Remember for a second【】

Lu Gui was dumbfounded, and looked at Mr. Tian on the side, Mr. Tian sneered, and swallowed the cake in his hand into his mouth.

Lu Gui's face is bitter, is this his own mother? He must be holding it, it must be.

After Tian Shi finished eating a piece of cake, Lu Jiao used the basket to make two big peaches, one for each Tian Shi.

Tian Shi also had the heart to resist his younger son, so he did not refuse, and ate with Lu Jiao.

If Lu Gui was hungry before, but now he is greedy, the smell of peaches overflowed, it was too greedy.

He has never eaten such good peaches when he was so old. I'm afraid these peaches are not cheap. Is his sister developed?

The mother and daughter ate a piece of red bean cake and a big peach. They were no longer hungry and went all the way to Xiejia Village.

The guy behind Lu Gui was hungry and had no strength to walk. He pitifully followed behind Lu Jiao and called, "Sister, my good sister, please sympathize with your brother."

"I was wrong before, and I was wrong. I won't dare to yell at you in the future. I promise to be respectful to my sister."

Lu Jiao stopped and looked back at Lu Gui behind her and said, "Do you think I'm angry because you're not good to me? No, I don't care if you're good to me or not. Ping, the key point is that you are disrespectful to your mother, which makes me very angry."

Tian Shi was moved by Lu Jiao's words and wiped away tears.

Look, she loves Jiaojiao, right, or her daughter has a conscience. If she doesn't have the support of her daughter, she will be bullied to death by their old Lu family.

However, Lu Jiao didn't really ignore Lu Gui, she just taught Lu Gui a lesson so that he would not dare to disrespect Tian in the future.

As for what Lu Gui did to her, she didn't care at all, and she didn't regard this person as her own brother.

"Okay, I'll give you a piece of red bean cake. If I'm disrespectful to my mother in the future, I'll ignore you."

Seeing that she was about to arrive at Xiejia Village, Lu Jiao took out a piece of red bean cake for Lu Gui. Lu Gui was so grateful that she almost didn't kneel down. Woohoo, the red bean cake is so delicious.

The group of three returned to Xiejia Village all the way.

Before Lu Jiaoren reached the door, she saw a group of people in front of her small fenced courtyard from a distance.

Her face changed instantly, and her fingers subconsciously clenched into fists.

Could it be that someone else came to her house to bully Xie Yunjin and the four little guys.

If that's the case, she won't be able to spare these people this time.

Lu Jiao's face was extremely gloomy. Beside her, Mrs. Tian also saw a bunch of people at the door of Lu Jiao's house.

Tian's complexion also changed, and she went straight to Lu Jia's door with Lu Jiao.

The group of three just walked to the door when someone saw Lu Jiao in front of the fence, and immediately turned around to look at Lu Jiao and said.

"Daughter-in-law Yunjin, there are guests at your house. They are all honorable guests. They came by carriage."

The people of Xiejia Village are poor, and it would be good to have an ox cart when traveling. Now suddenly someone came to the village with a horse-drawn carriage, or Xie Yunjin’s house. Everyone in the village came to watch the fun.

Lu Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't bully Xie Yunjin and the four little ones.

Lu Jiao didn't bother to look at the carriage outside the fence gate, and led Tian Shi and Lu Gui into the yard.

The villagers of Xiejia Village were talking about it, and some of them said: "It seems that Yun Jin's classmates in the county school came to see him."

"I brought a lot of things, including food and cloth."

"Yun Jin's mother, sister-in-law and sister-in-law all seem to be here."

"What's the idea? I kicked my son out. Now I see someone bringing something to the door and come over again."

Someone saw Lu Jiao and said quickly, "Daughter-in-law Yun Jin, go in and have a look."

Lu Jiao nodded to the people beside her as a greeting, and led Tian Shi and Lu Gui all the way into the main room.

There was indeed a lot of stuff piled up on the ground in the main room.

In the east bedroom, Mrs Ruan's sad voice came out: "Thank you for coming to see my third son. The third son has a classmate like you who misses him, so it's not a waste for him to read a book."

As he spoke, he sobbed softly, seemingly very sad.

As soon as Nguyen's words fell, Xie Lan's voice sounded: "Yes, after the third brother was injured, my mother was troubled day and night, and she lost a lot of weight if she couldn't eat or sleep well."

Outside the house, Mr. Tian was so angry that he couldn't bear it any longer. He rushed in with a loud bang, and he was attacked by Mrs. Ruan.

"Old lady Ruan, you are so shameless. You kicked out the seriously injured son, and you still pretend to be so shameless?"

"Look at this house, it's nothing to ask for, how did you come up with that."

In the east bedroom, Si Xiao only saw that Lu Jiao was overjoyed and rushed over happily. Xiao Si Bao rushed over and hugged Lu Jiao's thigh: "Mother, you are back."

The peach blossom eyes blinked, full of joy.

Two Treasures and Three Treasures are also full of smiles. Although Da Bao did not show it, his eyes were full of joy.

Lu Jiao raised her hand and touched the heads of the four little ones, and then looked up at the people in the room.

There were a total of four young people in the room, all of whom were about the same age as Xie Yunjin. One of them was wearing a long gown made of brocade and his hair was tied with a jade crown. At first glance, he looked like a son of a wealthy family. The elegance of a reader.

However, when the four of them saw Lu Jiao, they were all surprised. They thought that Xie Yunjin would marry a wonderful woman, but she didn't expect it to be such a fat woman full of fat.

Four people's faces flashed at the same time

^0^ One second to remember【】

The color of sympathy, but the four quickly returned to normal, stood up and greeted Lu Jiao.

"I have seen my sister-in-law."

Lu Jiao nodded and returned the salute without being humble or arrogant: "There are four young masters who have come to visit my husband."

The four of them were surprised. This fat woman's manners and manners were not bad at all. If it wasn't for her poor image, this person would have acted like a lady.

Lu Jiao ignored these people and looked up at Xie Yunjin.

Seeing that Xie Yunjin's brow was cold and cruel, her whole body was cold and cold Lu Jiao asked him with concern: "Are you alright?"

Xie Yunjin's expression softened a little, then raised his head to say hello to Mrs. Tian, ​​"Mother-in-law is here."

Mr. Tian nodded, and Mrs. Ruan, who was beside the room, looked extremely unsightly, and stared at Lu Jiao and Mrs. Tian with triangular eyes.

She heard that Lu Jiao left her parents' house, so she came to get something.

The things that Xie Yunjin brought by her classmates, she can take back for Yunhua and Xie Lan as a wedding gift and dowry.

I didn't expect Lu Jiao to come back, but even if she came back, she wouldn't be able to stop her. If she dared to stop her, let's see how she handles her.

Ruan's eyebrows were gloomy, and the whole person was indescribably gloomy.

------off topic-----

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Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^