Chapter 245

Ye Zhongjue said that, and directly hung up the phone, he conveniently sent the call record just now to Ming ruoyuan, took a deep breath, then called, let Lin ran quickly prepare the share transfer certificate.

He himself was thinking, Xingping mountain is a famous tourist resort, and the north peak is the highest peak of Xingping mountain. Ordinary people will not go there because it is too dangerous.

Ming ruoyuan, a madman, chose such a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, just to prevent them from taking people. Otherwise, she would not easily tell them where she was.

As long as you can save seven seven, how he also recognized!

Ming ruoyuan stands on the north peak of Xingping mountain, listening to the mountain peak whirring in her ear. Her mouth shows a wicked smile, which is quite different from her usual appearance.

Yang Tianlong was standing on the grass not far away. There was a man lying at his feet, motionless, looking like he was dead.

He looked at Ming ruoyuan silently. Since he took her away from the orphanage, it has been many years since now. In these years, she has grown from a little girl to such a beautiful and moving appearance. In this unconscious process, he gradually became infatuated with her, as if mad, no matter what she did, he would Support her without hesitation, because she said that in this world, he is the only one who supports her.

How can he bear to see her weak and lonely, as long as she wants, he will try to help her!

All of a sudden, Ming ruoyuan's mobile phone vibrates, she smiles, slowly points to open.

Then, a recording appeared on the top of the empty peak, feeling the sound spread from all sides.

"Su Jincheng, you can come down from the roof now..."

This is exactly the recording of the dialogue between ye Zhongjue and Su Jincheng. After listening, Ming ruoyuan showed a proud smile on her face. She had already guessed that ye Zhongjue would certainly do so.

In the past few years, she has not done it in vain. She has thoroughly studied the personalities of these people.

Now, she is still waiting for her share transfer and marriage certificate!

Yang Tianlong is obsessed with looking at mingruoyuan. Mingruoyuan doesn't notice that luoqiqi, lying on the ground just now, moved his ear slightly when he heard the recording.

In fact, Luo Qiqi woke up early. When she was caught, she was already vaguely about to wake up. Yang Tianlong put her in the trunk of the car and was always bumping on the road. She was awakened by bumps.

The mountain road circled and she almost vomited. Fortunately, the surgical wounds were all healed. Otherwise, she would not die and lose half of her life.

However, because Ming ruoyuan has always been around, she dare not show it easily. She can only pretend to be dead all the way and take the opportunity to escape.

However, her body was too weak, a kidney was taken away, and there was a heart problem. She knew very well that if she ran away, she would die. Therefore, she had to pretend to be dead.

At present, we can only look at the situation one step at a time.

As soon as ye Zhongjue finished the transfer of shares, Su Jincheng called.

His voice, without any fluctuation, was very calm.

"I've finished it. I'm downstairs now. Let's go and go together!"

"No problem!"

Ye Zhongjue hung up the phone, holding the shares in his hand, and walked downstairs.

After leaving the building, ye Zhongjue glanced at Su Jincheng, who was standing on one side. They looked at each other in silence. Without speaking, they got on the bus and walked towards xingpingshan.

Although Xingping mountain is a tourist attraction, the mountain road twists and turns, which is very difficult to walk. Ye Zhongjue and Su Jincheng park their cars under the north peak, and then get off the bus and climb up with things.

As soon as the two of them climbed to the summit, they saw Luo Qiqi lying on one side.

The two looks suddenly changed. Mingruoyuan gives Yang Tianlong an eye. Yang Tianlong almost instantly takes out his gun and aims at Luo Qiqi's head.

Ming ruoyuan smile not satisfied, "I don't know, do you have to take what I want?"

Su Jincheng opens his hands and two red books appear in front of several people. He opens them directly to let Ming ruoyuan see the names and photos inside.

When Ming ruoyuan saw the photo of P Cheng and the names of her and Su Jincheng, she immediately felt that she had no regrets in her life.

After so many years of chasing, she finally achieved her wish.

She just started to pay attention to Su Jincheng because of her fall from July 7 to July 7. However, no one told herself that when you observe a person for a long time, it will become a habit. Even you can't even quit.

Yes, she was addicted. She was completely addicted to the man in front of her. Until she realized later that some of her later actions were all because she fell in love with him.

Therefore, she wants to replace Luo Qiqi and become Ya Ya, the owner of the jade pendant.

However, her mother's temporary wish was to let her snatch the imperial wind and cloud. Her mother said that the imperial wind and cloud belonged to the cloud family. Without Ming Jinhua, all this would have followed the original track. Mother would not have died so early, and her father would not have died. She did not even see the last one.Ming Jinhua only knows that Ming Zhenhua has gone to yuncheng'er, but she doesn't know. In order to protect yuncheng'er, he died under the gun of a gang of gangsters. At that time, Ming ruoyuan was only five years old. What she saw was the body of her father.

She hated Ming Jinhua, ye Wentian, and their children, because they should have been enjoyed by her. Of course, she once hated her mother yuncheng'er.

She hated the world, but in the end, it was not that she couldn't change too many things.

Now, all she wants is the Empire and the man in front of her.

Su Jincheng looked at mingruoyuan and suddenly said, "I have brought the marriage certificate, but I still have too many questions in my heart. I want to know why! You are clearly not Ya Ya Ya, why do you know all her things, and when you cheat me, you don't feel a bit guilty? "

Ming ruoyuan is caught off guard by Su Jincheng's words. She thinks that Su Jincheng will be angry and accuse himself, even unwilling to marry him.

However, she never thought that he would ask himself provocatively, cheat him, whether she would feel guilty?

God knows how much she likes him. Therefore, every time she deceives him, it is hatred that drives her. Every time, she will feel worried because she knows that her actions are undoubtedly pushing him away.

If Luo Qiqi doesn't die, she can't replace Luo Qiqi successfully, then her end will be very miserable.

Ye Zhongjue also looks at Su Jincheng in surprise. Unexpectedly, he plays emotional cards. However, it seems that this emotional card is quite useful in Harbin.

Ming ruoyuan looks at Su Jincheng affectionately.

"I'm afraid you don't know. I planned everything in the Soviet Union at that time. I originally designed a trap for Luo Qi Qi. Unexpectedly, you unexpectedly broke in, but you two escaped. However, Luo Qi had my monitoring equipment. Although I couldn't locate where you were, I knew you What happened between us, all the things, plus, I know so much about Luo Qiqi. I can really replace her and love you well

Ming ruoyuan said a little crazy, Su Jincheng looked at her in disbelief. It turned out that he was really stupid, so he pushed 771 times away.

They have known each other for so long, but he didn't treat her well, didn't protect her and protect her well. He really should die!

It seems that he didn't notice the change of Su Jincheng's expression. Mingruoyuan is almost bewildered and stares at him.

"How can I not feel guilty when I cheat you? I'm so sad that I'm dying, because I know very well that every time I cheat you, in fact, it pushes you further and further away. If one day you know the truth, how scared will I be Brother, you know, I'll be scared... "

Su Jincheng, who had not changed much, became angry when she heard her calling for her brother.

"You don't call my brother, you are not Ya Ya, you don't deserve it!"

Ming ruoyuan is stunned. She looks at Su Jincheng in disbelief, and suddenly laughs miserably. The voice seems to spread all over xingpingshan.

"It turns out that I'm sentimental. You didn't think I was your girl for a long time..."

She said this, Su Jincheng more angry, "said you do not deserve, Ming ruoyuan, you such a vicious woman, how worthy of Ya Ya's name!"

When Ming ruoyuan heard what he said, he was immediately stimulated.

She looked at Su Jincheng angrily, "I don't deserve it. Do you forget how many times have you called me Yaya? How can you be so cruel that you bring the marriage certificate and return it like this? Do you believe it or not, I will directly push Luo Qiqi down from here. There is no more Ya Ya in this world! "

Looking at her ruthless expression, Su Jin Cheng's face suddenly tightened, "Ming ruoyuan, dare you!"

Ming ruoyuan looked at him without fear, "then you have a look, I dare not!"

Su Jincheng looks at her gloomy. Who knows, Ming ruoyuan suddenly turns his eyes to ye Zhongjue's face.

"Well, my dear cousin, I don't know if you have brought me what I want."

Ye Zhongjue handed over the share transfer certificate, "you see, there is no inappropriate one in it!"

Ming ruoyuan mouth slightly hook, she looks natural in the past, slowly read up, seems to be reading the text inside very seriously.

After a long time, she began to speak slowly.

"Well, cousin, I need you to sign now. Sign it. I will be more satisfied with it."

Ye Zhongjue took it in silence, looked at her straight for a few seconds, and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Ming ruoyuan, your world is full of hatred in this life, aren't you tired?"

Ming ruoyuan chuckled, "tired! Why are you tired? "

"Do you think hatred is good?" Ye Zhongjue looks at her indefinitely.

Ming ruoyuan's look suddenly a little stunned, "hatred I don't know whether hatred is good or not. I only know that if I don't get what I want, I'll have to destroy it! "