Chapter 16: Best undercover candidate

Fang Yuanluo, who had shaved his beard, crossed his hands and sat on a rock, as well-behaved as a child who just finished class from a private school.

Jiang Su finally understood the meaning of Fang Yuanluo's words just now. The shaved Fang indeed a bit too tender.

With red lips and white teeth, he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was the deputy head of the beggar gang.

It's not wrong for him to want to contrast cuteness, but the contrast is too big, right? Fang Yuanluo looked ten years younger. With his current appearance, he didn't seem to have a weak crown yet.

Jiang Su couldn't help coughing, and asked, "Vice Chief Fang, how old are you...?"

Fang Yuanluo expressionless: "Twenty-six."

Jiang Su: "..."

Forget it, anyway, Fang Yuanluo does look a lot cleaner and tidier now, and if he puts on clean clothes, isn't this the proper little son of a family? How pleasing, who would not like it after seeing it!

Besides, there is one more thing to remember behind the good words of love, remember, you will always need TA to hug and hold high treasure boys/girls, Fang Yuanluo's image in the past, kissing, hugging and holding high It's a bit abrupt, but now it's fine, it seems to be very suitable.

"It's getting late, let's go back and rest first." Jiang Su coughed and said, "I'll find a suitable suit for you tomorrow."

Fang Yuanluo grabbed Jiang Su's sleeve.

"No." Fang Yuanluo's voice trembled, "I can't go back like this."

He, the majestic deputy head of the beggar gang, was once a mighty and majestic man, but now he has shaved his beard, and he has to go back to accept the ridicule of the brothers in the gang with this tender face, which is terrible , he doesn't want to do this.

Mu Yichuan was already impatient with Fang Yuanluo who appeared suddenly, but now Fang Yuanluo still wanted to hang on, he couldn't hold back the resentment in his heart, and muttered in a low voice: "Why can't we go back like this?"

Fang Yuanluo turned his head to look at him, wanting to cry but without tears: "Brother Mu, you don't understand, everyone in the entire beggar gang is rough and heroic, and I clean it up by myself. It's a joke."

Mu Yichuan: "You let them all shave their beards just like you."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fang Yuanluo realized it.

He was so excited that he grabbed Mu Yichuan's hand, shook it vigorously up and down a few times, and shouted loudly: "Brother Mu, you are truly a genius from heaven!"

Yes! As long as he makes all the beggar gang disciples look like him, then of course he won't be so eye-catching, and no one will laugh at him!

But he still needs a reason, a reason for all the beggar gang disciples to shave their beards, wash their clothes and pay attention to personal hygiene.

Fang Yuanluo looked at Mu Yichuan again, trying to get a perfect answer from Mu Yichuan.

Mu Yichuan: "Uh... poor but not down and out?"

Fang Yuan, Luo Chaomu Yichuan compared Thumbs up.

He realized.

People can be poor, but they can't be poor in spirit. They should live in poverty and live in peace, and be clean, civilized and polite beggars!

Besides, doesn't Miracle Doctor Fu love to be clean? If he can clean up the gang of beggars, then Fu Wenxiao's favorability towards him will suddenly soar, why are he afraid that he and Fu Wenxiao won't have a common topic? Just for this point, it is impossible that he and Fu Wenxiao have nothing in common!

Fang Yuanluo was so excited that he wished to rush back immediately to implement the big plan, but he has always been a person who repays his kindness. Before leaving, he was so moved that he squeezed Mu Yichuan's hand tightly, and said seriously: "Brother Mu, you still have to do it tomorrow!" Are you going to participate in the trial of the sword?"

Mu Yichuan: "Yes."

Fang Yuanluo patted his chest hard: "Don't worry! If we meet tomorrow on the discussion of swords, I will let you win!"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

The next day when Jiang Su got up together, he could hear the commotion outside, as if countless people were shouting, the dire situation was enough to make people look sideways.

Many people in the Wulin League gathered outside the courtyard of the Beggar Clan to watch the fun, Jiang Su was curious, and followed him, and it happened that Mu Yichuan also found his voice here, stood aside and looked in with him.

Inside, Fang Yuanluo was grabbing a beggar gang disciple to shave his beard. There were already a few clean-faced beggar gang disciples sitting beside him. Everyone was crying, but they didn't dare to resist Fang Yuanluo's atrocities. , could only wipe away tears and howl a few times, trying to attract the attention of other people in the Wulin League, so as to get help.

Beggar Gang disciple A burst into tears: "I have grown a beard for twenty years! My mother didn't let me cut it off!"

Beggar Gang disciple B beat his chest and stamped his feet: "I'm not me anymore! I'm so big and handsome!"

Fang Yuanluo waved the sharp dagger in his hand to shave the beard, and replied loudly: "What's wrong with shaving your beard? Let's be a clean beggar gang member!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Too stupid to want to watch it.

But he turned his head and looked at Fu Wenxiao, who lived in the courtyard next door, standing aside, seeming to be quite happy watching.

Jiang Su thought for a while, took the initiative to walk to Fu Wenxiao's side, coughed lightly, and asked, "Doctor Fu wakes up so early?"

Fu Wenxiao replied: "There is such a big commotion next door, it's hard not to hear it."

At any rate, Jiang Su still remembered his goal of matching Fu Wenxiao and Fang Yuanluo. He planned to take this opportunity to test Fu Wenxiao's opinion on Fang Yuanluo's actions, so he stood beside Fu Wenxiao for a while, watching Fang Yuanluo shave another hair The beards of the disciples of the Beggar Gang, he opened his mouth and asked, "This is the first time I have seen the Beggar Gang tidy up their appearance."

"This is also a good thing." Fu Wenxiao said, "They are usually slovenly, and their beards hide filth, which just increases the possibility of getting sick."

Jiang Su tentatively asked: "Do you think Deputy Chief Fang has done a good job?"

Fu Wenxiao replied, "It's pretty good."

Fang Yuanluo heard it.

He regained his energy immediately, and waved the small dagger in his hand more cheerfully, and his heart was full of trust in Jiang Su. It seemed that he had found the right helper, and Jiang Shaoxia was the strongest!

Fu Wenxiao added another sentence lightly: "It's obviously not enough to just shave the beard."

Fang Yuanluo paused.

"They don't usually like to take a bath." Fu Wenxiao said, "The hair and clothes are very messy, and these are places where dirt is easy to hide."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

"Whenever there is an epidemic in Jianghu, the beggar gang is always the sect that affects the most." Fu Wenxiao sighed and made the final conclusion, "I guess it has something to do with their unclean habits."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "No, I just want to clean them up when I see them."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fang Yuanluo waved the beard-shaving dagger in his hand, and not only that, but he also pulled the messy hair of one of the beggar gang disciples in disgust, and asked with raised eyebrows, "How long has it been since you washed your hair?"

The Beggar Clan disciple was stunned, apparently not expecting Fang Yuanluo to ask such a question.

"Go and wash my hair after a while." Fang Yuanluo looked serious and ordered seriously, "And this body, tsk tsk tsk, it's all rotten, go!"

There was silence in the courtyard for a long while. All the disciples of the Beggars' Clan had never heard of such an unreasonable request. After a while, a disciple of the Beggars' Clan raised his hand tremblingly and asked in a weak voice, "I... I haven't washed my hair for half a year. Now, if the washing doesn't go well... what should I do?"

Fang Yuanluo ruthlessly said: "Shaved."

Beggar disciple: "..."

Fang Yuanluo: "It will be smooth when it grows."

Beggars' disciples: " not shave their heads during the first lunar month!"

Fang Yuanluo: "Do you have an uncle! Tell me more and I'll shave you now!"

The courtyard was full of chaos, and Jiang Su's heart trembled. He turned to see Fu Wenxiao smiling, as if he was extremely satisfied with what happened in front of him.

Jiang Su faintly felt something was wrong.

After experiencing the emotional entanglement between Ding Yesheng and Su Changming, Jiang Su no longer dared to look at things with his own inherent eyes. Now when he saw Fu Wenxiao's smile, he felt that this matter was not that simple. He thought about it seriously— Fu Wenxiao is a well-known genius doctor in the world, how could Fang Yuanluo successfully pretend to be sick under his nose?

Can you be humane, how is Fu Wenxiao's health? How could Fu Wenxiao know it just by taking a pulse?

It was only at this time that Jiang Su finally realized it. He twitched the corners of his mouth, looked sideways at Fu Wenxiao, forced a smile, and asked, "Doctor Fu already knew that Vice-Chairman Fang was not sick, right?"

Fu Wenxiao just smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Su: "The medicine you gave him..."

"Since he wants to act, I have to cooperate." Fu Wenxiao said, "Don't worry, it's not some medicine that hurts your health."

Jiang Su sighed: "Then he shaved his beard... and this gang of beggars..."

"I didn't expect that." Fu Wenxiao smiled slightly, "But it's a good thing, and I'm happy to see it come to fruition."

Jiang Su: "..."

In the final analysis, Fang Yuan Luobai is smart, Fu Wenxiao seems to know everything, the worst are these beggar gang disciples... Forget it, asking them to do a good job of personal hygiene is not persecuting them, this kind of good thing that benefits the world, Fang Yuanluo Should do more.

Seeing that the disciples of the Beggar Gang in the courtyard had taken on a completely new look, Fang Yuanluo drove them to the big bathhouse outside the Wulin League to wash their hair and take a bath together. Jian, was about to drag Mu Yichuan away together, but saw Mu Yichuan staring blankly at the chickens and dogs jumping around in the courtyard, and asked in a daze, "Do they still get food like this?"

Jiang Su: "Uh..."

That's... that's a good question.

Fu Wenxiao was also taken aback, as if he hadn't considered such a possibility, he paused for a moment, coughed, and said, "It's not a good thing to get something for nothing."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su subconsciously turned his gaze to Fang Yuanluo in the courtyard.

It's not a good thing to get something for nothing. He couldn't imagine how the entire gang of beggars would behave like beggars. Such a big gang with thousands of years, it is impossible to disband on the spot with Fu Wenxiao's understatement, right?

Fortunately, Fang Yuanluo was busy dragging the Beggar Clan disciples to take a bath together at this moment, he didn't hear this sentence, Jiang Su was relieved and took the opportunity to leave here.

Today is the first day of the sword test, and he is still in a hurry to finish his sword practice and take Mu Yichuan to the sword test to show off his skills.

It happened that the two of them walked past Fang Yuanluo. Fang Yuanluo saw Mu Yichuan at a glance, and immediately became interested. He even took advantage of the chaos to get close to the two of them, lowered his voice, and said to the two of them, "Brother Mu, the trial of the sword See you later."

Mu Yichuan thought that he was speaking harshly, so he was slightly taken aback, then nodded immediately, and said: "I will do my best, and I will never lose to you."

"Of course you won't lose to me." Fang Yuanluo winked, "You have great kindness to me, how could you lose to me?"

Today he was very proud of the spring breeze, and when he spoke, he wanted to smile his eyes into two slits, but Mu Yichuan didn't understand what he meant, and Fang Yuanluo didn't explain much, and in the end he just patted Mu Yichuan on the shoulder, Said: "See you later."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

After Fang Yuanluo led the disciples of the Beggar Gang away, Mu Yichuan turned his head to look at Jiang Su with a puzzled face: "What does he mean?"

Jiang Su: "I admire your swordsmanship and feel like I'm doomed."

"Oh!" Mu Yichuan nodded, "Why is he so unconfident?"

"If you have the time to think about others, you should think more about the next competition." Jiang Su led Mu Yichuan towards the martial arts competition field of the Wulin League, and said, "I saw the list of swordsmen. It's time to compete with Ding Yesheng, but Ding Yesheng has already returned to Ten Thousand Snakes Island, the first round is vacant, you can rest for a while."

Mu Yichuan nodded seriously.

Jiang Su paused, looked back at Mu Yichuan: "Is your injury okay?"

Mu Yichuan continued to nod.

"As long as you don't move your right hand, there's nothing wrong with it." He thought for a while, and then added, "Don't worry, I will definitely win the first place."

"It doesn't matter if you are not the first." Jiang Su said, "Be careful of injuries."

Mu Yichuan was stunned for a long time, as if it was the first time someone talked to him like this, after a long time, he finally came back to his senses, nodded vigorously, and whispered: "I see."

The trial of the sword is scheduled to be held at the martial arts training ground of the Wulin League. Many disciples from various schools and sects waited at the spot early in the morning. After all, this is a lively event every year. Most of the respected seniors in the martial arts are sitting on the high platform to watch the battle, and the heads of various sects are naturally also here.

Jiang Su and the others came quite early, but many people around them were looking at them. Mu Yichuan felt very uncomfortable, so they found a place to sit down first, and after waiting for a while, the number of people around increased, and Sheng Hechen also came , but Jiang Su looked left and right, but still couldn't see where Zhang Wenxue was.

For so many years, Jiang Su had never seen Zhang Wenxue late for an important matter, he felt something was wrong, and was about to get up to look for Zhang Wenxue, when the gongs and drums beat in the martial arts arena, the sword trial began.

At this moment, Zhang Wenxue appeared.

He looked haggard, as if he hadn't slept all night, and there was something wrong with that state, Jiang Su couldn't help but became more worried, but before he could go to Zhang Wenxue and ask what happened, Zhang Wenxue had already bypassed the high platform , it was passed on to Sheng Hechen, and he had something to say to Sheng Hechen.

The two of them seemed to have important matters to discuss, so Jiang Su had no choice but to continue sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the competition to end before he went up to ask Zhang Wenxue.

Zhang Wenxue boarded the Qixing Building next to the martial arts training ground, and after waiting for a while, he saw Sheng Hechen coming forward alone.

Even though the two temporarily had the same goal because of Mu Yichuan's appearance, they still felt a little bit at odds in private. Sheng Hechen didn't know why Jiang Su called him here, so he just kept alienating and asked, "Master Zhang?" Is there a problem?"

Zhang Wenxue frowned and looked back at him, with a look of torture in her gaze, she said coldly, "I already know."

Sheng Hechen was puzzled: "What do you know?"

"Yesterday, Master Sheng called the heads of various sects to discuss the matter of "Invincibility". After returning home, Zhang went to talk to several senior members of the alliance. "Zhang Wenxue slightly lowered her eyebrows and closed her eyes, "You want my junior brother to go undercover in the Demon Cult, right? "

Sheng Hechen was stunned. Although Jiang Su had already agreed to this matter, he couldn't calm down, and he hadn't really made a decision yet, so he didn't announce this matter when discussing with the heads yesterday. Before the matter reached that point, he always felt that There is another way, he didn't expect that Zhang Wenxue would know about this in advance, and facing Zhang Wenxue's questioning, he could only shake his head and said, "I haven't decided yet—"

"It's not like you don't know what kind of person Xie Zeli is, and what kind of thoughts he has for my junior brother." Zhang Wenxue raised his eyebrows, and it was rare to see such a fierce questioning expression on his face, "He is licentious and vicious, do you think that if you send him away? My junior brother went to the Demon Cult, can he come back alive?"

Sheng Hechen took a step back, shook his head again, and said, "I said it, I haven't thought it through yet."

"You haven't made up your mind yet?" Zhang Wenxue took a deep breath, "Then let me ask you, besides my junior brother, do you have other candidates?"

Sheng Hechen's eyes wandered, he didn't know how else he could answer.

He didn't want to admit it, but what Zhang Wenxue said was right, in this rivers and lakes, besides Jiang Su, he couldn't think of another person who was suitable to go undercover to the Demon Cult.

He could only avoid Zhang Wenxue's gaze, and muttered what was in his heart.

"An undercover person needs extremely high martial arts to protect himself." Sheng Hechen said, "Xie Zeli is suspicious by nature. If he is an ordinary person, he may not be able to enter the Demon Sect, and he will die under his sword."

He didn't know if Zhang Wenxue heard it, and he didn't want to justify his actions, he just muttered to himself while thinking in his heart... In this Jianghu, who else is qualified for this role.

In the righteous way, those with high martial arts are mostly famous. If such people want to sneak into the Demon Sect, Xie Zeli will definitely not believe it, while those who are not famous mostly have low martial arts. If they enter the Demon Sect, they may never return.

He can only think of Jiang Su, who is strong in martial arts and can deceive Xie Zeli into trusting—

No, wait.

Sheng Hechen looked down from the height of the Qixing Tower and looked into the training ground.

Fang Yuanluo, the deputy head of the Beggars' Clan, was confronting the little-known Mu Yichuan of the Zhishui Sword Sect. The two had just met each other when Fang Yuanluo was already injured by the opponent's inner strength, and he retreated a few steps. He almost fell out of the martial arts training ground, raised his head again, and vomited a mouthful of blood, covered his chest, gestured to Mu Yichuan weakly, and said, "Young hero...Young hero is good at martial arts."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan raised his hand in a daze, and looked at the sword in his hand.

That calm and calm appearance after winning the deputy head of the beggar gang, this has no reputation at all, this... isn't this the best undercover candidate he has been looking for for a long time!

Sheng Hechen was overjoyed, wishing he could turn his head immediately and grab Zhang Wenxue's hand.

"Master Zhang! I found it!" Sheng Hechen was very excited, "I have found it!"

Zhang Wenxue was still sullen, didn't understand what Sheng Hechen meant for a while, but raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did you find?"

Sheng Hechen raised his hand and pointed at the training ground.

"An undercover candidate!" Sheng Hechen said, "Look, how is he?!"