Chapter 12: I don’t know what it’s called [Anyway, it’s two

Zhang Wenxue was stunned, as if struck by lightning.

They... what?

He barely heard a word of what Sheng Hechen said next.

All that was left in his mind was the first sentence Sheng Hechen said, and he suddenly felt that everything he had done was meaningless, that the junior brother really had something to belong to, and had even developed to this point... At this moment, all he could do except bless Apart from Jiang Su, there was obviously nothing else he could do.

However, Sheng Hechen was still very excited, and muttered: "I just saw the two of them coming back holding hands, Su'er smelled of alcohol, the first time I saw him drink so much—"

Zhang Wenxue suddenly heard the word smell of alcohol, lowered his eyelashes, and murmured, "He's drunk."

Sheng Hechen: "Drinking is the most promiscuous..."

Zhang Wenxue turned and went out: "I'll go and prepare him hangover soup first."

Sheng Hechen was stunned.

He originally thought that Zhang Wenxue would be as angry as he was, but he didn't want Zhang Wenxue to say something lightly, which left him with nowhere to vent his resentment, so he could only hold back his anger, and then gritted his teeth and said angrily: "I never take it lightly." give up."

Zhang Wenxue just smiled wryly, and said: "But I know my junior brother, he is not someone who will give up lightly."

If so, how could he become the number one sword of Righteous Path today.

Sheng Hechen wanted to say more, but Zhang Wenxue waved his hand.

"Okay, President Sheng, let's go back." Zhang Wenxue closed his eyes slightly, and said, "I am his senior brother, and I should be happy when my senior brother has someone he likes."

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Wenxue deliberately got up early, prepared Jiang Su's hangover soup, and sent it to Qianqiu Garden, but saw Jiang Su who was supposed to be hangover practicing swords in the courtyard, he couldn't help being startled, and then went to Qianqiu Garden. Looking around in the courtyard, he saw Mu Yichuan sitting beside him gnawing steamed buns, and Sheng Hechen crouching by the door of his own room frantically sharpening his knife, everything was different from what he had imagined.

Jiang Su had already seen him, put his sword back into its sheath, and greeted him in the morning, without any sign of hangover discomfort, Zhang Wenxue had to temporarily put the hangover soup on the small stone table in the courtyard, and said to Jiang Su: "Yesterday, I heard from the attendants in the courtyard that when you came back smelling of alcohol, I made you hangover soup—"

Jiang Su was startled, smiled and shook his head: "Brother, I didn't drink, it's the alcohol smell from Elder Ding Yesheng Ding."

Zhang asked Xue: "Ding Yesheng?"

"Yesterday, I went out with Young Master Mu...Mr. Helped Elder Ding back together, the smell of alcohol should be from that time."

But Zhang Wenxue didn't feel relaxed.

Since they didn't drink alcohol, there is no such thing as drunkenness. Both of them are very sober, which means... Zhang Wenxue's heart throbbed, and he was about to put away the hangover soup and leave when he remembered something .

Namu Yichuan was still injured, and he could never move his right hand side. However, in just a few days, the wound had just scabbed over. If the wound was involved in strenuous exercise, it would inevitably crack. Looking at Jiang Su's wound a few days ago He is the one who attaches the most importance to this matter, and since this is the case, he will not be able to bear it for a few days.

What's more...Zhang Wenxue saw that Jiang Su and Mu Yichuan looked as usual and moved freely today, they didn't look like they were feeling unwell, and their attitude had never been more intimate. He was puzzled, so he couldn't help asking, "Then last night..."

Jiang Su wondered: "Last night?"

Zhang Wenxue coughed and said, "Junior brother, do you feel unwell?"

Jiang Su was very confused: "No."

Speaking of this, he sat down on the edge of the stone table in the courtyard, moved his wrist subconsciously, pondered Zhang Wenxue's words in his heart, and suddenly realized: "How did senior brother know?"

Zhang Wenxue's heart trembled: "You really—"

"Last night I slept with the sword in my arms." Jiang Su sighed, "The muscles in his arms are not smooth due to the pressure, and they are still a little sore and numb."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

What, holding a sword?

Zhang Wenxue subconsciously turned her head to look at Sheng Hechen who was sharpening the knife behind him. Sheng Hechen was also a little surprised. Their eyes met. Zhang Wenxue understood that Sheng Hechen must have misunderstood last night, so she couldn't help but glared at Sheng Hechen. But in his heart he was overjoyed, and there was a smile on his lips.

Jiang Su was silent.

He didn't know what happened last night. In his eyes, this situation was really ambiguous.

Senior brother glared at leader Sheng, who lowered his head shyly, with a smile on his lips, what's going on? He clearly remembered that the relationship between his senior brother and President Sheng had always been bad, why after only one night, the two of them seemed to have become ambiguous all of a sudden, and even in front of the two of them, they were flirting with each other with deep affection.


Jiang Su had a keen sense of smell and realized one thing.

Zhang Wenxue's martial arts are enough to rank among the top 50 in the Jianghu, and Sheng Hechen's martial arts are even higher than him. If there is something between them, I can match them up... Matching a top 50 is 20 popularity points, two people If people superimposed, wouldn't he have completed half of the task.

Jiang Su was very excited, his face was calm, he just looked around, thinking and looking for opportunities to match the two.

Sheng Hechen, who is that? Jianghu beauty, he chooses Jianghu, a typical professional guest on the blind date. If he chooses a more complementary partner for him, he obviously needs a good wife, a gentle and caring little wife to take care of him.

His gaze soon fell on the food basket containing hangover soup.

Based on his understanding of his senior brother, it is impossible that there is only hangover soup in this food basket, and there should be breakfast made by his senior brother himself.

But Jiang Su knew a truth.

If you want to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach.

Zhang Wenxue's culinary skills are a bit poor, but most of them are reflected in the strange medicinal food. If you cook seriously, the taste can still be tasted. People in the Jianghu, who don't stick to small details, have a little deviation in taste, it's really not a big deal what a big deal.

Besides, although the senior brother's food is a bit unpalatable, he has been so considerate to himself all these years, isn't this just a walking wife!

Jiang Su had brought the food basket over, opened the food basket, and asked with a smile, "What delicious food did you get?"

Only then did Zhang Wenxue come back to her senses, and said slowly, "Inside is—"

Jiang Su turned to look at Sheng Hechen: "Leader Sheng, one piece?"

Sheng Hechen smiled all over his face: "Su'er has an invitation, but he is disrespectful."

Zhang Wenxue: "Chicken soup."

Jiang Su: "..."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

It's over.

Jiang Su felt that the pair of Senior Brother and Leader Sheng might not be able to match in this lifetime.

The dark chicken soup was placed on the stone table, and there was a strange atmosphere around it. Sheng Hechen scooped up a spoonful with trembling hands, wishing he could slap himself.

What is disrespectful, he should politely refuse just now.

But a gentleman said, a four horse is hard to chase, he can't die here young just because of a mouthful of chicken soup, maybe this thing just smells bad, but it might still taste good, Sheng Hechen took a deep breath, With a forced smile, he stuffed the spoon into his mouth.

Taste Bud Fang felt that this taste was enough to shock the soul, so a guard from the Wulin League hurried up and said, "Report!"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen was crying in his heart.

Damn it, why couldn't he report sooner.

He finally swallowed the soup, opened his mouth in a trembling voice for a while, and asked, "What's the matter?"

The guard replied nervously: "Wan Snake Island mainly killed Elder Ding, and they have already started fighting!"

Sheng Hechen was obviously taken aback, unable to recover: "What?"

The guard thought about it and didn't know how to explain it. After holding back for a long time, he could only utter one sentence: "If you don't go through, it may be too late!"

Jiang Su was very curious.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that Ding Yesheng and the owner of Ten Thousand Snakes Island are friends for life. The two are usually called brothers. They have not had a word of argument or quarreled once in so many years. Ding Yesheng can also be regarded as the second master of Ten Thousand Snakes Island. , two people with such a good relationship, what is it that can make them fight?

Watching the excitement is never a big deal, Jiang Su immediately dragged Mu Yichuan, followed Sheng Hechen and Zhang Wenxue to the small courtyard where Wansnake Island lived, but the fighting had stopped, and the deputy of the beggar gang who lived in the next courtyard Fang Yuanluo, the leader of the gang, separated the two of them into two places, which seemed to forcibly stop the fight, and kept persuading him, saying, "We are all brothers, so what can't be said properly."

Island Master Su: "Yeah, I treat him as a brother, but he—"

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and he inevitably kicked Ding Yesheng again, but Ding Yesheng didn't dodge, but just lowered his head, Jiang Su saw several spots on Ding Yesheng's face, he was really embarrassed, but if he remembered correctly , Ding Yesheng's martial arts is far superior to Sudaozhu's. If he really fights hard, the injured person should also be Sudaozhu.

Could it be... Ding Yesheng is still hungover?

Jiang Su turned his gaze to Ding Yesheng again. He wanted to find traces of drunkenness on Ding Yesheng's body, but he saw that Ding Yesheng's clothes were messy at the moment. In this freezing season, he was only wearing unlined clothes with his neck open, revealing A muscular chest, and…

A few ambiguous scratches?

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su started to panic.

You must know that this is the world of a certain literature. Last night he threw Ding Yesheng, who was drunk, into the room of the disciples of Ten Thousand Snake Island. …Last night, which Ten Thousand Snake Island disciple did he entrust Ding Yesheng to?

Jiang Su looked around the courtyard, and saw a door of a room next to it was ajar, followed by a person poking his head, looking out cautiously.

It seems to be this room.

He was about to walk over when Sudao Master grasped Sheng Hechen's hand, as if he wanted Sheng Hechen to make a decision for him, but he couldn't speak because of the presence of many irrelevant people in the courtyard. He hesitated again and again, pulling Sheng Hechen was about to go to the next room, full of resentment, and angrily said: "Mr. Sheng, you must make the decision for me."

Seeing this, Jiang Su hurriedly followed Gua's pace. Except for the guards and the disciples of Wansnake Island, several people in the courtyard immediately followed into the room. Even Ding Yesheng walked in dejectedly. When the door was closed, Sheng Hechen comforted him with kind words. Island Master Su sat down first, and Fang Yuanluo, the deputy leader of the Beggar Clan, hurriedly followed, saying, "We are all brothers, just sit down and talk."

"Heh, brother." Su Island Master smiled angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "I treat him as a brother, but he plots against my son!"

Jiang Su: "..."

It's over.

They can't really drink and have sex, can they? !