Chapter 413

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Situ Han looked at Yang Shishi's confused and lovely appearance, pulled her and put her in his arms. His generous big palm gently rubbed her back and quietly comforted her.

In the end, he didn't tell Yang how to solve the problem.

Yang Shishi also chose to believe in situ Han. Compared with his calmness and calmness, he was much better than himself in dealing with any problem.

Two days later, the office of the president of situ group!

Kowtow, kowtow There was a clear knock outside the door.

Situhan sat behind the luxurious desk, his eyes staring at the computer screen, ten fingers fast tapping on the keyboard.

He didn't look up, just answered coldly: "come in."


The door was pushed open, and someone came to him with a steady step. The visitor didn't speak and was silent.

Situ Han then raised his head, and when he saw Yu Lei, he bent his mouth and smile, pointed to the opposite seat and said, "sit down."

Yu Lei pulled the chair, sat down and looked at him and said, "cousin, what's the matter so anxious that I don't offer to come to the company alone to find you?"

Situ Han gracefully folded his hands, as if trying to find the opening line.

After a while, he raised his eyes In a low voice: "Yu Lei, first of all, I'd like to apologize to you for the next conversation. I'm sorry!"

As soon as situ Han said this, Yu Lei was frightened.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, a look of ghost.

Situ Han picked his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Why are you so scared?"

Yu Lei chuckled, wiped his chin and said, "I doubt that I met a fake cousin. I haven't seen you apologize to anyone since I grew up. Now you tell me I'm sorry, which makes me very afraid."

"I'm not kidding you!" Situ Han's expression was very serious.

This also forced Yu Lei to be serious, but at the same time his heart was also full of a layer of uneasiness, he nodded: "say, what can be worth to let cousin open mouth."

Situhan pause, and then he opened the drawer, took out a document on the table, pushed Yu Lei in front of.

Yu Lei looked at him strangely, his face puzzled.

Situ Han gave him a look to see for himself.

Yu Lei hesitated and opened the document, but when he saw a line of writing on the head of the document, his face turned white.

Paternity report!

Yu Lei seems to be aware of something, he eagerly turned to the last page, but when he saw a line on the result, his whole body softened and collapsed on the seat.

After identification, the paternity index of Yu Qianyue and Yu Lei is 0, excluding the possibility that Yu Lei is Yu Qianyue's biological biological biological father!

Children are not their own. Children are not their own.

For a moment, countless voices reverberated and roared in the brain. It seemed that Yu Lei slowly recovered after a century.

He opened his mouth and said in a trembling voice, "what's going on?"

"As you can see!" Situ Han spread out his hands and said, "your daughter is not your own."

"Damn it Yu Leiping's fist hit the table. He leaned over situ Han's collar and yelled, "cousin, I have respected you since I was a child. You even joke with me about this kind of thing. Is that too much?"

Situ Han looked at him calmly.

He reached for his hand, took his wrist, pushed his hands away and said, "do you think I'll have the time to make this kind of nutritious joke for you?"

Yu Lei froze for a moment, and then he shook his head

"No, it's impossible. At that time, Shi Shi gave Ji Yang a paternity test, which proved that the child was mine. "

"It was a fake report."

"No way!" Yu Lei roared: "Shi Shi, she won't cheat me."

Situ Han smiles and looks at him coldly. Then he says, "if I've been cheated even by poetry? "

"What did you say?" Yu Lei was stunned.

Situ Han sneered. He sat down and said, "that's why I want to apologize to you. Every word I say next is true. Listen to me."

"At the beginning, the paternity test report of Ji Yang and his children was made by myself. Yu Qianyue's biological father was Fei Quan, not you."

"You bastard!" Yu Lei raised his hand and hit situ Han on his side face.

The blow was very heavy. Situ Hansheng got it. He didn't hide or fight back.

Yu Lei grabbed him by the shoulder out of control and said with red eyes: "why do you want to do this? Are you out of you mind? Why are you lying to me? "

Situ Han wiped away the bloody traces from the corners of his mouth, and then he reached out and pushed him away.

"Tell me, why are you doing this?" Yu Lei roared again.

Situ Han sat there calmly. After Yu Lei roared, he calmed down. Then he looked at the decadent man sitting on the soft chair.

"Yu Lei!" Situ Han opened his mouth and said in a slow and gentle voice: "do you remember what you said? You said Don't need to do paternity testing, as long as it's Ji Yang's child, it's your Yu Lei's child. "Yu Lei body a shock, eyes slightly squint at situ Han, he did not speak.

Situ Han then said, "I'll ask you, does this sentence still count?"

Yu Lei is silent!

Situ Han waited for a long time, but there was still silence.

At this time, situ Hancai sneered: "you can't do it, right? Maybe that's why I lied to you at that time. "

Yu Lei raised his eyes and asked coldly, "tell me, what makes you do such a thing?"

Situ turned his mouth and said in a cold voice: "two reasons!"

"Which two?" Yu Lei asked.

"First, you can't do what you promised. To tell you the truth, your reaction will cause secondary damage to Ji Yang. In order to protect Ji Yang's mood, I can only cheat you."

"Second, Ji Yang has been sexually abused, and her body has been seriously injured. Even if the child is not yours, she must be born, because Miscarriage will cause secondary harm to her, and the result is... "

Situ Han pauses, stares at Yu Lei's eyes, and says word by word: "lose fertility!"

Yu Lei couldn't believe that he opened his eyes and looked at situ Han.

Situ sighed: "everything I said is true. I just choose to confess to you now. I just don't want you to live in deception. You should consider what you want to do."

Yu Lei is silly there, completely shocked by the news.

He staggered up and left the office of the president of situ group.

Back in his car, Yu Lei put his hands on his forehead and leaned on the steering wheel, all kinds of scenes of the past floating in his mind.

Soon, two lines of clear tears fell from his pretty face.

After a while, Yu Lei took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers. The phone was picked up and the voice of Yang Shishi rang out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!