Chapter 598

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Yang Shishi stood there and watched for a long time. Then she came back to her mind. At this moment, she had to admit that Xuanxuan was really special to Huanhuan.

Before, when I was at situ's in early autumn.

Although Xuanxuan tutored her and treated her well, she had never been so close and active.

For the mind of early autumn, Yang Shishi's heart is clear.

The child in early autumn never repressed her love for Xuanxuan at all. She not only calls herself a week, but also adds Xuanxuan's wechat.

Every time I chat with her in early autumn, I will talk about the interesting things of Xuanxuan, what is still cool, what is the video with him, or so handsome and so on.

In Yang Shishi's simple mind, she always thinks that early autumn is in pursuit of Xuanxuan, and Xuanxuan's pursuit of early autumn is also the default.

Today, it seems that this misunderstanding is not so big!

Yang Shishi wiped her face. She drew back her steps and closed the door quietly.

Katcha, it's a very slight door closing.

But still lying there Xuanxuan to wake up, he raised his head, misty opened his eyes, eyes dry pain!

These days, in order to make sure that the Xuantian nine square array doesn't go wrong, he and his father haven't slept for several nights. Sometimes they can't stand it, so they just go anywhere and get up again in an hour or two at most.

Serious overdrawn sleep, let him in this quiet environment, also can't help sleeping in the past.

Xuanxuan patted his forehead and looked up at the liquid medicine. There was still one third of the liquid medicine in the bottle, which was the last one.

He looked down at the time on his watch.

It has been two hours since he got home. Xuanxuan is not sure about the situation in the castle, so he takes his mobile phone and goes to the balcony.

He directly pressed the shortcut key 3, and situ Han's number was quickly dialed out.

Almost as soon as he got through, situ Han picked up the phone.


"Dad, how's it going? Is there any abnormality in the array? "

"Not for the time being." Situ Han's voice was a little hoarse. He said: "the first two hours should be the most risky. At present, it seems that the situation is normal, so there should be no accident."

"That's good, that's good!" Xuanxuan sighed with a sigh: "I don't know if Xibao has reached the age of longchen, and I don't know when it will arrive."

"You don't have to worry too much." Situ Han advised him: "up to now, we can only do our best to listen to fate."

"Well, it's Xibao's choice. I hope tianpitiful can make her wish come true."

"Yes Situ Han's two simple words contain his inner trust in his daughter.

His daughter, he so excellent child, how can not enter the eyes of long Chen?

When Xibao was only eight or nine years old, he felt that longchen didn't treat her the same way. Now Xibao, 18, is in his youth. If he wants to capture longchen, it should be no problem.

Before long, his daughter should be back with his son-in-law.

Don't know why, think of son-in-law this word, situ Han can't help shivering for a while, this son-in-law he a little afraid!

"Dad?" At the other end of the phone, there was a loud voice.

Situ Han suddenly recovered his mind and said, "Oh, I'm here. You don't have to come here. Have a good rest at home."

"Thank you, Dad." Xuanxuan's voice suddenly low, words full of emotion.

Situ Han's heart trembled and said, "Why are you so polite all of a sudden?"

Xuan Xuan on this side of the phone said nothing.

He suddenly quiet, let situ Han can't help but grip the mobile phone: "Xuan Bao?"

"Dad Xuanxuan's voice was a trace of trembling, trembling at the same time, there seems to be a kind of choking desperately hidden.

He said, "I'm sorry, I I always want to apologize to you, before I'm too stubborn. I'm always disobedient, always deliberately alienating you, and always worrying you. "

"In fact, I always know in my heart that our sister and brother are more important than your life. You are willing to do anything for the three of us. "

"Once, in order to save Xibao, you almost drained your own blood. In order to save me, you did not hesitate to fight against the U.S. military supernatural underground research institute with your own strength... "

"Silly boy, you are my father's blood and bone. How can dad let you have an accident? What's the matter with you? Why do you say such strange things all of a sudden? "

"Dad..." Xuanxuan calls, this time He really choked.

His eyes were red, and he quickly raised his head, forcing back the water in his eyes.

Then he said bravely, "you know what, dad? I've always wanted to say thank you to you. This time Xibao left, I know you are heartbroken, but your desperate crazy support let me see the most real side of your heart. ""I know that you love us, respect us, give us the most comprehensive protection, the most appropriate free space."

"I also know that you have always loved me like Xibao. Dad, I want to tell you that you are always proud of your son, and I am proud of being your son!"

Two lines of tears suddenly rolled down from situ Han's eyes.

He was busy clenching his fist, hard against the mouth, rolling between his throat, swallowing that moved and sad.

Xuanbao's sudden confession made him completely unprepared.

Between him and his son, never as close as his daughter, he has always thought that his son's love is indifferent, cold, will not express.

At this moment, situ Han knew that he was wrong, his son It's absolutely cold outside and warm inside.

Under his cold and indifferent appearance is a fiery and brave heart. How did he find it today?

Calm down, desperately calm down.

After a few minutes, situ Hancai said in a happy voice: "Xuanbao, thank you!"

Xuanxuan red eyes, bent up the corner of his mouth and said: "Dad, I feel much better when I say it. I don't want to one day..."

There was a pause in his voice, and then he turned.

His eyes, through the glass looking at the bed is still unconscious Li Weiyin, whispered: "Wei Yin lost her father, I see she is very painful, I don't want to wait until the day of death, my father doesn't know I love him."

"Xuanbao Xuanbao... " At the other end of the phone, situ Han's voice trembled, murmuring Xuanxuan's name, but he could not say anything.

"Dad, I'll go to see Wayne. I'll replace you later. Don't be too tired. You can let others stare at you and take a nap."

"Good, good..." Situ Han's brain was blank, and his heart was filled with excitement and emotion.

"I'll see you later!"

"Good, good!" Situ Han is still the same word.

Xuanxuan gently pressed off the call, situ Han covered his heart with a long sigh of relief, he slightly closed his eyes, the corner of his mouth could not suppress the rise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!