Chapter 890

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
See situ Xi curl up under the window, in her whole body, suffused with a layer of transparent halo, a whole circle, light, soft light.

Red worry ran over, she stretched out her hand, uneasy want to touch that layer of light.

Feeling her coming, situ Xi quickly wiped away his tears and looked up at her.

When she saw red worry, mind a close, not to think about Phoenix blood jade things, just tired stand up.

Situ Xi stood up at the same time, the faint halo instantly dissipated.

Red worry blinked, did not see that layer of light.

She quickly rubbed her eyes again. The light around situ Xi really disappeared. She suddenly felt that she might be dazzled.

"What's the matter

She that saw ghost's expression, let situ Xi strange low ask.

"Well Oh... " Red worry returned to God, and said in a soft voice: "nothing. I just saw the empress crying. I feel very sad. In fact..."

Red worry hesitated and said: "I think your Highness's request is right. The empress is attacked. It's well known that you are a doctor and you are good at medicine. If you can cure the empress, you will win her favor."

Do you like my queen?

Situ Xi wry smile, where does she have this mood now? Physically and mentally tired, just want to stay away from the noise, clean your heart.

She has to think about how to go in the future, whether to go or stay And she and long Chen elder brother, can return to the past?

Heartache, intense heartache.

Helplessness, all kinds of helplessness.

Jo Ben is gone. She has no one to talk to in this world. She is so homesick, so homesick

If she is destined not to take brother longchen back, is it necessary for her to waste her time here?

Every day, every hour, it's all mommy's blood.

"Chiyou, I want to sleep for a while. Don't let anyone disturb me." Situ Xi rubbed his eyebrows and walked heavily to the bed.

Red worry stammered, she also wanted to persuade her, but look at her haggard appearance, to the mouth, just swallow down.


Yongqing palace!

"Ah..." A scream came, the sleeping queen suddenly, the whole person rolled out of bed like being stabbed.

Xuesi and Xianxian, who were on the side of the bed, were startled. When they reacted, the queen had already fallen to the ground.

"Mother!" With a cry of surprise, she knelt down and rushed over.

Xuesi also rushed to help her, and put her hand to her chest. Bailu sprang up, and Xuesi's palm immediately became a layer of ice.

"My God The snow Si is surprised, the speed stops.

"Huoyanzhu, come on!"

She quickly knelt down and climbed to the bed, took the fire bead that fell on the bed and handed it directly to Xue Si's hand.

Snow Si across the fire bead, and in luck input spiritual power to the empress, from her chest, gradually up a circle of warm.

After a while, the queen coughed twice and opened her eyes slowly.

"How are you, madam?" She immediately wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The queen moved her lips and said nothing.

Xuesi took up her strength, picked her up and put her on the bed carefully.

Then he whispered, "what's the matter? I feel your pulse is flowing. It's cold and warm. It's very dangerous

The queen was too weak to speak.

She took a look at her, and after a few moments, she said, "go to the door Guard, no one is allowed to enter without the order of this palace, especially It's your highness. He can't hear the conversation in this palace. "

"Yes, I understand." Xian should step back.

The empress struggled to hold Xuesi's hand and continued: "aunt, the palace is so dense that her abdomen is pierced, which leads to the increased sensitivity of Fenghuang Xueyu. Just now, it must be situ Xi who thought of Xueyu, and Xueyu is crazy to break out."

"What?" Xuesi's face changed greatly. She put her hand on her abdomen.

Sure enough, that force is ready to move, and it's almost irrepressible.

If the Phoenix blood jade breaks out, the queen will surely die.

Xuesi was surprised, and she said in a hurry: "Linghuan, Linghuan, the so-called harm to others and yourself is just like this. I have already reminded you not to try to hurt situ Xi, but you will not listen. "

"I'm all for chen'er! Aunt, do you think I want to hurt her? This is what we have to do for the sake of Yanlong and the people of the world. "

"But now what? If situ Xi doesn't stop thinking about Phoenix blood jade, you may not be so lucky next time. " Xue Si's face was full of sadness, like panic and helplessness.

The queen trembled fiercely, her face turned white instantly.

She shook her lips and said, "no, aunt, I can't die now. I haven't seen chen'er ascend the throne. I haven't held my grandson. I haven't seen the prosperity and well-being of Yanlong's people. I can't die. I can't!""Alas Xue Si sighed, holding her hand tightly, cherishing her eyes, but helpless.

When the queen saw her look, her hope gradually faded.

Not willing to accept the reality, she choked: "aunt, is Is there really no one to save me? "

Xue Si shook his head in tears and said, "if someone It can only be situ Xi. Unless she doesn't want Phoenix blood jade, or doesn't think about it, she can keep you safe. "

I don't remember The queen was stunned.

There is only one way that the speaker has no intention and the listener has intention to make situ Xi no longer think of it. That is Death to situ Xi!

It seems that the situation has come to the stage of either her death or situ Xi's death. It's not that she can't tolerate situ Xi, it's that heaven won't allow her.

The Queen's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness. She dropped her eyes and was silent, but countless thoughts turned over in her heart.

"Lady, you can't be How to deal with situ Xi? " Snow Si Jing looks at her side face, feel her body's Yi Qi, urgent low ask.

The queen quickly hid her mind. She deliberately pretended to be helpless and said, "aunt, do you think this kind of me has any threat to situ Xi?"


"Auntie, if it's my destiny, then Chen er This palace will be handed over to you. You must help him ascend to the throne and help this palace to see what the world looks like. "

"Mother!" Snow Si heart a sad, can't help falling tears.

"Don't cry. This is the way of our own choice. If we can get such help from my aunt, we have no resentment." The Queen's voice became smaller and smaller. Her eyes were heavy and seemed to be unable to hold on.

Xuesi is busy and Yungong inputs aura to her, but the queen holds her wrist and says, "no, don't waste your efforts. I just feel tired. I'll sleep for a while."

"Niang Niang..."

The queen didn't seem to hear it. She closed her eyes and didn't move, but she didn't really fall asleep , the fastest update of the webnovel!