Remember for a second【】

Tian's eyes were red. In fact, she lent money to her daughter. In addition to helping her son-in-law, she also had an idea. If her son-in-law can sit up in the future, a scholar will definitely be in the hall to accept students, and their children can also send them. Going to teach my son-in-law, even if I can't pass the Tongsheng Xiucai test, and I know more about Braille, I can find a good job.

Who knows that the family has a shallow vision, and Qi Qi complained that she was not good.

Her son and daughter-in-law said she was not good, but she endured it, but her own man even called her.

This is the saddest part of Tian Shi. When she married Lu Danian, she wanted others to be honest and be good to her in the future. Otherwise, why would she marry him? Back then, she could see that this man had no big ambitions and could not make much money. .

She just wanted to be safe, but in the end, she was incompetent, and she even came to complain that she blamed her when something happened.

The more Tian Shi looked at Lu Danian at this time, the more his nose was not his eyes, not his eyes.

Lu Jiao glanced at the group of people in the yard, and said coldly, "Since you don't like your mother, I'll take her away. In addition to her third son, she has a daughter. I'll take care of her in the future."

This time, Lu Ping, Lu An, and Lu Gui all changed their faces. They had three sons, but they were raised by their daughters. The three of them had to be scolded to death.

Lu Jiao turned around and looked at Mrs Tian: "Mother, do you want to come to my house with me?"

Tian Shi was also annoyed. At this time, he just wanted to be out of sight. After listening to Lu Jiao's words, he nodded, "Okay."

This time, Lu Danian's face changed: "Tian Hua, what are you doing, just say a few words of complaint, as for?"

Lu Jiao glanced at Lu Danian and said angrily, "It's often the people closest to you who hurt people, and it's your father's complaint that makes mother sad. She has been with you for so many years, and she's never complained that you're useless. You ended up complaining about her."

Lu Danian's face changed. He didn't expect his daughter to say that to him, but in front of Tian Hua, he didn't dare to scold his daughter.

Lu Jiao turned around and walked into the east bedroom, and came out with a basket on her back. Originally, in her basket, there was a basket of things, a pig, a hare, five catties of rice, five catties of white rice, and half a catty of candy.

In the end, I didn't expect that the Lu family would treat the Tian family like this. Why would she give them food and not feed the dogs.

"Mom, let's go."

Mr. Tian turned around and went into the east bedroom to get his clothes. In the courtyard, the faces of the Lu family all changed, and so did Lu Danian, so he hurriedly went in to talk softly.

It's a pity that Tian Shi was angry, so he put away two clothes and came out, and went out with Lu Jiao.

The three sons of the Lu family hurriedly stopped, and Lu Guiwang and Lu Jiao shouted angrily, "Lu Jiao, you should persuade your mother instead of igniting the fire. What's the matter with you?"

Lu Jiao talked to Lu Gui impatiently, raised her eyebrows and said coldly, "You are the sons of your mother, and she will be raised by me in the future."

In fact, Lu Jiao didn't really want to break up with the Lu family, just to teach them a lesson so that they would not dare to bully Tian in the future.

Otherwise, you will develop the habit of complaining and blaming Tian Shi whenever something bad happens.

She must teach them a lesson today.

After Lu Jiao finished speaking, she raised her hand and pushed Lu Gui away, dragged Tian Shi and left.

The second sister-in-law Hu Xiang saw Lu Jiao's back basket full of things with sharp eyes, and she also saw that there was meat in it.

Hu Xiang, who is greedy, shouted after him: "Mother, don't be angry, it's all our fault, it's our fault, little girl, don't be angry, persuade mother."

It's a pity that Lu Jiao ignored her at all and took Tian Shi and left.

Later, Lu Danian's face was indescribably ugly, and he was a little flustered. He and Tian Shi have never been separated for many years. Now Tian Shi suddenly left, leaving him alone, he felt that his whole person was in a mess.

Seeing that Tian Shi and Lu Jiao were gone, Lu Gui chased after them with big strides.

But this time he didn't dare to stop him, he just followed them from a distance.

Tian Shi first started to follow Lu Jiao out impulsive, but after a while, he became worried again.

When she goes to her daughter's house, will the son-in-law speak, will he be unhappy, and if he is unhappy, what should he do if he is angry with his daughter?

Tian Shi somewhat regretted his previous impulse, why did he make trouble in front of Jiaojiao? But when she saw the silver at that time, she just wanted to throw it at them impulsively.

Tian Shi looked at Lu Jiao while thinking, and said, "Jiaojiao, wouldn't it be bad for my mother to go to your house?"

Later, when Lu Gui heard Tian's words, he quickly said, "Mother, let's go back, let's go back."

Lu Jiao pulled Tian Shi coquettishly and said, "Mother, your son-in-law is paralyzed on the bed. I have to take care of him and four little ones. I'm so tired. Mother, can you help me? By the way, I went to town last time. Selling things, there is no one at home, and the four little ones were beaten, if my mother goes, just help me take care of the home."

When Tian Shi heard this, he felt distressed, and he agreed with all his words, but ignored the son behind him.

When you marry a daughter-in-law, you forget about your mother. The eldest and the second are a living example.

Unlike a daughter, she will come forward for her mother.

Tian Shi knew that her daughter was only in order to give her a head start, so she hated the big family.

"Okay, that girl will help you."

Behind Lu Gui's face is bitter, what is this called? And at this time, he also saw that his sister was a tough stubborn, not to be provoked.

Lu Jiao in front ignored Lu Gui in the back at all. She took out two cakes from the space by using the basket on her back, handed one to Tian and one to herself.

"Mother, eat something, this is the red bean cake I bought from the town."

Tian Shi immediately pushed: "

^0^ One second to remember【】

I'm not hungry, I put it away for the Four Treasures to eat. "

Lu Jiao agreed, and shoved it into Mrs. Tian's hand: "Mother, you eat, there is no shortage of food at home."

When she finished, she looked at Tian and said, "Mother, now I will hunt with traps. You see, this is a deer that I hunted, and there is also a wild rabbit. Originally, these were brought to you, but I didn't expect them to bully my mother. Then what are you going to do for them, I'll take it home and get spicy rabbit for my mother to eat."

Tian stunned at the deer in Lu Jiao's back basket. Not only did her daughter pick up Ganoderma lucidum and sell it for money, she also hunted. Oh my god, this is too powerful.

When did my daughter become so powerful.

Tian Shi looked at Lu Jiao, his eyes full of surprise: "Jiaojiao, why are you so talented? Tell your mother now."

Lu Jiao thought about it and said, "I learned it all from Yun Jin's books."

"No wonder everyone wants to read Reading is so good, even my daughter has learned the ability to make money."

Lu Jiao shoved the red bean cake into Mrs Tian's mouth: "Mom, eat it, we don't lack for this."


Tian Shi happily ate it, without even looking at the younger son behind.

Lu Gui saw that the mother and daughter in front were having a good time. He was going to starve to death, so hungry that his chest was on his back.

In the past two days, because of the matter of five taels of silver, the family did not cook until he was so hungry.

Seeing that the two people in front seemed to have forgotten him now, Lu Gui was sad.

He took a few steps to follow him, walked beside Lu Jiao and said, "Sister, do you have any? Give me a piece."

Lu Jiao turned to look at Lu Gui and sneered, "Don't yell, I'm not your sister."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^