Chapter 597

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Yang Shishi looked at Kang Bao and his eyes were clear. He didn't feel guilty at all. Then he believed his words.

In the heart, there is a trace of displeasure to Qian Yue, but thinking that Qian Yue is still a child, he doesn't care too much.

She thought for a moment and then said, "Kangbao, do you want mommy to coax Yueer for you?"

"Mmm, mmm, mmm!" Kangkang nodded desperately and said, "Yuer listens to Mommy most. Would you help me to apologize? I really just don't want her to mention the elder sister. I don't blame her. "

"Kangbao, sit down!" Yang Shishi dragged him.

Kangkang is obedient and respectful to Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi turned over, wiped the sweat stains on his small face, and said in a soft voice: "Kangbao, it's right for boys to let girls, but today's thing, you're not wrong. You don't have to apologize to Yueer."

"But Yueer is angry..."

"It's not your fault." Yang Shishi lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "as a boy, it's a basic cultivation to let a girl. But if this girl does something wrong, you don't have to let her

"Don't you really have to apologize?" Kangkang looked at Yang Shishi in doubt. In his clear eyes, he said, "but In the past, no matter right or wrong, as long as Yueer is not happy, Mommy always makes me apologize. "

Yang Shishi felt a pain in her heart, as if she had been stabbed by a steel needle.

She looked at her son guilt, looking at the son's eyes that confused.

Her heart is like a pressure of gas, stuffy, tearing pain.

Yang Shishi slowly took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, Kangbao. In the past, it was mommy who was wrong. Mommy always thought that you were a boy. Boys should be more responsible. Yueer is a guest. We have to be polite and humble to the guests."

"But today, Mommy really realized that she was wrong, Kangbao, child..." Yang Shishi took his hand and said, "you remember mommy's words. In the future, as long as you are right and have a clear conscience, you don't have to apologize to anyone."

"Oh Kangbao seemed to understand, but his eyes were still confused.

He thought about it for a while, and said with a nervous look on his face: "but Mommy, I still don't want to make Yueer unhappy."

"Kangbao, do you like Yueer?"

"Well, she's my daughter-in-law!" Kangbao nodded his head seriously, counted his fingers and said, "you see, uncle Yu is obedient to Aunt Yang, father is obedient to Mommy, brother is obedient to sister Huan, and I should be obedient to Yueer, right?"

“……” In the face of her son's serious eyes, Yang Shishi was speechless.

"Er..." She lifted the hair on her forehead and said, "but has Kangbao ever thought that uncle Yu and aunt Yang are a family, and so are father and mother, your brother and Huan..."

As soon as Yang Shishi was stiff, his brain was excited and he looked at Kang Bao stupidly.

"Well?" Kangbao met her eyes and waited for her next words.

Yang Shishi sat down and said, "well, Kangbao, did you just say that your brother is obedient to Huanhuan?"

"Yes, that's Miss Li's Huanhuan sister, that's Miss Li Weiyin..."

"I know. I know. How do you think your brother is obedient to her? They are just friends

"So?" Kangbao scratched her hair and said, "but I have met sister Huan many times. She is so fierce to her brother. My brother is just like your father to you. Let her do everything and let her do it."

Xuan Xuan There's a time to let others do it?

Yang Shishi was stunned. She blinked and blinked again and again, only then she could barely digest what Kang Bao said.

But although digested, but still incredible!

Is Her Xuan Xuan, also moved every heart?

It's not impossible. Xuanxuan has always been precocious. Now she's eighteen. After a few months, she's nineteen. At this age, she really has the most fantasy about love.

"Kangbao, go back to your room first. I'll help you cajole Yueer. When you go to school tomorrow, you'll still be good friends, OK?"

"Really, Mommy?"

"Of course, when did Mommy cheat you? After that, don't you know that Yuer listens to me the most? "

"Yes Kangkang raised his fat hand and said excitedly, "Mommy, you must remember to coax me. I'm looking for her tomorrow."

"Good, good, silly son!" Yang Shishi is laughing.

"Hey, hey!" Kangkang took the bag and ran back to his room with joy.

"Slow down, watch the stairs!" Yang Shishi shakes her head helplessly. Xuanxuan and Xixi are brought up by her. Kangkang is also brought up by her.

Why are Xuanxuan and Xixi like a born prodigy while Kangkang like a silly son of an upstart?

Is it true that poor children are sensible early and rich children are stupid?

Kangkang was brought up to now by her and situ Han. Kangkang was the youngest child. It was a collection of thousands of favours.Parents holding, brother and sister doting, servant pain, he lives carefree but simple as white paper.

Yang Shishi is really worried that Kangkang's character will be hurt. Maybe Xuanbao and Xibao suffered a lot of hardships and grievances before, but she is not worried about their character at all.

Kangkang It really worries her.

It seems that she really needs to change the way of training. Boys always have to go out for a break when they grow up. She can't protect him from everything.

"Alas Yang Shishi sighs again. She sits on the sofa and reaches for her coffee.

In my mind, what Kangkang said just now flashed.

This makes her eyes can't help looking upstairs, she hesitated several times, finally put the coffee, step upstairs.

Yang Shishi came to Xuanxuan's room.

The door of his room was not closed, and the room was quiet. Yang Shishi was curious. The living room of the suite was empty.

Not in the room?

Yang Shishi reached out and knocked at the door.

"Kowtow, kowtow..." There was still no response from the room.

Yang Shishi turns around and wants to walk back, but after a step, she stops. She hesitates for a while and turns back Go to the bedroom.


She gently pushed open the door, Nuo big bedroom, quiet without a sound.

Yang Shishi looked at the bedside. The scene in front of her made her mouth wide open.

On the bed, Li Weiyin lay there quietly. Her face was pale, her eyes were closed, and her hair was black and soft.

On the back of her hand, she was still infusing liquid medicine.

Beside the bed, Xuanbao sat cross legged on the ground, his upper body half tilted on the edge of the bed, his hands separated and pressed on Li Weiyin's wrist and palm, as if taking care of her.

Two people fell asleep, sleeping very deep, a ray of sunshine shining on them, handsome men and beautiful women, forming a very beautiful picture! , the fastest update of the webnovel!