Jiang Su watched Qi Du go out crying, feeling confused for a moment.

"Did I say the wrong thing?" Jiang Su was puzzled, "Why is he crying?"

Behind him, Mu Yichuan was puzzled like him, thought for a while, and said a result that he thought was quite correct: "Internal injury, cry in pain."

Jiang Su felt that what he said made sense.

What the **** is going on with this kid? It doesn't matter if you haven't practiced martial arts well, a man, why are you so afraid of being hurt and crying.

No, he has to take the time to talk to his senior brother, let him train his apprentice more, stop being so gentle and soft-hearted, otherwise what should the child do in the future?

Lang Zhong stood up to say goodbye, leaving only Jiang Su and Mu Yichuan in the room. Mu Yichuan was seriously injured. Even though Jiang Su was full of doubts, he knew that Mu Yichuan needed to rest at this time. He wanted to get up and leave, but Mu Yichuan said a little nervously: "This is your room." .”

Jiang Su thought he was cautious and worried that his house would be taken, so he explained, "It's okay, there are many houses in my sect, I'll just go to another place to rest."

But Mu Yichuan woke up suddenly, and said: "Yes, this is the Zhishui Sword School."

Jiang Su was puzzled.

"My father mentioned this place many times." Mu Yichuan murmured with a slightly strange expression, "He said that there is the most beautiful beauty here."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su began to feel embarrassed.

The number one beauty in Jianghu mentioned by Mu Yichuan obviously refers to him.

In the original book, the protagonist is called the number one beauty in Jianghu, and when Jiang Su entered the book ten years ago, he had a general understanding of some plots. The leader of the Demon Cult is precisely because Jiang Su is the number one beauty in Jianghu, It was then that he became malicious towards him and poisoned him.

Jiang Su has tried his best to erase the imprint of this "No. 1 beauty in Jianghu" from his body these years, but once he wants to move his face, he will be blocked by the so-called book-transmitting system, and it will not be long before his face returns The original state, not even a little mark will be left.

He couldn't move his face, so he wanted to make his frame thicker. Once he had some muscles on his body, he wouldn't be able to be a beauty. But he never expected that he didn't grow much muscle because he worked hard and practiced hard. Even compared to his bean sprout-like skeleton figure when he was ten years old, he was a little more slender and well-proportioned, and he seemed to look better in clothes.

Jiang Su was desperate.

Over the years, he has tried almost all methods to change his appearance. He failed to grow a beard, and his oily and spicy skin did not hinder him. Obviously, he was "naturally beautiful and hard to give up", so he gave up this unrealistic idea. In addition to medical skills for emergencies, he can only find ways to make his sword faster, and faster.

Anyway, walking in this arena, those with high martial arts skills can really do whatever they want.

"It's just skin." Jiang Su tried his best to change the topic, "After a hundred years, beauty and ugliness will be nothing more than smoke."

Mu Yichuan is not good at communicating with people, he just feels that he seems to have found a topic that can be communicated normally. Anyway, he heard Fushi He said that everyone loves to gossip about these parents' gossip. If he made a mistake, he continued what he said just now: "My father has seen his portrait, and he has never let go of his love."

Jiang Su: "..."

No, stop talking.

Who wants to know what your father is thinking!

It's a pity that Mu Yichuan doesn't have the ability to read words and expressions.

"Since ancient times, a beauty deserves a hero." Mu Yichuan said, "My father said that if he had a continuation, he would have to welcome Jiang Su, the dust-free sword of the Water Sword Sect—"

He paused, suddenly realizing a terrible thing.

Mu Yichuan: "You just said your name is Jiang Su?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Mu Yichuan opened his eyes wide in shock: "Jiang Su is not a woman?!"

Jiang Su: "..."

"No, no." Mu Yichuan looked terrified, "You are really a man!"

Jiang Su could only laugh dryly: "...Yeah, haha."

Mu Yichuan, who had just suffered a social death, covered his face and curled up on the bedside, not wanting to speak.

Jiang Su, who had more strange admirers, held his forehead beside the bed, feeling as if he had mislead the child's three views for no reason.

He didn't know who Mu Yichuan's father was, but Mu Yichuan seemed to be twenty years old. No matter how young his father was, he should be close to age, right?

This feeling was so terrifying that Jiang Su felt his scalp go numb just thinking about it.

He looked at Mu Yichuan who didn't want to raise his eyes to look at him, and he understood Mu Yichuan's feelings very well in his heart, and both sides were awkwardly silent for a long time... The doctor's medicine finally arrived.

The person who came to deliver the medicine was a little boy, he put the medicine away and ran away, but after all Mu Yichuan was seriously injured, Jiang Su got up and went to the table to fetch the medicine, just as he was about to tell Mu Yichuan to get up and drink the medicine, he turned his head but Seeing that Mu Yichuan, who was still curled up at the head of the bed and shut himself up, had sat upright, with a cautious and respectful expression, he said, "You don't need to bother you, I'll do it myself."

Jiang Su: "..."


He was overwhelmed by this word, unable to speak for a long time, but Mu Yichuan looked at him deeply, as if he suddenly remembered something, and realized that he had said something wrong, so he changed his words stubbornly, and repeated the words just now: "No need. I'm sorry to trouble you, just come by yourself."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su, who was only twenty years old, looked at Mu Yichuan, who was about the same age as him, and gradually fell into deep thought.

He knew that there must be a misunderstanding.

Mu Yichuan felt that his father admired him, so he changed his mind and treated him as an elder, but this was definitely not what Jiang Su wanted to see. In the next battle at Luoxueya, he felt that if Mu Yichuan was not seriously injured, his swordsmanship should be comparable to He competes against each other, this is a rare master swordsman, he has a feeling of sympathy in his heart, and the conversation with Qi Du just now made him feel that Mu Yichuan's temper is good enough, and he seems to be quite right his appetite.

He wanted to make such a friend, and aside from other things, at least he could write letters to Mu Yichuan in his spare time, chatting about breakthroughs in swordsmanship, and discussing moves with someone with similar martial arts. Progress faster.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su's heart was surging, as for what happened to Mu Yichuan's father, it was no longer important to him.

There is no Mu Yichuan in the original book, and Mu Yichuan's father is not an important role, not an important role... Anyway, I won't see him in the future, so I don't care what he does.

Compared with Mu Yichuan's family background, he is more curious about Mu Yichuan's teacher.

For a young man with such a high level of martial arts, Shimen will not be without a bit of fame in the Jianghu. Although he only had a few quick moves with Mu Yichuan under Luoxueya, he could also see the subtlety of Mu Yichuan's sword moves, so he While watching Mu Yichuan drink the medicine, he asked obliquely: "Brother Mu, you—"

Mu Yichuan coughed, and hurriedly said: "Senior, you don't have to be so polite, just call me...just call me Xiaomu."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt really awkward, so he could only skip the address and asked, "Jiang takes the liberty to ask you a few questions."

Mu Yichuan sat down respectfully and straightly: "Please tell me."

Jiang Su was embarrassed: "...you... who did you study under?"

Jiang Su could tell that Mu Yichuan was a person who loved swords. This question was so serious, it was still related to swords. He felt that if he talked about swords with Mu Yichuan, Mu Yichuan would forget his father's embarrassing incident. thing.

Mu Yichuan was really interested by him, and replied seriously: "I don't have a teacher."

Jiang Su: "Then your swordsmanship..."

Mu Yichuan: "My father taught me."

Jiang Su: "..."

After Mu Yichuan said this, he looked at Jiang Su with even more respect, as if he really regarded Jiang Su as an elder, and after hearing what Mu Yichuan said, Jiang Su couldn't help but think, Mu Yichuan His swordsmanship is already so superb, what kind of martial arts master is Mu Yichuan's father?

But Jiang Su had never heard of such a person in Jianghu, he was really curious, he struggled for a moment, and finally couldn't bear to ask: "My father is..."

Mu Yichuan was startled, with a hesitant expression on his face, and asked after a while, "Do you want to get to know my father?"

Jiang Su felt that Mu Yichuan's words were ambiguous, and combined with the information about his father that Mu Yichuan revealed just now...Jiang Su felt that he meant something, and wanted to immediately argue: "...I didn't mean that."

Mu Yichuan said again: "Then you want to know my father's identity and family background?"

Jiang Su hurriedly interrupted him: "No!"

Mu Yichuan was dumbfounded, and asked back: "Could it be that you want to find out the situation in the younger generation's home in advance?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su gritted his teeth.

What the **** is going on with this man! What is the mind full of stuff!

Mu Yichuan was continuing to say seriously: "My father has lost his wife for more than twenty years, and now he has not remarried—"

Jiang Su couldn't bear it anymore, and directly interrupted Mu Yichuan's words.

"I don't want to know how your father is." Jiang Su said, "What does he have to do with me?!"

He didn't even have the intention to continue asking, seeing Mu Yichuan was still holding the medicine bowl, raised his eyebrows angrily, and said angrily, "Shut up! Drink the medicine!"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan really respectfully picked up the medicine bowl, as if he didn't dare to disobey Jiang Su's intention at all, he took a big mouthful of medicine soup, but was choked by the strange taste and coughed a few times, almost wanting to retch, but He forced himself to go back, and abruptly took another big gulp of the medicinal soup.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Su was a little speechless. Looking back, he saw a fruit plate prepared by the door maid on the table in the room. There were some candied melons and fruits in it, so he took the fruit plate and handed the candied fruit to Mu Yichuan, saying : "Squeeze it."

Mu Yichuan was slightly taken aback, looked at the candied fruit and hesitated for a long time, then carefully twisted one and put it in his mouth.

His mouth was full of the strange medicinal smell just now, but now a candied fruit tasted sweet and sour, full and soft, which really suppressed the medicinal taste, and it was the first time he ate this kind of thing, he was stunned for a long time, just now Ask: "What is this?"

Jiang Su paused, then lowered his head to look at the candied fruit. He has always been indistinguishable from grains, so naturally he couldn't recognize what kind of fruit it was, so he could only answer vaguely, "It's just candied fruit."

Mu Yichuan hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand cautiously, picked out one from the fruit plate, saw Jiang Su looking at him, and tried to explain casually, saying: "My father... doesn't like these snacks."

The implication is that he seems to have never tasted this thing.

Jiang Su looked at his movements, feeling a little puzzled.

It’s just candied fruit, something that can be seen everywhere, even if it’s a poor family, it’s not like they’ve never tasted it, right?

It was only at this time that he came back to his senses and realized that when Mu Yichuan mentioned his father just now, he meant that his father had lost his wife for more than twenty years, and no one would use such a sentence pattern to refer to his mother. .

His father's first spouse was not his biological mother, and he has not remarried now, which means...

Could Mu Yichuan be the illegitimate son of some famous hero? !

The author has something to say:

Demon Cult Leader:?