, thousands of miles away, yumingchuan is lying in bed without sleep.

Lu Qing has been away for more than half a month. In order to prevent information leakage, there is no communication between them. He doesn't know how she is now.

He heard a lot about the current situation in the Central Plains from the recent refugees.