Chapter 821

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Wow Situ Xi's eyes immediately floated with dazzling brilliance. Since she came to this world, she really hasn't played.

Like ghost dance? It's a new name.

Her eyes full of yearning, bent to mention the palace skirt way: "brother longchen, things have been packed, you wait for me to change clothes, we will go."

"All right!" Long Chen nodded.

With his consent, situ Xi jumped and ran to the crouching Pavilion happily. Qiu Yun, who followed him, was also happy.

She bent her knees and said, "I'm going to help my mother. I'm leaving."

Autumn cloud also trot all the way back to the crouching Pavilion, red worry floating down from the beam, bright eyes full of desire: "Niang Niang, maidservant also want to see Xigui dance."

"Good!" Situ Xi changed his simple clothes, glanced at them and said, "I'll talk to brother longchen later and let you play in the night market."

Autumn cloud and red worry a joy, Qiqi salute way: "thank Niang Niang."

After a while, situ Xi changed their casual clothes. Looking at their face, long Chen couldn't help smiling.

It's nineteen years old, but he still behaves like a child. With a smile, he goes to the carriage and reaches out to situ Xi.

Situ Xi came quickly, took his hand and got into the car. Then Qiuyun and Chiyou got into the carriage.

The three men's excited heads crowded together. Before the carriage left, they could not help lifting the curtain and looking out.

The Dragon Chen Yang Yang mouth corner, he turns over to mount a horse, big hand a wave, the mighty return door troops walk toward the palace.

Situ Xi's hands are beside the car window, and his eyes are like water, looking at long Chen on the horse. His back is so handsome that she can't bear to look away.

"Wow, madam, you see, there are so many wagons in the back!" Autumn cloud praises of low shout, half body all quickly probed out.

Situ Xi turned his head and looked at it. Besides the carriage she was in, there were at least six or seven carriages behind, all of which were gifts.

With such a generous gift, brother longchen really has a heart.

"Niang Niang, it's the first time that I've been a servant in Changchun palace for so long to see your Highness's heart. In the past, although your highness would send gifts to Mrs. Yu, Mrs. Yu's family has never summoned her, let alone visited her in person."

Qiu Yun looks at situ Xi with a smile. His eyes are full of envy.

Although this was a compliment, it was not pleasant to hear in situ Xi's ears.

She secretly a sigh, all sorts of boring again probe over head, the vision follow long Chen.

Long Chen seems to feel her gaze, looking back at her, only this one eye, let him palpitate unceasingly.

That delicate eyebrow, flying eyes, bright smile in the corner of the mouth pear vortex rippling intoxicating sweet meaning.

The heart of long Chen suddenly quickened to beat, he unexpectedly has a kind of impulse to want to carry her out from the carriage, rub into oneself of bosom.

Can want to return to think, after all, in full view of the public, long Chen had to take back the line of sight, to suppress the frenzied desire.

"Niang Niang, Niang Niang..." The voice of autumn clouds rings in my ears again.

Situ Xi turned his eyes and looked at her.

Qiuyun is lying on the other side of the window, she said strangely: "Niang Niang, what are you doing with a group of people around there? There seems to be a lady. "

"Imperial concubine?" Situ Xi was stunned for a moment and leaned over to look at it.

In the distance, on an arch bridge, there are many people inside and outside.

Faintly, situ Xi heard the voice of crying and roaring, which was familiar, as if Beigong Wanjia.

"Niang Niang, go and have a look." As soon as Chiyou's voice fell, he jumped out of the carriage.

"Ah..." Situ Xi wanted to stop her, but Chi You's lightness skill was so good that he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The carriage is in advance, for her small condition here, long Chen just looked back.

The palace gate was already in front of us, and the long horse team entered the capital Avenue.

Situ Xi went to see Chiyou, inexplicably All day long, she felt uneasy, as if something bad had happened.

Qiuyun saw her worry and said with a smile, "lady, you don't have to worry about Miss Chiyou. She's a secret servant. She's good at lightness. Others may not find her."

"Well!" Situ Xi's heart is not in Yan of should a.

The carriage continued to move forward and gradually speeded up. In the blink of an eye, the gate was already in front of us, and we were about to leave the city.

Why hasn't Chiyou come back yet? Situ Xi looked again.

"Mother!" At this time, as soon as the curtain of the car was lifted, Chiyou got into the carriage again. She gave a low call and immediately led situ Xi to look back.

"So long?" Seeing the return of red worry, her depression eased a little.

Red worry complexion heavy, low voice way: "Niang Niang, Xiao Su died."

"What?" Situ Xi was stunned and looked at her in disbelief.Xiao Su is the confidant of the imperial concubine. She is cautious in her words and deeds. She is very low-key and looks very healthy. How can she die suddenly?

"What's going on? Do you know how you died? "

"Drowned." Red worry Wanxi way: "Xiao Su does not know the water, heard that it was the arch bridge, the wind blew away her silk towel, she went to pick up the silk towel, accidentally slipped into the lake."

"What a coincidence?" Situ Xi twisted his eyebrows.

Red worry nodded: "yes, it's also her bad luck. The principal officer has checked it and confirmed that it was accidental drowning."


"Well, there is no trace at the scene, and Xiao Su has water in his stomach!"

Situ Xi was silent and did not speak. She looked out of the carriage. Today, because she was worried about Qiao Ben, she almost stayed in the yard.

According to reason, this kind of breeze can't blow away things like silk scarf. What's more, Xiao Su is the confidant of the imperial concubine. He is not a simple person who can mix with a big girl.

Can a man as simple as Xiao Su go to the dangerous lake because he can't bear a silk scarf?

No, it's too unlikely.

It's true that the palace is deep. I don't know who Xiao Su offended. It's a pity that he gave his life in vain.

"Alas Situ Xi sighed and closed his eyes.

It's a pity that Xiao Su died, but after all, it has nothing to do with her. Now what she has to consider is the arrangement of Jingzhou.

This Qiao Ben is also really, once left for so long, how about Jingzhou in the end? She didn't have a point in her mind.

Joben, come and chase us. Come on. I'm not sure without you. Come on

Situ Xi prayed again and again in the bottom of his heart. The carriage was rickety and galloping along the official road.

I don't know how long later, just when situ Xi was sleepy, the carriage suddenly stopped!

Situ Xi opened her eyes in a hurry. She lifted the curtain and saw a city with "Yongzhou" written on it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!