Chapter 20: Is your wife something you can lose!

Lou Yan looked at the situation in the house, and for a moment, he couldn't guess the reason behind Xie Zeli's behavior.

He really didn't expect that Xie Zeli asked him to "endure tears" for himself to eat, and the majestic leader of the Demon Cult had such a habit.

Lou Yan looked at his face blushing at this moment and thanked him sharply. He couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart. He couldn't help but say a few more words, so he couldn't control his mouth and murmured: "It turns out that the leader likes this kind of stimulation."

Xie Zeli tried his best to endure, only then could he suppress the groan that almost overflowed from his throat, but this Lou Yan still humiliated him by talking and laughing like this, if it was in the past, he would definitely make Lou Yan regret it, but today...

Today he can only think that Lou Yan, as the lord of Meiyou Palace, has practiced Meiyou Palace's special Acacia Double Cultivation Technique, so he must be very good at bedtime.

Xie Ze gritted his teeth, pinched himself severely, and cursed: " shut talk nonsense again, I must...definitely..."

He couldn't go on.

Even if there are so many people present at this moment, including his adopted son, it is really difficult for him to suppress his desires, he can't help whispering in his mouth, and under such circumstances, it is really hard for him to make such a sound. It's embarrassing.

Mu Yichuan turned his face away, he didn't want to look too much, after all, this was also his father, he didn't want to run into such a thing as his father.

He even wanted to turn his head and leave from here, so as to avoid the embarrassment in front of him, but he didn't know why Jiang Su was here. He wanted to explain his identity to Jiang Su, and there were many questions he wanted to ask Jiang Su, so he just Can bite the bullet and stand still in place.

He Lingcheng was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses. He was overwhelmed by surprise, the door had already been pushed open, and it would not be good for him to close it again, so he could only suppress the embarrassment in his heart and asked, "Master... what's wrong with you? "

Lou Yan coughed, and never regarded Xie Zeli's words as a threat at all. He knew how to make medicine. Now that Xie Zeli was able to maintain his rationality and talk to them, it was already considered a super willpower. Why would he want to kill him? How could it be possible for Xie Zeli at this time? Still capable of killing him.

"Tolerance of Tears" is indeed the best **** poison he has refined in his life. The effect of this medicine is so fast that even a martial arts expert like Xie Zeli can hardly suppress the medicine's properties, but Xie Zeli played too much When you grow up, if you want to experience the stimulation of pornography, it is better to ask him for a less effective medicine with an antidote. There is no solution to "enduring tears". There will be such a thing, the leader of the demon cult turns into a plaything, normal people would not choose this way, right?

After a pause, he couldn't help but think again, Xie Zeli couldn't... admit the wrong medicine, right?

When he was going to give it to Xie Zeli, he never said it was "Yin of Tears". He also had several medicines that were just like "Yin of Tears".

Lou Yan silently took a step back, carefully looked left and right, thinking that if the situation was wrong, he would run away immediately.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Su would have opened his mouth the next moment, saying, "I stuffed the medicine into his mouth."

Lou Yan: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Xie Zeli: "Lou Yan...the solution...the antidote..."

"He's asking you for the antidote." Although Jiang Su already knew the answer, but Xie Zeli kept calling Lou Yan here, he still felt a little annoyed, so he simply looked at Lou Yan, and said the rest of the words for Xie Zeli, Ask, "Do you have an antidote?"

Lou Yan sneered and said, "I know how to make medicine, but I don't know how to detoxify."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"I said at the beginning that there is no antidote..." Lou Yan cautiously said, "It's just... the kind of love poison that has no antidote..."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli collapsed.

"My elder sister may have some ideas." Seeing Xie Ze's stern expression, Lou Yan hastily added, "She is different from me. When she met the owner of the Immortal Medicine Valley, she learned a lot of medical skills in the Immortal Medicine Valley. We can go find him."

Jiang Su: " you know the owner of the Immortal Medicine Valley?"

Sister Louyan is the saintess of Meiyou Palace, that is, the woman who had an old relationship with Lin Fengnan, and in this kind of book, it is the so-called "knowledge" by the people in Meiyou Palace, Jiang Su thinks... this will not be too simple.

Lou Yan coughed, as if acquiescing to Jiang Su's meaning, and said, "It's just that it takes more than ten days to go back to Meiyou Palace. During this period—"

"There are other ways." Jiang Su is well aware of the plot in the book, so he naturally knows what Lou Yan wants to say next, "If someone can use up his internal energy to force him to suppress the toxicity in his body, it may last for a long time."

"But this move is just suppression. A slight change in the mind of the poisoned person may trigger the toxicity again." Lou Yan said, "It will also be a great loss to the internal strength of both parties."

Just like Zhang Wenxue in the book.

Later in the book, Zhang Wenxue finally rescued Jiang Su from the Demon Sect, and tried every means to suppress the poison for Jiang Su, but forced her to wear out her skills, and her hair turned gray for almost half a year.

Jiang Su also kept this matter in mind, he wanted to wait for the opportunity to take revenge on Xie Zeli, but now it seems that there is no need to wait for the opportunity, it is good now.

"Since we're going to Meiyou Palace, let's find someone to help him suppress the poison." Jiang Su was so serious that he didn't feed Xie Zeli the medicine himself, "Who is the best martial artist here?"

Lou Yan silently looked at him.

Jiang Su didn't dodge, and met his gaze directly, the two looked at each other, Lou Yan silently turned his eyes away, and looked towards Mu Yichuan.

Before he had time to speak, Jiang Su had already refused.

"The leader of the Demon Cult has been poisoned by this kind of poison." Jiang Su said, "It's not good for you to let a young man stay in the same room with him?"

Lou Yan whispered: "The two of them are father and son, it is impossible to-"

Jiang Su: "You evil people still care about this?"

Lou Yan: "...This is prejudice."

Jiang Su: "Come on."

Lou Yan: "..."

Lou Yan: "Would it be nice to just stay with me?!"

"Very good." Jiang Su said, "Didn't you have an affair with Xie Zeli?"

Lou Yan was speechless.

He still remembered that his eyes were almost gouged out by Jiang Su. He wanted to object, but he didn't dare. Now the two martial arts masters here are as good as wearing a pair of pants, and Xie Zeli was poisoned. The only possibility is for him His backers are gone, and he can do whatever he wants with high martial arts skills, so he might as well shut up.

Jiang Su was too lazy to continue talking to him, he turned around and looked at He Lingcheng and Mu Yichuan who had been sluggish and speechless, frowned, and decided to ask.

"Who can be in charge here?" Jiang Su asked, "Your leader seems to be unable to concentrate on talking to me."

After Jiang Su finished speaking, he turned his head, and saw Xie Ze scolding him harshly, but the voice was panting, and he couldn't hear a word at all, so he turned his head again, and saw Lou Yan and He Lingcheng paused for a moment , and then they all looked at Mu Yichuan.

Lou Yan is not a member of the Demon Sect, and he can't get involved in the affairs of the Demon Sect. Although He Lingcheng is the deputy envoy of the Demon Sect, Xie Zeli has always been suspicious and will never give up the power in his hands to anyone, even if he is known as He Lingcheng. As the Deputy Envoy of the Cult, he is only in charge of the accounts and internal affairs of the Demon Cult. It is a short-lived matter for the parents. On the real 30340 matters, Xie Zeli will always be the only one to decide.

As for Mu Yichuan, although he only cared about martial arts since he was a child and never took care of these matters, he was still the young master of the Demon Sect, and at this time, he was obviously the only one who was most qualified to take charge of the overall situation.

Mu Yichuan panicked.

He has never done this kind of thing before, let alone Jiang Su, the person he needs to face, he is full of anxiety, but at this moment, no one can help him, he just nodded his head, and Jiang Su He grabbed his arm and pulled it aside.

After all, there are so many people present here, Jiang Su didn't want them to hear him talking to Mu Yichuan at all, he even asked Mu Yichuan to drive away all the demon guards around him, then he frowned and looked at Mu Yichuan, asking :"who are you?"

Mu Yichuan lowered his head, depressed, and answered after a while: "My name is Li Hanshan."

Jiang Su: "..."

Very good, Jiang Su also knows this name.

The young master of the Demon Cult, Xie Zeli has raised the number one master of the Demon Cult over the years. Apart from working for Xie Zeli, he rarely shows up in the arena. He is a mystery among the people in the arena. The tool man, who only lives in the dialogue of the characters in the book, doesn't even have a part in the scene.

That is to say, even in the world of the original book, Li Hanshan did not feel sorry for him.

Jiang Su sighed, but he couldn't tell how angry he was.

He could understand that the other party concealed his identity, and when he was silent for a while, he just untied the other sword from his waist, handed it to Li Hanshan, and said, "You're gone, so what's the point of throwing the sword to me?"

Li Hanshan: "I..."

"This is a swordsman's wife!" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "Can you lose my wife!"

Li Hanshan: "..."

For a moment, Li Hanshan spoke with some difficulty, and asked, "What are you... doing here?"

"Now is not the time to talk about it in detail." Jiang Su said, "Let's settle the current matter first, and I will tell you the whole story later."

After all, Xie Zeli was lying in the house after being poisoned by pornography, and Ding Yesheng could have a good relationship if he went to the house when he was drunk, but Xie Zeli was lying powerless in front of his little lover, the Mistress of Meiyou Palace. If it is longer, will you see some indescribable pictures when you go back.

"I need to stay in the Demon Cult for a while." Jiang Su said, "Your father has been poisoned, and you can only order it."

Li Hanshan nodded obediently.

He didn't know why Jiang Su appeared here, and he didn't know why Jiang Su stayed. He only knew that Jiang Su would not pay him back anyway.

It was as if a firework exploded in his heart, and he couldn't express his joy. Who would have thought that he would see Jiang Su again after parting a few days ago. He took the nameless sword carefully, held it tightly in his hand, and held back for a long time. He said, "Whatever you want, just tell me."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Su was startled for a moment, and felt that the words were familiar. He seemed to have told Li Hanshan before, so he couldn't help laughing, raised his hand and patted Li Hanshan's shoulder, saying: "Let's go back and see the situation first."

Lou Yan has practiced his skills for Xie Zeli and suppressed the toxicity for the time being. He leaned on the wall to support his waist, and he was standing beside the bed breathing heavily. He really looked like Jiang Su who read those advertisements before he put on the book...what's it called? Oh, kidney deficiency, always after overwork.

For middle-aged people, it is not enough to pass on the skills. It seems that they do not practice martial arts well, and it will be so painful at this age.

He is different, he can go up to the tenth floor without pain.

Jiang Su looked at the bed again, Xie Zeli leaned against the head of the bed, his face was weak, but at least he calmed down, but his current weak appearance did not look like the leader of the Demon Cult at all, but rather like a terminally ill person. Glancing at Jiang Su, he couldn't help but feel the overwhelming anger in his heart. Before he could speak, Jiang Su said: "Li Hanshan has agreed, I want to stay."

Xie Zeli shouted: "This seat is the leader!"

Jiang Su automatically skipped his words: "I have betrayed the Wulin League, and I will stay in the Demon Sect in the future."

Xie Zeli yelled: "What demon sect! We are the holy sect!"

Jiang Su: "It seems that everyone has no opinion, let's break up, Li Hanshan and I still have something to talk about."

Xie Zeli: "...I do not agree!"

Jiang Su finally looked back at him.

"I am the leader. If I don't allow you to stay, you can't stay." Xie Ze gritted his teeth, "You did this to me, and you still want to stay?"

Jiang Su didn't speak.

Xie Zeli: "Come here! Throw him out and feed him to the dogs!"

But no one came outside the house, just now Li Hanshan had sent all the demon guards out, Xie Zeli was weak again now, his voice could not be heard downstairs, after a while, Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan beside him, and asked, "Hi dog?"

Li Hanshan was silent for a long time, then said seriously: "Father, we don't seem to have a dog."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli: "Nizi!"

Jiang Su: "Don't swear at people."

"Oh, there is no one in this world who can control me." Xie Zeli continued to scold, "You wait for the right way—"

Jiang Su sealed his dumb acupoint.

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Ze was furious, but he couldn't say a word, and his complexion was pale, but for some reason, a blush had appeared on his face, Lou Yan stood aside with his back panting and listening to some people bickering, at this moment, he turned his head to look, suddenly The earth felt that something was wrong.

"Jiang Shaoxia!" Lou Yan yelled, "Don't talk anymore! If his mood swings too much, "Holding Tears" will relapse again! "

Jiang Su: "Ah..."

He lowered his head and looked at Xie Zeli's blushing face even more, and his pair of phoenix eyes were full of affection and charm, even if there was anger in them, it was as if he wanted to greet but refused, and there were countless charms.

Jiang Su grabbed Li Hanshan's arm and silently backed away a few steps, so that Lou Yan would be the closest person to Xie Zeli.

Jiang Su: " seems to be too late."

Lou Yan: "..."

again? !