Chapter 412

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Yang Shishi was startled and turned back to Tu Han, the boss. His face was bright and his lips were covered with warmth.

Situ hankuanba kisses her several times, and then goes over the wooden chair to her side.

"When did you come back?"

Generally at this time, isn't situ Han supposed to work in the company?

Situ Han raised his eyebrow, put his hand around her and said, "I know Ji Yang is discharged today. I want to come back and see you off to pick her up. As a result, you went too early. I'm in the air."

Yang Shishi glanced at him, and did not speak with a smile.

Situ Han tilted his head and said to her, "what's the matter, poor girl? Look like you're going to cry! "

Yang Shi stroked his forehead and sighed heavily!

Situ Han took her hand and put away the joking expression. His face became more and more dignified. He said seriously, "tell me, what happened?"

"Honey, you know Ji Yang is a sister as important as my life. I really love her

Situ Han nodded: "I know!"

With a red eye, Yang Shishi whispered, "but I cheated her!"

Situ Han frowned: "what did you cheat her?"

Hearing his question, Yang Shishi's eyes quickly filled with tears. She hurriedly left her face and wiped it away, but the more she wiped it.

Situ Han stretched out his hand to pull her face and forced her to look at him. He whispered: "wife, even if you cheat Ji Yang, I believe there must be a reason. If you can't solve it, can you give it to your husband?"

"Wu..." With a light cry, Yang Shishi rushed to situ Han's arms.

"Good, don't cry!" Situ Han followed her hair lightly.

Yang Shishi choked: "you can't handle it. I have to face it myself, but I'm so afraid Good contradiction, I don't know how to do, in the heart good flustered

"In this case, then brave to face, I will always be by your side."

Yang Shishi was stunned for a moment, and slowly raised his tear eyes to look at him.

Situ Han smiles, wipes the water stains from the corner of her eyes and whispers: "believe me, no matter what, escape can't solve the problem. No matter how bad it is, as long as we dare to face it and take responsibility, the result will be good. "

"Really?" Yang Shishi asked him uneasily.

Situ Han nodded, touched her forehead and said softly, "now, darling, can you tell my husband what happened? Even if it's not convenient for me to deal with it, it's OK for me to give advice. "

Yang Shishi sat upright.

She bit her lips uneasily, hesitated and silent.

Situ Han is not in a hurry, waiting quietly!

It took a few minutes for the voice of Yang Shishi to ring out.

She said: "husband, Ji Yang gave birth to a child, not Yu Lei."

Situ Han's face was stiff, and he couldn't help picking his eyebrows. Yang Shishi's fierce opening speech successfully surprised him.

Yang Shishi took a look at him and then said, "when Ji Yang was pregnant, she was not sure whether the child was Fei Quan's or Yu Lei's, so she decided to have a paternity test!"

"I asked her, what if the child is a fee for power?"

"She told me that she would break up with Yu Lei and kill her child, and that she would make atonement for her child with her whole life! I was heartbroken when I heard that. I always prayed that the child was Yu Lei's

"The result of paternity test Children are free of power! What's worse, because she was abused violently, her uterus was seriously damaged. If she had a child, her uterus would have no time to recover, and she would lose her fertility! "

"So Do you tell Ji Yang that the child belongs to Yu Lei? " Situ Han guessed.

Yang Shishi lowered her eyes and nodded quietly.

Situ Han shook his head and said in a low voice: "silly wife, do you know that you hurt not only Ji Yang, but also Yu Lei? No matter how bad the result of her examination is, no one has the right to make decisions for their clients! "

"I know, but I I really don't want them to break up. I don't want Ji Yang to lose her fertility. And before the paternity test, Yu Lei also told me that no matter whether the child is his or not, let me tell Ji Yang that the child is his. "

"Did you tell Yu Lei the truth after the paternity test results came out?"

"No!" Yang Shishi shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm worried that Yu Lei just accepted it. I'm worried that he would be bad to Ji Yang. At that time, Ji Yang was very vulnerable and sensitive. She would be aware of any disturbance."

Situ Han is silent!

Yang Shishi also calmed down, and there was silence all around.

After a long time, Yang Shishi said anxiously: "husband, are you angry with me?"

"No way!" Situ Han touched her hair with a smile.

He held her in his arms, pinched her nose and said, "I'm just thinking that since it's a white lie, it's better to keep it hidden. Sometimes I don't know the truth, it's the happiest.""No, the child's blood type has been tested. Yu Lei is type B blood, Ji Yang is type O blood, the child is type a blood

Situ Han could not help stroking his forehead and said helplessly: "wife, I feel sorry for you!"

"You..." Yang's poems are full of vitality.

Situ Han leaned over to kiss her with a low smile: "since you are so unlucky, you have to confess and be lenient. Go to Yu Lei and tell him the truth. I think he should have thought it out before. It's not hard to accept such a result."

"I think so too, but how can I talk to him?" Yang Shishi is very distressed.

Situ Han thought for a moment and said, "maybe it would be better for me to come forward."

"You?" Yang Shishi was stunned and said, "no, I have to worry about Yu Lei's face. The less people know, the better. It's better for me to say it."

"Are you sure you have my eloquence?" Situ's mouth turned cold.

Yang Shishi was stunned and said, "but I'm the one who provoked this. I'll take the responsibility."

"That's right!" Situ Han nodded, followed her long hair and said in a low voice: "responsibility must be borne, but you are my wife, and your business is my business. Similarly Your responsibility is my responsibility. Since I have the ability to deal with it better than you, why do you want to give up the superior and seek the inferior? "


"But what?" Situ Han interrupted her.

With a bad expression, he approached her and said, "is it Are you questioning your husband's ability? "

"I didn't mean that!" Yang Shishi shook his head and worried: "how do you plan to talk to Yu Lei?"

Situ Han leaned back in his chair and held Yang Shishi lazily.

He raised the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice: "I am a doctor, or a leading expert in medical research, do you know?"

Of course Yang Shishi knows, but Does this have anything to do with the conversation with Yu Lei? She's confused! , the fastest update of the webnovel!