Chapter 244

Luo Qiqi just struggled on the line of life and death for a circle, which just got better, but unexpectedly, she had an accident again, and Xia Zi almost broke down.

Su Jincheng shook his head vigorously. "Xia Zi, calm down first. We all go to Qiqi. I really didn't cheat you. I don't know where mingruoyuan is. However, I believe that I can find her. She must have her purpose to take Qiqi away. Otherwise, in order to kill Qiqi, she doesn't need to commit danger with her own body and directly take Qiqi away!"

Xia Zi seems to have calmed down slowly. She stares at Su Jincheng fiercely and starts to bite her teeth.

"Su Jincheng, if anything happens to July 7, you will go to bury her with her!"

"You don't have to say, I will!"

Su Jincheng said directly, "it's important to look for Qi Qi now. You believe me, I will rescue her!"

Xia Zi felt that her whole heart was broken. Luo Qiqi didn't wake up now, which was not much different from the living dead. She was captured by mingruoyuan, but she was not slaughtered.

Her heart was so painful that it could hardly be contained.

Su Jincheng, Xia Zi and the wind left. As soon as they came downstairs, they saw ye Zhongjue coming face to face. He looked at Su Jincheng with a gloomy face and a little terror in his eyes.

After Xia Zigang sent Ye Wentian and Ming Jinhua to the hospital for treatment, she informed ye Zhongjue, and ye Zhongjue came so quickly.

Ye Zhongjue has been investigating the affairs of ruoyuan recently. Unexpectedly, he did not pay attention to one of them. He even let people rob LUOQI. He thought that Xia Zi and the wind would not happen. It was his carelessness.

He looks at Su Jincheng without expression and ignores him directly.

"At present, city a has been completely blocked by me. If Ming ruoyuan wants to take 77 out of the city, it is impossible. These days, I have also found some information. When Ming ruoyuan left the orphanage, she was 10 years old. She was taken away by Yang Tianlong, that is, Dr. Yang who operated on mingruoyuan and Qiqi. He was a military doctor of the Soviet Union, because my uncle Ming Zhenhua was very sensitive to the disease He had the grace to save his life. After he had the ability, he raised his uncle's only bone and flesh, Ming ruoyuan, who later became a Soviet agent. However, her whereabouts have not been sure. The only thing that can be confirmed is that since she was 16 years old, she has made a detailed investigation on Su Jincheng's seven seven seven news. "

As she walked, ye Zhongjue said, "if I had not guessed wrong, Ming ruoyuan would have known her identity. She had been targeting Qiqi, but only wanted to revenge. Her mother yunchenger should have told her everything before she died. At first, she should have wanted to kill Qiqi to avenge yuncheng'er, but she didn't expect that Qiqi was very capable Tough. "

"So, she secretly observed Qiqi and wanted to take everything from her. Su Jincheng's identity was estimated to have been known by the time of the July 7 Incident in the Soviet Union. Therefore, her previous purpose was to kill Qiqi, but later she became to understand her, and then get rid of her and replace her. Therefore, in these years, you and the city where July 7 appeared, mingruoyuan She would follow you secretly, and then learn about you bit by bit. But she didn't expect that she introduced you to a city five years ago. Even Su Jincheng was a dark night, she revealed it to you. She wanted to see you fight each other. However, she didn't expect that five years ago, several more people came out. You were rescued by Guan Zixuan, Su Jincheng saved Su Qing, and as for simplicity, she told you It's a waste chess

"She wanted to get rid of Qi Qi, but she didn't expect that Qi Qi was still alive and well. Later, she met Su Jincheng. This should be the thing she couldn't stand. As far as I know, Ming ruoyuan should like Su Jincheng. As for why, I don't know why. So what happened five years ago didn't come according to her plan. She should be very angry I didn't expect that at this critical moment, she got sick. It was true that she was suffering from hereditary renal atrophy, but it was not as fast as she said. Even if it was to be completely saved, it would take 10 years. "

"During the five years since she disappeared, she has been seeing a doctor. However, she is not lucky. After looking for a suitable kidney source for so many years, she has not found a suitable kidney source. Then, she puts her target on Qi Qi. She may just hold a glimmer of hope and compare her own data with that of Qiqi. However, she never thought that their kidney source should match, which is for her It's just the joy of heaven, and that's why we have the following things. "

"When Su Qing tried to identify the blood relationship between me and Qi Qi, she asked Yang Tianlong to do something about it. Later, she used Su Jincheng to get Qi Qi's kidney. She knew everything about Qi Qi, so it was very easy to deceive us. If I didn't have an extra heart to identify the relationship between the three of us, I didn't know the resentment in her heart It's so deep. Now, we don't worry. Since she took Qi Qi instead of killing her directly, it means that what she wants is in our hands. We are waiting for her phone call. Before that, we can't mess with ourselves. "

Ye Zhongjue thought for a moment and continued to speak, "I have sent people to search for the master of city A. I think mingruoyuan should also know what will happen if she is caught by me. Therefore, she will be careful and careful. Of course, there is another way out of such a large-scale search. That is, Su Jincheng will come to her on his own initiative, or take Su Jincheng as an example Lure the snake out of the holeYe Zhongjue finished and took a look at Su Jincheng. Su Jincheng almost didn't think about it. He spoke directly.

"I agree!"

Almost at the time when ye Zhongjue and Xia Zi lost their positions on July 7, Tianyue group announced bankruptcy. However, Su Jincheng, President of Tianyue group, was about to commit suicide by jumping off a building because he could not bear the blow. Some reporters were broadcasting the news all the way.

When ye Zhongjue receives the call from mingruoyuan, Su Jincheng is on the roof of Tianyue group building.

Ming ruoyuan's voice on the phone sounds cool and thin with a trace of mockery.

"Good cousin, you said you, such a smart person, how could you come up with such a stupid method? Do you think that Su Jincheng really jumps down from the top of the building, and I will come out?"

Ye Zhongjue said coldly, "this is your business. It has nothing to do with me. Su Jincheng's life and death has nothing to do with me!"

"What about LUOQI?" Ming ruoyuan suddenly chuckled, "cousin, you can't say that I have nothing to do with you! If it is, then I will directly push her down from the mountain. Oh, don't be distressed when you do. After all, she is your sister! "

Ye Zhongjue's eyebrows locked together fiercely, "Ming ruoyuan, I tell you, don't mess around, what do you want to do, you say clearly!"

"Very simple!" Ming ruoyuan's voice sounds light and cloudless. She seems to be standing in a very high place, and the wind can be heard in her mobile phone.

"You take the imperial wind and cloud's share transfer letter, and all the shares of your family will be transferred to me!"

Ye Zhongjue was silent, waiting for her to come down, and did not speak.

Ming ruoyuan suddenly sneered, "what? My good cousin, you give me the feeling that you don't like it. The stock right is just something out of the body. It's very cost-effective to change your sister's life! Besides, the imperial wind and cloud originally belongs to our cloud family. If your mother Ming Jinhua didn't marry your father shamelessly, how could my mother die? How could my mother look down on my father all her life! "

Hearing Ming ruoyuan say this, ye Zhongjue suddenly doesn't know what to say. He just feels a little sad. After all, it's all the business of the previous generation. Unexpectedly, he will continue the hatred to their generation.

Ming ruoyuan's life is full of hatred and pain, as well as painstaking plunder and injury. The life of July 7th has suffered untoward twists and pains.

He loved his sister, but he didn't know what to say about what Ming ruoyuan had done, because she had already blurred the boundary between good and evil and morality.

Finally, he said slowly, "since you want equity, I can give you all, but you must ensure the safety of July 7."

"Don't worry..." Ming ruoyuan's voice sounded very strange, "I will not hurt her according to the agreement. However, you must promise me one more thing. Tell Su Jincheng to marry me. Otherwise, I will kill Luo Qiqi. Whether I kill LUOQI or not has nothing to do with you now. You just need to remember and tell him like this. Before you come, I want to see me and him Marriage certificate, I believe, with his ability, this can be easily obtained! "

Ye Zhongjue's face sank. He knew that now mingruoyuan was a madman. If he didn't agree with her, she might have done something more crazy.

"Well, I promise you, I will tell you, and then I will send you the recording. Now you should rest assured."

Ming ruoyuan chuckled, "look, you care more about your sister than I imagined! Since you care about her so much, I'm sorry to hide it from you. Where are we now! Let me tell you, let Su Jincheng get the marriage certificate, you come to xingpingshan north peak, where can I wait for you? "

She stopped for a moment, her voice became a little harsh, and then said, "if I see not you, but those eyesore claws you sent, I will not hesitate to push LUOQI down from the north peak, do not doubt my ruthlessness!"

Ming ruoyuan finished and hung up the phone directly.

Ye Zhongjue called Su Jincheng directly, "don't blow the wind on the roof. Mingruoyuan has told me where they are now, xingpingshan Beifeng. However, she has preconditions. Let's go to find her. I have to get the share transfer certificate. You must get the marriage certificate with her. Otherwise, she will push July 7 down from Beifeng. I believe that with her Now I'm crazy. I can do it completely. You can see for yourself. I'll get the share transfer certificate first! "