It took a while before He Lingcheng managed to come back to his senses.

Although he is clean and self-conscious, he is different from most people in the evil way, but he is still a man after all, and he still understands some things.

Is it easy to get numb when sleeping together? No, wait, what do you do to feel numb when you sleep together? It's impossible to practice sword all night, right? !

He Lingcheng was heartbroken.

It's all because the leader didn't teach the young master anything but martial arts all these years. The young master was too simple, so he was abducted within a few days after going out.

Although the other party is the number one beauty in the Jianghu, this is not too bad, but this is still someone his father is interested in! What's going on with the father and son?

What kind of unhealthy tendencies are these, as expected, beauties are a disaster—

Li Hanshan complained softly: "It's not because you want to sleep with the sword in your arms."


holding who?

"What is holding a sword?" Jiang Su seriously retorted, "This is holding my wife!"

Li Hanshan: "Isn't it the same for placing the head of the bed?"

"It's different." Jiang Su said, "I don't want you to suppress my wife."

Li Hanshan: "Then you won't hold my sword anymore!"

Jiang Su: "You can also hug me like me."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wait, isn't this... a bit different from what he thought?

Sleeping all night with the sword in your arms, so your hands are numb?

Are you good at martial arts and have such strange hobbies!

But He Lingcheng thought about it again, Jiang Su's martial arts are really amazingly high, it seems normal for a genius to be different from ordinary people in some aspects, just like the young master, his style and behavior are different from ordinary people, He Lingcheng has long known that he can't keep up The young master's thinking, but he didn't expect that Jiang Su could communicate with Li Hanshan so smoothly. He was full of emotion in his heart, and ordered his servants to vacate another room earlier, so as to avoid the so-called sleeping with a sword so that his hands would be numb. The embarrassment happened again.

He still had a lot of things to deal with, and he could just leave at this time, but Jiang Su stopped him again and asked, "Deputy Envoy He, can you lend me a pen and ink pigeon here for a while."

He Lingcheng nodded, but thought that Jiang Su's status was special. Although the young master agreed to let him stay in the sect for some reason, and the Palace Master Lou also seemed to say that Jiang Su had betrayed the Wulin League, he still felt that he should be a little more cautious.

There are too many things that Zhengdao has done to weaken the Demon Cult by sneaking into the Demon Cult to seduce the leader. No one knows whether Jiang Su is going to send a letter back to the Wulin League. He knows that Jiang Shaoxia seems to have no interest in the leader. , but they still have a young master who is in his youth. He does not object to young people falling in love, but he is afraid that the innocent young master will fall into an emotional scam.

He Lingcheng felt that he had to ask clearly.

"Who does Jiang Shaoxia want to write to?" He Lingcheng asked, "I have raised a few carrier pigeons. If Jiang Shaoxia needs it urgently, I will send one over later."

"Write to Fang Yuanluo." Jiang Su felt that he had nothing to hide, so he simply told the truth, "He has been in love with the genius doctor Fu Wenxiao for many years, and asked me to help him find a way."

He Lingcheng: "..."


In this world, there would be someone like Jiang Su to teach him how to fall in love?

He suppressed the confusion in his heart, and the better he was with Jiang Su, the pigeons would be delivered later, and then he got up silently to say goodbye. It wasn't until he walked out of the yard that He Lingcheng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He had heard of Fu Wenxiao, and he had also heard of Fang Yuanluo.

Both are men, right?

Do you also play such a big game in Zhengdao? !

Jiang Su went back to the room with Li Hanshan, and when someone brought him a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he immediately began to write letters to Fang Yuanluo.

Li Hanshan was beside him, seeing Jiang Su pick up the pen, he frowned and pondered for a long time, the frown became deeper and deeper, but the pen never fell down.

There was something wrong with his appearance, Li Hanshan couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly thought of something." Jiang Su replied awkwardly, "Vice Chief Fang seems... illiterate."

Li Hanshan: "..."

When Jiang Su said this, Li Hanshan couldn't help thinking of Fang Yuanluo trying to find a common topic with Fu Wenxiao. He couldn't even tell Sun Simiao and Zhang Zhongjing apart, so he was probably illiterate.

But it doesn't matter, there are scholars on the street who write and read letters for others, Fang Yuanluo is also the leader of the beggar gang, and he is easy to make friends on weekdays, Li Hanshan believes that such a small matter will never trouble him.

Li Hanshan said: "Don't worry, he will definitely find someone to read the letter for him."

Jiang Su was even more embarrassed, saying: "This not good for outsiders to read."

Now Jiang Su's identity is a traitor to the righteous way, and not everyone knows about Fang Yuanluo's pursuit of Fu Wenxiao. I figured it out.

"He always has a few close people." Li Hanshan said, "You write one more sentence on the outside of the envelope, telling him that you must show it to his closest and most trusted people, and he will naturally understand. .”

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan's suggestion was very good.

In the letter, he stated his location, told Fang Yuanluo where he might go next, asked how Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao got along recently, and then wrote down the method he thought of just now. go up.

He suggested that Fang Yuanluo study.

Reading is the same as seeing a doctor. It happens that Fang Yuanluo is illiterate. Just go to Fu Wenxiao, ask Fu Wenxiao to teach him how to read, and ask Fu Wenxiao to recommend a few books for him to read. The two of them Wouldn't the relationship between them become better?

Besides, there will always be countless problems in studying. If you take these questions to Fu Wenxiao and ask them, it is just like borrowing books. Doesn’t it create spiritual feelings when you come and go?

Jiang Su felt that this was really a good idea.

He brushed his brush and wrote all his thoughts on the letter in one go. As long as Fang Yuanluo can read, it will be much easier for them to communicate in the future. No matter what, he should encourage Fang Yuanluo to work hard.

When Jiang Su finished writing the letter, He Lingcheng happened to have someone send the pigeons over, telling them that lunch was about to be prepared, and asked them to come and have a meal together later.

Jiang Su sent the letter directly, and when he was free, Li Hanshan seemed to have something to say to him, but he was a little hesitant, and after thinking for a while, he asked him: "About my father... Are you really going to Meiyou Palace to find the saint to detoxify him?"

Jiang Su replied: "I didn't want to go."

It has nothing to do with Xie Zeli's incomprehension, and Meiyou Palace doesn't have what he wants. In contrast, he wants to go to the Devil's Cult to find those two keys.

But Li Hanshan also said that he didn't know where the keys were, and Xie Zeli had always been keeping those two keys. According to Xie Zeli's suspicious nature, I'm afraid no one else in the Devil's Sect would know the whereabouts of the keys except him. up.

This gave Jiang Su a headache.

He just forced Xie Zeli to hold back his tears. Xie Zeli would never tell him the whereabouts of the keys even if he died, and since the Demon Cult is so big, he would never be able to dig three feet to find these two small keys. However, he still had to go to Meiyou Palace with Xie Zeli, so that he could find out the whereabouts of those keys with a routine.

In fact, Jiang Su also knew in his heart that the simplest way to say it was to tie up Xie Zeli and not let Lou Yan help him detoxify. According to his understanding of the original book, when the poisonous poison broke out to the deepest level, the poisoned person would try to get rid of it. , anything is possible.

But thinking about that scene, he inexplicably felt uncomfortable all over.

He wanted to take revenge on Xie Zeli, and wanted Xie Zeli to experience the feeling of holding back tears in his body, but he really didn't want to see Xie Zeli wanting to be dissatisfied in front of him. If there were other ways, he would never be willing to experience this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su couldn't help sighing, feeling that he should still need to know more about Meiyou Palace, so he asked Li Hanshan, "Have you ever been to Meiyou Palace?"

Meiyou Palace is different from the Demon Sect. They are not as ostentatious as the Demon Sect. Apart from going out and doing evil, they hardly go out to do evil on weekdays. These strange medicines are mostly beauties in the palace, and they always like to go out to attract bees and butterflies. Their private lives are extremely chaotic, which makes people in the righteous way feel ashamed.

In the original book, Jiang Su has never been to Meiyou Palace. He doesn't know much about Meiyou Palace, so he can only ask Li Hanshan first.

Li Hanshan nodded, and replied, "I've been there once."

Jiang Su asked: "How?"

"Very enthusiastic." Li Hanshan thought for a while, and then said, "They always want to keep me for dinner."

Jiang Su really answered seriously: "You are the young master of the Demon Cult, it is normal for them to be more polite to you."

Li Hanshan frowned: "It was like this at the beginning, but then there are always people who want to try my skills."

Jiang Su was startled: "Try your skills?"

There was an indescribable surprise in his heart.

Apart from Lou Yan in Meiyou Palace, he has never heard of any other masters who can rank high. What do these people think, that they still want to compete with Li Hanshan?

Mentioning that someone wanted to compete with him, Li Hanshan couldn't help nodding his head solemnly, and said: "Someone came up and wanted to take my sword, I pushed him away, and he turned around and a black bear stretched out its arms to attack me, but his martial arts are too bad, there is no way Didn't hug me."

Jiang Su: "And then?"

"He fell to the ground, but it was just a fall, and he started to cry, just like your little nephew." Li Hanshan sighed deeply, "Then I turned my head, and there was another person behind him, first with Bai Heliang Chi, there is another trick, Heihu's heart-out, even if he didn't practice this kung fu well, Heihu's heart-out is still like a monkey stealing a peach, he has to go back and practice again."

"Oh!" Jiang Su sighed, "Is it still a wheel battle?"

Li Hanshan continued to nod: "But their martial arts are too bad, even if it is a wheel battle, they all lost."

They looked at each other, and they didn't seem to think there was any problem with this conversation at all, and they talked about the next thing very naturally.

"Although the people in Meiyou Palace are not good at martial arts, they are very good at using poison." Jiang Su frowned, "It's still Lou Yan's territory, and he and Xie Ze... your father is colluding, and it is very likely that they will use some insidious means. Come deal with me."

Li Hanshan thought for a while, and felt that this was indeed something Lou Yan could do, so he couldn't help asking: "Then what should we do?"

"I have a solution." Jiang Su said, "If you don't go to Meiyou Palace, we will let the saintess of Meiyou Palace come out to treat your father."

Lunch was ready, Jiang Su and Li Hanshan left the room, went to the private room in the front building to have dinner with He Lingcheng.

He Lingcheng had been waiting in the room for a long time, and when the two of them arrived, he sent someone to deliver the dishes. He greeted the two of them and said, "Today, you two traveled a long distance to get here. You have worked hard all the way. You must try some of these dishes.”

Fortunately, it doesn't sound like He Lingcheng cooked it himself.

Jiang Su couldn't stop nodding, he habitually untied his sword and put it on the table, and then sat down beside He Lingcheng. Li Hanshan's habit was the same as his. He untied his sword and put it on the table. Su's side.

It was only then that He Lingcheng noticed that Li Hanshan's sword seemed to be different from when he left the sect. He was slightly startled, and looked carefully, and saw that the sword was completely black, and it really looked like the unnamed sword that was rumored by everyone. .

He Lingcheng frowned slightly, and asked, "Young master, this sword..."

Li Hanshan was unprepared, so he naturally told the truth: "My sword fell under the Luoxue Cliff, and this sword was given to me by Jiang Shaoxia."

Jiang Su: "..."

When Jiang Su thought of this incident, his heart ached inexplicably, but he could only smile at He Lingcheng and said, "I gave it to him."

He Lingcheng asked again: "This sword...couldn't be the nameless sword?"

Jiang Su replied: "Yes."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng couldn't help being shocked in his heart. He didn't expect Jiang Su to give away such a precious thing, not to mention that this sword was originally used by the previous leader. Jiang Su gave this sword to Li Hanshan. It is tantamount to sending the sword back to the Demon Cult. The friendship here is by no means comparable to that of ordinary friends.

He turned his eyes between the two of them, and Fang felt that he seemed to understand something, but suddenly he heard a scream from the backyard of the inn, which made his chopsticks almost fall to the ground in fright, and the three of them looked at each other. Seeing that the sound seemed to come from Xie Zeli's room, they put down their bowls and chopsticks, got up, and rushed towards the screaming place.

Jiang Su was a little worried, he left Lou Yan and Xie Zeli there, but both of them were depleted of power, and their force value was greatly reduced. Even if there were demon guards on duty outside, no one could tell what would happen. There are so many people in the world who want to kill Xie Zeli, he should have been more vigilant.

But when he arrived at the place, he saw several Demon Cultists standing outside the house with anxious faces, but no one went inside to see what happened.

He Lingcheng asked them, "What happened?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to speak, and only a moment later, one person whispered: "We don't know, the leader forbids us to go in."

He Lingcheng was about to ask again, when another sneer came from the room, it was Lou Yan's voice, and said: "Thank you, Zeli, you are used to revenge, if I hadn't saved you—"

Xie Zeli interrupted him: "Get out of here!"

Lou Yan: "Get out, get out! Don't beg me in the future—"

Then there was a loud bang, He Lingcheng was startled, and hurriedly pushed the door open, shouting that his subordinates were offended, and looked inside, only to see Lou Yan lying on the ground clutching his waist, looking like It was Xie Zeli who kicked him down.

He Lingcheng watched the scene in silence for a long time, then quickly turned around and waved to the demon cult members behind him, telling them to go down immediately, and then closed the door to prevent outsiders from seeing the situation, and asked, "Master, what's going on?"

Xie Zeli sneered: "This person has evil intentions and wants to climb on my bed."

Lou Yan covered her waist and gritted her teeth, said: "I'm tired, if it wasn't for you, how could I be tired."

Xie Zeli's face turned pale again: "You don't have to think about it anymore, even now, it is impossible for me to be subdued!"

Jiang Su: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

At this moment, Jiang Su faintly felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the conversation between the two.

Did Xie Zeli... misunderstand something?

Did he think that Lou Yan appeared on his bed because he was spying on him?

That's right, Jiang Su put himself in the shoes of a person who had just been poisoned by pornography, woke up from a lethargic sleep exhausted, and saw a man lying on his bed at a glance. I used to have thoughts about him in that regard, and it's perfectly normal to think too much about him.

The worst thing was Lou Yan, who worked so hard to help Xie Zeli suppress the poison, but in the end he got kicked like this for no reason. When did he get this kind of anger, he clutched his waist, gritted his teeth, got up, and walked out without saying a word.

Jiang Su was still hesitating whether to stop him, Xie Zeli over there was overly angry, and seemed to be a little bit unable to suppress the toxicity in his body, he coughed a few times while covering his chest, his face flushed again, and Lou Yan had already gone out, the two were quarreling He was angry, thinking that Lou Yan would not come back in a short time to suppress the poison for Xie Zeli, if Xie Zeli really got angry and induced the poison, it would be troublesome.

He Lingcheng hastily spoke out to comfort him, saying: "Master, Lord Lou taught you how to suppress poison, and he was exhausted for a while, so he rested by your side. If you commit another crime, he will be able to deal with it in time."

Xie Zeli sneered: "Don't think that I don't know what is on his mind."

Wait, there are stories.

Jiang Su pricked up his ears.

"Master, you must not get angry anymore." He Lingcheng said, "Emotions will induce toxicity in your body—"

Xie Zeli: "Do you think he really can't get rid of this poison? Doesn't he just want to see me humbly beg him?"

After finishing speaking, he covered his mouth and coughed a few more times, his face flushed even more, but he seemed unable to hold his breath.

Jiang Su couldn't help taking a step back, and asked Li Hanshan in a low voice: "Is your father so bad-tempered?"

Li Hanshan nodded: "He does get angry easily."

He Lingcheng said helplessly: "Master, the situation is special now, please exercise restraint."

Xie Zeli took a few deep breaths, trying his best to calm himself down.

Jiang Su looked at it, and then persuaded him, saying: "It's easy to get old when you get angry, bear with it."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli got angry when he saw Jiang Su.

However, Jiang Su still wanted to pull a chair and sit down in front of him, carefully thinking about his words, thinking that he would have to find out the whereabouts of the key from Xie Zeli in the future, and he should have established a good relationship with Xie Zeli earlier, so he took the initiative to speak and chose a key. With a more friendly wording, he called out: "Thank you, senior."

Xie Zeli: "...Who is your senior!"

Jiang Su thought about it again, and felt that he could call him a little closer. After all, Li Hanshan is also his good friend, so the friend's father—

Jiang Su said seriously: "Uncle Xie, just listen to me."

Xie Zeli, who has grown up by a generation for no reason: "..."

"Don't get angry, don't lose your temper with the devil, life is like a drama, lose your temper for trivial things, and there is no one to replace you when you get angry." Jiang Su said as if he was chanting scriptures seriously, "If I am so angry, whoever will be happy, besides, it hurts—"

Xie Zeli: " shut up!"

He felt that he was trembling with anger, his temples seemed to be aching, and the desire that had been suppressed so easily rose up again. He covered his chest and coughed violently, trying to calm down, but Jiang Su was still in front of him , babbling.

"I've said it all, Uncle Xie, don't think too much about it. You and Palace Master Lou have known each other for so many years, so you don't have to turn against each other because of such a trivial matter." Jiang Su said, "Life is like a play. It’s easy, should we cherish it more—”

Xie Zeli: "..."

He only felt dizzy and double images in front of his eyes, but there was Jiang Su buzzing in his ears like a monk chanting scriptures. Holding Jiang Su's shoulder, said: "Jiang Shaoxia! Don't say any more!"

Jiang Su: "..."

But Xie Ze was so angry that he gritted his teeth, as if it was hard to calm down, He Lingcheng was a little anxious, wondering if he should go to find Louyan immediately and come back, he was so anxious that he could only hurriedly say to Xie Ze: "Master, must calm down , I’m going to find the Palace Master and come back.”

It was good that he didn't mention Lou Yan, but when he mentioned Lou Yan, Xie Zeli's expression became even more strange, as if he had a little suppressed lust, and his voice was hoarse, "You don't...don't go to him!"

He Lingcheng didn't dare to say any more, but he was at a loss. He just looked at the two people in the room in a panic, hoping that they would come up with ideas.

Li Hanshan was still reminiscing what Jiang Su said just now, and Jiang Su sat beside Xie Zeli's bed, silent for a moment, Xie Zeli turned his head to stare at him, and shouted angrily, "Get out of here too... um... get out..."

He seemed to be unable to suppress the moan that almost spilled out of his mouth. Seeing that the tears were about to relapse, the desire in his body was really unbearable. Xie Zeli closed his eyes and covered his mouth in pain, but it seemed that he couldn't even raise his hand. It's gone, and now, he just wants to drive everyone out of the house while he is still conscious. He takes a deep breath, trembles and raises his head, but he sees Jiang Su getting up slowly, with deep eyes.

"When people are asleep." Jiang Su thoughtfully, "It should not be sick."

Xie Zeli: "Go away—"

Jiang Su raised and lowered his hands, and slashed Xie Zeli unconscious with a knife.