Chapter 552

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
In the dark, Xixi can't see anything! She tried hard to open her eyes, but failed several times.

Xuanxuan's voice came faintly, miraculously soothing her fear.

Xixi put all her senses on her fingers. She moved her palms tightly Hold on to the corner of his sleeve.

Xuanxuan felt her touch, he was stunned, then nervously held her hand, excited way: "Xixi, you heard right? Xixi... "

"Xuanbao..." Hee hee whispered, she lifted her heavy eyelids and burst out a smile.

Her face was swollen, her smile was stiff, and her expression was distorted because of this smile.

"Xibao!" Xuanxuan holds her hand on her lips and kisses her frequently.

He was so red that he said: "how can you be so stupid? Why do you go to Yanshan in the middle of the night? It's so cold What do you want to do in the dark? "

"Xuanbao..." Finally, Xixi's thoughts cleared up. She narrowed her eyes and said, "Yanshan There is an underground base in Yanshan castle, where there is The research of brother longchen may be useful to you. "

"What did you say? What kind of research? " Xuanxuan was stunned.

Xixi looks at him with difficulty, shakes his head slowly, and says in a voice like a mosquito: "I don't know. I saw brother longchen's former servant. He told me that I want to have a look I think there will be something. Xuanbao You go to Go on... "

"OK, OK, I'll check it out." Xuanxuan is busy holding down the excited Xixi!

Xixi panted lightly, she stammered what else she wanted to say, but she lost too much blood, she was too weak, the golden light in her brain ran by, she was tired and sleepy.

"Xibao? Xibao... " Xuan Xuan leans over and doesn't even respond to several calls. He reached for her pulse and felt her steady pulse, which was a secret relief.

"Hoo..." Xuanxuan sighed.

He stood in front of the bed and gazed at Xi Xi for a long time. Then he turned and left the ward.


Gold Coast villa.

In the bedroom of the guest room.

The figures of the two men were lying on their backs, Xuanxuan standing by the window Joe was lying in bed.

One of his legs was fixed by splints, and his heel was suspended at the end of the bed. Unable to get up, he had to lie respectfully on the bed.

"Is Xingda's words credible?"

Xuanxuan didn't turn around. He looked at the distance with sharp eyes and asked deeply.

After coming back from the Global Research Institute, Xuanxuan has a detailed understanding of the story to Qiaoben. After hearing Qiaoben's report, he finally understands the reason why Xixi climbs over Yanshan regardless of the cold.

Qiao this hears Xuan Xuan to ask like this.

He held up his elbows in a hurry and said seriously: "master Xuan, what I said is absolutely true. Xingda really told the young lady that, and the young lady ordered me to tell the truth with the jade dish. I have to tell her all this."

Xuan Xuan turns around and stares at Qiao Ben's guilty face.

He knows, Xi Xi injured things, how much Joe will take the responsibility in their own body.

But now He doesn't need someone to repent, he just needs to find out the truth.

Ning Mei thought carefully for a while, Xuan Xuan said in a low voice: "the day after tomorrow is new year's Eve. My father will accompany Xibao in the research institute tomorrow. It's better to bump into the sun. The longer you live, the more troublesome it is. I don't know your current physical condition. Can you accompany me to Yanshan tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Joe Ben was stunned for a moment.

"What? Is there a problem? "

"No!" Qiao Ben immediately shook his head and said, "master Xuan doesn't know. Although the mountain is not very high, the terrain is very dangerous and difficult to walk. It's OK at ordinary times. We can drive up the mountain, but now it's snowing so heavily, I'm afraid we won't go up at all. "

"It must be difficult to climb on both legs. If Shall we go by helicopter? "

Helicopter? Joe Ben looked up at him.

Xuanxuan beautiful corner of the mouth a hook, burst out a evil smile way: "you don't forget, long Chen left the most is money, we can't climb up the burning mountain, can't fly up?"? Do you think so? "

"Er..." Joe was speechless.

Xuanxuan coldly put away his smile, he reached out and pressed the communicator, and arranged the helicopter at seven tomorrow morning.

With him, not only Joe Ben, but also his four special teachers.

At seven the next day, it was still a little gray.

The snow stopped, the wind remained.

Fortunately, the weather in Britain is colder than that in China. Xuanxuan adapted to it early and didn't feel cold.

There were two helicopters, including archaeologist Michael Jefferson, I Ching master Zhou Qichao, astronomer Bennis, and famous Chinese medicine expert Li Yuzhong, plus a pilot. Five of them had a helicopter.

Another helicopter, in addition to the pilot, is Zhuo fan and Qiao Ben, and Xuanxuan and a constellation for the lion shadow guard.Two helicopters crossed the busy streets of Sucheng and went straight to Yanshan.

Yan Mountain, covered by vast white snow, is so big in front of people, but it is easy to fly over in front of helicopters.

The helicopter roared and slowly landed in front of the door of the ancient castle in Yanshan.

This is a building similar to the British castle, but it is more integrated with the elements of ancient Chinese style.

Squeak and boom!

The heavy iron door was forced to open, making a harsh sound. In the courtyard of nuota, it was completely buried by the snow.

White, white, white!

As far as you can see, it's all white. The white snow, the white walls, the white sharp roof, and even the dry trees are all covered with white snow frost.

Zhuo fan pushes Qiao Ben, and the lion protects Xuan Xuan. Four tutors walk in the front, and a line of eight people walk in the thick snow to the castle.

The huge empty yard may be because it has been idle for a long time, so it is very quiet.

Every step they took, the snow beneath their feet creaked.

The courtyard is very big. From a distance, you can see the main building of the castle. After a long walk, they found that the main building is still far away from them.

Creak, creak Creak


I don't know who stepped on what, only heard a strange sound, and then the snow scenery around changed rapidly, in a twinkling of an eye, the walls were high, they were trapped in the deep lane!

What's going on?

All the people were startled. They all stuck together and looked around warily.

A wind that I don't know where is blowing, with the feeling of cold and ice, blows on the wall and makes a cry like a child, which is very gloomy.

"It's an array, the earth array in Yin Yang and five elements." Zhou Qichao is a master of Yi ology. He has been studying Yin Yang and five elements in recent months. Naturally, this kind of array is hard for him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!