Chapter 265

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Sure enough, Jiancheng looked at Zhuangzi in horror. He swallowed several times and nodded: "I move, I move!"

"Very good!" Yang Shishi's voice sank and said, "tell me, who is your boss?"

"Right It's brother Quan. His full name is Fei Quan. He's a bully in Xiangyang Street. We are his younger brothers. "

"Who raped the girl?" Yang Shishi said

"Brother Quan, it's brother Quan. He ordered us to rob that woman, and then played for most of the night!"

"Is there anyone else? Did you bully that girl, too? "

"No, no, heaven and earth conscience, absolutely not! The woman was quite decent, hot tempered, and hard to subdue. In the end, she used a lot of medicine. We two brothers wanted to take advantage of her, but after brother Quan finished playing, he said that when she was buried, we didn't dare to touch her. "

"Fee right?" Yang Shishi clenched her fist secretly.

Jiancheng nodded and said, "brother Quan did everything. It has nothing to do with our brothers. We are just in charge of guarding!"

"Did Fei Quan bully the girl alone?"

"Yes, brother Quan fell in love with the woman. Originally, he said that he played together, but later he went to battle himself, and we didn't dare to rob the woman who played with the boss, so they all broke up quietly. There was no one else except the boss."

Yang Shishi looks cold. She turns around, clenches her fists, and goes to the door of the laboratory step by step.

Jiancheng immediately called out: "elder sister, I've told you everything you want to know. Let us go. It's not easy for us to eat at the bottom. Please..."

"Zhuo fan!" Yang Shishi spoke calmly and interrupted Jiancheng's words.

"Little Granny!" Zhuo fan answered immediately.

Yang Shishi looked back at the two people on the pillar and said cruelly: "as soon as the medicine retreats, I will push it on them again. They will not save themselves when they see death. I will make them live as if they were dead."

Zhuo fan was shocked again and said in a low voice, "I understand."

"No, don't give me the medicine, elder sister Aunt, granddaughter, please let it go, please Ah Ah, don't push me the medicine... "

The shrill voice of the man came, frightening and frightening.

Yang Shishi came out of the laboratory step by step.

Her eyes were red, her fists were clenched, her lips were bitten out of blood, and there was a continuous scream in her ears.


This scream, but let her heart more desolate.

Last night's season ocean, should also be so despairing?

Last night's season ocean, should also be so beg them?

But these animals, which are inferior to pigs and dogs, are not softhearted at all. They still hurt her favorite sister completely.

If she doesn't take revenge, she will be a friend in vain.

Fee right, fee right

Yang Shishi grits her teeth. She takes the elevator to the 19th floor. Situ Han is in the office.

She pushed the door in and went to situ Han, looking at her sadly.

Situ Han raised his eyes and looked at her in silence.

Yang Shishi's tears fell down, and she choked: "husband, Fei Quan in Xiangyang Street is the man who rapes Ji Yang. You want you to catch him. I want to know why he does it?"

"Good!" Situ's voice was cold and low.

He took the mobile phone directly, and didn't know who to call. He said in a cold voice: "fee right of Xiangyang Street, before tonight, it will be sent to the Global Institute of medicine."

Yang Shishi was stunned.

When he hung up the phone, she couldn't help saying, "husband, you can't be the boss of the underworld, can you? So powerful, able to mobilize so many people, can we say that we can catch whoever we catch? "

Situ Han bent his lips and hugged her across the table. "Your husband is a serious businessman, the boss of the underworld? That sounds good, but I'm not. "

"Then how can you have so much power?"

"Because of these black bosses, they owe me their lives."

"You owe me life?" Yang's poems are quite blank.

Situ Han pinched her pretty nose and said: "when the gun comes and goes in the rain, there will always be times when I can't catch my life. Sometimes I have to find me and help, and they owe me a life."

Yang Shishi turned her lips and didn't continue to ask!

Situ Han said that the wind is light and the clouds are dim, but how can it be so simple to deal with the underworld people?

Among them, there must be a lot of wrong and complicated relationships. No matter how stupid Yang Shishi is, she still understands this.

In a word, she has to pay for the power!

As long as Fei Quan can be sent to her, if she can, she must let Ji Yang kill him.


In a few hours!

Ji Yang slowly woke up, she slowly opened her eyes, in front of all strange, let her whole person panic.

She trembled all over, fiercely hugged herself into a ball, shrunk in the corner, buried in trembling.Since she came down from the 19th floor, Yang Shishi has been taking care of her. Seeing her awake, he leaned over to hold her hand.

Just, her cool fingertip just met Ji Yang, it attracted her crazy scream.

"Don't touch me, go away Ah Go away, asshole, don't touch me, don't touch me Ji Yang hugs his head and shouts, almost collapsing.

Yang Shishi was half lying on the bed. She hugged her hard and said, "Yangyang, it's me..."

"Go away, ah Go away, don't touch me Ji Yang's hands and feet kick wildly, and his fists smash on Yang Shishi's face and head.

Yang Shishi closed his eyes and endured it silently. When Ji Yang was tired, he calmed down a little.

She was so low and soft that she said with great care: "Yang Yang, I'm a poem. Look I am poetry. It's OK. I'm not afraid I'm not afraid. It's all right. Everything's gone. It's gone! "

Choking, Yang Shishi put her face on Ji Yang's face and rubbed her arms with her hands.

Ji Yang was shocked all over, and she raised her head in a daze.

Yang Shishi immediately followed her head, tears could not be suppressed, and she held Ji Yang's face in her hands.

Whispered: "Yang Yang, you are safe, don't be afraid, I will always guard you, never let you alone, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

"Poetry..." Ji Yang low read, throat rolling, face sad, her whole person rushed over, tightly hugged Yang Shishi, crying.

Yang Shishi tears in silence. Ji Yang's cry, like a sharp blade, cuts the heart of the knife to pieces.

She hugged her tightly and comforted her gently over and over again!

After a long time, Ji Yang finally recovered. She pushed Yang Shishi aside a little and saw the blood on her mouth, the blue and purple on her face and the messy hair.

This is just caused by her miss, she is very distressed, shaking hand, along her hair said: "pain?"

"No pain!" Yang Shishi shakes her head, but her tears can't stop. , the fastest update of the webnovel!