Chapter 23: detoxification method

The room was silent for a long time before He Lingcheng opened his mouth tremblingly and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, what are you doing?"

Jiang Su replied seriously: "Help your leader alleviate the toxicity."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng looked back at Li Hanshan again.

Li Hanshan seemed to be thinking about what Jiang Su said. He didn't realize that the man in front of him had knocked out his father, or he might agree with Jiang Su's action of knocking out Xie Zeli. Anyway, it was true. It is the quickest and easiest way to solve Xie Zeli's body poison attack.

He Lingcheng also had no choice but to sigh, praying that Xie Zeli, who always held grudges, would forget about this matter after waking up, at least not get angry after waking up and thinking about these things.

Thinking of this, He Lingcheng couldn't help asking: "How long will this work?"

Jiang Su touched his chin, and carefully estimated the strength of his attack just now: "At least for an hour."

He Lingcheng: "At this hour, can we persuade Lou Palace Master to come back?"

Jiang Su went out of the house alone, and found that Lou Yan hadn't left too far, but was just sitting on the stairs on the second floor sulking.

Xie Zeli's kick seemed to be a bit harsh indeed. He rubbed his waist, and he didn't know what to curse and said. This appearance is really different from Jiang Su's appearance when he saw him for the first time. At that time, Jiang Su still felt that Lou Yan had the temperament of a well-dressed beast and a scum, but now it seems... It seems that he was wrong, Lou Yan's appearance was just used to deceive outsiders.

Now that Lou Yan saw Jiang Su approaching, he was still a little annoyed for a while, and said angrily, "You are the one who put me on Xie Zeli's bed?!"

Jiang Su sat down beside him and said, "You fainted, I can't throw you on the ground?"

Lou Yan covered her waist and gritted her teeth: "Can't you find another bed?"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "Do you have an opinion?"

Lou Yan: "...Forget it, no."

He didn't dare to provoke Jiang Su, and he could only endure the great grievance for the time being. When he returned to Meiyou Palace, he must make a good plan, pour ten or eight poisons on Jiang Su, and then let Jiang Su Kneel down and beg him.

It's delightful to think about!

Jiang Su said again: "You're getting old, don't be angry if you have nothing to do, it's not good for your health."

Lou Yan: "..."

The two were silent for a long time, Lou Yan finally protested, "Who do you think is older?!"

Jiang Su was startled: "Aren't you and Xie Zeli the same generation?"

Lou Yan: "I'm not!"

Jiang Su was silent.

He thought about it carefully, Lou Yan is the current lord of Meiyou Palace, and it has not been ten years since he became famous in the Jianghu. The delusions of young people...

Jiang Su thought back seriously.

He remembered that the senior brother who was the head of the sect had told him that the first time Lou Yan, the head of Meiyou Palace, emerged in the arena, it was the head of Changfeng Sect who changed his face and sneaked into the martial arts conference, and the head of Changfeng Sect happened to be forty that year.

The second time Lou Yan made a big commotion was that he colluded with Lu Jiu, the number one thief in the world. After taking a little poison that didn't bother him, it made him itchy all over for three days. Ye Ranfeng was only ten years old at that time, and Ye Ranfeng's father was so angry that he offered Lou Yan a lot of money to catch Lou Yan and come back to kowtow Acknowledge your mistake.

As for Lou Yan Yirong's old wine seller, at least he must be seventy years old.

For the first few times, he always disguised himself as an old man and an old woman. After a long time, everyone defaulted to his age for some reason. Jiang Su felt that Lou Yan and Xie Zeli had such a good relationship, and they should be of the same age.

He was silent for a long time, finally opened his mouth and asked Lou Yan: "Master Lou, you have a long life... Gui Geng?"

Lou Yan: "...heh."

He was really angry, and he didn't want to answer Jiang Su's question at all, but Jiang Su saw that he was silent, thinking that Lou Yan might have some strange taboo to prevent others from knowing his age, so he automatically bypassed the topic, Nodding his head with emotion, he said, "Oh, so you and Master Xie are still friends."

"Who and he are friends." Lou Yan was still angry, without distinguishing for a while, and blurted out, "I have absolutely no relationship with him!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Lou Yan: "..."

Jiang Su: " are not right."

Lou Yan was silent for a moment, then suddenly opened his mouth again, and said confidently, "I am the Mistress of Meiyou Palace, what's wrong?!"

"It's nothing... Since you are Palace Master Meiyou, you don't need to compromise your internal strength to help him suppress poison?" Jiang Su frowned, and suddenly remembered another thing, and asked with some doubts, "Can't you both cultivate?"

Lou Yan: "Uh..."

"You can just teach him double cultivation. Xie Xiezhu has such a good martial arts foundation and is very experienced. He must learn it quickly." Jiang Su thinks his method is very good, "In this way, neither of you will lose your internal strength. Isn't it a win-win situation?"

Lou Yan: "..."

Jiang Su: "Then we don't have to go to Meiyou Palace anymore, we go back to the Demon Sect first."

"Wait a minute." Lou Yan interrupted Jiang Su's words, hesitating a bit, "Do you think Xie willing to let me...what?"

Jiang Su didn't quite understand.

"It's just... there must be a distinction between double cultivation." Lou Yan said earnestly, "But Xie Xiezhu is absolutely impossible to be subdued by a woman, which makes me a little embarrassed."

Jiang Su was puzzled: "Is there... a difference?"

"Of course I have! What I learned is the upper hand!" Lou Yan said, "It's very different!"

Jiang Su: "..."

This is obviously not a world that Jiang Su can understand.

He thought for a while, and felt that he had come up with a practical and effective solution, and then said: "Why don't you fight? It's fairest to judge the superiority by martial arts."

Lou Yan: "...Let my sister find a way to detoxify him."

The matter still came back to the saintess of Meiyou Palace, but Jiang Su didn't want to go to Meiyou Palace, he still needed a reason to stop Lou Yan.

"I don't think... this is appropriate?" Jiang Su said euphemistically, "You asked Xie Hierarch to seek medical treatment in Meiyou Palace, because of Xie Hierarch's temper, the people in Meiyou Palace are so enthusiastic, and no one forced him to stay Eat, or someone rushes up to compete with him, I am worried that he will explode on the spot."

Lou Yan: "..."

"If he fell ill in a place like Meiyou Palace, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to deal with." Jiang Su said, "You are the master of Meiyou Palace, so naturally you know that your disciple—"

Lou Yan raised his hand: "You don't need to say any more."

What Jiang Su said was indeed very reasonable.

He knew very well that the people in his palace were all hungry and thirsty scourges, and many of them had been spying on Xie Zeli for a long time. After all, he was the leader of the Demon Cult, a well-known figure in the world, and his appearance was very good. people like it.

Now that Xie Zeli has this poison in his body, if he walks around the Meiyou Palace again, he is afraid that someone will eat his bones.

No, he would never let Xie Zeli go to Meiyou Palace.

"Since we only want to find the Holy Maiden of Meiyou Palace to treat the Hierarch, why don't we invite her out of the palace, let's make another appointment and let her come there." Jiang Su said, "It's also for your health. "

Lou Yan was startled: "...for my health?"

Jiang Su: "When he has an attack, you have to suppress the toxicity for him. Once or twice is fine, but if there are more times, who can bear it?"

Lou Yan: "..."

Lou Yan pondered for a moment, then took Jiang Su's hand.

"Jiang Shaoxia's words awakened the dreamer." Lou Yan sincerely thanked, "That's it, I'll write to my elder sister first, and let her go down the mountain!"

Two days later, Fang Yuanluo, who was still in the Wulin League, received a letter from Jiang Su.

He is illiterate, and as soon as he opened the small bamboo tube on the pigeon's leg, the rolled up paper inside was sealed with densely packed small prints, which gave him a headache, but he didn't dare to casually write the letter from Jiang Su Show it to other people. After all, news has gradually spread in the Wulin League, saying that Jiang Su has made friends with people in the evil way, and it seems that he has committed some serious crimes and has defected from the Wulin League.

Although Fang Yuanluo didn't believe that Jiang Su would do such a thing, he still had to be on guard so that no one else would know about Jiang Su's whereabouts. After much deliberation, he felt that this letter should be handed over to Zhang Wenxue. most appropriate.

Everyone knows that Zhang Wenxue loves her junior brother the most, and Zhang Wenxue is also known to protect her weaknesses, so she must be looking for him!

Fang Yuanluo immediately found Zhang Wenxue, secretly took out the letter and handed it to Zhang Wenxue, saying: "Master Zhang, I can't read, please read it for me."

Zhang Wenxue still didn't know what happened. He took the letter, looked at the words wrapped in the seal on the outside of the note, and his heart ached in an instant.

This is Jiang Su's word.

It has been several days since Jiang Su left the Wulin League, and there has been no reply. He doesn't even know whether Jiang Su is safe or not. Now that he saw Jiang Su's letter, he heaved a sigh of relief, and then he carefully read the words written on the envelope. Yuan Luo read it out and said, "This letter needs to be opened by someone you trust."

Zhang Wenxue looked up at Fang Yuanluo, wondering if he should open the letter.

His relationship with Fang Yuanluo in the past was only average, and he was definitely not Fang Yuanluo's closest and most trusted person. According to what Jiang Su said in the letter, this letter should not be read by him, but he was also worried about Jiang Su, Wanting to know Jiang Su's recent situation as soon as possible, he inevitably hesitated, but Fang Yuanluo was blunt, and simply said bluntly: "Okay, Master Zhang, read it."

Zhang Wenxue: "I..."

"I want to ask Miracle Doctor Fu to help me read the letter, but Miracle Fu has ignored me for several days, and I don't know what's wrong with him." Fang Yuanluo sighed, "You are the closest and most trusted person of Brother Jiang. Bad, read it."

Zhang Wenxue opened the letter in a hurry, frowned and read it, and saw that the first sentence was asking Fang Yuanluo to come to Zhang Wenxue and help him to report his safety, Zhang Wenxue couldn't help smiling, almost The nerves that had been tense for a long time finally relaxed. He looked down again, but Jiang Su didn't mention what happened in the Demon Cult. The matter between Luo and Fu Wenxiao.

Zhang Wenxue didn't know that Fang Yuanluo liked Fu Wenxiao, nor did he know that Jiang Su was helping Fang Yuanluo pursue Fu Wenxiao. Delusion to match other people.

But he just read the letter. After the letter, Jiang Su said that he wanted Fang Yuanluo to find Fu Wenxiao to teach him how to read. At least Zhang Wenxue felt that this method was not outrageous. Maybe he could give it a try. Something else came to mind.

If Jiang Su thinks that teaching people to read is a matter of coming and going, and it is easy to make any emotional progress, then what if he...writes Jiang Su on his own initiative, asking him questions about swordsmanship?

This is also a back and forth, and my junior brother really likes others to ask him questions about swordsmanship. Anyway, now that Mu Yichuan has left, he may still have some hope if he works hard.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenxue couldn't help holding Fang Yuanluo's hand.

"Vice Chief Fang, I will take you to see Master Fu and ask him to teach you how to read and write. If you have any difficulties, you can also tell me." Zhang Wenxue took Fang Yuanluo's hand and said seriously, " When you send a letter to my junior brother next time, can you give me a sentence for my junior brother?"

Fang Yuanluo was very moved.

Omg, look! The Zhishui Sword Sect are all good guys!

Fang Yuanluo patted his chest hard.

"Master Zhang, don't worry!" Fang Yuanluo said, "I will help you with one word!"

A few days later, Jiang Su and others arrived at the town where Lou Yan and the saint made an appointment.

There are still a few days away from Meiyou Palace, Lou Yan has already told his elder sister that this matter is secret, I hope she will keep quiet and don't bring too many people here.

They waited at the inn in the city, Jiang Su listened to He Lingcheng's advice these days, and avoided Xie Zeli, and Lou Yan suppressed the poison for Xie Zeli every day, but Xie Zeli hadn't had any seizures in the past few days.

Jiang Su is still thinking hard about how to trick Xie Zeli into revealing where the key is. According to what he has read in the book, there should be no conventional solution to enduring tears, but the saintess of Meiyou Palace is not listed in the book. When he appeared on the stage, he didn't know if the saint would have a solution. For some reason, he always had a strange feeling that the solution to **** poison should not be too normal.

After waiting for half a day, they finally saw the saintess of Meiyou Palace arrive.

The maiden of Meiyou Palace is called Lou Yuanyin, she is Lou Yan's half-sister, she should be forty years old at the time, but judging from her appearance, she looks like a woman in her twenties. Young woman, she came here with only a few maidservants, and when she entered the inn, the first thing she did was look at Xie Ze with a stern smile, and said, "Thank you, Hierarch, I never imagined that one day you would have to beg me like this." .”

Xie Zeli snorted coldly and said nothing.

Then Lou Yuanyin's eyes fell on Jiang Su.

"This is Jiang Shaoxia." Lou Yuanyin said with a smile, "As expected of the number one beauty in Jianghu, these eyes—"

She didn't even have time to say the second half of the sentence.

Lou Yan hurriedly took a step forward, held her arm, and hurriedly said to her: "Sister, don't talk about it, he is more likely to gouge out your eyes first."

Lou Yuanyin: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Lou Yuanyin looked at Lou Yan suspiciously, and Lou Yan leaned into her ear and whispered something to her, telling her the whole story of Xie Zeli's poisoning, her face suddenly changed, and when she turned her head in embarrassment, there was an inexplicable expression in Jiang Su's eyes. Full of respect, he said: "Jiang Shaoxia, what I just said was a joke."

Jiang Su nodded, and said, "It's okay, let's take a look at the situation of Master Xie first."

"I've seen it in the letter, Xie Hierarch is one who can't bear tears." Lou Yuanyin said cautiously, "This poison is not unsolvable, there is a way to detoxify... Maybe Xie Hierarch will not accept it."

Xie Zeli is eager to get rid of this **** poison as soon as possible. These days, he can't even adjust his internal energy, he is almost like a useless person, and he needs to maintain a calm mood every day, so as to control the toxicity in his body and prevent it from recurring, even so , when he was resting at night, he still couldn't control his **** dreams all night. What's more frightening was that each of these dreams was his female subjugate. As the leader of the Demon Cult, this is simply a nightmare!

He heard Lou Yuanyin say that there is a way to endure tears, he wished he could speak immediately, and said, "Tell me, what is the solution?"

Lou Yuanyin hesitated to speak.

Xie Zeli asked: "Quickly say, no matter what method, this seat can accept it!"

After a while, Lou Yuanyin finally spoke.

"The leader only needs to master our martial arts, so naturally he doesn't have to be afraid of this kind of pornography." Lou Yuanyin said awkwardly, "That is to say, the leader needs to cultivate with others."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli breathed a sigh of relief.

When he heard Lou Yuanyin say this, he thought it was a major event like amputation of arms and legs, or some kind of extreme torture, but he didn't expect that it was just a matter of double cultivation, so why is this embarrassing? He has raised countless little beauties in his teaching, they are just dual cultivation, he is really experienced in this kind of thing.

"It's not a big deal." Xie Zeli regained his composure, "I have a little understanding of your martial arts—"

"The leader may have misunderstood." Lou Yuanyin interrupted Xie Zeli's words, and said in a low voice, "The double cultivation I'm talking about is probably not what the leader thought."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli had an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

"Presumably, the leader has realized these days that the poison of enduring tears is a bit special." Lou Yuanyin said euphemistically, "This not prepared for people like the leader."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lou Yuanyin looked at Jiang Su: "That's right... this poison is not prepared for a hero like Xie Jiaozhu. Normally speaking, this poison should be fed to the beauties he raises."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Lou Yuanyin saw that Jiang Su didn't understand, so he tried his best to change the wording: "This poison can only be used by females, not by humans."

Jiang Su: "What? Maglev? Loving father?"

Lou Yuanyin: "It's just..."

Lou Yuanyin didn't know how else to explain it.

In this big family, she can't refute Xie Zeli's face in front of so many people, and let everyone know that the leader of the Demon Cult will only be under others for the rest of his life. Before her, she spoke bluntly and said, "It's just that after taking this medicine, I can no longer be humane."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

"Shuangxiu can detoxify this poison, but since it is inhumane, even if it is dually cultivated, it cannot be on top." Lou Yan said more bluntly, "If you want to detoxify, you have to be—"

Xie Zeli had already grabbed the pillow and threw it at Lou Yan without hesitation.

"Get out!" Xie Zeli was incapable and furious, "Get out of here!"

Jiang Su went out of the room, and suddenly, his mind suddenly fell into a daze.

Who would have thought that Xie Zeli's fate would change so much after taking Xie Zeli's mouthful of medicine?

But when he thought about the plot of the original text again, he inexplicably felt that the current development... Well, it's quite pleasing.

A group of people who were kicked out by Xie Zeli stood outside the house and looked at each other. After a while, He Lingcheng asked in a low voice, "The teacher is angry. Will he get sick again?"

Lou Yan also replied in a low voice: "He is angry, so I don't want to go in and help him exercise his kung fu to suppress the poison."

He Lingcheng: "Then what should we do?"

"Give him some time." Lou Yuanyin sighed deeply, "He can always figure it out."

When the crowd dispersed, Jiang Su also sighed, and went downstairs together with He Lingcheng, and followed He Lingcheng to see if there was a reply from him every day.

Seeing the two of them walking together, Li Hanshan followed immediately, and asked Jiang Su, "Hasn't Vice-Clan Master Fang replied yet?"

Jiang Su replied: "He wants to learn to write, so he shouldn't be so fast?"

But he didn't want to walk to the place, He Lingcheng was startled, and said: "There is a reply."

He grabbed a pigeon, took off the bamboo tube from the pigeon's leg, took out the letter nervously, and saw that there were two notes inside. The first note was from Zhang Wenxue. In addition, there is a question related to swordsmanship.

Jiang Su looked at it carefully, put the note away, and opened the next note.

There is only one line of crooked writing on it.

"Brother Jiang O Qi,

Qin'er's method is ruthless, shoot Qin'er.

—Fang Yuange