Chapter 891

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
The queen didn't fall asleep. Her mind flew around and she didn't think of a way to kill situ Xi. She was a little worried.

But at this moment, the voice of Xian came from the door.

"See your highness, your highness, Wan Fu Jin'an!"

The empress thought a move, she busily tired of open eyes, struggle to want to sit up, the mouth keeps murmuring: "aunt, is Chen son come?"? Chen er... "

"Niang Niang, your body has reached the limit. Don't move. Lie down quickly." When Xuesi saw her get up, she pressed her down.

She just used the light strength, the queen fell back to the bed again, at this time, longchen just came in, the queen was so coincidental to blow out a mouthful of blood.

"Niang Niang..."


Xuesi and longchen were surprised and cried out with one voice.

Long Chen strode over, bent over the bed, grasped the Queen's hand tightly, and said, "mother, how do you feel? I'll call the doctor at once

"No, no!" The queen quickly grabbed his hand. She held it tightly, as if she didn't give up.

After holding for a moment, she swallows the fishy sweetness in her throat and hands longchen's hand to Xuesi's palm.

"Mother!" Snow si a tremble, instant red eye socket.

The queen panted weakly and continued: "aunt, I I put chen'er on It's up to you. Situ If situ Xi calls Phoenix blood jade back, there will be no way for his palace to survive. I can only ask you to take care of my son! "

"Niang Niang, you..." Xuesi looks at her in amazement. She can't believe that she will say such words, especially in front of longchen.

This is not Do you want to force the internal strife between the prince and the princess?

But the queen didn't give her a chance to talk. She stroked longchen's face again.

The queen said with tears: "chen'er, do you remember what your mother said to you? Phoenix blood jade is in my body to give me life. But somehow, situ Xi wants to call me back. I think That's my destiny. "

"It's just a pity that my mother can't accompany you any more. It's a pity that my mother hasn't had a grandson yet."

Longchen's eyes are red. He can't help clenching his fist. All the thoughts in his mind are occupied by the words that situ Xi wants to recall Fenghuang Xueyu.

Why did she recall Fenghuang Xueyu?

Does she want to leave herself?

With this idea, long Chen immediately heartache, his eyes secretly deep, word by word way: "mother rest assured, son minister will never allow Xi Xi Xi to take back Phoenix blood jade, son minister will never let mother die."

"No!" The queen cried, "don't let your mother conflict with the crown princess. Your mother knows you love her. Your mother can die. Just ask for your kindness and love."

"Empress..." Longchen heart a warm, looking at the empress that dying appearance, he can't help heartbroken.

He held the Queen's hand tightly.

His trembling, his heartache, his fear, the queen all felt, she thought that said almost, then leisurely closed her eyes.

"Mother!" Long Chen flustered urgent call, hurriedly put the hand to her nose breath below, when he felt that if there is no breath, this just a sigh of relief.

Xue Si was silent.

She looked at the queen, her heart was full of sadness.

Once upon a time, she thought that today's Queen is a person of virtue. She has always been proud of the appearance of such a saint queen in the witch clan.

But after getting along with each other for a long time, she gradually saw her ugly face. When she was frightened, she could not help thinking that the decline of the witch clan was the punishment of heaven.

The room was quiet, and each of them had his own thoughts.

When the Queen's even breathing came, long Chen stood up, gave a wink to Xue Si, and walked to the palace.

Xuesi came out in a hurry and said respectfully, "Your Highness, what can I do for you?"

"I don't know if the clan leader is willing to take a walk with me. I'm confused about several things in my heart. I hope the clan leader can give me some advice."

Xue Si said hastily, "I'd like to share my worries for your highness."

"Thank you Long Chen whispered and walked forward.

In late autumn, everything is adjusted to zero and leaves fall all over the ground.

Walking on the dead leaves, they walk along the palace road all the way to the remote bamboo forest. Long Chen doesn't speak, and Xue Si follows them in silence.

At the edge of the bamboo forest, long Chen stops. He turns around and looks at Xue Si for a moment.

Xue Si is not comfortable with his sharp eyes. She looks down in embarrassment, holding her hands tightly and standing on her side.

A long time later.

Long Chencai said in a loud voice: "people of the Wu clan have always had holy souls. How true is what my mother said just now? How much of it is false? "

Snow like look big change, she fiercely raised eyes, can't believe of see to long Chen.

Long Chen smiles and says bitterly: "I'm unfilial. I shouldn't question my mother, but there are so many things that my king hears different voices, so I want to ask the patriarch to distinguish one from two."Xue Si was stunned. After a long time, she came back to her senses and said, "why did your highness say that? What the empress has done is for you."

"For my king?" Long Chen pulls the corner of the mouth, the tone is very self mockery.

There was a trace of pain on his face, and he said in a soft voice, "to tell you the truth, I don't want to be emperor, let alone the supreme power."

"Don't be silly, your highness. We all have to comply with the destiny. It's all destiny and destiny..."

"Where is the sky? What is fate? " Long Chen fiercely raised his voice and said: "I only know that my heaven is my mother's Queen, and my destiny is the witch family..."

"Your Highness!"

"Isn't it? I haven't thought about being an emperor since I was a child. What's the Dragon Spirit and what's the responsibility

"This..." Xuesi was so stiff that he had nothing to say.

Long Chen looked at her and said, "if Xixi doesn't appear, I will believe in the prophecy and my mother. I feel that people all over the world may cheat me, but my mother won't!"

"But I'm wrong. Maybe the patriarch knows it, or maybe he doesn't know it. But I know in my heart that my mother has hidden too many secrets from me."

"For example, my mother told me that I had a vague memory because I was persecuted by Princess Dongping, and I fell into the water and didn't wake up. Is it true that some of the elders of your sorcery clan used the whole clan's power to exchange the blood curse for the king's life?"

Snow Si trembled, her face passed a few silk startled, moved lips, but Leng is speechless.

Long Chen a smile, again way: "you dare not answer, because the empress says, is false at all.". The real truth is that the witch clan used the blood curse to send the king to a different world before the Yan dragon destroyed the country, that is The world of Xixi, right , the fastest update of the webnovel!