Chapter 125

"Until a period of time, those people disappeared. However, I vaguely felt that a man would follow me after school every day. I could feel that he had no malicious intention. This situation lasted for nearly two months. That day, Gu Jiannan confessed to me."

Mo Su Qing sucked her nose, the wind blowing through her hair, her mood looked a little sad.

"He said," Mo Su Qing, I like you. After school, I will take you home, eat with you and let you depend on me. Can you give me a chance? "

Mo Su Qing's tears couldn't help but flow out, "you don't understand. I thought Gu Jiannan was that person at that time, and I was with him. However, I didn't expect that seven years later, until he betrayed me, I met ye Zhongjue, and I didn't know the truth. Ye Zhongjue said last night that in high school, when he followed me every day, I was in a trance, and I always thought it was Gu Jiannan, I did not dare to Tell ye Zhongjue. At that time, I took him as Gu Jiannan and agreed to Gu Jiannan's pursuit. I dare not tell him that in fact, we can become each other's first love because of my stupidity, so we passed him by like that. "

Mo Su Qing buried his head on his knee and cried in a stuffy voice, "Zixuan, you don't know, this feeling, seven years later, I realized how much I hated myself at that time. If I turned around to see that person clearly, instead of being like a fool, let him follow me every day and protect me, maybe we won't miss it."

Guan Zixuan is very sad, but now he wants to comfort her. Guan Zixuan shakes his head helplessly. Who said that the person who fell in love with first is doomed to show weakness first.

"Don't cry, Su Qing. The fate between you was predestined seven years ago. Now, after so many things, you can continue to be together again, which shows that your fate is very deep. If you were together at the beginning, both of you were not mature. Maybe now they have already gone to different things. So, you should think about things from another angle. You should stop crying, you cry I'm miserable. You see, I'm the one who was abandoned. How can you cry more bitterly than me

Guan Zixuan deliberately teases Mo Su Qing, Mo Su Qing tears into a smile, her face is still hung with tears, silly looking at Guan Zixuan said, "Zixuan, do you think you have not moved me enough? In fact, I am not moved to you, but to love and move first. Ye Zhongjue gave me love at first, and then I was moved too much. However, your appearance made me grateful to you. My heart was full of your kindness and moved, but I could not produce love any more. "

Mo Su Qing looked at Guan Zixuan's face and said, "Zixuan, you can blame me, even hate me, but, in addition to him, I think I really can't accept anyone."

Guan Zixuan felt his gums were trembling, but he couldn't say anything cruel to Mo Su Qing.

"Forget it!" Guan Zixuan helped her wipe tears, "let's go, I don't force you, I understand, I just hate myself, no earlier than he appeared in your world, that way, I will first move you, let you fall in love with me, now, even if we can't be lovers, we are still the best friends."

Mo Su Qing's face finally showed a delicate smile.

Looking at her bright smile and tears on her face, Guan Zixuan couldn't help wiping it for her.

"Silly girl, in fact, you can tell him about those things. I don't think he will blame you. After all, you didn't recognize him at that time and chose Gu Jiannan. For you, love is not an experience and training. People often say that which woman has not met a few scum in her life. It's just the scum. You can guess ye Zhongjue Good, isn't it? "

Mo Su Qing chicken pecked rice like nodded, "although you said very reasonable, but I still want to hide this matter, after all, where I am so stupid people, Gu Jiannan just said after school to pick me up, I took him as that person, really stupid home!"

Mo Su Qing's face disdains his expression, Guan Zixuan can't help laughing.

"Well, I wish I knew I was stupid. Don't say it again!"

Guan Zixuan looked at her with a smile and his eyebrows moved.

Mo Su Qing blinked, "you don't blame me! Don't be angry

Guan Zixuan could not help pinching her face, "you are deliberately amusing me, so that I don't care about this matter with you, right?"

Mo Su Qing rubbed to stand up and ran to the car with a smile, "good friend, I don't have it. I'm going to go to work. If I don't go to work, the boss will get angry!"

Looking at her cheerful and vivid appearance, Guan Zixuan couldn't help but smile and shake his head, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Mo Su Qing went back to the magazine and saw that everyone looked at himself in the same way.

It was not until she returned to her desk that she saw this morning's newspaper. Ye Jue, President of imperial wind and cloud group, hereby declares: there is no disagreement between me and my wife Mo Su Qing. The so-called rumor of divorce is pure fabrication. Miss Jane is my chief secretary. I should protect her when she goes out with me in the most basic manner of a man. I hope you will stop Guess my emotional life privately, otherwise, it will bring some inconvenience to my life, I will investigate your responsibility according to law.Mo Su Qing after watching, can't help laughing out, this man, why so high-profile.

However, she forgot to ask last night. She said why concise always appeared beside him. She turned out to be the chief secretary.

When she thought of the chief secretary, she naturally thought of the incident that song pingting stopped her outside the office. When he changed the Secretary, she had an illusion that he changed the Secretary for his own sake.

Mo Su Qing in the heart of a small narcissism, of course, she did not know, ye Zhongjue changed the chief secretary, 99% of the reason, all because of her.

Although song pingting liked him in the past and made him feel very uncomfortable, she did not want to dismiss her after having worked with her for several years.

However, what she did to Mo Suqing was totally intolerable to ye Zhongjue.

In ye Zhongjue's heart, no one can bully his wife.

Mo Su Qing put away the newspaper and began to work.

At noon, Mo Suqing received a wechat message from ye Zhongjue.

Ye Zhongjue: wife, let's go out for lunch.

Mo Xiaoli: Mr. Ye's wechat is very happy! However, I don't have time. I have to work hard. I was taken away by you yesterday. I have left a lot of work.

Ye Zhongjue: angry expression, is Leng Haoyun squeezing you? I'm going to clean him up. Anyway, my wife is in his magazine. Why don't you give me any face!

Mo Xiaoli: silent expression, husband, the Lun family should make good money to support the family!

Ye Zhongjue: it doesn't matter. Husband can make money to support the family. Wife, you just need to be responsible for the beauty. If you have any difficulties, tell your husband directly. Your omnipotent husband will help you solve it immediately.

Mo Xiaoli: rolling your eyes, I feel you don't look like ye Zhongjue I know. Who are you?

Ye Zhongjue: I am Mo Suqing's husband, ye Zhongjue.

Mo Xiaoli: Xiao spray, my husband is very cold fan, not so funny as you!

Ye Zhongjue: in front of my wife, I can stretch and shrink, and advance and retreat appropriately. As long as the wife can say it, my husband can do it.

Mo Xiaoli: husband, have you got a new skill? Sweet talk is so smooth!

Ye Zhongjue: it was taught by my wife.

Empire State Building, ye Zhongjue looks at the mobile phone with a smile on his face. Lin ran stands opposite him. He feels that the boss is not right today. How can he feel cool? He always laughs like a spring breeze. What good thing has he met?

Ye Zhongjue is very popular with Mo Su Qing to call her husband. He looks at the mobile phone screen with a smile on his face.

Mo Xiaoli: it is said that men who are too good at sweet talk can't be relied on. Take your time!

Ye Zhongjue: what my wife taught me is that it was Zeng Hanyu. If you don't give me good advice, you'll give me bad feet!

Mo Xiaoli: can you see that I look confused. Why should the responsibility be put on Zeng Hanyu? Now I have an expression of disdain for you!

Ye Zhongjue: wife, don't dislike it. The husband didn't mean to.

Mo Xiaoli: I know you mean it!

Ye Zhongjue is picky about her eyebrows. This girl, on purpose!

Ye Zhongjue: if you don't eat with me now, you should make up for me in the evening!

Mo Su Qing sits at his desk, and suddenly he looks old. He is shameless. He had gone too far last night, OK?

Mo Xiaoli: your welfare has been used up this month, please look forward to the next month!

Ye Zhongjue jerked from the corner of her mouth, but she thought it out. Seeing how rich ye Zhongjue's expression changed, Lin ran couldn't believe it. He rubbed his eyes and found that he really didn't read wrong. The boss's expression was really rich.

Who said the boss is facial paralysis, this expression is clearly very vivid! In the past, people just disdained to use the function of expression!

Ye Zhongjue: I apply for advance payment of next month's welfare!

Mo Xiaoli: surprised expression, is that ok?

Ye Zhongjue: Yes, wife!

Mo Xiaoli: I have completely collapsed. Please don't contact me again. This person is dead and has something to burn!

Ye Zhongjue's handsome face is black. This girl, who can't die, is a gag chat, but he doesn't want to see this word.

Ye Zhongjue: don't talk nonsense. OK, it's normal. Tomorrow Saturday, we'll move. Wife, are you ready?

Mo Xiaoli: Well! Yes, I'll move tomorrow. I'll pick up Yao Yao the day after tomorrow.

Ye Zhongjue: please look at my sad expression. Leng kuiyao has Leng Haoyun. What are you doing! It's better to accompany me more, I need my wife's company!

Mo Xiaoli: please look at the expression of disdain on my face. Yao Yao is my good friend. She is discharged from hospital. How can I not go! Don't forget, it wasn't her that day, but I was the one who was hit by Bai Tingnan. Let's not say our relationship for so many years, just her love, I will never forget it in my life!

When ye Zhongjue saw his wife's serious tone, he was helpless.……