Especially the newcomers, it is said that a group of people from wanjian City killed Jie people and instructed them to come here.

That group of people is undoubtedly Lu Qing.

It's getting hotter and hotter. She's hiding. I'm afraid she doesn't even have a place to take a bath.

He still remembered that she was very clean. Just like him, she had to take a bath every day as long as she had a chance.

In his memory, she was also afraid of water. She hung on him every night to take a bath and let him scrub her, but

In his memory, she is like a boy who hasn't grown up yet, but now she has a body that can drive him crazy, except that her face has grown more beautiful, but she still retains a bit of heroism.

If he washes her now, it's strange that he can wash it down.

At the thought of this, yumingchuan couldn't sleep any more.

In order not to hold back, he listened to Ye Qiu for more than half a month and took good care of his body, but he didn't expect that some dishonest thing had recovered well before his body came back.

Thinking of Lu Qing, he

What can I do?

One night, Yu Mingchuan tossed and turned. Maybe in another month, if he can't wait for Lu Qing, he can go to Xiangguo in person. He must find Lu Qing, talk about his thoughts to her, and then... Do what they should do between their husband and wife.

Anyway, everything here is going on in a tense and orderly way. Although he has worried about wanjian city in the past half a month, Duan yunmo doesn't let him care too much. He has done a lot of things for him.

The five thousand elite riders were also led by Fang Jiming and Jiang Feng. They practiced well. It seems that everyone's goal is to let him heal well.

Zhu Fei also mentioned a few times when to go to rare earth.

How could he go to the nest?

Is that still a man?

Now June is coming, and the winter wheat planted in Hedong and Longxi has been almost harvested. Waiting for the locust disaster mentioned by dao'an, even the farmers in Guanzhong have woven nets and waited.

Yumingchuan has never looked forward to the locust disaster so much. After all, there is basically nothing planted in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. The people are fleeing famine. Otherwise, they will be caught by shile, forcibly enslaved, and they will not get what they planted.

If the locust plague breaks out, there will be chaos in shile army. At that time, the people can escape more. I hope they also listen to those rumors and don't have to worship the locust temple. Locusts will eat locusts when they come. The goddess of wanjian city will protect them from heaven.

Thinking of these miscellaneous things, yumingchuan finally fell asleep after midnight.

But I don't know that locusts have begun to flap their wings in the Qinling Mountains. In a few days, they will sweep Guanzhong!

Lu Qing didn't sleep well all night. He was always worried about whether Murong Han could complete the task and whether he would be in danger. From time to time, he would think about what yumingchuan is doing now, whether he is asleep and whether he is better.

Vaguely until dawn, he still didn't sleep. In fact, Lu Qing didn't sleep at last. He just got up, washed his face with cold spring water, brushed his teeth, and sat near the dog hole.

Their hopes were tied to Murong Han, and the waiting became more and more painful.

Everyone was waiting, but at noon, the white sun outside could cook people, but they didn't wait.

Lu Qing became more and more worried, and even his head began to be a little dizzy. I don't know when, he fell asleep on the stone wall.

When she woke up, it was dusk.

No one came.

"The clouds are falling. I'm worried about them both."

Lu Qing closed his eyes and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. His head was still a little dizzy. He muttered to the waiting cloud not far away.

A big rough hand suddenly touched Lu Qing's forehead, and then angrily scolded the others.

"Don't you know she has a fever? What's the use of you as a guard?"

Lu Qing opened her eyes and saw Gong Shuliang kneeling next to her, staring at baijitai and others with a pair of eyes under his thick eyebrows.

Bai Jitai's face suddenly became very ugly. She thought Lu Qing was leaning against the rock wall because of the heat and cold. Unexpectedly, she had a fever.

"I'll call Xu Hong." Yunluo was calm and hurried up the cave.

The public loser Liang here quickly drew some water, got wet with a cloth towel, wiped Lu Qing's face, and then ignored Lu Qing's resistance, just pressed her on her lap and put her on her forehead with a cold cloth towel again.

"Did you sleep too close to the water source and catch a cold yesterday?" Gongshu Liang asked baijitai to hit some cold spring water again, wet it with another cloth towel and help Lu Qing wipe his ears and neck.

Lu Qing thought it was bad. She was too close to gongshuliang, but every time she remembered, she was pressed back by gongshuliang. His strength was too strong.

"Probably, where's Xu Hong? Get me some medicine quickly. It's not time to get sick now..."

Lu Qing moved again and remembered. As a result, he was held in his arms by gongshuliang.

"Lu Qing, it's not the time to be stupid now. If you want to cure the disease quickly, you can't reach it. The more urgent you are, the slower you can. Even if Murong Han has put the letter, Guo heilue won't come so soon in a moment and a half. You still have time to recover, you know“

"Can you not hold me?" Lu Qing pushed Gongshu Liang weakly. As a result, he was held tighter by Gongshu Liang.

"No." the public loser Liang looked at Lu Qing, full of rejection.

"You're stupid. I'll infect you." Lu Qing reluctantly looked away. If he breathed too close to people, it would also be contagious.

"Then get well together." Gong Shuliang's face was a little closer.

Looking at the ambiguous two people, dao'an, sitting not far from Lu Qing, just whispered the Buddha's name and looked at his nose, nose and heart.

When Yunluo and Xu Hong came down, they saw that Lu Qing was beaten and lying in his arms by gongshuliang, while Lu Qing's face was pinned to one side, and the cloth towel on his forehead was about to fall off.

Yunluo is fine. It's no wonder. As a loyal subordinate of yumingchuan, Xu Hong can't see it anymore. When he goes up, he looks coldly at gongshuliang.

"Mr. Gongshu, the city Lord should lie flat now. It's best to put the city Lord's bed in a cool place to avoid the wind for diagnosis and treatment."

After all, Xu Hong is one of the most excellent traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in this pedestrian. After a while, he still watched baijitai make a bed for Lu Qing again, and then reluctantly put Lu Qing up.

Lu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief after lying down. Maybe she will never get used to being close to men other than yumingchuan.

Soon, according to Lu Qing's situation, Xu Hong prescribed medicine for her, told Bai Jitai how to suffer, several times a day, and taught her how to use the geographical advantage here to cool Lu Qing. Then he opened his medicine box, took out several commonly used medicines and gave them to Bai Jitai to cook.