Chapter 266

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Compared with what Ji Yang suffered, what is her little pain?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for you, Ji Yang!" Yang Shishi murmured, tears crisscross the small face, full of guilt.

"Don't cry!" Ji Yang wiped away her tears and said in a soft voice: "it's not easy for you to save me. Yesterday Yesterday the man said, he said... "

"What did he say?" Yang Shishi holds Ji Yang's hand tightly.

It seems that I recall everything of last night.

Ji Yang's face was green and white. At first, she was still trying to suppress it. But later, her body was shaking more and more, so that she shrank into a ball again, and her face was in agony.

Yang Shishi hugged her and said: "I don't want to, I don't want to! It's all over, Yangyang You can rest assured that I will find the person who hurt you and tear him to pieces. "

"Shishi, I I'm so scared... " Ji Yang held her in her arms and began to cry again.

Yang Shishi patted her on the back and let her vent her grievances and fears.

Cry for a long time, until Ji Yang cry tired, just deep sleep.

Yang Shishi sits in front of the bed. She gently pulls her hand back from Ji Yang's hand and wants to cover the quilt for her.

But when Ji Yang was half asleep and half awake, he still held her hand tightly and said, "don't go, poetry, don't leave me alone..."

"No, no, good. I'll be here with you." Yang's poetry whispered softly. After a long period of pacification, Ji Yang calmed down.

Yang Shishi just sat here, her waist and abdomen ache, so she just stood up and moved.

The door was gently pushed open, and situ came in with hot porridge.

He also sat silently in front of the bed, looked at the sleeping Ji Yang, and said in a low voice: "is the mood OK?"

"She has been hurt so much that her nerves are tense all over her body. Husband, I won't go back tonight. I live here with Ji Yang. Go back and tell the children."

"No way!" Situ Han's tone had no room for discussion. He said coldly, "you are pregnant now. You are too tired these days. You are too weak to stay here."

Yang Shishi sighed. She reached for situ Han's hand and said softly, "husband, I must stay."

Situ Han frowned slightly!

Yang Shishi then said: "now is the time when Ji Yang needs me most. I will never let her alone. Even if you kill me, I will stay with her!"

Situ Han's eyes were cold. He glared at her hard. He took the porridge and stirred it with a spoon. "Do you really want to stay?"

"Well!" Yang Shishi nodded heavily.

Situ Han looked around the ward and said in a low voice, "I'll let someone move into a bed. I'll stay with you."

"No way!"


"You can't stay!" Yang Shishi whispered: "Ji Yang's heart is most dependent on me, accompanied by me, her heart is the safest, she is very strange to you, your existence will make her feel uncomfortable."

Situ Han glanced at Ji Yang again, filled a spoonful of medicinal porridge and sent it to Yang Shishi's mouth. He said in a dumb voice, "drink the porridge. I'll accompany you outside the door."


"Don't talk, or let me sleep in, or let me sleep out, or you come home with me?" Situ's face was cold. He had given in again and again!

If it wasn't for the fact that Ji Yang had suffered a lot, he would never have agreed that Yang Shishi would stay here.

All day long, she was so tired that her blood and blood were seriously insufficient, and her fetal pulse was a little unstable.

He was not at ease, but he could not talk to Yang Shishi.

Hearing situ Han's determined tone, Yang Shishi had to soften her voice and said, "OK, OK, then you can sleep outside, but you must cover more. The corridor is still cold at night."

Situ Han didn't speak and put a spoonful of porridge in her mouth.

Yang Shishi no longer talks and drinks the porridge in silence.

Situ Han went out with an empty bowl, and she didn't give it to him. Her little hand was holding Ji Yang's hand all the time.

"Didi, Didi!" There was a slight noise from the mobile phone.

Ji Yang's uneasy turn over, Yang Shishi immediately took out his mobile phone to mute, and found that the sound didi came from the text message sent by Yu Lei.

She casually point open, only to find that Yu Lei actually sent dozens of short messages to themselves.

She looked at the information one by one. She cared about Ji Yang. Seeing Yu Lei's eager tone, Yang Shishi's anger also disappeared.

After all, Yu Lei is not to blame for this.

If someone really wants to harm Ji Yang, even if it's not last night, they will also find another opportunity to stay in front of the hotel. It's absolutely clear about Ji Yang's whereabouts.

But Ji Yang has always been kind to people, and who can he have a grudge against?

Yang Shishi looked down at the time, and Fei Quan was about to be sent to the Research Institute, right? When you ask him, the truth will come out.Several hesitations, fingers micro movement.

Yang Shishi sent a short message to Yu Lei and said, "don't worry, she wakes up. Everything is OK. Don't read it!"

Second back, Yu Lei almost seconds back to the text message, he said: "I'm in the research institute downstairs, can I see Jiyang?"

"No!" Almost without hesitation, Yang Shishi refused Yu Lei's request.

After a few seconds, she said, "when she gets better tomorrow, I'll ask her for advice. I think Now the last person she wants to see is you. How do you let her face you? "

After waiting for a long time, Yu Lei didn't reply.

When Yang Shishi put down his mobile phone, Yu Lei returned the message with only three words: "sorry!"

Yang Shishi stared at the three words sorry for a long time. She didn't reply to Yu Lei. She just sighed deeply.

Xiangyang Street!

The cellar of the night bar.

Several men were playing cards when the abrupt mobile phone ring suddenly. Fei Quan took out a look, picked up the phone and went to the next lounge.

He lounged to the sofa, evil way: "Oh, Xueqing sister, I was about to call you, things are almost done, when do you call me the balance?"

"Brother Quan, I'll be your woman soon. All the people are yours. Can the money run away?"

"That's true. I'll make an appointment with him."

"Right elder brother, see you urgent, Ji Yang that cheap woman, you help me to deal with clean?" In Yang Xueqing's voice, there was still a fierce voice.

Brother Quan said with an evil smile: "it's a pity that such a good product, when I raped her last night, she was so energetic and super cool. I even wanted to send her a few more times. It's so easy to let her die. I can't bear it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!