Chapter 32: It’s All New

Name:THEOS Author:
Chapter 32: It’s All New

The portal closed behind him, and he landed gently in the tall, knee length, grass of Sylcra. The largest island on The Archipelago. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Reaching into his inventory he pulled out a healing potion, before chugging it down whole. Sighing in relief as the pain from the broken ribs eased.

Im finally free. He said out loud to himself. Feeling the weight of constant discovery lift from his shoulders. At the same time, feeling a sense of heaviness settled in his heart as he once again left behind everything that he knew.

This is becoming a bit of a pattern now.

At least Im better off now than I was the first time around. I have food, water, and a tent. Im stronger, and Im not a stranger to this world anymore. Besides, there's no saying I cant visit Spiros and Arya in the future. Ill just have to be careful. Maybe kill Arke first. Im sure that both of them will become Warriors, and once Im a Hero Ill go back to the tomb and let anyone thats still there out. He thought to himself, forcing a smile on his face, and blinking unshed tears out of his eyes. Theres no way Spiros will stay in there, ans Ill bet everything I have on him simping his way out. If a guy can shit his pants for a girl, he can do anything.

Using his hands for shade, he surveyed the land. As far as his eyes could see, all that existed was grass. Craning his neck, he noted the positions of Theoss nine identical suns, hanging horizontally in the sky, before he withdrew a map from his inventory.

A largely pointless exercise, as he had spent hours staring at it, and plotting his path before coming here, only looking at it now because he thought it felt appropriate. Nodding to himself, he started walking north. There was a river that cut through the entire island, and nestled along its banks were nearly all of Sylcras villages, towns, and cities.

Five minutes of walking later, he abruptly stopped. Cursing himself as he did.

Im such an idiot. He took the Mask of a Thousand Faces out his inventory and stared at it apprehensively. Noting its soft wooden texture, and its two large eye-holes, as he idly turned it over his hand.

It looks so plain. Still, it's a Hero-tier artifact.

I cant believe I killed people for this dumb thing. He muttered to himself, before gingerly holding it over his face.

As soon as he did, it tightened, and conformed itself to the counters of his head. An uncountable number of thin straw-like wooden tendrils emerged along its edges, and wrapped themselves around his skull, snaking around his ears and wrapping thinly across every strand of his hair. Working their way into every cavity on his face, save for his eyes and mouth. Just when Luke thought it was over, they wrapped themselves down his neck. Not stopping until they were covering every inch of his body save for his eyes. Making Luke squirm in pain as the strands brushed against his broken ribs, and fidget awkwardly when they wrapped around the more sensitive parts of his anatomy.

Instinctually he brought his hands to his sides, only to pull them back a moment later as the pressure eased.

I cant believe Yjarn broke my ribs so casually. Without the Seed, I really would be fucked. Ill have to be more careful with the Stances in the future, so something like this doesnt happen again either. Theyre good for instant kills, but using them non-lethally isnt what theyre for, and I need to account for that beforehand.

He took a deep breath, wincing slightly as his lungs forced his ribs to expand. It hurts, but not as much as I would have thought. The potions really are magical. I should figure out a way to get my hands on more. Maybe I can find something like the Society here. Whatever, he shook his head, thats a problem for future me to figure out once I find civilization.

Luke lifted his hands to his face, and inspected his arm. Rotating it slowly as he did.

Im a wood themed mummy Its surprisingly comfortable being all wrapped up. Now, how does this work?

Tentatively he urged some of his mana into the mask. In his vision, an holographic version of his naked body appeared in impeccable detail. From the smallest marks on his skin, to every strand of hair. It was all visible, and Luke cringed a little when he saw it. Maxs body was his now, but it hadnt always been.

Thats interesting, and Luke felt around the mask with his mana, inadvertently triggering some mechanism, as in the next moment the image of that mask was showing him changed. The person he was seeing now was of similar height and build as him, but his skin was a few shades paler. His hair, while the same length and style, had darkened from his previous brown to a raven black. The largest change between him and the person on display however, was his face. It possessed thicker and darker eyebrows, a smaller and slightly less bulbous nose, higher more princely cheekbones, and a narrower jaw.

Leaving him reeling in surprise as he took in his prospective appearance.

Air-Walking Boots

Tier - Warrior

Enchanted to allow the wearer to walk on air as if it was solid ground.

Theres no way! Luke pulled them out immediately, kicking off his own shoes at the same time, and sending them to his inventory, he slid his new shoes onto his feet. Frowning as he realized that they were much too large for him.

Maybe I can get them fitted?

Standing up, he sent mana out from his feet and into the soles, and grinned as they magically resized themselves. Molding themselves to fit perfectly.

They're comfortable!

Lifting one foot into the air, Luke pressed his leg down slowly, increasing the amount of mana he was channeling into them as he did. Are they broken? His smile slipped from his face, when he felt no resistance.

He fed the shoe more and more mana, and opened his status to keep an eye on his consumption at the same time.

Maybe Im doing it wrong?

Stopping the flow of mana completely for a second, he lifted his foot back into the air. Stomping down, while sending what he estimated was three-hundred points of mana into it at once.

His foot stopped midair, and the momentum of his step sent him into the air briefly before the effects of the boots wore off, making him land roughly on the ground.

HAHAHAHAH. This is going to be awesome.

He spent the next few hours practicing with his new shoes, quickly getting the hang of using them, while falling onto his face more times than he could count in the process. He would have kept going until the suns rose, but his mana wasnt unlimited, and the rate it replenished didnt keep up with the expenditure.

Each step cost him roughly one hundred mana, and more if he wanted to stand in place in the air.

Crawling into his tent, he sent his shoes straight back into his inventory. Wanting to keep them in tip-top shape for as long as he could, and did so by putting them in stasis in the safest place he knew.

As he dozed off to sleep, he tried his hardest not to remember Yjarns broken body lying at his feet. Or how he might still be alive out there in the frozen forest. Cold, poisoned, and unable to move. Screaming his throat raw as he called for help. It was something that he was beginning to suspect would haunt him for some time. Just like Nafik, and everyone else he had killed. Except at least he had given them the mercy of a quick and painless death.

I hope he passed while he was unconscious.

When he woke up the next morning though, he had something else to draw his attention.

The Seed had given him a new quest.