Chapter 820

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Xiao Su!

Long Chen's eyes flashed a touch of darkness. He looked at Qiao Ben. Qiao Ben on the bed was covered with sweat. It seemed that if he wanted to say a word, he would suffer great pain.

But even so, he forced his hand up.

He reached out Reluctantly grabbed the corner of long Chen's clothes, pale lips, trembling voice: "master, this matter absolutely can't let Niang know, you know Niang's character, she is righteous and impulsive, if this matter spreads to her ear, I don't know what kind of disturbance will make."

"Don't worry, the king has his own arrangement."

"Thank you Thank you very much As soon as he let go of his hand, there was a wave of intense pain under his body, and his mind was in a trance again.

Long Chen and long Youfan look at each other.

Two people coincidentally go to the door, went to the door, long Youfan said: "six younger brother plan to do? Xixi is quick and witty. I'm afraid she can't hide it, let alone The king also promised to send Joe back in good condition

Long Chen's brow is deeply wrinkling, he thought for a while.

This talent way: "Chen Di will take Xi Xi to leave the Palace first."



"Go now?" Long Youfan was surprised.

Long Chen glanced at him and said: "Qiao Ben is special to Xi Xi. As you said, Xi Xi would not be willing to rest if he knew that Qiao Ben had suffered this disaster."

Said, the Dragon Chen again looked back to see one eye inside the room.

He said in a low voice: "I'll take Xixi away and give Qiaoben a rest time. Qiaoben will be handed over to you. If he is missing a hair when I come back, don't blame me for taking this account to his sister-in-law."

"How dare you threaten me?" Long Youfan looks cold.

With a smile, long Chen shook his head and said, "it's not a threat, it's My younger brother will certainly do so. "


"Farewell, my brother!" Long Chen regardless of his black face, Yishou a ceremony.

"Hello Long Youfan shouts at his back. Long Chen doesn't seem to hear that, and his step doesn't stop.

Long Youfan wiped chin, helplessly watching him disappear outside the palace.

"Qingfei!" Long Chen is not anxious not Xu of walk on the palace road of return journey, raise a voice light call.

Shuiqingfei immediately followed and said, "master."

"Do you know how to deal with Xiao Su?"

Water clear Fei Leng for a while, busy respectful bend way: "yes, subordinate understand."

"Do it!"

"Yes, sir Water clear Fei should be a, flash quickly leave.

Long Chen narrowed his eyes, and the light in his eyes appeared. He still walked slowly to the palace. When he returned to Liuli palace, he heard the voice of Xi Xi from a distance.

"How come nothing happened? When I just took a bath, I heard the dispute in front of the palace

"Niang Niang..." Autumn cloud drags to point to her dress Cape, like bath such words, how can say in front of bodyguard's face?

Sure enough, the bodyguard turned red.

They forced calm, respectful response: "back to the empress's words, you must have heard wrong, subordinates have been guarding here, really did not hear any sound."

"Didn't beigongxuan come?" Situ Xi looked at the guard suspiciously.

She's not really out of tune, is she? Mingming heard the sound when she was taking a bath, so she rushed to clean up, put on a clean suit and came out.

As a result, there was no sound from beigongxuan at all.

Is Is she so worried about Qiaoben that she has the illusion of fighting with Beigong Xuan?

Situ Xi scratched his hair strangely. As soon as he looked back, he saw long Chen.

"Brother longchen!" Situ Xi suddenly burst into a big smile, rushed to his arm and said, "where have you been? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"What are you going to do?" Long Chen smiles.

"I'm looking for your help, of course."

"Oh?" Long Chen picks his eyebrows.

Situ Xi raised his small face, shining like the eyes of the stars, staring at longchen.

She said: "brother longchen, can you help me to the Moon Palace? The fifth brother has gone to find joben, but since he left, my eyelids have been jumping and my heart is in a panic. I'm very worried. Can you help me to have a look? "

Long Chen smiles and reaches out his big hand She was caught in her arms.

He looked at her condescensively, leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead, and said in a low voice, "it's a coincidence that I just came back from lanyue palace."

"Ah?" Situ Xi was stunned for a moment and said excitedly: "Wow, have you gone to the Moon Palace? What about joburn? Have you seen joburn? "

"Yes, but..." Long Chen deliberately prolongs his voice.

Situ Xi's smile congealed in the corner of her mouth, she said nervously: "but what? Did brother five embarrass him? "

"It's kind of a dilemma.""What?" On hearing this, situ Xi became hairy. She said, "is this five elder brothers too much? How can he do that? I have to go to joben

Her petite body fiercely turned to the Moon Palace.

The result turned a circle to be fished by long Chen again in the bosom.

With a low smile, he patted her forehead with his clean and slender fingers, and said, "you idiot, you can't help but be scared. What I'm talking about is not hurt."

"Ah?" Situ Xi didn't understand his words.

Long Chen ran over her and walked to the palace. He said: "my king just discussed with the fifth emperor brother about the gift. Qiao Ben was there too. They were painting warm wine. They were not at ease. Qiao Ben was shallow. Now he was drunk in the Moon Palace. It's estimated that he can't come back today."

"No?" Situ Xi's eyes were wide open. Joe didn't like drinking or smoking. How could he get drunk?

"Why don't you believe me?" Longchen's deep eyes, fixed looking back at her.

If someone else said it, situ Xi would not believe it. She had to go to the Moon Palace to have a look. But when this came out of long Chen's mouth, she couldn't help believing it.

Hearing long Chen's low question, she quickly apologized and said with a smile, "how can I not believe you? I believe what brother long Chen said."

"That's good. I'll go packing with Wang." Long Chen took her hand.

Situ Xi was stunned and said, "aren't the servants cleaning up?"

"It's too late. The carriage is waiting outside the palace. We have to leave immediately."

"Immediately?" Situ Xi was startled and said, "Why are you so worried?"

Long Chen couldn't help laughing: "I can't help but want to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Situ Xi froze, his face showed a trace of panic.

She did not know what to do: "that is not urgent. It's evening now. It will be dark when we get out of the palace."

"That's what we want!"

"What?" Situ Xi felt that his head was not enough.

With a smile, long Chen reached out and raised her chin. She said in a soft voice, "there is Yongzhou, a hundred miles away from the palace. The night scene is very beautiful. It's almost half of July. They have a folk custom that they like ghost dancing at night, colorful lanterns at ten miles, and people are twisting. Does Xixi want to see it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!