Chapter 10: you want to be happy

Sheng Hechen had already prepared houses for the Water Sword Sect, and Jiang Su's room was in the Qianqiu Garden where he lived.

The houses of the two faced each other across the lotus pond in the courtyard. In Sheng Hechen's imagination, this should have been a peerless beauty full of love. He just opened the window every day to see the beauty he liked. It was very easy to think about it. makes people happy.

But once Mu Yichuan appeared, things became a little different.

Sheng Hechen originally thought that Mu Yichuan was just an ordinary disciple of the Zhishui Sword Sect, and he just lived in a separate room with other ordinary disciples. He didn't even bother to arrange a place for Mu Yichuan to stay. The general manager of the martial arts alliance is in charge of the matter, and the leader of the martial arts alliance has a lot of things to do every day, so naturally he can't concentrate on dealing with such trivial matters.

But he never expected that Jiang Su pulled Mu Yichuan's arm, saying that he wanted to teach the secret technique of the sword test, and forcefully dragged Mu Yichuan into his room.

Sheng Hechen gritted his teeth in anger, but he could only force himself to be calm, picked up his saber, faced the window of the house, stared bitterly at Jiang Su's room, and began to sharpen the knife.

Anyway, Jiang Su's room was right opposite him, right under his nose, he didn't believe that Mu Yichuan could make any moths.

Mu Yichuan was at a loss.

The door of the room was slammed shut in front of his eyes, Jiang Su pulled a chair, looked at him seriously, and said to him seriously: "You have never set foot in the rivers and lakes before, and this time you are injured again, so you can't fight for a long time. There are many masters in this sword test, you must be careful."

When Mu Yichuan heard Jiang Su talk about martial arts masters, he immediately became interested.

He is full of curiosity about Jianghu, but he doesn't know much about it. He has never even heard of the name of Jiangsu Jianghu's No. 1 sword. As for other people, he is even less likely to know.

"If I guessed correctly, the one sent by Zhujian Villa should be their young master Song Mo." Jiang Su said, "This person is accustomed to using a left-handed sword, and the direction of his moves is different from others. You need to pay more attention."

Mu Yichuan nodded.

Jiang Su added: "Song Mo is the most scheming—"

Before the words finished, the door rang, and someone outside said with a smile, "Xiao Jiang, are you in? It's me, Ah Song."

Jiang Su: "..."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Jiang Su went over and opened the door.

Song Mo, the young owner of Jianjian Villa, was outside the house, waving a folding fan gracefully in the icy and snowy land on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month. He was full of smiles, and before Jiang Su could open his mouth, he said first: "As soon as I heard about Zhishui When the Sword Sect arrived at the Wulin League, they rushed over to see you immediately."

On the other side of the lotus pond behind him, Sheng Hechen had a gloomy expression as he sharpened his knife.

Jiang Su was puzzled: "Is there something wrong with the young master?"

"There is a plum garden outside the Wulin League, and the flowers are in full bloom now." Song Mo shook his fan and said with a smile, "At this time of year, enjoying plums and tasting wine is a pleasure."

Jiang Su: "..."

"I took over the entire plum garden." The folding fan in Song Mo's hand shook more joyfully, like a paper butterfly fluttering up and down in his hand, "I don't know...Xiao Jiang, do you have time tomorrow?"

Jiang Su finally opened his mouth.

"It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, what are you doing fanning?" Jiang Su frowned, "Aren't you cold?"

Song Mo: "..."

"Oh, I don't drink." Jiang Su said again, "I'm a swordsman and I need to be vigilant at all times. What if someone happens to assassinate me while I'm drunk?"

Song Mo managed to maintain a smile on his face and said, "I will protect you."

Jiang Su looked him up and down for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "Forget it."

Song Mo: "..."

Jiang Su: "I still have something to do, please come back, Young Master."

Song Mo: "..."

The door closed in front of his eyes, Song Mo clenched his fists, and almost broke the paper fan. He gritted his teeth and took a breath. The pride of the young owner of Zhujian Villa for twenty-six years was destroyed here. In the world, only Xiao Jiang dared to reject him like that!

Heh, man.

He's going back to sword practice now! After three years, it will surely impress you!

Jiang Su returned to the room, looked at Mu Yichuan who was blinking at the table, his expression remained unchanged, and continued: "Song Mo is the most scheming, but he can't hold back and has a good face. When you compete with him, just If you provoke him, he will be defeated."

Mu Yichuan couldn't help nodding.

Jiang Su also said: "In addition to Zhujian Villa, there is Wansnake Island. Although Ding Yesheng, the elder of their sect, also uses swords, but his skills are weird. You must not—"

The door rang again.

Someone had a high-pitched voice, very nervous, and broke the tone at the end of the sentence: "Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia, are you there? It's me, Ding Yesheng."

Jiang Su: "..."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Jiang Su went over and opened the door again.

Ding Yesheng, the law enforcement elder of Ten Thousand Snake Island, who is nearly nine feet tall, was outside the house, nervously rubbing his sleeves, trembling all over, asking, "Plum blossoms... the plum blossoms are blooming, Jiang Shaoxia will be... are you free tomorrow?" ?"

Jiang Su: "No time."

Ding Yesheng froze in place.

Sheng Hechen's voice of sharpening the knife was much happier.

Jiang Su: "I want to practice swords."

Ding Yesheng: "The day after tomorrow?"

Jiang Su: "Competition of swords."

Ding Yesheng: " about the day after tomorrow?"

Jiang Su: "Practice the sword."

Ding Yesheng: "..."

"Since Elder Ding is free to admire the plum blossoms, why not go back to practice swords." Jiang Su said, "If there is anything to do, wait until I finish practicing swords tomorrow."

The door closed in front of his eyes, Ding Yesheng was in a daze, took a long breath, and patted his mouth hard, only blamed himself for being stupid, it was really bad to say, and he didn't know what Jiang Su liked—

No, wait, he got it.

Ding Yesheng clenched his sword tightly.

Jiang Shaoxia must like a man who practiced sword diligently! He will go back now! Practice your sword well! It won't be too late to come back and talk to Jiang Shaoxia after he has mastered his swordsmanship!

Being interrupted twice in a row, Jiang Su was inevitably a little upset.

He returned to the house, looked at Mu Yichuan, sighed, and was about to continue talking when the door rang again.

This time, the young Pavilion Master Situ Jin of Zhenlong Pavilion was standing outside the door.

He ordered people to prepare large and small bags of presents, which were piled up in the courtyard, and with a smile on his face, he said to Jiang Su: "Brother Jiang, are you free tomorrow?"

Jiang Su: "If you don't go to the Plum Garden, you don't know how to drink. I'm busy practicing swords. Go back."

Situ Jin: "..."

Jiang Su was simply bored.

He just wanted to talk to Mu Yichuan about the opponents he might meet in the sword test, why so many people came here one after another to bother him, but these people didn't have a point to talk about, just to appreciate the plum blossoms, Everyone wants to enjoy plum blossoms. Are plum blossoms so beautiful?

He took a deep breath and silently recited the mantra to calm his mind. He turned his head and saw Mu Yichuan looking at him with a slight frown. His expression was a little weird, but Jiang Su couldn't tell his emotions clearly. He could only think , their conversation was interrupted so many times, Mu Yichuan should also be very upset.

"Jiang Shaoxia has many friends." Mu Yichuan whispered, "People like Jiang Shaoxia are really popular."

Jiang Su sighed.

"Let's talk about it in another place." Jiang Su said, "Look for an open place, and I can show you their moves."

But in the martial arts league, where is there no one to bother him?

Jiang Su thought for a long time, and suddenly thought of an excellent place.

They all thought he wouldn't go to appreciate plum blossoms, right?

The most dangerous place is the safest place! Plum Garden Discusses Swords! let's go!

Mu Yichuan, who was at a loss, was dragged by Jiang Su to the plum garden outside the martial arts league. In the middle of the night, there was no one in the plum garden, but Jiang Su finally found someone who could discuss swordsmanship with Mu Yichuan quietly. Satisfied, he found a higher rock and sat down, and then told Mu Yichuan all the martial arts methods of those people.

He seemed to be determined to help Mu Yichuan win the first place in the sword test, so Mu Yichuan could only follow his wishes and write down Jiang Su's words one by one. It was late, and it was time to go back, but Jiang Su was not in a hurry, he still held Mu Yichuan and said, "Wait a little longer."

Mu Yichuan was puzzled.

"It's not time to go to bed yet." Jiang Su said, "Someone will definitely knock on my door again."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan frowned slightly, and didn't answer, but turned his face away, pretending to be looking at the scenery in the plum garden.

For some reason, he felt unspeakably sad.

He knew that Jiang Su had many friends in Jianghu, but when he saw that so many people liked Jiang Su, he felt a little uncomfortable.

If possible, he wished that Jiang Su belonged to him alone. He had never had any friends before, so naturally he didn't know if this feeling was normal, he just felt distressed.

And Jiang Su followed his gaze towards the plum garden, and asked subconsciously, "You haven't seen plum blossoms, have you?"

"I've seen it before." Mu Yichuan said, "But I've never seen it so close."

There is a plum blossom forest in the back mountain of the school, but his father does not allow him to leave the school at will, so he can only look at it from a distance, but has never been in it. For him, this encounter is the first time in his life. Suffered.

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that Lin Fengnan was going too far.

Originally, he just thought that the plum garden was quiet. He wanted to find a secluded place to talk to Mu Yichuan, and he didn't have much thought of admiring the plums. Now, when he looked at the red plums in the snow under the rocks, he suddenly felt...they seemed to be still there. A jug of wine is missing.

It's not that Jiang Su never drank, he just wanted to see who was drinking with him. He asked Mu Yichuan to stay here for a while, went to the market outside to buy a pot of wine, and hurried back, but he hadn't arrived there yet. Under the rock, he saw Ding Yesheng, who was drunk, collapsed under the plum blossom tree, holding his sword, and holding Mu Yichuan's hand tightly, trembling from crying.

He was a tall man nearly nine feet tall, and he put on such a posture, which was inexplicably scary. Jiang Su looked at Mu Yichuan, and Mu Yichuan looked back innocently, and said, "He is your friend."

Ding Yesheng was so drunk that he was dizzy, but he still insisted on saying: "What friend, I... hiccup... I'm not worthy, woo woo woo."

Jiang Su: "..."

"He fell in the snow, it's such a cold weather." Mu Yichuan said, "I can't ignore it."

At first, he really didn't want to pay attention to it. He even thought that if this person died, Jiang Su would have one less friend and be able to look at him more.

This is the principle that his father taught him to conduct himself in the world over the years. Other people's lives are worthless, and anyone who hinders him or makes him unhappy, he should raise his sword and kill them.

But Mu Yichuan still couldn't do it.

This is Jiang Su's friend, if he dies, Jiang Su will be very sad.

He had no choice but to get down from the rock and stay by Ding Yesheng's side, trying to persuade Ding Yesheng to go back, but he was not very good at talking, and Ding Yesheng ignored him.

At this moment, Jiang Su came back.

Jiang Su also had no choice but to squat down, looked at Ding Yesheng, and said, "Elder Ding, you should go back."

Only then did Ding Yesheng raise his head, and barely recognized that the person in front of him was Jiang Su. He was at a loss, and muttered: "Jiang Shaoxia... why are you here?"

Jiang Su responded casually: "I came out with my friend to talk about something."

Ding Yesheng was startled: "Friend?"

He turned his head slowly, looked at Mu Yichuan beside him, paused for a moment, then turned his gaze back, and caught a glimpse of the wine in Jiang Su's hand.

Plum Garden, snowy night.

Lonely man and widowed man, beautiful wine complements each other.

"I understand hiccup, you just have to be happy and you are happy." Ding Yesheng picked up his flagon without saying a word, and took a big gulp of wine for himself, "I'm going back now, woo woo .”

He got up, took two unsteady steps, and fell down in the snow.

Jiang Su: "?"

What does this person mean?