Chapter 721 Princess Dana

Name:The Witch Hunter System Author:
Chapter 721 Princess Dana

As panic, death, and fear spread throughout the imperial capital of the Great Ratholos Empire, brave warriors desperately fought to protect their families and guide them away from the crimson light domain.

After the black bats suddenly ignored them and flew away to a concentrated location, their hearts ignited with hope and joy.

"The bats are leaving? Quick! Let us depart this place immediately!" a bald warrior urged his wife and children to leave the house and follow him.

Shortly after they came out, the bald warrior picked up one of his sons to unburden his wife before he grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her along as they fled the area.

"Why are the bats all going over there, Daddy?" the bald warrior's son asked while getting carried.

However, the bald warrior didn't have an accurate answer to provide.

"I don't know, Son. However, it's probably not something good. We better leave as far as we can from the danger," the bald warrior stated with a grave look.

Meanwhile, screams and shouts from other families in the residential area could be heard in the background.

"The bats are gone! Come on! We have to hurry and leave! They might come back anytime!"

"That's right! This place isn't safe! It's too close to that wall of red light! But where can we go?!"


Just as the people were lost and confused, the tremors caused by numerous heavy footsteps were shortly heard.

Moments later, a large group of imperial soldiers arrived in the residential district.

"The imperial army is here! Everyone should head south to the Martial Hall for shelter and safety. The Martial Hall's doors are open to all women, children, and elderlies!"

"Please follow the instructions of the imperial soldiers along the way and move in a quick but orderly fashion! Do not push or shove the people beside or in front of you! Anyone failing to follow orders will be punished!"

Many people wished to jump the queue and get ahead of everyone else. After all, the lives of other people were never as important as their own.

"I don't believe you! Why are you trying to stop us? Do you want to watch us die outside?!"

"That's right! What right do you have to stop us from trying to get to safety?!"

People in the rear with no hopes of getting inside the Martial Hall started accusing the beautiful young lady, causing the imperial soldiers and martial warriors surrounding her to erupt angrily.

"Ridiculous! You are in the presence of the Third Imperial Princess, Princess Dana! Show some respect, Peasant! Such insolence can get you beheaded!" a captain-level imperial soldier barked.

Meanwhile, the male martial students at the Martial Hall were even more furiously.

"What kind of rubbish thing are you?! How dare you disregard our goddess like so?! Do you think the Martial Hall's doors are open to just anyone?"

"Hmph! You can forget about entering! You are banned from ever setting foot into the sacred grounds of the Martial Hall! Either you all fuck off right this instance, or eat my fist and get sent off by me!"

"Ha, Second Martial Brother, you are too kind. These insects from god-knows-were were so brazen to our respectable Third Princess. Even if we break their legs, it wouldn't be enough!"

As the belligerent, thug-like group of martial students furiously spoke with threats of violence, the disorderly crowd cowered in fear.

"Forget it... Let us leave," an intimidated woman said to her husband with a helpless sigh before quietly adding, "It's best if we don't get involved with the Third Princess."

Among the seven imperial princesses, Princess Dana possessed the most infamy despite her angelic-like, kind, and gentle half-

Solaran beauty.

Princess Dana had an appearance that could melt frozen hearts and a voice that could soothe one's soul. However, she also possessed inhuman brute strength capable of cowing stubborn warriors into submission.

She was a witch, but she trained in the martial way and was even quite accomplished in it.

That was why the martial students respected her.

"This... Alright," the woman's husband consented after recalling the rumors about Princess Dana.