Chapter 720 I Am Heavy!

Name:The Witch Hunter System Author:
Chapter 720 I Am Heavy!

"Is that the Supreme Leader's aura? What kind of aura is that? It feels so sacred and inviolable..."

In another battle, Kuvat was briefly distracted as he noticed Vaan's Boundless Sea and Sky Aura coming from the black tornado of bats with other flying creatures.

However, the corner of his eyes shortly discovered Galen trying to sneak away.

"Where do you think you are trying to run, Devilspawn?!" Kuvat snorted with contempt, stomping the ground with one of his front legs.

In that instant, several large earthen spikes with fiery veins erupted from the ground beneath Galen, impaling him from different angles.

Some directly penetrated Galen's body, while other earthen spikes narrowly missed. But regardless of their accuracy, they collectively restricted Galen's pale and weakened body.

"Why are you hunting me?! Don't you have more important targets to go after?!" Galen weakly roared with a hoarse throat.

Kuvat stared at him coldly and said, "A sinful human like you, who does not know the value of life, deserves to die! You should count your blessings for every second you breathe!"

"Nooo—!" Galen cried, sensing his impending death.

However, just as Kuvat was about to execute him, a huge draconic body came crashing into the area. The unfortunate and immobile Galen was helplessly crushed under Laptis's immense weight. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

After Laptis regained her footing, Galen remained flat on the ground, lying in a puddle of his own blood and splintered bones; his body felt soft like cotton. Despite the destruction of Kuvat's restrictions, he did not move.

His broken body required time to recover, and in his exhausted state, it took even longer. His head was the first to recover, followed by his throat and upper body.

At the same time, Laptis noticed Kuvat just as the shadows of a high-ranking vampire came within view.

Laptis's and Galen's expressions changed immediately.

"Kuvat, help me!"

"Lord Vampire, save me!"

Two voices cried simultaneously as Laptis and Galen looked at their respective and potential saviors.

In that instant, Kuvat and the high-ranking vampire studied each other cautiously, gauging each other's strength. Oddly enough, both sides were relieved after determining each other's strength.

It didn't take long before the high-ranking vampire's lips smacked with disdain. Then, he glanced at Galen's pathetic state with even greater contempt.

Divine Ability – I Am Heavy!

Kuvat flattened Weid into a bloody paste with [I Am Heavy] – the divine ability he gained from absorbing the power of the Divine-rank Stalactite Milk. It allowed him to increase his weight by countless folds depending on his proficiency.

Nevertheless, even with his preliminary proficiency, the might of his stomp was so great that even the ground ruptured like a tectonic plate-shifting seismic earthquake.

Weid's body parts were splattered so far apart that his soul scattered along with it, unable to return and recover. Not even the vampire's immortal-like healing could save him from Kuvate's earth-shaking stomp.

He was killed instantly under a force that not even ordinary Mid-stage Demigods could create.

Laptis was dumbfounded, and Galen's already pale face turned whiter in horror and disbelief. Neither of them expected Kuvat's stomp to be so powerful. Even Kuvat himself was greatly surprised by his divine ability.

After all, it was the first time he had used it.

Moreover, [I Am Heavy] had specific conditions for usage. If Weid had not positioned himself so close beneath him, he might not have been able to pull it off.

However, he saw the opportunity and just went for it. The result that followed was unexpected but definitely a pleasant surprise.

"Sir Kuvat, your stomp was truly powerful," Laptis gulped, feeling dry in her throat.

"Haha..." Kuvat could only respond with a wry laugh.

Shortly after, he fixed his gaze back on Galen; he had let this vile being live for far too long.

"No... Please don't kill me! I'll do anything you want! I'll be your slave or mule, anything you want me to be! Just don't kill me!" Galen pathetically pleaded for his life.

Despite pleading for his life, he did not look at Kuvat at all. Instead, he desperately crawled away to the best of his ability. His broken legs remained unhealed since blood energy had depleted.

He wouldn't be able to recover from another life-threatening injury.

"Just die," Kuvat coldly sentenced Galen to death.


With a single stomp, Galen's body splattered with zero chance of recovery; his soul departed the world forever.

"That's the end of one evil," Kuvat sighed after slaying the devil's pawn.