Chapter 31: The Inner Disciple

Name:THEOS Author:
Chapter 31: The Inner Disciple

Luke took a deep breath, as he settled into the First Stance of the Sword. Yjarn did the same in response, before gasping for breath as his knees wobbled. He steadied himself moments later, as the shock of overdrawing his mana faded away.

Thats right asshole, you have none.

Luke adorned a confident grin, as he observed him, in spite of how nervous he was feeling. Half the battle is mental, right? He thought to himself, while paying careful attention to the position of Yjarns feet, the angle of his blade, and even where his eyes were looking. Searching for anything and everything that could give him a leg up in the battle.

Blades raised, they both started circling each other. Neither wanting to be the one that attacked.

This is going to be a hard fight, but I have my advantages. I can use the Techniques, and he cant. Im fresh and rested, while he probably spent the last few hours in a trance. Not paying attention to his hunger or thirst. Lack of mana isnt debilitating, but it is uncomfortable. I have a shield, and he doesnt. Thats a big one, and probably why hes being so cautious. Im at my best, and hes definitely not.

He has the advantage in strength and experience, and thats undeniable. Something tells me that he isnt like those people I won against in the Societys Arena. Hes not as casual as they were. Hes not going half-ass this fight and give up when it gets painful. Hes not going to tap out if I get him into a hold. So when I do win, Ill need to immobilize him. Somehow.

Hes calm and hes smart. I cant expect to kill him in the chaos, like I did in the room full of lava. I dont have any protective talismans tucked away either. It's just me and my sword and my shield, and everything else thats useful in my inventory. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

This isnt strictly life or death, but defeat does mean torture and severe maiming, so hell fight with everything he has. Ill need to as well. Any less, and the outcome will be my death, even if it isnt immediate.

Bad things will probably happen if he lives and spills the beans about me having abilities that I shouldnt, but that cats almost out of the bag anyway, and if I can escape, no one should be able to track me down.

So it wont be my problem. It might suck for the Society, if Arke finds out I was the thief, and they were harboring me, but I cant do anything about that Unless I can swing it the right way. So that he bleeds to death an hour or two after I leave. Or something like that, now isnt the time to think about what Im going to do when I win. I need to win.

Yjarn twitched forward, itching to attack, but holding off.

Hes getting impatient. Good. I think.

Seconds later, he leapt forward, his blade outstretched as he aimed at Lukes arm. Seemingly intent on making true on his words, and leaving him nothing but a limbless torso.

The draw on Lukes mana surged as he did, the First Stance of the Sword devouring it voraciously. A moment later, it became clear why.

Weaknesses in his opponent's stance became clear. In that moment, he knew Yjarns body like he knew his own. He knew exactly what forces were acting on him, and how his enemy would react to them. How a tensing in muscle on his forearm and a tilt of his wrist, would lead to an upward swing cutting his hand off at the wrist, if he tried to meet his sword head on like he had planned to.

Thoughts that werent entirely his whispered in the back of his mind, and urged him to lunge forward, and twist his body to the left. Escaping the reach of Yjarns blade, while simultaneously driving his own deep into his heart. Delivering instant death.

This is Luke lunged forward. Letting the Truth buried in the First Stance guide his actions.

Yjarns sword sailed by his head, cutting a lock of his hair as it did, his momentum not allowing him to adjust his attack in time.

Lukes blade, moved unerringly to strike at the Inner Disciples shoulder, ignoring the instinct to impale his heart like the Stance called for. Only to be batted away by Yjarns open palm, when it was inches away from piercing the flesh. Ripped free from his hand, it clattered on the ground. Dangerously close to falling in the lava


Before Luke could even begin to process what happened, Yjarn drove his knee into his gut, hard. Making him wheeze in pain, and his ribs crack, and then break.

Ghk. Lukes bulging and bloodshot eyes met Yjarns cold stare. A savage but hollow grin covered his face, as he pulled back his knee.

His shoulder was further away than his heart.

Luke punched the ground near his head. Anger raced through every cell in his body, and he suppressed the urge to scream his frustrations.

You know what I wanted to do? Not fight. Fifteen minutes and I would have been gone. Thats all. If you hadnt been greedy, and hadnt wanted to torture me for my secrets, we could have sat around for a bit, and left. But I cant. This world is turning me into a monster, and its because of people like you, that I have to let it.

Luke grabbed him by his calf and dragged him to the altar. He glanced at the time, and nodded as the last five seconds ticked away in front of him. Resting his hand on the control post, he navigated to a random island, and selected the remotest destination he could find. Far away from any city or town shown on the map, and in the middle of a large forest. Not even a stream ran through the area, if what was shown was accurate.

He glanced at Yjarns twitching form at his feet.

Its not enough. I cant half ass this. He scrolled through his inventory, and sighed when he found something he could use. A scorpions tail appeared in his hands. Dripping with sickly venom. The very same one that he had fought three weeks ago when he entered the tomb.

He hit the enter button on the post, and a large swirling ring appeared behind the altar. Through it, Luke could see a vast snow covered forest, needled trees stretching as far as the eye could see, and immense snow covered mountains in the distance. A gust blew, and flakes of snow blew into the lava filled chamber.

Nodding to himself, he knelt besides Yjarn, and stabbed him in the side with poisonous appendage. Digging it deep into his skin. Closing his eyes, and sighing softly as Yjarns body thrashed under him. Hoping that by not witnessing his actions and their cruelty, he would be less revolted by his actions. It didnt work.

What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. I hate this. His thoughts screamed at him. Opening his eyes, he looked at the result of his work. Yjarn was silent, had been, since the moment he had told him to shut up.

Heres what's happening. Ive filled you with poison. Maimed you so that you cant walk or lift your arms, and Im going to throw you through this portal. Its a random spot, so I dont really know what you can expect. Its not worth much, but Im sorry it came to this. I hope that the afterlife treats you well. For good measure though, He bonked him on his head, Im going to put you to sleep. Cant have you calling for help I really do regret that things came down to this though.

Kneeling down, he grabbed him by his thighs, and working through the pain, chucked him through the portal. Sighing softly as it closed behind him.

Then navigating back through the maps, he selected his own destination. Taking one last look through the room, his eyes landed on Len.

He had climbed to his feet, and was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

You know what. Fuck it, I really dont care.

Lens eyes met his, and lit up in surprise.

Oh hey. Thanks a ton for the potion. You saved my life. I mean it, I cant thank you enough.

Dont worry about it. Listen. I need you to do me a favor.

Anything. He nodded earnestly.

Either hes a really good actor, or he has no clue what happened between me and Yjarn. Either way, it looks like he saw nothing. Good.

Can you stay down here for a few hours, and wait for Spiros or Arya to come down. I need you to tell them that I wont be able to return to the Society, and tell Spiros that Ill come visit him one day.

Ah. Sure, thats not a problem. Why not though?

I have some things I need to do. And I cant let you see where Im going either. Would you mind standing way back and turning around.

Len looked at Luke like hed grown a third head. Before shrugging his shoulders and walking to the sandpit.

Luke smiled gratefully, and opened the portal. Taking in the sight of the tall grass on the other side, he leapt through.

I should have left them a letter. Oh well.