Early the next morning, Qi Du got up with eyes swollen from crying, opened the door with a dazed face, and saw the sword that he had fallen off the snow cliff hanging on the door.

He was stunned for a long time, then suddenly came back to his senses, thinking that his master went down Luoxue Cliff overnight to help him retrieve the sword, and after taking the sword, he hurried to thank Zhang Wenxue.

Zhang Wenxue is cooking soup in the kitchen.

The well-known head of the Zhishui Sword Sect in Jianghu is now wearing an embroidered floral apron, carrying a large pot and spoon, and in the other hand is carrying a bowl of ganoderma lucidum, slowly putting it into the chicken soup.

"Picking up the sword?" Zhang Wenxue frowned and replied, "It's winter now, and the snow on Luoxue Cliff has not yet melted, so I dare not go down lightly as a teacher."

Qi Du was dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for Zhang Wenxue, could it be that the sword flew back by himself?

"Master, I wanted to wait until the beginning of spring, and then go down to Xueya to retrieve your sword." Zhang Wenxue sprinkled a handful of astragalus into the pot, and asked, "Why? Why are you asking this?"

Qi Du slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"It's back."

Qi Du said.

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue finally threw the last ginseng into the pot, and said, "Your uncle is probably the only one who can fall down the snow cliff at this time of year."

Qi Du was stunned for a moment, and at the moment his heart was ecstatic, wishing he could jump up from where he was and go to Jiang Su to thank him, let's see! He felt that his uncle still had him in his heart! If it wasn't so, why would the uncle risk the danger and go down the mountain to pick up the sword for him!

He hurriedly turned his head to run away, but Zhang Wenxue stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, if you want to thank you, you can send this chicken soup to your uncle together."

Qi Du paused.

He turned his head and looked at the "chicken soup" bubbling and bubbling in the pot, which had far more medicinal ingredients than chicken. After a long silence, he finally opened his mouth tremblingly, and asked, "Master, what do you think is this?"

Zhang Wenxue had a gentle smile on his face: "Your uncle has worked so hard in retreat for half a year, so of course you have to make up for it."

Qi Du: "..."

Zhang Wenxue said again: "You don't have to tell him that this chicken soup is stewed for the teacher, it's fine if you like it, I don't care about other things."

Qi Du: "..."

That's it, master!

What if my uncle thinks I'm going to poison him!

Zhang Wenxue wiped her hands on the apron, took the initiative to fill the chicken soup, put it in the food basket, and wanted to hand it to Qi Du, but Qi Du refused to reach out to pick it up, Zhang Wenxue frowned puzzled, while he I thought I was the most empathetic, after thinking for a while, I finally understood.

Zhang Wenxue looked at Qi Du with kind and peaceful eyes, and asked earnestly, "Du'er, are you hungry? Why don't you drink a bowl first before leaving?"

Qi Du: "..."

Qi Du quickly took the food basket, took a few steps back, and said in horror: "No need, master! This is chicken soup for uncle! I won't be greedy anymore!"

Zhang Wenxue: "But..."

Before Zhang Wenxue could say the second half of the sentence, Qi Du had already rushed away with the food basket in his arms.

Qi Du still knows about Master's cooking skills.

This thing seems to be able to ascend to heaven after one bite, and the little uncle hasn't fallen in love with him yet, so of course he can't ascend to heaven first!

A quarter of an hour later, Qi Du held the chicken soup stewed by Zhang Wenxue, and stood outside the dust-free residence where Jiang Su lived with a heavy heart.

He is very disturbed.

He thought that his uncle Fang rejected his overtures yesterday and knocked his sword off the Luoluoxue Cliff, which made him heartbroken and gave up this youthful love early.

But now he also learned that last night his uncle went down Luoxueya despite the wind and snow to pick up swords for him.

His young and romantic heart finally ignited the flame of love again——

An attendant from the Wuchen House hurried out holding a basin of water, followed by the young apprentice of the door doctor.

Qi Du looked over there, and saw that the basin of water was soaked in gauze, and it was full of blood, and the little apprentice even ran out of the door, chanting a few herbs, obviously sent back to the medicine hall by the master to get it. medicine.

Qi Du was stunned, his heart was moved along with his worries, he couldn't care about anything else, he jumped forward to the door, reached out to knock on the door, his throat was even more choked up and unspeakable.

It turned out that the little martial uncle was injured so badly in order to pick up the sword for him!

The uncle must have him in his heart!

He was so emotional that he couldn't control the strength of his hand for a while, when that hand touched the door that was ajar, he pushed the door open.

Qi Du choked up: "Little Uncle! How are you—"

Jiang Su sat on the edge of the bed, holding a semi-conscious handsome young man in his arms, and looked up at him blankly.

The voice stopped abruptly.

Qi Du: "..."

Qi Du: "I'm sorry to bother you."

Qi Du silently took half a step back and closed the door.

Qi Du stood silently outside the door, and heard two passing disciples talking in a low voice.

"Where did the little uncle rescue that man?" A disciple murmured, "The injury is so serious, it's a good thing he can survive until now."

"It seems to be carried back from under Luoxueya." Another female disciple showed admiration, "Uncle Jiang is worthy of being the sword master Wuchen, but that is Luoxueya. I am dizzy when I look down."

Qi Du: "..."

The maid wanted to say more, but when she caught a glimpse of Qi Du standing by the door, she was so frightened that she immediately shut up and didn't dare to say more.

Qi Du only felt that his heart became cold again.

The uncle went down to Xueya, not only picked up a sword for him, but also picked up a wild man!

Qi Du's eyes were full of tears, and his heart was full of sorrow, but at this moment, the door opened.

Jiang Su looked at him from behind the door and asked, "What's the matter with you—"

Jiang Su paused.

Yesterday Qi Du's eyes were already red and swollen from crying, but now they are misty and misty, looking extremely pitiful, as if there is an indescribable grievance.

Jiang Su looked serious, took back the words just now, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?"

Qi Du wiped away his tears, forced himself to be calm, forced his tears back, and said, "I'm fine, little uncle."

Jiang Su asked again: "What happened to your eyes?"

Qi Du sniffled: "I really didn't—"

Jiang Su: "Been beaten? Still so swollen?"

Qi Du: "—something."

Qi Du: "..."

Qi Du gripped the big porcelain spoon ruthlessly, vigorously stirred the "chicken soup" in the soup bowl, while watching Jiang Su sitting at the table, he couldn't stop nagging at him.

"Where have you practiced martial arts all these years?" Jiang Su frowned slightly, "People's eyes are the key, how can they be injured casually."

Qi Du: "..."

Gritting his teeth, he served Jiang Su a big bowl of "chicken soup" that was almost full of medicinal herbs.

"It's been ten years since you started." Jiang Su hated iron for being weak, "Why are you still so slack."

Qi Du added another spoonful of herbs to Jiang Su, and handed the chicken soup to Jiang Su bitterly.

"That's all." Jiang Su took it and sighed, "Tell me, who hurt you."

Qi Du was startled.

"Anyway, he is also a disciple of my sect. It is too shameful to be beaten like this." Jiang Su said coldly, "Whoever beat him, I will let him return."

Qi Du's heart trembled, he felt a little touched, and was about to call out "Uncle Master", when Jiang Su raised his hand, held up the bowl of dark chicken soup, and gulped it down.

Qi Du: "..."

It's over.

Qi Du covered his face.

The uncle must hate him to death.

Jiang Su drank a few sips of "chicken soup" calmly, and asked Qi Du with a frown, "What's wrong?"

Qi Du: "...It's nothing, it's nothing, this soup is a great tonic, master uncle, drink more."

He saw that Jiang Su's face remained unchanged, as if he didn't feel that he had drunk something extremely terrifying, and suddenly he understood where the master's confidence in his cooking skills came from.

Zhang Wenxue seldom cooks, and even if she cooks, it's mostly to make soup for Jiang Su's hands, Qi Du has never tasted it, anyway, the taste... looks terrible.

It just so happened that the doctor packed up the medicine box and came to explain Mu Yichuan's injury to Jiang Su, saying, "He is already awake, the young man is in good health, pay attention to replenishing your body these days, it should be soon." will recover."

Jiang Su immediately remembered the chicken soup he was drinking.

He took the "chicken soup" and showed it to the doctor, asking how the medicinal materials were and whether it was suitable for Mu Yichuan to nourish his body.

The doctor really looked at the medicinal materials in it seriously, and said: "This is indeed a great tonic, you can give that young hero some to drink."

Jiang Su suddenly became interested, and raised his hand to take another bowl to fill Mu Yichuan with soup.

Qi Du was dumbfounded.

No, Master Uncle, other than you, no one else can drink this chicken soup!

But Jiang Su quickly filled a big bowl of soup and took it into it, sat on the edge of the bed, helped Mu Yichuan who was quite weak, and said earnestly: "Come, drink."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan looked at the strange black liquid in the bowl, which seemed to be a little viscous, and a curly stewed chicken paw protruded from the edge, grabbing straight to the sky as if struggling for death. He was silent for a long time, and just reached out to take Jiang Su Putting the spoon in his hand into the bowl and stirring it lightly, he asked doubtfully, "...is it medicine?"

Jiang Su shook his head seriously: "medicine diet."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan took the soup bowl and drank it in silence.

He obviously felt that the food was terrible, and he frowned, his expression was very ugly, but he never raised an objection, as if he was used to the smell of these terrible medicinal materials, he slowly poured out the whole bowl of chicken soup swallowed.

Qi Du was stunned.

Wait, what's going on? There are two heroes in this room?

Or... the soup stewed by Master, just looks scary, but tastes very good?

He couldn't help looking carefully at the remaining chicken soup in front of him.

Most of the medicinal ingredients in the soup had already been put into the uncle's bowl by him, and now there was only some soup and chicken left in the big bowl in front of him, it finally looked much better than the horrible appearance before, he swallowed Spit, picked up another soup spoon, scooped up a small spoonful of chicken soup, and carefully sniffed the smell of the chicken soup.

It looks like a weird traditional Chinese medicine that has been boiled for two days.

Qi Du looked up again, and saw that Mu Yichuan had finished drinking the chicken soup calmly, and was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief slowly and gracefully, without any discomfort, so Qi Du couldn't help being curious anymore, held his breath, Take a sip.

It just so happened that Jiang Su took the soup bowl from Mu Yichuan's hand, and asked earnestly, "Is it unpalatable?"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Qi Du: "..."

"I also think it's hard to drink." Jiang Su said, "But my brother likes to toss these things. After so many years, I'm used to it."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Qi Du: "..."

Jiang Su: "Don't hate me, it's for your health, so take it as a good medicine."

Only then did Mu Yichuan slowly open his mouth.

"It's okay, when I'm at home, Vice He...the family's cooking skills are also very bad." Mu Yichuan coughed lightly and said, "I'm used to it."

The two of them looked at each other, as if they had found something in common at once, a little sympathetic to each other, Mu Yichuan finally pursed his lips, and smiled slightly at Jiang Su.

Satisfied, Jiang Su slowly looked back.

Qi Du covered his mouth, his face was pale, his eyes were wide open and full of tears, and he couldn't help trembling all over.

Jiang Su was startled.

"Nephew? You are..." Jiang Su felt that he understood, and was a little worried, "Have you been beaten internally?"

Qi Du: "..."

Qi Du: "QAQ"