Chapter 246

Ye Zhongjue slightly hooked his lips, "for example, the imperial wind and cloud, and then for example, Su Jincheng!"

Ming ruoyuan's expression changed slightly, and then he laughed sarcastically, "yes, but how can it be?"

Ye Zhongjue looked at her face, slightly abnormal, he then smile.

"I hope you can stay away from hatred in the next life, and don't be trapped by hatred again!"

As soon as ye Zhongjue's words are finished, mingruoyuan suddenly covers her stomach and looks at ye Zhongjue in disbelief. She puffs out a mouthful of blood.

"How could you Even in the transfer of shares in poison

Yang Tianlong sees that mingruoyuan is not right, so he shoots directly at the ground and rushes towards mingruoyuan.

"Ruoyuan!" His voice was full of sadness and anger. He didn't pay any attention to it. Just now his bullet had just started to ring. The moment he turned around, the ground tumbled, and the bullet hit the open space directly.

Su Jincheng is shocked by the time when he is shocked by the fire.

First, ye Zhongjue even poisoned her, and then she woke up suddenly. She felt like she had designed it long ago, and it was like a coincidence.

In fact, ye Zhongjue didn't know that he would wake up on July 7. He thought that if there was an accident in ruoyuan in the Ming Dynasty, Yang Tianlong would directly rush to him, but he didn't expect that he would shoot.

Fortunately, Luo Qiqi Fu is so lucky that he wakes up. His brother and sister cooperate perfectly.

Yang Tianlong holds the bleeding Ming ruoyuan in his arms. He is a doctor. He can almost see it at a glance. This is a deadly cyanide in an instant. He never dreamed that someone would poison Ming ruoyuan under his eyes.

Ming ruoyuan almost lost his breath after a few breaths.

Yang Tianlong is completely angry. He stands up from the ground and stares at ye Zhongjue angrily.

"Why do you poison? She is your cousin

Ye Zhongjue looked at him fearlessly, and blocked LUOQI behind him. "Yang Tianlong, you were a doctor. Tell me how many cruel things you helped Ming ruoyuan do. Now you ask me why I want to poison. I don't poison. I'm afraid the dead person is my biological sister. Do you really think that I'm so naive that if Ming ruoyuan gets something, he will take Qi Qi Qi Did you let it go? Seven seven has been in a coma, how dare I ask, you can send her back intact

"Is it?" Yang Tianlong suddenly gave a strange smile and looked behind ye Zhongjue.

Ye Zhongjue's subconscious feeling is not good. It's too late to escape.

Luo Qiqi in his back fired a shot directly at his back. He found that he was too anxious just now and didn't even think about whether it was true or not!

Luo Qiqi did wake up, but just as Su Jincheng and ye Zhongjue were about to arrive, Ming ruoyuan's good partner, another Soviet agent, unexpectedly arrived ahead of schedule.

She asked mingruoyuan to hide LUOQI not far away. Anyway, luoqiqi is also a living dead person, and nothing can happen.

It is up to her to play the part of Luo Qiqi. In a panic, no one should find that the moon, wearing a human skin mask, looks like a strange image of Luo Qiqi.

So there was this scene.

After ye Zhongjue is shot, Su Jin Cheng immediately reacts that Qi Qi is fake.

He immediately rushed over, the gun in the hand of moon unintentional, all of a sudden hit fly.

However, at this time, Yang Tianlong's muzzle was aimed at Su Jincheng. Mingruoyuan was dead. He wanted to have all the people buried with him today. Ye Zhongjue was injured and still a fatal part, which was not enough to fear. We should kill Su Jincheng first.

Ye Zhongjue wants to push Su Jincheng, but he can't stand up at all. He can feel the blood flow behind him. After a while, his back is wet.

He can only shout, "Su Jincheng!"

When Su Jincheng saw the muzzle of the gun, he flashed his eyes suddenly. However, he and Yue did not intend to move each other. They could not move at all. In only a second or two, the bullet was shot into his heart.

He seemed to hear the cry of Luo Qiqi's grief, and he felt that his sight began to blur.

Since it has become such a scene, today, he and ye Zhongjue must have one person alive, otherwise, July 7 will be sad.

His brother can't fulfill his old vows.

Yaya Brother, I'm sorry!

In the last few seconds, Su Jincheng says silently.

All of a sudden, his whole body seemed to burst out the final strength. He put all his strength into his arms, and without any intention, rushed to Yang Tianlong, who opened his eyes wide and was shocked. Yang Tianlong did not expect that Su Jincheng would be determined to die in order to kill them all and save ye Zhongjue alone.

Three people straight toward the north peak to plant down!

"Su Jincheng!"

Two voices, coincidentally sounded, meet together, along with the mountain wind, formed a solemn and stirring song.

Luo Qiqi almost ran and crawled over. Her body had not recovered, but was thrown into a cave in the mountain by Yue unintentionally. She had wasted a lot of strength to climb up. However, she never thought that she would climb up and see such a scene.She and Su Jincheng, the last farewell scene.

Ye Zhongjue turned his head slowly. He almost didn't dare to watch the fall of July 7th. She didn't know that Su Jincheng was the one who shared the hardships with her in the Soviet Union.

He slowly lowered his head, or do not tell her.

He can see that the current situation of Luo Qiqi is close to collapse. If he tells Luo Qiqi the news again, she will go crazy.

In fact, although Luo Qiqi has been in a coma, she can hear all the people around her, but she is very tired and tired. She feels exhausted and can't open her eyes at all.

She heard everyone say that her kidney was taken away by mingruoyuan, as if there was something wrong with her heart.

She heard Xia Zi say that Su Jincheng was just outside the ward, standing there all the time. She also heard everyone say that she was ye Zhongjue's sister, ye Mingyao.

She also felt the care from her parents.

Originally, she also had parents. At that moment, in a coma, she seemed to remember why Ye Zhai was so familiar, because it was her childhood home.

Although children can not remember things, but some things, the feeling is not wrong.

She also understood why she always thought that she looked so similar to Xiao Liu, but ah Zi didn't believe it. In fact, it was true. She remembered that she was very similar to Xiaoliu when she was a child.

Originally, this is just because of blood relationship. Originally, she is Xiaoliu's aunt. People say that niece follows her aunt, but it turns out that this is the truth.

She did not understand why she always felt close to ye Zhongjue. For a period of time, she even felt sorry for sister Su Qing. However, she did not expect that all this was because he was her own brother.

Family, she finally found

However, she felt that she seemed to lose that person forever

After a fall of 771, she insisted on climbing to the edge of the north peak. It seemed that even the birds in the mountain forest began to cry with her. If ye Zhongjue hadn't been at the back, she would have been climbing down.

Two weak people, a peak of equity transfer contract, as well as, the two red marriage certificates.

Everything, as if at this moment, stained with blood.

When Xia Zi and the wind left and Gu Yi'an came up, he saw such a tragic scene.

One of them was holding Xia Zi and the other was carrying ye Zhongjue. Gu Yi'an gave ye Zhongjue a simple hemostasis measure. Several people quickly walked down the mountain.

Ye Zhongjue was sent to the hospital, Luo Qiqi's eyes burst into tears. She kept silent and saw Ming Jinhua, which was a sad feeling.

Luo Qiqi knew that she worried her mother. After all, her daughter, who had just recognized her, was going to die like this. Who would be sad.

Luo Qiqi doesn't cry, but she insists on looking for Su Jincheng.

Xia Zi can't help her. She can only accompany her.

When ye Zhongjue had an accident, Xiao Liu and ah Jiu came to the hospital to see him. Xiao Liu cried bitterly. Although ah Jiu didn't cry, anyone could see that his eyes were red.

Mo Su feeling suddenly a little sad, if he and ye Zhongjue such a lifetime, I'm afraid they can't get happiness.

Now, July 7 has found it. If he proposes, he will marry himself.

After all, looking at Su Jin Cheng and Luo Qi, she really understood that every love is so difficult. Only when you keep the clouds open, can you see the moon.

Luo Qiqi and Xia Zi almost turned over the boundary under the north peak, but they didn't find Su Jincheng. What the police found first was Yang Tianlong's body.

Not long after, they found a completely different body in a ditch, wearing the clothes Su Jincheng had worn when he jumped down.

After DNA identification, the police confirmed that the person who died was su Jincheng.

No one noticed that there was another person who jumped down that day, that is, the moon didn't want to.

However, Su Jincheng is dead, and no one will continue to pursue this issue.

Only Luo Qiqi still did not give up. She always felt that Su Jincheng was not dead. She was like a fool, but she no longer went to xingpingshan to continue looking for it.

Xia Zi can only accompany her all day long, hoping that she can slowly come out of this grief.

Falling seven seven saw the wind from the fall side, only said a word to him.

"Leave, leave a city, my heart is dead!"

The wind left, it seems that this a city, more empty, clearly less, only a few people.


In the ward.

Ye Zhongjue finally woke up on the third day after the operation.

The first time he woke up, he saw Mo Su Qing.

The first thing he said was, "Mo Su Qing, marry me!"

Mo Su Qing was completely stunned. She didn't expect that she and ye Zhongjue's ideas coincided like this.Thinking she was still hesitating, ye Zhongjue hoarse voice, continued to speak, "Su Qing, do you know? At the moment before I was dying, there was only one thought in my mind, that is, if I live, the first thing is to marry you

Mo Su's feelings burst into tears