Chapter 124

Mo Su Qing didn't expect that she was so committed now, but she didn't expect that in the future, so many things would happen, which caught her by surprise!

During the meal, Mo Su Qing stares at ye Zhongjue. She can't believe that all this is true, just like a dream.

The crumbs of bread in her hand touched the corner of her mouth, but she didn't notice it. Ye Zhongjue looked at her playfully with a smile, "silly girl, I've been staring at me, afraid I can't run away!"

Mo Su Qing lowered her head in embarrassment. Ye Zhongjue laughed and stood up. In Mo Suqing's stunned eyes, she stuck the crumbs from the corner of her mouth with her index finger. Then in Mo Suqing's dazzled eyes, he put out his tongue and ate the crumbs.

Mo Su Qing's little face was flushed. She looked at ye Zhongjue foolishly. He even ate the crumbs from the corner of his mouth. Although they had done something more intimate, she still had a big fluctuation in her heart.

Mo Su Qing blushed with shame. Ye Zhongjue's heart sank in the face of stupidity and stupidity.

His voice hoarse opening, "wife, early in the morning you look at me like this, I can't help but eat you!"

Mo Su Qing, first of all, suddenly opened her eyes, and then, I don't know what I thought of. Her face became more and more ruddy. She buried her head in her clothes. She was so shy and silly that she was so cute.

Ye Zhongjue stretched out his long arm and kneaded on Mo Su Qing's head. "Silly, but my wife looks good. I'll have a meal and take you to work."

Mo Su Qing felt like she was floating in the air. The whole morning was not realistic. They still ate together and went to work together as before.

When Mo Suqing finished his last bite of rice, ye Zhongjue suddenly opened his mouth.

"Wife, do you like the house over there in the shallow water?"

"Ah..." Mo Su looks at him puzzled. Is he talking about the villa of Guan Zixuan?

Ye Zhongjue looked at her helplessly, "some time ago, I asked Lin ran to find someone to clean that place. The shallow sea 8 * * is where I used to live. If you like there, we will move there and work closer. Then, you can have a little more sleep in the morning."

Mo Su was stunned. It turned out that he meant this. However, this house is full of memories of the past three months. If you move away, you will really hate it!

Looking at Mo Su's indecisive appearance, ye Zhongjue took a strong medicine, "wife, you have a good relationship with Guan Zixuan. Since he is your friend, it's convenient to find him if you live there. Moreover, Leng CuO Yao will soon be discharged from the hospital. Leng's villa is less than ten minutes' drive from the shallow sea. It's not convenient for you to go out and play in the future. ”

sure enough, Mo Suqing's eyes lit up with light when he said so. However, when ye Zhongjue became so generous, Mo Su Qing looked at him suspiciously.

Ye Zhongjue coughed awkwardly, pretending that he didn't see Mo Su's suspicion. He would not say that, not only because it was convenient to live there, but also because he lived so close to Guan Zixuan, he was totally abusing dogs. The best way to deal with the enemy was to kill people in an invisible way, so as to solve potential enemies quietly.

Anyway, now that he has made up with Mo Su, he will scatter a lot of dog food all day. He doesn't believe it. What else does Guan Zixuan want to do!

Mo Su Qing is a simple and kind-hearted child. How can she know that ye Zhongjue is so black and has so many twists and turns to deal with her rival in love.

After breakfast, ye Zhongjue sent Mo Suqing to work. At the door of the magazine, Mo Suqing saw Guan Zixuan with a duck cap and armed himself.

She suddenly speechless, Guan Zixuan how to run here to find her, if this is found by the reporter, it is totally looking for abuse!

Mo Su Qing said to ye Zhongjue in a hurry and was about to get off the bus. Ye Zhongjue looked at her bitterly. He also saw Guan Zixuan. Did he just send his wife here, and his wife would leave him to go on a date with another man?

Mo Su Qing was pulled by him, and he thought how careful the man was.

She took a look at Guan Zixuan's place and turned back to give ye Zhongjue a reassuring look.

"rest assured, I will tell Zi Xuan clearly, you rush to work, a big boss, how late is it, your employees will make complaints about you behind your back."

Ye Zhongjue grabbed her arm and said, "I don't care what they say! You must kiss me now

Finish saying, he also pointed to his mouth, Mo Su Feeling speechless looking at the man in front of, how to be like a child.

She was speechless with a smile, "just a moment!"

"Well, just one minute!" Ye Zhongjue nodded affirmatively. Mo Su Qing stretched out her head and gave him a kiss on his face. She was about to leave, but she was pulled by Ye Zhongjue and gave a French hot kiss.

After a kiss, Mo Su Qing's face was ruddy. She would not say that she was suffocated and could not breathe.

Her face flushed, and she pushed ye Zhongjue with anger. She got up and got off the bus directly.Ye Zhongjue in the car issued a deep smile, his wife is really lovely, he does not want her to go out, how to break?

Hold on to her forever.

Looking at Mo Suqing walking towards Guan Zixuan's back, ye Zhongjue's hand knocks on the steering wheel. Since she has chosen her, he should give her full trust and respect, right?

Thinking of this, ye Zhongjue started the engine and the car slowly disappeared into the traffic.

Mo Su Qing went to Guan Zixuan and whispered, "how did you come here? You're not afraid to be recognized!"

Guan Zixuan looked at her directly. He had been staring at her just now and walked down from ye Zhongjue's car.

He raised his cap slightly, and Mo Su Qing could see his face clearly. His eyes had deep red blood, and his eyes were deeply tired. He wanted to stay up all night.

Guan Zixuan's voice hoarse opening, "go, my car is not far away, I'll take you to a place!"

Mo Su Qing looked at the magazine not far behind her, and then looked at Guan Zixuan. At last, she could only compromise.

"Let's go. I'll call first."

Mo Su Qing while walking called to ask for leave, and then followed Guan Zixuan on the car, fortunately no one found.

After getting on the car, Guan Zixuan took off the cap and threw it directly into the back seat.

Looking at the more and more strange environment, Mo Su Qing couldn't help frowning.

Guan Zixuan has been driving to a mountain near city B. along the circling Road, Guan Zixuan stops the car and two people get off.

Mo Su Qing looks at Guan Zixuan all the way very bad, she is a little nervous.

After Guan Zixuan got off the bus, he did not look at Mo Su Qing, but walked toward one side of the hillside.

This is a relatively flat grass slope. The grass on it is full of all kinds of weeds, so it's not high. It's very comfortable to sit on it.

Guan Zixuan went directly to sit down. Mo Su Qing looked at his lonely back and went to sit down with him.

Two people did not look at each other, Mo Su Qing looked at the bustling city B, whispered, "Zixuan, since this period of time, I hate to thank you, thank you for your help and care, you deserve a better girl!"

Guan Zixuan raised a sarcastic smile, "better girl Oh If I say, I just want you! "

Mo Su Qing didn't look at him, and she was afraid that she would be soft hearted. She had no love for Guan Zixuan, but she could not say too heavy words to hurt him.

"I regard you as my best friend!"

"Friend..." Guan Zixuan whispered these two words, and his face suddenly showed a bitter and self mocking smile.

"Su Qing, make up with him!"

Guan Zixuan's tone is not affirmative.

In fact, as early as he came back from the studio last night and went to her residence to find her, he found that she was not there and could not be found everywhere. He asked Xiao Yuan to go to the magazine and found out that she had been taken away by Ye Zhongjue.

At that time, he had a premonition that they might be reconciled. After all, the man's love for Mo Su was so powerful that he could not compete with ye Zhongjue. He did not even have anything to hold him back.

Guan Zixuan grinned bitterly, and no longer spoke.

Mo Su Qing looked at his expression, embarrassed and sad. She didn't want to hurt Guan Zixuan. She didn't want to hurt Guan Zixuan. As early as he said she liked himself, she had already refused him and didn't want to give him any hope. However, he was still trapped in it.

Mo Su Qing's voice is a little sad.

"Zixuan, don't do this! We have always been good friends, and I really thank you very much, you know! "

"I don't know!" Guan Zixuan's voice was angry. His eyes were scarlet and he was staring at Mo Su Qing. "Why, why is he? Is it that I give you less protection and affection than he used to give you?"

Guan Zixuan is holding Mo Su Qing's arm and shaking hands.

Mo Su is very sad.

"Zixuan, you don't want to be like this. I'm really sad that you are like this. It's not why he is, but he has always been. The person in my heart has always been him."

"When Jiannan was in high school, I didn't think that he and I would protect him for seven years, so I didn't think that I was the one to protect him in high school."

Mo Su Qing's eyes are flooded with tears.

"Zixuan, you put down your hands and listen to me. When I was a freshman in high school, I was rated as a school flower. I often met with harassment. However, after a period of time, I found that every time I went home at night, there were several people following me. On the bus, and on the way home, I was very afraid of myself."

Mo Su Qing said, tears can not help but flow down, ye Zhongjue instant soft hearted, he forced himself to turn his head, no longer look at her, but Mo Su Qing with the voice of crying, or into his ears.