Remember for a second【】

Two Treasures and Three Treasures were teasing Xiao Hei and Hua Hua Tee, but they were disturbed by Xiao Si Bao, and they were instantly scared. The two also ran to the courtyard and cried, "Mother, if you don't come back, you will become a puppy."

With a black line on her face, Lu Jiao accelerated her pace and walked towards Xinghua Village, and then went back to her parents' house.

Next time, when she goes back to her parents' house, she will definitely take them with her to save herself the trouble.

Xinghua Village is next to Xiejia Village, but there is a mountain between the two villages. When Lu Jiao returns to her parents' home, she has to take a detour from the road north of the mountain to Xinghua Village, so it will take at least two hours to get to Xinghua Village.

If it was the original body, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold on to such a long distance, but Lu Jiao didn't care, and strode straight to Xinghua Village.

There was no accident on the way.

Xinghua Village, like Xiejia Village, is a big village, and the Lu family is a big surname in the village, so when Lu Jiao appeared at the entrance of the village, many people greeted her.

Lu Jiao answered one by one, neither humble nor arrogant, but won a lot of praise, everyone praised her as a talented lady, now it is different from before.

Lu Jiao followed her memory all the way to her home. Their home was in the middle of the village and they were easy to find.

The Lu family's yard is quite large, but the house is very shabby and muddy. There are three mottled and broken mud houses on the front, and three wing rooms on each side.

Lu Jiao was looking at her when someone came out of the main room and saw her.

This person is her younger brother Lu Gui. As soon as Lu Gui saw Lu Jiao, he frowned and said badly, "What are you doing here?"

Lu Jiao's face was also a little bad. To be honest, she knew that this younger brother didn't like her, and she didn't have any feelings for him. If it wasn't for the Tian family, she might not have come back.

She has no feelings for the Lu family.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao walked in with a light brow, carrying the basket on her back, and said as she walked, "This is my home, can't I come back?"

After hearing her words, Lu Gui became more and more unhappy: "The family is very unhappy because of you, what else do you want?"

As soon as Lu Jiao heard Lu Gui's words, she knew that Tian Shi gave her money.

Luckily, Lu Jiao, fortunately, she sent the money, otherwise Tian would definitely be wronged.

Lu Jiao thought, carrying the basket on her back, most of the meteors went straight to the main room, Lu Gui reached out to stop her, but she retracted his hand with a cold stare.

However, the people in the family were all alarmed. The people in the east wing and the west wing all came out.

Someone also came out of the main landlord's bedroom. It was Lu Jiao's father, Lu Danian.

When Lu Danian saw Lu Jiao, his face was a little annoyed, but he didn't forget to say hello: "Why is Jiaojiao back?"

Lu Jiao glanced at him and ignored him at all.

Tian Shi in the east bedroom had already heard the movement outside, and quickly turned over and sat up: "Jiaojiao, is Jiaojiao back?"

Lu Jiao just walked in with the basket on her back: "Yes, mother, I'm back."

Tian shi was lying on the bed, his face was haggard, his eyes were red, and he had obviously cried.

Lu Jiao walked over and pulled her, and asked with concern, "Mother, what's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

Tian Shi immediately shook his head: "It's okay, my mother is in good health, but I'm a little tired from work recently, so I lie down."

She didn't want to talk about this topic again after she finished speaking, and she pulled Lu Jiao to look at her with concern. After looking at her, she found that Lu Jiao had lost weight, and Tian Shi immediately felt distressed: "Jiaojiao, why are you so thin?"

After listening to her words, Lu Jiao touched her face subconsciously. In the past few days, she has been eating less and moving much, and she has lost some weight. However, because she was too fat before, she didn't feel anything. .

"Mother, it's better to be thin, and to look good when you're thin."

After hearing her words, Mrs. Tian's eyes were red with distress: "Jiaojiao has suffered, the burden of that family falls on you, and you have suffered."

When she finished speaking, she raised her hand and touched Lu Jiao's head, and asked, "Why are you free to come back today? What about Yun Jin? What about the four little guys?"

Lu Jiao smiled and said to her, "I asked someone to take care of them, don't worry, mother."

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she took out ten taels of silver from her sleeve and handed it to Mrs. Tian: "Mother, I'm afraid that you will be unhappy because of the five taels of silver, so as soon as you make money, you will send it back."

Tian Shi listened to Jiaojiao's words, no matter where he was willing to accept it, he resolutely pushed it back.

"Don't Yun Jin want to buy medicine? Take it back to buy medicine for him, mother has money in her hand."

Lu Jiao knew very well that Tian Shi was so haggard, she must be angry with her family, otherwise, how could a strong person like her lie in bed.

Thinking about it, Lu Jiao leaned close to Mrs Tian's ear and whispered, "Mother, I went up the mountain to pick a ganoderma lucidum and sold it for two hundred taels of silver. Now that I have money, I will give you fifty taels of the ten taels of silver. Money, five taels will give you private money."

Tian Shi looked in disbelief, looked at Lu Jiao and said, "Really?"

Lu Jiao nodded affirmatively, Tian Shi was suddenly happy, and her face brightened.

But she didn't ask Lu Jiao's ten taels of silver: "You can give your mother fifty taels of silver."

Lu Jiao had to say more, Tian Shi looked at her seriously: "Just give your mother five taels. When you need money right now, when Yun Jin's legs are healed, you will give your mother the filial piety money, and the mother promises to keep it. "

Seeing her serious look, Lu Jiao knew that she would definitely not accept it, so she had to put it away and exchanged another fifty taels for Tian Shi.

Tian shi picked up the silver, turned over and got out of bed, strode out, at this time the Lu family's yard

^0^ One second to remember【】

Inside, Lu Danian and his three sons and two daughters-in-law were all standing in the courtyard.

Mr. Tian threw the fifty taels of silver in his hand to Lu Danian: "Here, Jiaojiao returned the five taels of silver."

When she finished, she looked at Lu Danian and said, "I was really blind at the time, so I believed that I wouldn't feel angry following you."

Lu Danian didn't expect Tian Shi to be so angry in front of his daughter. He was embarrassed for a while. He looked at Lu Jiao and stammered.

"Jiaojiao, no, it's not that the family doesn't help you, it's really too poor."

Lu Jiao's sister-in-law, Sun Mei, was relieved to see the five taels of silver. She looked at Lu Jiao and said with a smile: "Little sister-in-law, it's mainly because my mother borrowed money from others without telling us, so we said a few words to her."

Hu Xiang, the second sister-in-law, followed closely and said, "We knew we were wrong, and we didn't have to ask the sister-in-law to return the money."

Lu Jiao glanced at her eldest brother Lu Ping and second brother Lu An. The people in this yard seemed to be blaming the Tian family for five taels of silver.

Lu Jiao's face was a little ugly Co-authored This is a family bullying Tian.

She looked at the people in the yard and said, "Mother lent me five taels of silver, but I didn't tell you, it's really not good, if you want to blame me, I'm here to apologize to you. Caused by my family."

Lu Jiao respectfully apologized to the Lu family, and the faces of all the people next to him turned red, as if they had been slapped on the face.

After apologizing, Lu Jiao spoke again, but this time her voice was cold.

"But I have to say a few more words. If the five taels of silver borrowed by my mother were spent on food, drink and drink, you can complain about her, but the money she borrowed was for the treatment of her son-in-law who was seriously injured in bed. Could this be true? What's the big sin? I just wanted to ask you?"

"If we don't help at this time, if we become more developed in the future, will you not be honored?"

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