Chapter 264

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Poetry Yu Lei grabs her arm. Yang Shishi shakes him off with a backhand and follows situ Han quickly.

All the way, the doctor of Global Research Institute has been waiting there.

Situ Han takes a special ladder to the tenth floor. Yang Shishi immediately covers her with a sheet. Several female doctors push Ji Yang to the examination room for rescue.

The two men in the warehouse were blindfolded and brought to the Research Institute. Ah Qiang withdrew his thousands of brothers and went back to reply to Heiye.

Yu Lei also came to the Research Institute, but he didn't go upstairs. The car was parked downstairs of the Research Institute. He sat on the car, smoking one cigarette after another.

He never dreamed that Ji Yang would be hurt like this!

Ji Yangqi, like a gossamer, can't get rid of it in his mind. His regret is shrouded in his heart.

Taking the mobile phone, he called Yang Shishi.

But Poetry didn't answer!

Yang Shishi stares at Yu Lei's two words on the mobile phone, five fingers tightly, tears like rain.

Situ Han held her shoulder and patted her gently to pacify her!

"Wuwu..." Yang Shishi could no longer suppress his inner sadness. With a whimper, he rushed to situ Han's arms and cried bitterly.

"It's all my fault It's all my fault. It's me It's the room I opened for her. I support her to chase Yu Lei. I know Yu Lei's temperament clearly. I also let her take risks. If I can stop her, she will chase Yu Lei. They won't fight and she won't run out. It's my fault. What should I do? If Ji Yang wakes up, how can he face all this! "

Situ Han held her in silence and said nothing.

He knows that any comfort can't change the fact that has been decided. Until now, he has to find out who is behind the scenes and ask who is the key to Ji Yang.

Situ Han stroked Yang Shishi's long hair and said, "those two people who were brought back are locked in the laboratory!"

When Yang Shishi's body was stiff, she slowly raised her tears.

Situ Han's finger belly gently wiped away her tears: "finding out who hurt Ji Yang is the biggest comfort for her. Don't cry!"

In a word, let the flustered Yang Shishi gradually calm down.

Her beautiful eyes, full of boiling anger, she turned Just wanted to go to trial.

At this time, the door of the emergency room was pushed open.

When the woman doctor came out, Yang Shishi ran to her and grasped the doctor's hands tightly, saying, "how about it? Is life in danger? "

"Don't worry, young granny. This young lady is not in danger of her life. She was injected with a lot of aphrodisiac drugs and she was frightened. That's why she didn't wake up. We've given her medicine. She'll have a good sleep and wake up in about three hours."

"What about the body? Any other injuries? "

The female doctor sighed sympathetically and said: "it's OK, most of them are trauma, that is, there are some tears under the body, which have been dealt with. After a few days of rest, they will be OK."

"Thank you Yang Shishi released her and shook her body against the wall.

The cold wall makes Yang's poems come back a little.

Thinking of the surveillance when she saw Ji Yang being robbed, she reached out to wipe away the tears in her eyes, stood up with a cold face and went to the laboratory.

"Zhuo fan, follow her!" Order of situ Han.

"Yes Zhuo fan answered and immediately followed Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi walked into the elevator, coldly raised her eyes and said in a low voice: "Zhuo fan, can you help me make a medicine?"

"Young granny, please tell me."

"Is there any medicine that makes people feel particularly painful? It's better to have the pain of bone fracture all over the body at the same time? I want to double the pain Ji Yang suffered to them! "

Zhuo fan's heart pulled out. He really didn't see that a woman as weak as Yang Shishi would be so cruel.

He said hastily: "sulfurization spray, trace will make people unbearable!"

"OK, I'll take this." Yang Shishi's eyes are full of fierce light.

Zhuo fan nodded and sent Yang Shishi to the laboratory. He immediately went to prepare the medicine.


There were only two empty pillars, and the two men in the warehouse were tied to the round iron pillars.

At the moment, their eyes were covered, their hands were tied tightly, their legs were tied to the post, and they couldn't move.

Yang Shishi went over and directly pulled down the black cloth on the two men's faces.

When the two men saw Yang Shishi, they immediately yelled, "smelly woman, how dare you arrest our brother? Do you know who our boss is? "

Yang Shishi's crystal clear eyes filled with cold, her lips a sip, sat on the only soft chair, cool way: "who is your boss?"

"Our boss is..."

"Firm and honest!" Another man interrupted with a cold roar.

The man named Jiancheng immediately realized it and said in a hate voice: "cheap woman, don't want us to put my boss's name in our mouth. I warn you to let us go, or you'll be fed up with it.""Is it?" Sharp light flashed through the eyes of Yang Shishi.

She light, word by word way: "don't say your boss can also, so, tell me, who raped that girl? Say it, and I will spare you

"Ha Ha ha ha... " Two men seem to hear some funny words: "you spare us? immortal? Ha ha, smelly girl, in a few hours, our elder brother found out that this woman was missing. I'm afraid it's you who are unlucky? "

Yang Shishi's eyes suddenly cold, she looked into Zhuo fan, light way: "give him push medicine."

"Yes Zhuo fan walks over.

Holding a thin needle, he slowly took out the transparent miniature medicine bottle from the box and slowly extracted the medicine from the box.

Then he stood up and raised the needle without expression.

"Wait!" Yang Shishi stops Zhuo fan.

Her mouth curved with a gorgeous smile, but her voice was cold to the bone marrow.

"Give the man on the left a shot first!" As soon as he pointed, the man named Zhuangzi turned white.

Zhuo fan nods and turns his steps. He pushes the medicine into Zhuangzi's arm. The man struggles, but he can't stop the medicine from entering.

A minute passed.

Zhuang Zi's forehead began to sweat. Yang Shishi played with his fingers and waited quietly.

Three minutes passed.

Zhuangzi began to hum. Yang Shishi raised her eyelids and was still waiting.

Five minutes passed.

Zhuangzi began to wail. He couldn't speak in pain. His voice was hoarse and shrill. His body was struggling wildly and his veins were showing.

Every time he howled, Jiancheng around him shivered, and his face turned yellow. Zhuangzi's miserable life almost scared him out of his wits.

Yang Shishi and so on almost, calmly raised his eyes and said: "firm and sincere, right? Do you want to inject this medicine? Or did you do it

Yang Shishi saw through their characters at a glance. Zhuangzi was more resolute and righteous, so it was difficult to pry open his mouth. But it seems easy to deal with this insistence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!