Chapter 19: Its poison "bears the tears"

Mu Yichuan originally thought that Jiang Su already knew his identity, but now it seems that Jiang Su was mistaken from the beginning.

Jiang Su didn't even know that he was Li Hanshan, the adopted son of Xie Zeli, the leader of the Demon Cult, nor did he not care about the balance between good and evil after knowing his identity. Take good care of.

But in the beginning, it was he who made up a fake name to deceive Jiang Su, he couldn't blame anyone, until now, Mu Yichuan didn't even know if he could continue to stay in this place. Uneasy in his heart, he raised his head to look at Jiang Su in panic, but just in time to see Jiang Su frowning slightly, with a serious expression on his face, as if he was still a little vigilant, so he swallowed back the words that had come to his lips, only to feel that he must not say anything to Jiang Su. Acknowledge your identity as the young master of the Demon Sect.

It was so easy for him to have such a friend, and he didn't want to lose this friend because of the confrontation between good and evil.

Besides, even if Jiang Su doesn't mind, there are still Zhang Wenxue and Sheng Hechen here, and Sheng Hechen is the leader of the martial arts alliance. If he exposes his identity everywhere, he is afraid that it will bring countless troubles to Jiang Su.

But Jiang Su was thinking in his heart, obviously it was different from Mu Yichuan's guess.

Jiang Su didn't care about the balance between good and evil. He had read a lot of these rules in martial arts novels. In the end, they were just restricting his own nonsense. It's hard to determine what is right and what is wrong. He still believed in what he saw before his eyes.

He believed that Mu Yichuan didn't look like some heinous villain, but now he was just curious, if Mu Yichuan wasn't Lin Fengnan's son, then who would his father be?

In the evil way, there are many people who use swords, and there are also many people with high martial arts skills. They have an affair with people in Mei You Palace. There are countless names coming and going in his mind, but he can't think of anyone who might be Mu Ichikawa's father.

He could only look at Mu Yichuan, waiting for Mu Yichuan to give him an explanation.

But before Mu Yichuan had time to speak, Sheng Hechen took the lead and asked cautiously, "Who are you?"

Mu Yichuan: "I..."

"Your father is not Lin Fengnan, so who is it?" Sheng Hechen asked step by step, "What relationship do you have with evil ways?"

Mu Yichuan muttered a few words, but really didn't know how to explain himself at this time, and Jiang Su saw him in a difficult situation, thinking that this was because they had misunderstood it first, and thought that there was no name for Mu Yichuan in the world, maybe Mu Yichuan His father had already retired, so he never let his son set foot in Jianghu, so he took the initiative to rescue Mu Yichuan and asked, "Your father has already retired?"

Mu Yichuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

In his impression, his father didn't seem to have much to do every day except play chess, read books and amuse the little beauties in the classroom.

But he didn't know that the leader of the Demon Cult holds a high position and has countless subordinates in the teaching. He only needs to be in charge of the teaching, how could it be the turn of the leader of the Demon Cult to personally take care of ordinary trivial matters.

Sheng Hechen still had doubts, and asked, "What's your father's name?"

Mu Yichuan was silent for a moment, then murmured softly: "He doesn't like me mentioning his name to the outside world."

Sheng Hechen raised his eyebrows, and was about to ask, Jiang Su coughed lightly, interrupting Sheng Hechen's next words, and asked Mu Yichuan, "Did you lie about the few questions I asked you that day?"

Mu Yichuan couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "My father uses a sword, his surname is not Mu, and Meiyou Palace..."

He paused slightly, and mentioned his father's affair in front of Jiang Su. He was obviously a little embarrassed and embarrassed, so he mumbled for a moment, and finally he could only choke out a sentence: "He was... not very decent in the early years."

Jiang Su: "..."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Sheng Hechen stood aside, looking at Mu Yichuan vigilantly, as if he was also thinking about who in the evil way could match the characteristics Mu Yichuan just mentioned.

It's a pity that there were too many suspicious candidates, and he found nothing, so he could only turn to Zhang Wenxue and ask in a low voice: "The undercover matter... What should I do?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Jiang Su vaguely heard the word "undercover", and instantly understood why Sheng Hechen and Zhang Wenxue asked him to come here with Mu Yichuan.

If Mu Yichuan is really Lin Fengnan's son, then he is indeed a good undercover candidate.

But Jiang Su went undercover to the Devil's Cult for another purpose. He didn't want others to take his place. The trip was difficult and dangerous, and he didn't want to drag others into the water to take risks.

He thought that Mu Yichuan still didn't know that the Wulin League was going to send an undercover agent to the Demon Sect. The less people knew about it, the better, so Jiang Su frowned, turned around and said to Mu Yichuan: "Brother Mu, can you go out first?" What? I still have something to discuss with the sect master and Master Sheng."

Mu Yichuan was stunned, as if he had heard something inconceivable, and he came back to his senses after a while, and he nodded slightly without saying a word, then turned around stiffly, and walked out directly.

Jiang Su didn't think much about it.

He felt that Mu Yichuan was forced to ask about his life experience by them, and it was normal for him to look a little bit for a moment. He waited for Mu Yichuan to close the door, then turned to look at Sheng Hechen and Zhang Wenxue, raised his eyebrows and said, "You want him to go to hell?" Teach undercover?"

Sheng Hechen was slightly embarrassed, coughed lightly, and replied, "I thought he was..."

"I've made up my mind." Jiang Su said, "I'll just go undercover."

Zhang Wenxue: "But—"

"Brother, I know you're worried about me." Jiang Su interrupted him, "But if I can't even get out, wouldn't it be more dangerous for someone else to go undercover in the Demon Sect?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Zhang Wenxue was full of worries. He knew Xie Zeli's methods. He was afraid that something would happen to Jiang Su, but he also felt that Jiang Su was right. Jiang Su, is it just to protect Jiang Su and then harm other people?

He remained silent. For the first time, he felt that he might not be worthy of the word "righteous way". In the end, he could only let out a long sigh, and said, "Just now, Master Sheng received the news that Xie Zeli, the leader of the Demon Sect, has left the sect for a few days. If you want to find him, go out of the city and walk north for a few days, and you should be able to see him."

Jiang Su didn't expect Zhang Wenxue to agree so happily, he was stunned for a moment before nodding, he will not participate in this year's sword competition, and after Mu Yichuan's identity is exposed, he will not participate in future sword competitions, so he might as well leave the city earlier , send Mu Yichuan away first, and then head north to look for Xie Zeli. The earlier he gets the key, the sooner he can unlock "Invincible".

Seeing that Zhang Wenxue seemed to have accepted Jiang Su's undercover job, Sheng Hechen felt as if a stone had fallen from his heart.

This felt weird, he felt that he was not as worried about Jiang Su as Zhang Wenxue was, on the contrary, the smooth resolution of the matter reassured him, as for what would happen afterwards...To be honest, he hadn't thought about it carefully.

He just breathed a sigh of relief, and then told Jiang Su that they planned for the future.

"After you leave the Martial Arts League, I will spread clues and fabricate the news of your defection." Sheng Hechen said, "Xie Zeli is suspicious by nature. When you come to him, remember to be careful."

Zhang Wenxue took a step forward and took Jiang Su's hand.

"Take care of yourself." Zhang Wenxue said, "If he bullies you, just kill him."

He said it lightly, as if he was not the one who was worried and obstructed just now, but Jiang Su could tell that he was worried, but he was about to leave, and he didn't want his worry and fear to affect Jiang Su. Holding Jiang Su's hand, he gave serious instructions word by word, saying: "No matter what, you must come back well."

Jiang Su: "..."

No, with such a big fg, can we not stand casually?

Jiang Su didn't answer, Zhang Wenxue was full of helplessness, he could only sigh, and said: "As for Mu'd better let him leave the Wulin League earlier, if other people find out his identity—"

Jiang Su frowned and said nothing.

He felt that Mu Yichuan didn't look like a bad person at all, how could there be such a bad person as Mu Yichuan in this world? Besides, these days he is almost inseparable from Mu Yichuan, and he has never seen Mu Yichuan take the initiative to inquire into the internal affairs of the Wulin League or the Zhishui Sword Sect. If he is a bad guy, then this bad guy is too aimless some.

"I know what you're thinking, he really doesn't look like a bad guy." Zhang Wenxue said in a low voice, "But if he continues to stay in the Wulin League, his identity will be the biggest trouble."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't want to nod.

But he knew in his heart that what Zhang Wenxue said was correct and that Mu Yichuan could not continue to stay in the Wulin League. After a moment of silence, he still opened his mouth and said, "When I leave the Wulin League tomorrow, I will take him away with me. Say goodbye to him when you're out of town."

After solving the two problems at once, Sheng Hechen finally decided to relax. He got up and walked out, saying, "Since the matter has been resolved, I'm going to go out and talk about it with the heads."

Jiang Su asked: "You called everyone here just to talk about this matter?"

Only then did Sheng Hechen remember that he was anxious for everyone's attention, he smiled, and answered before Zhang Wenxue opened his mouth, saying: "I learned about Xie Zeli's movements, and I was worried that the Demon Sect already knew the location of "Insurmountable Heaven", so I summoned all the masters. The door, I want to advance the undercover matter a little earlier. "

Jiang Su: "...I see."

He looked at Sheng Hechen and smiled, feeling inexplicably speechless in his heart.

When he first understood the plot of the book, he only felt that Sheng Hechen should have made a choice between the Jianghu and the beauties, and he was more inclined to fulfill his duties as the leader of the martial arts, but today...he feels differently.

He thought that there might be no difference between Sheng Hechen and Xie Zeli.

He just felt that a beauty matched a hero, while Xie Zeli was straightforward, but Sheng Hechen was more used to concealing his desires.

He didn't want to talk to Sheng Hechen anymore, he just said that he was rushing back to pack his luggage. Anyway, Sheng Hechen wanted to discuss important matters with the heads, and this matter had nothing to do with him, so he left Sheng Hechen's study in a hurry, thinking of finding Mu Yichuan and asking again some situations.

Jiang Su left Sheng Hechen's study room, but he didn't see Mu Yichuan waiting outside. He thought about where Mu Yichuan might go, and then went to Mu Yichuan's room. Several guards asked, but none of them said that they had seen Mu Yichuan.

That's right, Mu Yichuan's martial arts are so high, if he wants to leave, he can do so quietly.

Jiang Su felt more and more uneasy. He was worried that Mu Yichuan might be unhappy when they asked about Mu Yichuan's identity just now. Mu Yichuan felt a little uneasy, could he take advantage of this opportunity and leave directly from the Wulin League?

Jiang Su was at a loss, but he didn't know where else to find him. He was so worried that he had to go back to his room for a while. When the door opened, he saw Xie Wuwuming sword neatly placed on the table inside the room. There seemed to be a folded note under the sword.

Jiang Su already understood.

Mu Yichuan left without saying goodbye, and only left these things to him.

He couldn't help frowning, pulled out the note and opened it, the first thing he saw was a plum blossom carefully pressed in the note.

He was in a bad mood because of Mu Yichuan's leaving without saying goodbye, but now he picked up the plum blossom, he was restless before, but calmed down a lot. He slightly bent the corners of his lips, and carefully put the flower aside , just now to look at the contents of the note.

On the note, there are only two words "very simple".


Jiang Su: "..."

Holding the Wuming sword, he felt more and more uncomfortable.

what happened? He had already given away the sword, and Mu Yichuan wanted to return it to him!

Anyone can lose their wives, that's too much!

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Su packed up, went to say goodbye to Zhang Wenxue, encouraged Qi Du to practice martial arts well, and left the Wulin League.

He also deliberately brought the nameless sword.

He didn't know if he could meet Mu Yichuan on the next journey, but he thought, this Jianghu is not too big, a person like Mu Yichuan will attract attention wherever he goes, and he will always have a chance to see this brat again Well, when that time comes, he can return the sword to Mu Yichuan, and teach this brat a lesson.

what's up? The man ran away and his wife lost him. Can a swordsman be like this?


He led his horse out of the city, and when he was about to leave, he saw Fang Yuanluo trotting all the way, waving his hands and yelling to tell him to wait, so Jiang Su stayed for a while, and when Fang Yuanluo came over, he had no time to ask Fang What's the matter with Yuanluo, Fang Yuanluo gasped and said loudly: "Brother Jiang, why are you leaving all of a sudden!"

Sheng Hechen was worried that Xie Zeli was suspicious. If they directly announced that Jiang Su had betrayed the Wulin League without reason, Xie Zeli might not believe it easily, so he suppressed the news. It happened that Lou Yan was in the city, so he could find a way to reveal some clues Make Lou Yan aware of it, and let Lou Yan report the matter to Xie Zeli, so that Xie Zeli will always be more trustworthy.

Jiang Su knew that Fang Yuanluo didn't know the inside story, but wanted to cooperate with Sheng Hechen's plan, so he could only smile and said, "It's okay, I'm just going out of the city to do something."

"The trial of the sword is not over yet." Fang Yuanluo was very puzzled, "Brother Mu is also gone."

Jiang Su: "...He also has something to leave."

Fang Yuanluo sighed deeply.

It's so easy to meet new friends with such a good taste, why one or two have to run away.

However, the sons and daughters of the Jianghu are used to parting. The Jianghu is not big, and there will always be a chance to see you again. He cupped his fists to say goodbye to Jiang Su, and Jiang Su watched him hesitate to speak, and stopped for a while before speaking again, and spoke seriously. Fang Yuanluo said: "Vice Chief Fang, the matter between you and Master Fu..."

Fang Yuanluo: "I will work hard!"

"No, that's not what I meant." Jiang Su coughed and put on an extremely serious expression, "I've thought about it, Deputy Gang Leader Fang, you always need someone's help in this kind of matter."

Fang Yuanluo felt that what Jiang Su said made sense.

He doesn't have much experience in pursuing others. If he had to do it alone, he couldn't think of so many good strategies to pursue God's doctor Fu. Jiang Su helped him a lot. To be honest, he was also worried before that if Jiang Su had something to leave So, who else can advise him?

He was a little moved.

He didn't expect that when Jiang Su left, he would still be thinking about him and Fu Wenxiao in his heart, thinking of him so sincerely, he would swear here today, if he and Master Fu got married in the end, then he would have to bear it. Carry Jiang Su to the matchmaker table and give him a big red envelope!

"After I leave the Martial Arts League, I will write you a letter as soon as possible." Jiang Su said seriously, "My whereabouts may be uncertain for a while, but I will find a way to send the letter to you."

Fang Yuanluo nodded vigorously, held Jiang Su's hand tightly, shook it vigorously up and down, and said, "Thank you, Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Su breathed a sigh of relief.


He thought that after he left the Martial Arts League, the couple Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao were about to become popular, so he tried his best to propose a letter of guidance.

He didn't expect Fang Yuanluo to agree so happily. From this point of view, the value of this couple should be stable, but I don't know if there is anyone in the Demon Cult who is single and has high martial arts...

Well, I heard that the evil way likes to mess around, the possibility of this should not be too high, he'd better match up Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao first.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su couldn't help but patted Fang Yuanluo's hand, and said, "You must work hard, always remember the word 'contrast', so that Master Fu can see Chang Xin often, and discover a new side of you every day."

Fang Yuanluo also patted Jiang Su's hand, as if he was indescribably excited.

"Jiang Shaoxia don't worry." Fang Yuanluo nodded vigorously, "I will definitely work hard!"

Jiang Su bid farewell to Fang Yuanluo, and rode forward alone.

In fact, he knew roughly where Xie Zeli was.

He still remembered the plot in the original book. In the book, Jiang Su left the Martial Arts League and walked northward for two days. Then he bumped into the Demon Sect team in a small town. His martial arts were too weak, so he was **** and escorted to Xie Zeli, who listened to Xie Zeli After talking nonsense for a joke, Xie Ze forcefully poured the poison in Mei You Palace.

But now it is different.

Xie Zeli is no match for him at all, there are few people in the entire Demon Cult who can contend against him, he will not be **** and sent to Xie Zeli at all, the current situation is just right, if it is possible, Jiang Su really wants to kill Xie Zeli directly with his sword.

After all, the source of everything in the book is Xie Zeli. As the leader of the Demon Cult, this person has done many evil things over the years, but if the leader of the Demon Cult dies suddenly, the Demon Cult will be in chaos. People watch over them, and they all ran out to bite people indiscriminately, and the righteous way will cause headaches.

The Devil's Cult needs to be suppressed and controlled, but it can't just kill Xie Zeli directly, even if he wants to take revenge on Xie Zeli, he can only use other methods.

As for how to do it...

You can't kill, you can't hurt, and you have to ask where the key is.

It's too difficult. It's not something you can do whatever you want with a high martial arts skill.

Jiang Su had a headache and didn't want to think.

A few days later, Jiang Su finally arrived outside the town where the Demon Cult was temporarily stationed.

Before he entered the city, he had already seen several members of the Devil's Cult dressed up and walking around the city. Xie Zeli never thought about hiding his whereabouts. That's right, the Devil's Cult was already strong enough to stand against the Righteous Way, so it's no wonder that he has become more and more arrogant in recent years.

Jiang Su knew that his face was attracting attention, so he never entered the city for a while. He found a grandmother on the outskirts of the city and asked about the news. He roughly learned that the Demon Cult had arrived here about two days ago and booked the largest inn in the city. Xie Zeli would not Go out again, as if waiting for something.

Jiang Su guessed that Xie Zeli should be waiting for Lou Yan to bring news from the Wulin League, and if Lou Yan left the Wulin League at about the same time as himself, then it should be about to arrive at this time.

He wanted to wait for Lou Yan to tell Xie Zeli the news of his "betrayal" from the Wulin League, so he rested outside the city for another day.

He remembered that when Jiang Su went to see Xie Zeli in the book, Xie Zeli already knew that he had betrayed the Wulin League, and he only had to wait for the news to spread before entering the city, but at that time he did not expect that the person who brought the news turned out to be Meiyou Gonggong Lou Yan, the main character, after all, it seems that there is no such thing as looking for clues, and it seems that no one of Lou Yan's status will be able to appear on the stage.

The matter finally developed to the most critical moment in the whole book, but Jiang Su didn't feel nervous.

He was camping outside the city, sat by the bonfire and sharpened his sword. After thinking about it for a while, he took out the unknown sword he carried with him and sharpened it again. No one knows what the big scene will be like tomorrow. There are multiple paths, and if there is a fight, he can have another layer of protection.

After sharpening his sword, he took out his own bag and put all kinds of antidote that he had collected over the years into his arms. He was not afraid of fighting head-on, but he was worried that the Demon Sect would cheat and use drugs and other indecent means. , that would be bad.

When everything was ready, he slept for a while, and when it was broad daylight, he got up, adjusted his clothes and appearance, and entered the city with his sword.

As he expected, his face really attracted attention. As soon as he entered the city, many people looked at him. Before long, a member of the Devil's Cult found him, but the believer didn't know his identity. He quietly looked at him from a distance, but Jiang Su wished that they would find him earlier, so he took the initiative to walk over and asked bluntly, "Where is Xie Zeli?"

The members of the Demon Cult were stunned, as if they didn't expect that the beauty in front of them would directly address the leader by his name, most people in the evil way would not dare to do this, so could this person still be a righteous person? But people in the righteous way...what do you want to do with the leader?

He didn't respond, and Jiang Su didn't have much patience, so he simply identified himself with this person and said, "I'm Jiang Su."

The members of the Demon Cult's eyes widened even more, looking at Jiang Su as if they couldn't believe it.

Who in the arena doesn't know that Xie Zeli once said that one day he will definitely get the number one beauty in the arena, and his so-called "obtaining" method will never be too legitimate. He thought that Jiang Su should avoid the leader, but he must never Unexpectedly... this beauty actually delivered it to her door by herself.

He knew that if Jiang Su was sent to the leader, he would definitely get a lot of rewards, but he was not stupid. Hearing that this beautiful woman has extremely high martial arts skills, and that this person came directly to her door like this, there must be fraud in it. Don't die easily.

He thought for a while, then began to shake his head, Jiang Su couldn't help raising his eyebrows, he didn't have the time to talk nonsense with this person, so he said: "Xie Zeli Ruo knows I'm here, but you won't take me to see him—"

Demon Cult followers: "..."

Okay, he understands, the one thing is that he didn't read Huang Li's back when he went out today, no matter what he does, he might die, so it's better to take Jiang Su to the inn, but he can't take this person to see the leader directly, he has to Throw this pot away.

The members of the Demon Cult finally nodded, and took Jiang Su to the inn without saying a word, but he never took Jiang Su to see Xie Zeli, but brought Jiang Su into the inn outside the kitchen, and knocked on the door carefully. He knocked on the door and called out, "Fushi He, are you free?"

As soon as the kitchen door was opened, there was a very strange smell from inside, which made Jiang Su cough involuntarily. He covered his mouth and nose and looked inside. He saw a young man wearing an embroidered apron holding a spatula guarding the pot. Beside him, in the other hand, I don't know what kind of medicinal material is being put into the bubbling cauldron.

Jiang Su: "..."

This scene was not familiar. If he hadn't been in the Devil's Cult right now, he would have felt that the person in front of him was his senior brother.

The man turned his head while answering, and glanced at Jiang Su, and couldn't help the surprise in his eyes. He simply threw the medicinal material into the pot, wiped his hands on the apron, and said in surprise: " Are you Jiang Su?"

Jiang Su didn't know him.

"He Lingcheng." The man slightly pursed his lips and smiled at Jiang Su, then waved away the demon cultist, and said, "He has seen the portrait of Jiang Shaoxia."

Hearing the name, Jiang Su couldn't help being slightly startled, nodded, and replied, "Yes, I'm Jiang Su."

Jiang Su had heard of He Lingcheng's name, and had seen him in books.

According to the rumors in the world, he is the deputy envoy in charge of most of the demon sect's internal affairs. Among the monsters and ghosts of the demon sect, he is gentle and kind, so easy-going that he is not like a member of the demon sect. Most people in the evil way have received favors from others , Many people respect him very much, but in the book... soon, he will be like Jiang Su, becoming Xie Zeli's plaything to vent his anger, and finally committing suicide in the church unbearably humiliated. The ending may be worse than Jiang Su.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, and secretly cursed Xie Zeli in his heart.

What's the matter with this person, he must be in his forties, why is he still playing so messily, isn't he afraid of kidney deficiency?

Oh, I'm sorry, there may not be such a disease in this world.

"Jiang Shaoxia shouldn't be here." He Lingcheng invited him into the kitchen, offered to move a chair for him, and said, "This is not a good place."

Jiang Su said bluntly: "Where is Xie Zeli? I have something to look for him."

"This is not a good decision." He Lingcheng frowned, as if trying to dissuade him, "If Jiang Shaoxia wants to go back now, there should be still time."

Jiang Su: "..."

He looked at He Lingcheng and saw that He Lingcheng looked sincere, as if he was really trying to dissuade him from stepping into the abyss by himself. He was a little panicked, and couldn't help thinking of the ending of He Lingcheng in the book, and felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart, but he He couldn’t kill Xie Zeli, and he seemed to be the only one who could save himself in the end... He turned his head and looked at the steaming cauldron on the stove, feeling mixed feelings in his heart, and the past in his mind was all about Xie Zeli in the book Will do things next.

How many people were ruined by Xie Zeli, Jiang Su couldn't count for a while, he thought, it's time for Xie Zeli to suffer some retribution, the best retribution... can make him never be such a disgusting person again things come.

He Lingcheng saw him looking at the stewing soup in the pot, and felt that he might still be vigilant and couldn't trust himself, so he refused to listen to his advice. He wanted Jiang Su to let go of his guard, so he deliberately said some short words from his parents, saying: "That is Prepare soup for the young master."

Jiang Su pondered and said nothing.

"The young master has been away from the church for a long time, and a letter was sent a few days ago, and he is finally coming back." He Lingcheng said, "Jiang Shaoxia, you are about the same age as the young master, I really can't bear to see you—"

Jiang Su interrupted He Lingcheng: "You trust me."

He Lingcheng was startled.

"Nothing will happen, I just want to meet Xie Zeli." Jiang Su said, "With my martial arts, he can't touch me."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng finally sighed, groped from his sleeve for a long time, took out a small porcelain bottle, handed it to Jiang Su, and said: "When entering the master's house, one must untie the sword."

Jiang Su nodded and replied, "I know."

He has already read what should be read in the book, so of course he still knows such important details.

"This is awakening, medicine from the immortal valley." He Lingcheng lowered his voice, and said in a voice that only Jiang Su and him could hear, "It can cure most of the drugs in this world."

After saying this, He Lingcheng stepped back a little, lowered his eyes, as if he had never said anything to Jiang Su just now, he put out the fire in the stove, got up and walked to the door, saying: "If Jiang Shaoxia is persistent, congratulations!" Take the young hero to see the leader now."

Jiang Su held the porcelain vase, and suddenly felt extremely complicated.

He also brought a copy of this thing.

It was many years ago when he went to the Immortal Medicine Valley with his senior brother, the owner of the valley gave him a gift, saying that it was valuable and could be exchanged for a thousand pieces of gold. The medicine was given to him.

He seems to understand a little bit.

Why in this evil way, there are so many people who admire He Lingcheng.

He also got up following He Lingcheng. Before leaving the kitchen, he turned his head and took another look at the stove.

For some reason, he seemed to think of the senior brother in charge.

He can't repeat the same mistakes, so he should also be able to prevent others from repeating the same fate.

Jiang Su followed He Lingcheng up to the second floor of the inn, where the patrol was even stricter, and there was a Demon Cult guard on duty almost every few steps. When talking to him in the kitchen, he was gentle. After a while, He Lingcheng stopped and stopped outside a room.

There seemed to be two people chatting and laughing in that room, and one of them had a familiar voice. It was just a few days ago that he had seen Lou Yan in the Lve Building. Jiang Su was a little nervous so far. He took a light breath and saw He Lingcheng looking back. Looking at him, there seemed to be a trace of worry in his eyes. After a while, He Lingcheng knocked on the door lightly, with a respectful attitude, and said, "Master."

There was a pause in the conversation in the room, and someone asked, "What's the matter?"

The voice was calmer and colder than Lou Yan's. Jiang Su thought it must be Xie Zeli, so he couldn't help but glance at He Lingcheng again. Before He Lingcheng could inform him of his intention, he simply opened the door and broke in.

The two people in the room were playing chess by the window, Xie Zeli looked like Jiang Su had seen on Danqing, and Lou Yan seemed to have changed his face again, the two looked up at Jiang Su at the same time, both were a little surprised, for a moment, Lou Yan Yan Fuzhang chuckled, and said: "Jiang Shaoxia really betrayed the Wulin League, yes, with him as a companion, if Sheng Hechen knew, how could he not expel you from the Wulin League."

Jiang Su ignored him, just looked at Xie Zeli, and said, "Thank you, Hierarch."

Xie Zeli did not answer.

He just looked at Jiang Su, and his eyes followed Jiang Su's face, turning ambiguously inch by inch, which made Jiang Su feel extremely uncomfortable, but his eyes were on Xie Zeli's face, and he couldn't stop Xie Zeli's gaze, so he simply Walking over, sat down a little far away from Xie Zeli and Lou Yan, said: "Thank you, Hierarch, I have something to talk to you in private."

Xie Zeli just laughed at this point, turned his head to look at Lou Yan, Lou Yan slightly raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything else, he just got up and wanted to go out, but Xie Zeli coughed lightly, Lou Yan stopped, turned around and looked at Xie Zeli , The two looked at each other, Lou Yan snorted coldly, as if he took something out of his sleeve, handed it to Xie Zeli, and said: "How can you be such a shameful leader of the Demon Sect."

After he finished speaking, he left the room without looking back, and then the door closed, leaving only Jiang Su and Xie Zeli in the room.

Xie Zeli got up slowly, and walked towards Jiang Su, with a smile on his face, he even offered to pour a cup of tea for Jiang Su, and asked, "Young Hero Jiang came to find me for something important."

Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Su to drink Xie Zeli and pour him tea. Just as he was about to answer, Xie Zeli walked around behind him. Sure enough, the next moment he felt Xie Zeli lightly press his shoulder, and his fingertips quickly tapped on the back of his shoulder. Twice, consciously sealed his acupoints, and then came to him again, and smiled with Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, you really shouldn't come here."

Jiang Su put one hand against the corresponding acupoint on his waist. He had been prepared for a long time, and he is not immobilized now, but he did not immediately expose the matter, but just looked at Xie Zeli motionlessly, and then saw Xie Zeli pull out the building from his sleeve. Yan gave him the porcelain bottle.

"Jiang Shaoxia, do you know what this is?" Xie Zeli slowly unscrewed the bottle, poured out a red pill from it, bent slightly, held the pill with his fingertips and waved it before Jiang Su's eyes, "This is Meiyou Palace The main refinement is "Tolerance of Tears". "

Jiang Su: "..."

His voice lowered, and he was almost sticking to Jiang Su's body: "There is no antidote to "enduring tears" in the world, it melts in the mouth, and you can't spit it out even if you want to vomit. "

And following his voice, Jiang Su finally saw the familiar 30340 subtitles jump out of the midair again.

"Chapter 2 holding back tears and groaning (The leader is coming! He yells yow! The egg is knocked after the fact!

Halfway through the subtitles, Jiang Su raised his hand, grabbed Xie Zeli's pulse door, pinched it hard, Xie Zeli relieved the force with one hand, the pill slipped directly from his hand, and Jiang Su grabbed his hand and restrained him On the table, he caught the pill with the other hand and stuffed it directly into Xie Zeli's mouth.

The title of the chapter trembled in mid-air and dissipated into the air, while Xie Zeli couldn't help coughing, his tone was full of shock, his voice seemed to have gone hoarse in an instant, and asked sharply: "What did you eat for me!"

Jiang Su also smiled at him slightly: "What is this medicine, doesn't Master Xie know better than me?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli struggled vigorously, but Jiang Su pinched his veins, and he felt that the Qi veins were not smooth after a little effort, and the pain made him want to curl up into a ball, but the effect of the medicine was exerted very quickly, and he even felt a little unstable in his breath He gritted his teeth, but Jiang Su let go, took a few steps back, as if to keep a safe distance from him, and said, "Thank you, Hierarch, can we talk about things now?"

Xie Zeli covered his mouth, trying to lick his throat to spit out "enduring tears", Jiang Su simply moved a chair and sat aside to watch him, while saying: "Don't struggle, I can't spit it out."

Xie Zeli: "..."

He already felt powerless all over his body, the ghost knows what Lou Yan added to this medicine - yes, Lou Yan practiced medicine, Lou Yan should have a way.

Xie Zeli stumbled to his feet, but before he could take a few steps, his legs went limp, and he almost staggered and fell down again. He couldn't move anymore, his voice was trembling and hoarse, and it took him a long time to utter a word, but it was as if he was gnashing his teeth, and shouted towards the door : "Lou Yan! You... get out of here!"

He thought he was yelling, but his voice was sweet, as if it was affectionate and flattering, which made his skin crawl.

"Okay, Lou Yan doesn't have an antidote." Jiang Su said, "Didn't Master Xie just say that there is no antidote to 'enduring tears' in the world. "

Xie Zeli: "..."

When the two of them reached this point in the conversation, He Lingcheng's worried and nervous voice came from outside, almost interrupting the two of them loudly on purpose, saying: "Master, the young master is back."

He was so anxious that he didn't finish the whole sentence, and risked contradicting the leader, he forcibly pushed the door open from the outside, obviously fearing that if he came later, something would happen to Jiang Su, but when he opened the door, the situation inside the house... It seems to be different from what he thought.

Xie Zeli's face was blushing and he fell to the ground, his winking eyes looked out of the door, and he shouted tremblingly: "You...what are you opening the door...get out!"

Jiang Su was sitting opposite him, turned his head to look outside the door when he heard the sound, and froze in place.

Mu Yichuan: "Father—"

Jiang Su: "..."

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Both of them looked at each other in astonishment, while Lou Yan leaned against the door and glanced into the room.