Chapter 17: The most important thing is the contrast

Zhang Wenxue was stunned.

He really didn't expect Sheng Hechen to say such a sentence suddenly, and it is absolutely impossible to let Mu Yichuan go undercover. Sheng Hechen didn't know that Mu Yichuan was Lin Fengnan's son, and dragged such a young man who didn't know anything into the water , Zhang Wenxue couldn't do it.

"If he joins the Devil's Cult, isn't he also close to death?" Zhang Wenxue frowned, only thinking that Sheng Hechen's change was really ridiculous, "Is there no other way for you?"

Sheng Hechen was extremely troubled: "I... If no one else goes, then it should be Su'er."

Zhang Wenxue: "...Even so, you can't harm other people like this."

"You and I are discussing all kinds of things here, and there will be no results. It's better to ask him." Sheng Hechen said, "Whether you want to or not, it's up to him to decide. What do you think?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue didn't dare to nod.

No matter how you say it, Mu Yichuan is Lin Fengnan's son. He thinks that Sheng Hechen was able to say this so lightly because he didn't know the connection. If he knew who Mu Yichuan was, he couldn't have easily said that make this decision.

Zhang Wenxue originally wanted to help Jiang Su conceal Mu Yichuan's identity, but now, he feels that this matter... can no longer be concealed.

"Master Sheng, have you ever met your master's only son?" Zhang Wenxue asked seriously, "If he is here, would you still recognize him?"

Sheng Hechen really didn't know why Zhang Wenxue suddenly changed the topic here, he frowned slightly, but still answered seriously, "I only saw it when I was a child."

Now, after more than ten years, he has long been unable to remember the appearance of Lin Fengnan's only son, not to mention that after such a long time, people's appearance will always change, even at this moment, his master's only son is standing next to him In front of him, nine out of ten he would not be able to recognize him.

Now that Zhang Wenxue asked him this, it made him feel a little ominous.

"Why did Master Zhang ask such a question?" Sheng Hechen couldn't help turning his gaze to Mu Yichuan on the competition field, "Could it be that he—"

Zhang Wenxue smiled wryly, and said, "He is the son of Senior Lin."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

"My junior brother met him who was seriously injured a few days ago, and took him back to the door for treatment." Zhang Wenxue said in earnest, "Later, I learned that he is the child of Senior Lin, and Senior Lin seems to be... It's not good for him."

Sheng Hechen has seen Lin Fengnan's attitude towards his son to some extent. He knows that Lin Fengnan regards the old relationship with the saintess of Meiyou Palace as the biggest stain in his life, so he treats the old relationship with the evil woman. Son, naturally it won't be too good.

"My junior brother is soft-hearted. He can't see that Mu Yichuan is so harshly criticized by his senior Lin, and he can't accept that senior Lin has always looked down on this child." Zhang Wenxue sighed, "He thought Mu Yichuan would come to participate in the sword test With a good ranking, Senior Lin can make him like him more."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Yes, Sheng Hechen also knew.

Lin Fengnan has never allowed his child to leave his seclusion, but Lin Fengnan personally taught the child's swordsmanship. Sheng Hechen had some interactions with him when he was young. He remembered that the child was extremely talented. Wishing him to step into the rivers and lakes, then he should also be the leader of young people in the rivers and lakes.

Sheng Hechen frowned again and looked seriously at Mu Yichuan on the arena. Perhaps it was because of what Zhang Wenxue said before him. Now that he looked at Mu Yichuan's face, he felt inexplicably... well, Mu Yichuan seemed to be a little bit ...resembling the appearance of Master's son in his memory.

Besides, Lin, Mu, isn't this just a pseudonym! It's right, it's all right! This is his master's child!

Once Mu Yichuan's identity was confirmed, Sheng Hechen immediately felt that the matter became easier.

Before Lingxi Mountain was shaken out of the "Invincible Sky", the Martial Arts League had discussed several times, planning a strategy to take back the two keys held by the Demon Sect. After all, it was a disaster in Xie Zeli's hands. He also felt that an undercover agent was needed for this matter, and Lin Fengnan heard about this matter from nowhere, and specially wrote a letter to Sheng Hechen, mentioning that his son might be an excellent candidate for an undercover agent.

At this moment, Sheng Hechen looked at Mu Yichuan, and hope was rekindled in his heart.

Take a look, what a perfect candidate for an undercover agent!

He was born in a righteous way, but his mother was a saint of an evil sect, so many people in the righteous way didn't like him or even wanted to bully him. Li and Lou Yan, the head of Meiyou Palace, have a very good relationship, and he will definitely not make things difficult for the son of the saintess of Meiyou Palace.

This is simply a better undercover talent than Jiang Su, but not long ago, Sheng Hechen thought that the master's child was not good at martial arts, and since the undercover job was not urgent, he replied politely and declined. I remembered one more thing.

Now that he saw that Mu Yichuan could wound Fang Yuanluo with one move, with such good martial arts, even if he went to the Demon Sect, he would definitely be able to protect himself!

Sheng Hechen was excited, turned his head and held Zhang Wenxue's hand, and told Zhang Wenxue everything he had learned and thought in his heart. Seeing that Zhang Wenxue was still hesitant, he couldn't help but took another picture. Pat Zhang Wenxue's hand, comforted him patiently, and said: "Master Zhang, don't panic, we will discuss everything with Mu Yichuan, if he is not willing, I will never force him."

Zhang Wenxue frowned: "But..."

"There are not so many buts." Sheng Hechen said, "After the sword test is over, we will go ask him together."

Mu Yichuan came down from the arena, looked at the almost shocked eyes of the people around him, and listened to the loud cheers, he was completely at a loss for a moment.

No, it shouldn't be like this.

He didn't meet Fang Yuanluo very much at all, the two of them just had a face-to-face meeting, Fang Yuanluo flew out suddenly, and suffered such a serious injury, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for him to do it ah?

Could it be that...Fang Yuanluo had been injured long ago?

Impossible, earlier Fang Yuanluo was alive and well escorting a group of beggar gang disciples to take a bath, and it's been a while since we saw him, how could he be so seriously injured all of a sudden? In all likelihood, Fang Yuanluo was deliberately releasing water, so as to fulfill his original promise that Mu Yichuan would win the sword test.

Mu Yichuan was a little bit unhappy, he didn't like other people's secret operations, but Fang Yuanluo had already been carried away, so he could only hold his breath and walked up to Jiang Su, angrily said: "He released the water."

Jiang Su saw it.

This is more than water? Fang Yuanluo acted so exaggeratedly, it was like letting the sea go.

Jiang Su sighed, and turned his gaze again to the direction where Zhang Wenxue and Leader Sheng had left just now. Just now he saw the two of them went to the Seven Star Building, maybe they had important business to discuss, but it's a pity that this place is too far away from the Seven Star Building. Even from this angle, I can barely see two figures gathering, and at this moment...


Sheng Hechen took the initiative to hold his senior brother's hand? Still touched up? Brother didn't even resist? ?

Jiang Su turned around quickly, staring at the scene in the distance.

It's not easy, he feels that the relationship between senior brother and Leader Sheng... is getting more and more difficult!

The morning competition was over, and Fang Yuanluo, who was "severely injured", limped over while clutching his chest, wanting to talk to the young leader who had won him.

Taking advantage of no one's attention around him, he deliberately took a step forward, smiled at them with a playful smile, and asked in a low voice, "Is it realistic?"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Mu Yichuan didn't want to talk to him.

Jiang Su was a little puzzled, since Fang Yuanluo hadn't been injured, how could he vomit blood? He was quite curious about this technique, so he couldn't help asking, "Vice Chief Fang, the blood you vomited just now..."

"Interesting, isn't it? I made it with sauce." Fang Yuanluo grinned, "I came to the Wulin League Road and saw a disciple using this thing to touch porcelain on the street, so I confiscated it and taught me a lesson. He paused, didn't this come in handy?"

Jiang Su: "..."

"Jiang Shaoxia, I'm here to ask about the plan for the second step." Fang Yuanluo lowered his voice, but couldn't suppress the excitement in his voice, and said, "Today, Master Fu smiled at me! He He also praised me for doing a good job, Jiang Shaoxia is really good, do you know what other tricks Jiang Shaoxia has?"

Jiang Su: "Well..."

Fang Yuanluo was full of longing.

Jiang Su didn't think about what to do next, but today he knew that Fu Wenxiao had already seen through Fang Yuanluo's careful thinking, and felt that they didn't need so many tricks. At this time, a straight ball would be fine!

It's just that the good words of love are good, you must first contrast the cuteness, then kiss and hug and raise it high, this thing is always right, they'd better follow the steps step by step.

Jiang Su coughed and asked Fang Yuanluo: "When Doctor Fu saw you this morning, how did he react?"

Fang Yuanluo said awkwardly: "He didn't recognize who I was."

Jiang Su nodded: "Okay, the contrast is great!"

Fang Yuanluo: "What? Contrast?"

"Vice Chief Fang, you know, people are creatures that love the new and dislike the old." Jiang Su threw out his own understanding, "I have so many swords, but when I see a new sword, I still can't help wanting to Go buy it."

Fang Yuanluo felt that what Jiang Su said made sense.

"As for the sword that you have already obtained, you are used to seeing it and are familiar with its appearance. If you suddenly find out that this sword has some little secrets that you don't know, don't you think it is extra novel?" Jiang Su sighed in a low voice, " I still want to look at it a few more times, I just want to hold it in my arms and play with it day and night."

Fang Yuanluo couldn't help nodding.

Only then did Jiang Su change the subject and asked, "Have you known Dr. Fu for a long time?"

Fang Yuanluo suddenly realized.

Oh! It turned out to be such a thing!

He and Fu Wenxiao have known each other for many years, and the time when the two sides felt new to each other has long passed, and Fu Wenxiao has long been used to his personality and appearance. Look at him a few more times, the more you look at him, the more you like him, the more you look at him, the more you like him!

Fang Yuanluo couldn't help the smirk on his face, he felt as if he had seen the bright future of himself and Dr. Fu hand in hand, but where to start this change...he didn't have any good ideas yet.

"You've already shaved your beard." Jiang Su looked him up and down, "Can you change into clothes that don't have so many torn bags?"

Fang Yuanluo couldn't help shaking his head: "No, no, even if I shave my beard, I'm still a member of the beggar gang. This is our symbol!"

Jiang Su thought about the appearance of the people in the beggar gang he knew, and it seemed that it was true. He couldn't force Fang Yuanluo to quit the beggar gang in order to chase his wife. Apart from clothes, he had to think of other ways.

He looked at Fang Yuanluo carefully for a long time, and gradually he had an idea in his mind.

They can't change their appearance, but they can change their personality habits!

Fang Yuanluo is good at wine, he acts boldly, doesn't care about trifles, and is a bit naive, but Fu Wenxiao is just the opposite. Fu Wenxiao doesn't drink at all, goes to bed early and gets up early every day, and has a very good life style. Jing, except for going out to see a doctor, doesn't like to socialize with people very much. He also likes to be clean and always likes to put everything neatly.

Among these characteristics, the easiest thing to change is to let Fang Yuanluo quit drinking, learn from Fu Wenxiao's clean and meticulous personality, and manage his daily life properly. As for how to let Fu Wenxiao discover this change —

Jiang Su stroked his chin and said, "There is still some time before the afternoon sword discussion, let's go to Jufulou for a meal together."

Fang Yuanluo was stunned: "But the matter between me and Master Fu—"

"Call Master Fu." Jiang Su said, "I invite you two to have a meal together."

Fang Yuanluo was very nervous.

He had known Fu Wenxiao for so long, and this was the first time he had dinner with Fu Wenxiao in private.

Although there are Jiang Su and Mu Yichuan at the dinner table, they are the matchmaker, the matchmaker...they are not outsiders, round up, just treat it as him dining with Fu Wenxiao, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime occasion Chance.

Before coming here, Jiang Su had already discussed with him the key points of contrast that he needs to show, which is nothing more than killing people, not drinking, and loving cleanliness. It would be great if he could take the initiative to align the dishes when serving, Fu Wenxiao Will definitely like him more.

They originally wanted to book a private room, so that no one would disturb them, and it would be more convenient to do things, but recently there are many people from all walks of life in the martial arts league, and everyone knows that Jufulou is the best restaurant in the city, and the private room has long been booked. They could only find a secluded corner in the lobby and wait for Fu Wenxiao to come over.

Fu Wenxiao was always on time for appointments. Although he never thought that Fang Yuanluo was here, this incident was not too surprising. He didn't mind having dinner at the same table with Fang Yuanluo. After he sat down, Jiang Su called Come to the store, ask Fang Yuanluo to order.

Fang Yuanluo had been taught by Jiang Su long ago, first asked the shop assistant about the signature dishes of Jufulou, and when the shop assistant asked them whether they should serve tea or wine, he just pretended to show an elegant smile and said: "Quit drinking, tea Just fine."

Fu Wenxiao really took one more look at him when he heard the words, Fang Yuanluo was overjoyed, and felt that Jiang Su's suggestion was really useful. When the shop assistant served tea and appetizers first, he sat down in a serious manner, stretched out a hand, and The bowls and chopsticks on the table were properly aligned, and then he raised his head full of anticipation, waiting for Fu Wenxiao's admiring gaze.

But Fu Wenxiao was just full of surprise, before he laughed for a while, and said, "What's wrong with Deputy Chief Fang?"

Fang Yuanluo was startled: "What's wrong with me?"

"It's okay." Fu Wenxiao shook his head, "It's just different from usual."

Except for this sentence, he didn't say much about Fang Yuanluo's change, he didn't say anything about what Jiang Su said, and he wanted to take another look at him. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed, frowning and eating in silence .

Jiang Su tried his best to hint with his eyes, and Fang Yuanluo finally thought of a topic that could be talked about. He was about to talk to Fu Wenxiao, but he didn't want Fu Wenxiao to look at him, and said, "Vice Chief Fang, you can't talk about food."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

No, he can't even say a word, how hard does this make him work!

Fang Yuanluo didn't say a few words after eating most of the boring meal.

Jiang Su felt that he had chosen the wrong occasion, and he was depressed, thinking that he would have to leave the Wulin League and go to the Devil's Cult soon. The time left for him to match Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao was running out, and he still wasted it. Such a precious opportunity.

He sighed deeply, and was thinking hard about what to do next, when a panic yell came from the other side of the Jufulou lobby, a young girl clutched her chest, rolled her eyes and fell down.

Fu Wenxiao is a doctor. When others were at a loss, he subconsciously rushed forward, grabbed the girl's wrist, and wanted to feel her pulse. Jiang Su also hurriedly followed, but before Jiang Su could see clearly what happened A big man jumped out from the side and shouted at Fu Wenxiao: "What's wrong with you! How can you touch a girl's hand!"

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Miscalculation, there is such a trick.

Fu Wenxiao frowned and looked at the unconscious woman who was lying on the ground. The girl also sat up at this moment, her face was full of panic, she seemed to be struggling unceasingly, and she screamed, "Help! Help me!"

Nowadays, most of the people in Jufu Building are people from the Jianghu, and naturally they all know Fu Wenxiao. These two people yelled indiscriminately, and someone came out to speak for Fu Wenxiao, saying: "This is a genius doctor—"

"Can a genius doctor touch people's hands!" The woman cried in a shrill voice, "Won't your conscience ache when so many of you bully me, a weak woman?"

Fu Wenxiao: "This..."

"I don't want to talk to gangsters!" The woman covered her face, "You are insulting people's innocence, I'm going to report to the police! Let the officials arrest you!"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "We are the righteous way of the world, how could we-"

"Is this the way of the world!" The woman shouted, "What kind of world are you!"

Jiang Su: "..."

The burly man next to the woman sighed, knelt down to comfort the woman, and said, "Sister, why is our life so hard!"

The woman covered her face with a handkerchief, but couldn't stop crying.

The big man looked up at Fu Wenxiao again.

"I see how you are so talented, how can you do such a thing." He said, "Well, I will be a good person once, and if you lose some money, this matter will be over."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su took a deep breath, and was about to talk to the two of them about the situation, when Fang Yuanluo raised his eyebrows impatiently, and said, "Pengci?"

Big man: "There are so many of you, I can't beat you!"

Seeing that Fang Yuanluo was about to explode, Jiang Su coughed lightly, signaling to Fang Yuanluo not to end the dispute with violence. He felt that with Fu Wenxiao's character, he obviously prefers to persuade people with reasoning.

Fang Yuanluo was stunned, looking at Jiang Su's eyes, he suddenly remembered, yes, to contrast, he needs to contrast with his previous image.

The way he used to do things... what was it?

Rude, heroic, without regard to trifles.

Now he should...

Fang Yuanluo swallowed, feeling a little nervous, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and finally stopped on Mu Yichuan who was facing him in the morning.

Oh right, how did he forget the treasure he confiscated.

Fang Yuanluo took a few steps forward and stood in front of the burly man, raising his eyebrows provocatively.

He insisted on walking so close that he almost stuck in front of the man. The big man couldn't help but raised his hand and gave him a slight push. Covering his chest with his hands, he took a few steps back and fell in front of the woman, his face full of pain.

Everyone was stunned.

After a while, someone just came back to his senses and asked in a panic: "Did Vice-Clan Master Fang get hurt when he was discussing the sword just now?"

"That's right! He vomited so much blood, and this man pushed him!"

"Vice Chief Fang, are you okay!"

Fang Yuanluo raised his head and said, "I... didn't..."

He opened his mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The woman and the big man panicked immediately.

He vomited blood! This man vomited so much blood! Is he really saved!