Chapter 9: League of Rivals 2.0

Zhang Wenxue was stunned for a while before finally understanding what Jiang Su meant.

Jiang Su wanted Mu Yichuan to participate in the sword test and stand out in the arena, so that Lin Fengnan could understand that his child was not a stain in his life, but a glory in his life.

But Mu Yichuan is not a disciple of the Zhishui Sword Sect, how could he replace Jiang Su in the battle?

Zhang Wenxue did not support Jiang Su's actions. He wanted to dissuade him, but he also knew that if Jiang Su had confirmed this matter, then he would definitely stick to it and never waver.

He was full of helplessness, paused for a while, Fang murmured, and asked Jiang Su: "You really don't know why we want to prevent Mu Yichuan from going to the martial arts conference, right?"

Jiang Su frowned in confusion: "Didn't you just say..."

Zhang Wenxue sighed, and answered his own question: "Yes, how could you know."

Jiang Su: "..."

Zhang Wenxue said again: "You really like him."

This sentence is not a question, he already has the answer in his heart, and Jiang Su was stunned for a moment when he heard him say this, but he also nodded, and said: "Over the years, it is rare for me to meet a bosom friend who I can talk to."

Zhang Wenxue opened her lips slightly, feeling a choke in her throat for a moment, as if she had a thousand words, but it was really hard to say, took a deep breath for a long time, and said in a low voice: "I have been with you for many years, but I don't even have a bosom friend It doesn't even count."

"Senior brother is a senior brother, so it's different." Jiang Su didn't notice Zhang Wenxue's emotional difference, and replied seriously, "I admire senior brother, but above swordsmanship, senior brother can no longer solve my doubts for me."

He has been stuck in a bottleneck for a long time, but he can't make any progress, and Zhang Wenxue's swordsmanship is far inferior to him, it is difficult for him to discuss and study swordsmanship skills with him, but Mu Yichuan is different, people with similar martial arts walk together, and discuss more on weekdays , there is always something to be gained.

Zhang Wenxue understood.

Jiang Su doesn't understand anything, Mu Yichuan is good at martial arts, and has a good temper, so Jiang Su regards him as his best friend, no matter where he comes from or who comes first, and Zhang Wenxue stays by Jiang Su's side. After so many years, it is only today that we see through this truth.

No matter how tenderly he takes care of Jiang Su, it is useless.

What Jiang Su likes is only those who can stand by his side, who can rival him and compete with him.

Then if he wants Jiang Su to respond to him, he should assume the responsibility of the head of the Zhishui Sword Sect, cultivate his swordsmanship to the highest level, and stand side by side with Jiang Su in this arena...

"You're right." Zhang Wenxue smiled wryly, "Over the years, I have been slack in my martial arts practice. As the master, this is a huge fault. I shouldn't have done so, and I will work harder in the future. "

Hearing what Zhang Wenxue said, Jiang Su was really overjoyed. He immediately took a step forward, held Zhang Wenxue's hand, and seriously suggested to Zhang Wenxue, saying: "I think the brother has not made any progress in martial arts these years. There is a lot of interference from things, brother, remember, Master once told us that if we want to practice the Zhishui swordsmanship, the first thing we need to do is to cut off emotions."

Zhang Wenxue: "Cutting off love..."

"The word love is the most useless thing in terms of swordsmanship." Jiang Su said, "Sword, the most important thing to stay away from is emotion."

Jiang Su returned to the crowd, first took Mu Yichuan aside, called someone to prepare the carriage, and said to Mu Yichuan: "I have discussed it with my senior brother."

But Mu Yichuan bowed his head and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I absolutely cannot go to the Wulin League."

Jiang Su ignored his refusal, and directly stated the result of his discussion with his senior brother just now, saying: "I have already told my senior brother that you will fight on my behalf in the sword test of this martial arts conference."

Mu Yichuan opened his eyes wide, extremely astonished, and said after a long while: "My identity—"

Jiang Su asked back: "What's wrong with your identity?"

"You and I have very different identities, and my appearance at the martial arts conference will only add to the chaos for you." Mu Yichuan said hastily, "You and Master Zhang have treated me so well, I can't drag you down."

"Your father hid you so well, no one in the martial arts conference should recognize you." Jiang Su said, "Your father despises you so much, don't you want to have a chance to make him look straight at you?"

Mu Yichuan: "I..."

"You just listen to me." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "I won't harm you."

Mu Yichuan wanted to say more, but the carriages and horses were ready, and Jiang Su urged him to get on the carriage, so he thought that he had only left the sect four times so far, and the first three times he was always accompanied by Zuo Dharma Wuqi, and no one was left alive , This time, there was another Lingxi landslide, no one survived except him, indeed no one in the righteous way recognized his face.

He wanted to go to the martial arts conference, and he wanted to take a good look at this world with his own eyes.

He had already thought about it, if his identity was exposed, he would say that he had lied to Jiang Su, anyway, he was indeed the one who lied to Jiang Su at the beginning of the matter.

Mu Yichuan finally nodded in agreement, and said, "Okay."

Jiang Su smiled.

He was really good-looking, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, like shining stars, Mu Yichuan's heart beat a little bit, he was at a loss, and he didn't know what to do, Jiang Su had already pushed him into the carriage, and when the curtain was drawn, Jiang Su didn't Following in, Mu Yichuan was alone in the car, raised his hand to press his chest, and after a while he let out a breath, frowned and muttered, very puzzled.

He hurt... right shoulder?

After all, the Wulin League is not too far away from the Zhishui Sword Sect. At dusk, the group of people had already arrived outside Luoshui City. Before the carriages and horses stopped, the leader of the Wulin League, Sheng Hechen, came out of the city to greet him.

Jiang Su rode his horse in front, and raised his hand to salute Sheng Hechen. When Sheng Hechen saw him, he couldn't hold back the smile on his lips, and he couldn't wait to go up to him, saying: "Su'er, I heard that you are coming. I have been here since noon today. This wait-"

"I didn't leave until noon, so I must arrive in the evening." Jiang Su frowned, "You have this spare time, isn't it good to practice swords?"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Zhang Wenxue also got out of the carriage, and said: "I've got some delays today, it's too late to go out, I don't want to make President Sheng wait so long."

"It doesn't matter." Sheng Hechen smiled slightly, "Since it is Su'er who is waiting, it doesn't matter if you wait a little longer."

The conversation between the two of them seemed to be polite, but there was an undercurrent of undercurrents, and there was obviously a rift between them.

After a while, Sheng Hechen stretched out his hand to pull Jiang Su's arm, as if he wanted to pull Jiang Su to his side, but before that hand touched Jiang Su's sleeve, Zhang Wenxue stepped between the two of them and reached out to hold him. Jiang Su's hand, with a gentle smile on his face, said: "Junior Brother, you insist on riding a horse outside. It's so cold, you're freezing?"

Jiang Su: "People who practice martial arts don't feel cold so easily."

Sheng Hechen beckoned to the attendants on the side, and someone immediately handed him the fox fur. He reached out to take it, and walked around to the other side of Jiang Su, and was about to put on the fox fur for Jiang Su, saying: "Your brother is right, be careful Some, don’t freeze.”

Jiang Su sideways avoided, raised his eyebrows and said: "I have said it several times, this kind of clothes are inconvenient to move, the children of the world, how can they be so particular about it."

Sheng Hechen's hands froze in the air, just at the moment of embarrassment, Jiang Su had already turned his head and looked back, and saw that Mu Yichuan had also got off the carriage, but was cautiously hiding behind the carriage, his heart moved, thinking that Mu Yichuan was injured , he is the one who should pay attention to keeping warm the most.

"Brother Sheng." Jiang Su stretched out his hand to take the fox fur, and said, "Lend me the fox fur."

The smile on Sheng Hechen's face deepened, and he said: "Whatever Su'er wants, just take it."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Su turned around and walked back, pulled Mu Yichuan out from behind the carriage, and threw the fox fur directly on his head, regardless of how crooked the fur was. , raised his eyebrows and said, "Put it on."

Mu Yichuan struggled to reveal his head from the fox fur: "I'm not cold."

"You're injured, so you can wear it even if it's not cold." Jiang Su said, "Master Sheng is kind enough to put it on."

Mu Yichuan: "...Oh."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen's heart ached.

He held his breath, turned to Zhang Wenxue and said, "Master Zhang, this is..."

Zhang Wenxue didn't expect that Sheng Hechen didn't know Lin Fengnan's son. He was a little surprised, but he still remembered the agreement he had made with Jiang Su, and naturally he wouldn't expose Mu Yichuan's identity, so he just smiled and said, "This is My new disciple is named Mu."

Sheng Hechen was thoughtful.

Zhang Wenxue said again: "Mr. Sheng, my junior brother is not sensible. I never realized that it was a gift carefully prepared by Mr. Sheng."

Sheng Hechen just smiled slightly, seemingly not caring, and said, "It's okay, as long as Su'er is happy."

Jiang Su was still standing beside Mu Yichuan, wanting to pull him to the front together, Mu Yichuan seemed to be afraid of Sheng Hechen, he didn't want to appear in front of Sheng Hechen, he was extremely nervous, and whispered to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, this is not good. "

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong."

Mu Yichuan: "If he sees through my identity, it will cause trouble for you and Sect Leader Zhang."

Jiang Su grabbed his arm and walked forward, saying: "What are you afraid of, I just want him to recognize you."

Mu Yichuan: "!!"

Mu Yichuan grabbed Jiang Su and refused to move forward even a step. Jiang Su simply dragged him forward, whispering to him, saying: "Don't you think your father looks down on you? A good chance for your father to save face."

Mu Yichuan only felt that Jiang Su's intention was to assassinate Sheng Hechen in the Wulin League. This move was surprising. Even Xie Wuzai would not dare to do so, so he could only hug Jiang Su's arm tightly. , terrified: "I will die in the Wulin League."

"What died in the Wulin League." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "Which one of them is your opponent."

Mu Yichuan: "But there are so many of them!"

Jiang Su: "Nonsense, you can only queue for more than ten rounds at most."

Mu Yichuan finally paused, and asked hesitantly: "Jiang Shaoxia, what are you talking about—"

"The trial of the sword." Jiang Su was puzzled, "You made a name for yourself, and Sheng Hechen recognized your identity. Aren't you trying to save face for your father?"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan moved his gaze down, and looked at the posture he was pulling on Jiang Su's body like an octopus at the moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

He hastily let go of his hand, wishing to step back immediately, but Jiang Su was still grabbing his arm, even pulling the fox fur in his hand, the strength of the two of them was not too small, under the struggle, Mu Yichuan heard the soft sound of cloth being torn very clearly—he immediately froze in place, and wanted to look down, but Jiang Su pulled him violently, raised his eyebrows, and said, "What are you hiding?" , come with me, and I will take you to meet Leader Sheng first."

Before the words fell, the fur coat was stabbed and torn apart, revealing the snow-white fox fur inside, flying along the cold wind, the two of them were silent for a moment, and only after a moment did they hear Jiang Su cough, let go of his hand as if nothing had happened, and said guiltyly: " It doesn't matter, Master Sheng gives me one every year, he should have a lot of fox furs."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

After Jiang Su said this, he turned his head back and smiled at Sheng Hechen and Zhang Wenxue who were not far away. He knew that the fox fur must be extremely expensive, not to mention that what he said to Sheng Hechen was borrowing, Sheng Hechen didn't Giving this fox fur to him, he even touched his purse nervously - he didn't bring much money with him when he went out this time, if it wasn't enough, he might have to borrow some money from his senior brother.

Mu Yichuan was also a little nervous, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Shaoxia, I don't have any money..."

"Don't hit the smiling face." Jiang Su pulled him to his side, smiled stiffly, "just laugh with me."

Mu Yichuan grinned reluctantly, and smiled at Sheng Hechen.

Sheng Hechen gritted his teeth, and said to Zhang Wenxue, "You, a new disciple, have a pretty good relationship with Su'er."

Zhang Wenxue smiled wryly: "It's not just good."

Sheng Hechen paused, as if he had sensed something from Zhang Wenxue's short sentence, the two looked at each other, and in an instant, they seemed to have an answer.

The current rival in love, any new or old hatred, will be discussed later.

Let's kill this little goblin first!