Chapter 551

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
God, when did it happen? Why didn't you know? What kind of feelings, let his baby daughter persistent here?

Situ Han looked at the handwriting, his eyes were red and bloody.

Yang Shishi doesn't understand what happened, but looking at situ Han's expression and Xi Xi's tattoo, she guessed some.

"I'll stay with her myself. You go out first." For fear that situ Han would blame Xi Xi, Yang Shishi wants to support him.

Situ Han's face condenses. He looks at the poem, and then at Xi Xi in a coma.

The Xi Xi sound murmurs of all is long Chen's name, this let his really some don't stay down.

Situ Han left the bathroom. He was alone in the office.

Reach out, he quickly poured a full XO for himself, then drank it up, and then He stood in front of the French window, looking out at the dark sky.

Outside the window, it was the darkest hour before dawn.

I don't know if it's too tired to look for Xi Xi, or if there are too many things happening these days, situ Han suddenly feels very tired.

Since long Chen disappeared, the disaster he brought to situ's family has never been less.

The memory of poetry has not been recovered. Xuanxuan is still doing research in Yanlong castle in England. Xixi is stubborn and firm in thinking of him. He misses him so much that he even ignores his own life!

What is he going to do? Can you save your home?

What is he going to do? To get it all back on track?

Situ Han was sad and timid in his heart. He drank one cup after another, trying to extinguish his helplessness with alcohol. But reason told him to hold on We have to keep going.


Situ Hanchang breathed a sigh. He forced himself to give up his thoughts and go back to the pharmacy department to fill Xixi's prescription.

God, it's light soon.

Xixi was hung a drop, her temperature once rose to 40, fever does not subside, people are still coma.

According to her condition, situ Han added more medicine to her.

A few hours later, Xixi's high fever was slightly controlled, but she still fell asleep. Her sleep was not steady, and her voice was murmuring and intermittent.

"Yan Shan I'm going to Yanshan Brother longchen, brother longchen... "

This sound, sentence by sentence, made situ Han angry and helpless. He left the ward angrily, but he was not willing to go far.

More than ten hours later, Xixi's temperature began to drop, but she was still in a coma, pale face, comparable to the white sheet on her body.

"Brother longchen Brother longchen Brother... "

As soon as you step into the ward, you will always hear Xi Xi's call. Situ Han and Yang Shishi try to wake her up, but Xi Xi is in his own pain inextricably bogged down in.

She seems to be awake and comatose

Time passed unconsciously, and Xixi's condition didn't improve at all. Her body didn't seem to have any major problems, but her heart But would rather sink in a dream than wake up.


"Da, Da, Da..." Steady footsteps came, someone came into the ward, he not only did not knock, but also went directly to situ Han's side.

Situ Han turned his eyes and was stunned when he saw someone coming.

"Xuanbao? How did you come back? "

Xuanxuan turned his mouth and said with a smile: "Dad, tomorrow will be the new year. I will always come back to be reunited with you. How Isn't it a surprise to see me? "

A few months no see, Xuan Xuan is a little higher, his original white face, now turned into a healthy wheat color. His original young face has become more mature.

From him, more and more can not see the innocence of children, some It's sharp and smart.

"How's Xibao? When I got home and heard from the servant that she was ill, I was very worried. "

Xuanxuan mouth with a smile, like unintentional asked.

Situ Han shook his head and sighed: "I'm in good health, but I don't wake up. I can only observe it for a while."

"Dad, I want to be alone with Xi Xi, OK? Maybe Can I wake her up? After all, we haven't seen each other for a while. She might wake up when she hears my voice. "

Situ Han looked up at Xuanxuan, his thin figure standing against the light, clear eyes, such as a bright moon in the sky.

He said calm, but the eyes with the worry of Xi Xi. Situ Han naturally knows the feelings between Xuanxuan and Xixi. He nods his head in silence and gets up to pat Xuanxuan on the back.

He said: "you must be tired after a long journey. Stay with your sister for a while, and you can have a rest early. I think If Xi Xi wakes up, he certainly doesn't want to see you with a haggard face. "

In fact, seeing the tiredness on Xuanxuan's face, how could he not be full of pain?

Xuan Xuan smiles and nods obediently.

Situ Han went out of the room and closed the door.

The door was closed, and there were only Xuanxuan and Xixi in the ward. Xuanxuan was sitting on the head of the bed, and he reached out and stroked the bangs on Xixi's forehead."Xibao, I've come back to see you." Xuan Xuan sighed.

"Xibao, after coming back, I've asked all the things about Qiao Ben. Fool, I've said that I'll find an answer for you. Why are you so anxious that you have to go to Yan Mountain by yourself?"

"Do you know? Xuantian nine square array, I have separated all the blood of the guardian, but no one knows the mantra of the array. I am studying the notes of Saji, and I believe I will be able to break the mantra in the near future. "

"Xibao, wake up! Mommy lost her memory and you were in a coma What do you want me to do with dad and Kangbao? "

"Xibao, wake up Wake up... "

Calm and elegant voice, through the darkness, ring in Xi Xi's ear, the familiar voice, let Xi Xi efforts to open his eyes.

But in front of me It's a circle of darkness.

It's so dark. It's so dark. She's sinking in it, surrounded by darkness!

"Xibao, tell me Can't you live without longchen? "

"Isn't it No matter what the cost, you must find longchen? Even if It's no use abandoning us, is it? "

The deep and bitter voice comes. Xixi's whole heart is tied together. It's Xuanbao It's Xuanbao's voice. Why is his voice so sad?

"Xuanbao Xuanbao... " Xixi whispered, pale and dry lips moved, she tried her best to open her eyes, but her eyelids lifted, and she closed them powerlessly.

The pain, the pain all over her body, made her conscious a lot.

At this time, Xuanxuan's low voice came again: "Xibao, I promise you, if you want to find longchen, I will do my best to help you."

"But You also have to promise me that no matter where you are, you must try your best to live well, OK? Xibao Is that ok? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!