Chapter 11: Something is wrong

It was a good night to accompany Mu Yichuan to appreciate plums and taste wine, but Ding Yesheng ruined it just like that.

Jiang Su felt sorry for Mu Yichuan. The child has never seen plum blossoms a few times since he was so old. He was able to go into the plum blossom forest to see it once, and was disturbed by others. It was too miserable. Next time he finds a chance, he will bring Mu Yichuan again. Yichuan came to see Meihua.

Forget it today, Ding Yesheng is drunk like this, let's take him back first.

For Jiang Su and Mu Yichuan, it is really not difficult to fight a drunk man of Ding Yesheng's stature and weight back to the Wulin League. In the case of knocking people out, it is obviously a little difficult.

Ding Yesheng was so drunk that his steps were unsteady, but he insisted on walking by himself, and he didn't want Jiang Su to help him, so Jiang Su could only follow behind Ding Yesheng with Mu Yichuan, walked a few steps, and couldn't help frowning, Question: "Elder Ding, the trial of the sword is coming soon, you should keep your state at the peak moment, why are you still drinking so much wine?"

Ding Yesheng was still crying, intermittently saying: "Wine... wine makes me sad... woo woo..."

Jiang Su: "..."

He really didn't expect that Ding Yesheng would look like this when he was drunk. Jiang Su didn't like to see others cry in front of him, not to mention that the crying person was such a tall and strong man. He felt a little awkward, but I don't know why Ding Yesheng is sad, after thinking about it, he can only hold back a sentence: "Don't cry, men don't cry easily."

Ding Yesheng looked at him affectionately with teary eyes: "It's's just that I haven't reached the point of sadness."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't comfort him anymore.

But these few words he said actually aroused Ding Yesheng's desire to confide in him. Ding Yesheng turned his head and held Mu Yichuan's hand, hiccupping and asking him, "This little brother..."

Jiang Su explained beside him: "His surname is Mu."

Mu Yichuan couldn't help nodding: "I'm under Mu Yichuan."

Ding Yesheng: "Mu Shaoxia, Jiang Shaoxia, are you... when..."

Jiang Su thought he was asking when he met Mu Yichuan, so he didn't want to answer more. After all, he wanted to help Mu Yichuan conceal his identity, so he just said vaguely, "He is a disciple of my sect. It's been a while."

Only then did Ding Yesheng suddenly realize, and muttered to himself: "The moon is the first to be close to the water."

Jiang Su: "?"

Ding Yesheng: "In this world, there are still people who come first."

Jiang Su: "?"

Ding Yesheng covered his face, trying to hide the sadness in his heart, choked up for a long time, and said: "I know, I will keep it a secret for you."

Jiang Su: "..."

Okay, from the beginning to the end, he didn't even understand a word.

Fortunately, the Martial Arts League is not too far from the Plum Garden. Jiang Su brought Ding Yesheng back to the Martial Arts League and sent him to the residence of Wansnake Island. He asked the disciples of Wansnake Island to take good care of him, and then returned with Mu Yichuan. Qianqiu Court.

It was already late at this time, but Sheng Hechen was still awake. It was so easy to wait for Jiang Su to come back. He heaved a sigh of relief and hurried forward to meet Jiang Su. Pretending to meet by chance, he found an excuse for himself to appear here late at night, and said, "Su'er, you haven't rested yet?"

Jiang Su frowned slightly.

At this time, Sheng Hechen raised the knife in his hand, smiled lightly, and said: "The moonlight is just right today, the moon is under the snow, and it is suitable for sharpening the knife."

"You've been grinding all afternoon." Jiang Su said, "Have you not grinded enough?"

Sheng Hechen coughed: "Sharpening a knife is a delicate job."

"It's just yours." Jiang Su couldn't help muttering, "The iron rod has to be used for you."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

"Is this how knives are sharpened?" Jiang Su sighed, "Although knives and swords are different, they are roughly the same."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su wanted to say more, but Mu Yichuan couldn't help but yawned, so he closed his mouth and said, "It's getting dark, let's all rest."

Only then did Sheng Hechen realize that he hadn't ordered the chief executive of the alliance to prepare a residence for Mu Yichuan, he hurriedly stood in front of the two of them, and said, "Su'er, I'm asking people to arrange a residence for Mu Shaoxia—"

"It's so late, don't worry about it." Jiang Su was so upset by the mess that happened that day, and didn't bother to deal with other things, so he directly grabbed Mu Yichuan's arm and pulled Mu Yichuan to his side Pulling, said, "I can sleep in my room."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen had countless things to say.

But Jiang Su moved quickly, dragged Mu Yichuan into the house, and locked the door without saying a word. Sheng Hechen stood outside the house, gnashing his teeth, wishing he could cut Mu Yichuan into pieces right here.

But he can't.

Now Jiang Su doesn't seem to be enlightened, he should just regard Mu Yichuan as a good friend, and Mu Yichuan didn't make any further intimate moves, he couldn't even figure out whether Mu Yichuan was theirs or not. Rival.

Suffocated with anger, he went back to his room, closed his clothes on the bed, tossed and turned, finally made up his mind, went back to the courtyard, squatted on the edge of the lotus pond, and listened patiently. Watching the movement in Jiang Su's house.

When Jiang Su said he wanted to rest earlier, he really planned to lie down and rest.

There was only one bed in the house, and he could only share the bed with Mu Yichuan, but Jiang Su didn't care about it. To him, sharing a bed with a person was no different from sharing a bed with a sword. He still put his sword on the bed as usual. Under the pillow, just about to change clothes and lie down, Mu Yichuan also lifted the pillow with him, and habitually put the sword under the pillow.

Jiang Su: "..."

No, that's not quite right.

He is a swordsman, and he is used to never leaving his body with his sword. When he sleeps alone late at night, of course he likes to sleep with his sword under his pillow, so that if there is any emergency at night, it is convenient for him to get up and deal with it immediately.

But now it's different.

Mu Yichuan also put the sword under the pillow, the bed is so big, so wouldn't he want to sleep with other people's wives? !

Jiang Su felt very awkward.

Although the Wuming Sword was once his hidden sword, the sword he sent out was water poured out. He is an upright man, and he would never look at other people's swords again. Besides, with two swords under his pillow, if something happened in the middle of the night , everyone can't be fooled?

The more Jiang Su thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. He looked at the two swords, hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help but said, "Don't you feel panicked?"

Mu Yichuan frowned: "To panic?"

He carefully looked at the two swords side by side under the pillow, thinking that maybe Jiang Su was born in a famous family and had been pampered since he was a child. He was not used to so many things under the pillow. It was really uncomfortable, so he moved the sword and moved it to the top of the bed. On top of their heads, they were satisfied, and asked, "How about this?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su still felt uncomfortable.

No, he thought for a while, isn't this just putting his wife on someone else's head? Can this be tolerated?

He has already begun to regret sharing the same room with Mu Yichuan, if he didn't let Mu Yichuan stay with him, then there would be no such troubles, and he wouldn't have to worry so much, but it was getting late, he couldn't regret it at this moment , After thinking about it, he had no choice but to climb onto the bed silently, picked up his sword and hugged it in his arms, lay down on his side sullenly, and said, "I'd better sleep with my arms in my arms."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

After getting along for a few days, he really liked Jiang Su's personality, and he also knew that Jiang Su valued his sword more than anything else. He could tolerate Jiang Su's eccentricities, so he followed Jiang Su's example and took the Wuming Sword off his head. , while muttering: "Then you can hug and sleep."

Jiang Su heard the sound, turned around, frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you want to hug too?"

Mu Yichuan: "Hmm..."

He hadn't healed from his injury, and today he was bumpy all the way, and Jiang Su dragged him into the Plum Garden to share the sword techniques of other schools. He already felt sleepy, but he just answered drowsily, and Jiang Su also shut up and turned around to rest, but he He hadn't closed his eyes yet, but he heard a rustling sound outside, which made him open his eyes for a moment.

Someone is moving their windows.

Mu Yichuan obviously also heard the noise outside, and opened his eyes to look outside, Jiang Su simply turned over and got out of bed, dodged to the window, and was about to bend down to look, when he saw that the window paper was being poked from the outside A small hole was made, exposing Sheng Hechen's eyes.

Jiang Su: "..."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen took a step back silently, grabbed a flower next to it, and stuck it in the small hole in the window.

Mu Yichuan asked suspiciously: "Who is it?"

Jiang Su: "...nothing."

After all, Jiang Su has read some original plots, and he knows that Sheng Hechen has ambiguity towards him, and in the book Sheng Hechen sent Jiang Su to go undercover, which is equivalent to making a choice between the Jianghu and the beauty. Yes, he really didn't expect Sheng Hechen to come here in the middle of the night to take a peek.

But Jiang Su thought about it again, but felt that Sheng Hechen's actions were justifiable.

It's too miserable, sending the person he likes to go undercover in the Devil's Cult with his own hands, and in the end he can only take a few peeks before parting.

Sheng Hechen blocked the window with flowers, gritted his teeth and took a step back, feeling that the matter was not simple.

He could hear clearly from the window just now, what hugging and hugging and hugging and hugging, what kind of tiger and wolf words are these! Things have developed to such a point, he was about to secretly see what happened, but was caught by Jiang Su, but he still caught a glimpse of Jiang Su's slightly messy pajamas, if he was lying on the bed properly , Can you mess up your clothes!

No, he had to discuss it with Zhang Wenxue.

Thinking of this, Sheng Hechen hurriedly left Qianqiu Garden and rushed towards Zhang Wenxue's residence.

It was getting late, Zhang Wenxue had already rested, Sheng Hechen knocked on Zhang Wenxue's door, and before Zhang Wenxue could ask, he was quite anxious to tell the purpose of his trip.

"It's not good, Brother Zhang." Sheng Hechen said excitedly, "Su'er and that surnamed Mu slept in the same bed... No, they slept in the same room... No, they hugged each other!"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."