Jiang Su was startled, and looked at Lou Yan in disbelief.

Oh my god, Lou Yan actually practiced both martial arts well? ! Look at this hard work, is this really the Lou Yan he knows!

But the key to this matter is obviously not here. Fu Wenxiao said that Xie Zeli was hopeless. Jiang Su remembered that Li Hanshan was present, and this matter was related to his father. He couldn't help frowning, thinking about what Fu Wenxiao said lightly.

Not only him, but what Xie Zeli noticed was what Fu Wenxiao said just now.

What does it mean that double cultivation is beyond hope? Could it be that this poison cannot be double-cultivated, as long as the double-cultivation is over, this poison can no longer be cured?

It was as if thunder was exploding in his heart, he was speechless for a while, and after a while he looked sideways at Lou Yan, even more difficult to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked in a trembling voice: "Do you know?"

The shock on Lou Yan's face was no less than his, he just shook his head and said, "I don't know about it."

But how could Xie Zeli believe him.

This poison came from Meiyou Palace, and it was made by Lou Yan himself. He didn't believe that Lou Yan didn't even know about it, and he couldn't detoxify it anymore. He would be tied to Ren Leiyin for the rest of his life. Even the last hope is lost.

Xie Zeli hadn't been so angry for a long time. He was already about to get poisoned, and now he couldn't control the poison in his body. Recently, he had also noticed that the groaning of tears seemed to happen faster and faster. The symptoms became more and more intense during the poisoning, and he couldn't help but attribute this situation to the matter of double cultivation.

In this way, he didn't know how much Lou Yan had plotted against him, he didn't want to stay here anymore, he staggered up on the chair, and wanted to go out, Lou Yan hurriedly followed, and was about to reach out to help Hold Xie Zeli, but was thrown away by Xie Zeli, yelled at him angrily: "Go away!"

Lou Yan: "..."

He stood there, seemingly at a loss, seeing Xie Zeli staggering a few steps towards the outside again, Jiang Su suddenly opened his mouth.

"At this time, there won't be too many people on the street." Jiang Su said, "But there are also some pedestrians."

Xie Zeli didn't pay any attention to Jiang Su, he had already seen through it, it was impossible for Jiang Su to say anything good with his mouth.

Guozhen Jiang Su added: "It may be dangerous for the leader to go out like this."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli stopped in his tracks, and couldn't help thinking about it in his head.

Indeed, at this time, the sky is still early, and there are indeed not many people on the street, and most of the people who get up and walk on the street so early are people who come out to make a living and do some manual work.

He was poisoned at this time, if he still walked on the street...would it be possible...something bad happened?

He brought guards with him on this trip, but the martial arts of the guards were not enough to help him pass on his martial arts and suppress poison. It seemed that only Lou Yan could help him by his side, but he really didn't want to—

Jiang Su hesitated a little, but it looked like he sincerely wanted to give Xie Zeli some advice, and said, "If you don't want to, I can knock you out."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Why is this person so annoying!

After all, Xie Zeli can tell the difference between the serious and the serious, now he needs Lou Yan to suppress the toxicity for him, no matter how angry he is, he has no choice but to compromise for the time being.

After all, the leader of the Demon Cult was a big guest of Linlang Pavilion, and Bai Yusheng even borrowed a room from them so that Lou Yan could quietly teach his skills. Fu Wenxiao, who had observed for a long time before and after, was thoughtful, and suddenly said: "I see Lou Yan Yan Cai needs tonic."

Jiang Su nodded earnestly, with some regret: "His martial arts are about to regress again."

"Xie Zeli came to Linlang Pavilion to find me?" Fu Wenxiao was a little puzzled, and asked Jiang Su in a low voice, "Does he know something?"

Lu Jiu stole the treasure of the Bai family. Although this matter has not been reported, it is not difficult to inquire about it. As long as Xie Zeli receives the news and makes a little guess, he should guess that what was stolen from the Bai family is the key that can open the secret room. .

After all, Xie Zeli already had two keys in his hands. Even if he was crying with tears, he could not give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Apart from looking for Fu Wenxiao to see a doctor when he came to Linlang Pavilion, he was also chasing Lu Jiu's whereabouts. He wanted to catch Lu Jiu here and take the key for himself.

But Fu Wenxiao asked Xie Zeli to go back to wait for death, and easily broke the relationship between Lou Yan and Xie Zeli. Jiang Su could see how hard this sentence had hit Xie Zeli. Anyway, people are going to die, maybe Xie Zeli won't be as concerned about overwhelming things as before.

But no matter how he said it, he had to grab Lu Jiu before Xie Zeli, and then grab the key.

"He should have received the news." Jiang Su said, "If we want to catch Lu Jiu before they do, we'd better make a plan early."

Fu Wenxiao was thoughtful.

Jiang Su asked again: "Where is Bai Yusheng?"

Fang Yuanluo replied: "Master Bai came here from the capital, and he should arrive at Linlang Pavilion tomorrow."

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word just now, it seems that he just came back to his senses at this time, after all, Mei You Palace played too much, and it really scared him, an ignorant member of the beggar gang.

"It's not urgent." Fu Wenxiao said softly, "I'll prescribe another medicine for Xie Zeli and Lou Yan before they leave."

Jiang Su couldn't help being slightly startled, he looked at Li Hanshan next to him, and then asked Fu Wenxiao: "Is he really hopeless?"

"It's just a poison, how could it kill someone." Fu Wenxiao said, "It's true that it hurts the kidneys."

Jiang Su: "But you just said..."

Fu Wenxiao: "Everyone is mortal."

Jiang Su: "..."

That's right, people are always going to die. The question is whether he should die now or in a few decades. Fu Wenxiao asked Xie Zeli to go back and wait for death. After waiting for decades, he did not deceive Xie Zeli.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su went to visit Li Hanshan again, and saw that Li Hanshan seemed to be slightly relieved, and he no longer had the tense expression just now. He didn't seem to care whether Xie Zeli was suffering from tears, or whether he couldn't control himself. He wanted to have **** with others, but if the poison threatened Xie Zeli's life... he would still be somewhat worried.

Jiang Su couldn't help but asked again: "Then can he still be saved?"

"I haven't checked his pulse for him, and I don't know how the poison was made." Fu Wenxiao said, "Just take a look at it like this. I'm not a god, so how do I know if it can be saved?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Okay, it turns out that what Fu Wenxiao said just now was all a lie to Xie Zeli.

"Although I am a doctor, I am not a saint." Fu Wenxiao wrote lightly, "I don't want to save some people."

When Lou Yan finished teaching his skills and came out from the room with Xie Zeli on his arm, Fu Wenxiao had already written the prescription and was waiting for them outside.

Xie Zeli was very weak, and Lou Yan was obviously not much better. Fu Wenxiao stopped them, and handed the prescription to Lou Yan, but he said in his usual indifferent tone, "Take it back and decoct it every day."

Lou Yan was startled: "What is this?"

"Tonic." Fu Wenxiao replied, "Delay for a while."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli seemed to have suffered another major blow. He looked at Fu Wenxiao seriously for a long time before he murmured: "Really...it's hopeless?"

"If you don't believe me, go to the Valley of Immortal Medicine and drag out a famous doctor in the valley to give you a diagnosis, and there will be no second result." Fu Wenxiao coldly pulled the prescription back from Lou Yan's hand, and said, " Since you don't believe me, I don't need to give you this recipe, please ask another wise man."

Xie Zeli: "..."

With trembling hands, Xie Zeli took the prescription from Lou Yan again, put it away carefully, and said, "Master Fu's medical skills are famous all over the world, I believe it."

This time, he didn't even put on airs as the leader of the Demon Cult, and he even forgot to call himself the seat. Obviously, this matter hit him hard, and he seemed to be a little panicked.

Jiang Su looked at him, but felt that this person was unspeakably pitiful.

There is no one in the world who is not afraid of death. A person like Xie Zeli, who has been in a high position and pampered all his life, may be more afraid of death than ordinary people. He is restless now, just waiting for Fu Wenxiao's instructions, and Fu Wenxiao sat down beside him, seeing him Before leaving, he slowly added a few words.

Fu Wenxiao: "Smile, ten years old, don't be too angry on weekdays, you will die faster."

Xie Zeli: "...OK."

Fu Wenxiao thought for a while, and then said: "Don't worry too much about everything. If you are short-tempered, your life span will be short."

Xie Ze couldn't help but nod his head.

"You need to rest." Fu Wenxiao said, "It's better to do less about dual cultivation."

Xie Zeli seriously agreed: "I understand."

Lou Yan stood aside, and hearing what Fu Wenxiao said, he couldn't help asking, "But if the leader is sick..."

"Most of the aphrodisiac attacks can't last for a few hours. It's just a matter of tempering the heart and mind." Fu Wenxiao said. When you get older, be careful and get windy."

Lou Yan: "I..."

"There is also Palace Master Lou." Fu Wenxiao said seriously, "Pay attention to nourishing the kidneys, you are still young, and you are so pretentious. When you get old, you should know the pain of kidney deficiency."

Lou Yan: "..."

When he said this, Fang Yuanluo suddenly felt that there was a topic that he could answer, and he wanted to answer it immediately, so as to show that he remembered every word Fu Wenxiao said clearly, and said: "Don't drink wine, either. It’s easy to be inhuman.”

Xie Zeli: "..."

Lou Yan: "..."

Fu Wenxiao said: "It's okay, after taking this kind of aphrodisiac, you should be inhumane long ago."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Fang Yuanluo opened his eyes wide and was shocked. He sized Xie Zeli up and down for a long time before murmuring, "The leader of the Demon Cult... can't..."

Jiang Su coughed and said, "This matter is secret, don't spread it to the outside world."

Fang Yuanluo immediately shut his mouth, nodded earnestly, and said sternly to Xie Ze: "Don't worry, although you and I oppose good and evil, I am an upright gentleman, and I will never chew my tongue like this outside."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Ze gritted his teeth: "Thank you."

Fu Wenxiao coughed and said, "Don't be angry."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli forced a smile, then turned his head and walked away with a flick of his sleeves. Lou Yan had to follow quickly. When the two of them had left, Jiang Su turned to look at Fu Wenxiao and asked, "What medicine did you prescribe for them?"

"Strengthen the yang and invigorate the kidney." Fu Wenxiao said casually, "I think they both need to be replenished."

Jiang Su: "..."

He was wrong.

He originally thought that Fu Wenxiao was gentle and elegant, at most he was a little indifferent to outsiders, and he could definitely be regarded as a standard gentleman, but now he no longer thinks so.

Fu Wenxiao himself was born in the Valley of Immortal Doctors, and the Valley of Immortal Doctors is full of his fellow students, and most of them hate the Devil Cult. Even if Xie Zeli really went to the Valley of Immortal Doctors, no one would really be willing to treat him.

And Fu Wenxiao asked Xie Zeli to try his best to endure when he was ill, but what kind of poison could he bear to cry? In the original book, Jiang Su tried to endure it, but he didn't even manage to survive for half an hour. He didn't believe that Xie Zeli could survive the poisonous attack. If half of the attack was unbearable, how could he be gentle with others as Fu Wenxiao said? Double cultivation?

At that time, I was afraid that Xie Zeli would have lost his consciousness. After such a toss, it would take far more time and energy than simple dual cultivation.

Jiang Suzheng felt that Fu Wenxiao was not a simple person, and someone from over there had reported that it was the young master of the Bai family, Baiyu, who had traveled all the way for his birthday, and had just arrived at Linlang Pavilion, and wanted to meet them.

Jiang Su didn't think about it anymore, anyway, Fu Wenxiao would not target him, what happened to Fu Wenxiao had nothing to do with him, what he should worry about right now was the key in Linlang Pavilion.

He has been thinking for a long time that he must open the Unbearable Sky with his own hands, and take out the second volume of the Zhishui swordsmanship. He will never let Lu Jiu take the key away.

Bai Yusheng is the fourth son of the richest man in Bai. He has been smart since he was a child, and he is only twenty-two years old. He is also extremely loved by his father. The world-famous Linlang Pavilion was given to him by Master Bai for his birthday when he was weak. Gift.

When Jiang Su saw Bai Yusheng, he felt that this man seemed to be a man of great wealth, and his life was impeccable. He thought again, Master Bai had more than a dozen sons, and only Bai Yusheng was the most loved by him, and he could do this. Obviously, it will not be a simple person.

They didn't have any friendship at all, so there was no need to reminisce about the old days. After a few polite words, Bai Yusheng directly got down to business.

The key to Unbearable Sky was originally kept in the White Mansion in the capital city. Lu Jiu stole the key from the mansion, fled to Changning City, and left a note outside Linlang Pavilion, saying that he would come to Linlang Pavilion to steal the treasures hidden in the pavilion for many years. Qingxiaojian, who is so bold, doesn't look like a thief at all.

And the time Lu Jiu left in the letter was exactly tonight.

When Jiang Su heard the name of Qingxiao Sword, he sat up straight and became very interested.

This sword is a masterpiece made by a master swordsmith hundreds of years ago. There are many rumors in Jianghu, but no one has seen it. Jiang Su once looked for it curiously, but finally only got an ambiguous news. Among the treasures of the Bai family, there is also a priceless treasure. No matter how much he pays, the Bai family will never sell it to him.

It's a pity that this kind of good thing is already in Bai Yusheng's hands. Even if he wants it very much, it is someone else's wife. If he has the chance, he can take a look and he will be very satisfied.

And this road nine is really too much, if you are a thief, you are a thief, how can you even steal someone's wife, you really deserve to be beaten!

"Lu Jiu's lightness skills are excellent, and he's also good at using poison and disguise." Bai Yusheng looked distressed, "I've come here from the capital, and I've tried to stop him many times, but he's really cunning. Out of sight, he can quickly disguise himself as someone else."

"If you talk about lightness skills, I'm afraid no one in the Jianghu is his opponent." Fu Wenxiao frowned, turned to look at Jiang Su, and asked, "Brother Jiang, can you catch up to him?"

Jiang Su replied truthfully: "I haven't chased him, and I don't know."

"No." Li Hanshan, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly said, "You can't catch up."

Several people in the room couldn't help turning their eyes to Li Hanshan. Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao still thought he was the unknown Mu Yichuan in the Jianghu, but Bai Yusheng didn't know him, so he was a little curious, and asked: "Who is this?" Young Hero is..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't know how to answer, so he could only turn his head to look at Jiang Su, but Jiang Su coughed and said, "This is my friend, called Mu Yichuan."

Bai Yusheng nodded thoughtfully, and thought that Li Hanshan's words just now were too direct. He was careful not to hurt Jiang Su's face, so he deliberately said tactfully, wanting to give Jiang Su a step down: "But Jiang Shaoxia's With such a high martial art skill, it is not impossible."

"He said no, he just can't." Jiang Su directly affirmed Li Hanshan's words, "Let's think of other ways."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Bai Yusheng couldn't help but look at Jiang Su and Li Hanshan a few more times.

These two people... why are they talking so strangely, it seems that the other party understands themselves better, this relationship is really not quite right.

But Jiang Su understood in his heart.

His martial arts are on par with Li Hanshan's, and his lightness kung fu is not far behind. Lu Jiu is an evil person, and Li Hanshan is the young master of the Demon Cult. Li Hanshan probably tried to chase Lu Jiu with his lightness kung fu. .

"If you can't catch up, I'm afraid there will be some trouble." Bai Yusheng sighed, "Although there are countless traps in Linlang Pavilion, Lu Jiuben is a good hand at cracking them."

But Fu Wenxiao asked Jiang Su: "Brother Jiang, if you can't catch up with him, can you beat him?"

Jiang Su: "Uh..."

Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan.

Li Hanshan: "It's difficult, but not impossible."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

What happened to these two people? !

"His martial arts are mainly quick and fast, his body is extremely light and agile, and his martial arts are not too weak, so it is difficult to hit him." Li Hanshan said, "But he is also very proud."

Jiang Su understood a little bit: "It's not impossible to make a sound."

"What's more, we are two people now." Li Hanshan said, "I haven't recovered from my injury, but it's not too important. I should be able to help you."

After finishing speaking, the two of them looked at each other, as if at that moment, they had already figured out the skills and moves they should use when cooperating with the enemy, but the other three people in the room seemed to lose their voices collectively and fell into silence together.

After a while, Bai Yusheng spoke first, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, forgive Bai, who is this Mu Shaoxia—"

He wanted to inquire about the relationship between Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, but Jiang Su was stunned, and said: "Don't worry, he is under the guidance of a master of the world. If I join forces with him, we will definitely hurt Lu Jiu."

Bai Yusheng: "That's not what I mean...that's all, that's what I mean."

Fu Wenxiao: "... When you meet again after parting, your relationship seems to be much better."

Fang Yuanluo exclaimed: "As expected of Jiang Shaoxia, he knows so much and is so fast."

Jiang Su: "?"

Li Hanshan didn't know what they were talking about, so he just continued to follow the topic, and continued: "But even if Lu Jiu is injured, if he tries his best to escape, once he has a chance to change his appearance, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to catch him." him."

Jiang Su stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Lu Jiu was good at changing his appearance when he ran away, and he was very proud, so what should he do so that no matter how Lu Jiu changed his appearance, he would not be able to hide his identity?

He thought about it for a moment, and he vaguely had some incredible thoughts in his mind.

Jiang Su sighed suddenly, and said a word out of nowhere: "I have a way to try, but it's a pity that my senior brother is not here."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't speak, he just tugged Jiang Su's sleeve and winked with Jiang Su.

Yesterday, Xie Zeli ordered everyone from the Demon Cult to come here quickly, that is to say, He Lingcheng should also come, even if their movements were a little slower, they should also rush to Changning City in the afternoon.

Although Zhang Wenxue is not here, He Lingcheng's cooking skills are of course enough to compete with Zhang Wenxue.

And as long as it was Li Hanshan's request, Jiang Su thought that He Lingcheng would never refuse.

very nice.

Jiang Su felt that he was 100% sure.

In the middle of the night, Linlang Pavilion was heavily guarded against Lu Jiu coming here, and all the organs in the pavilion were opened, but Bai Yusheng was anxious, waiting in the small building outside the warehouse of Linlang Pavilion. Walking in a circle, suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing over the eaves outside.

Lu Jiu was wearing night clothes, holding a sword wrapped in black cloth in his hand.

He does not use a sword, it is by no means his weapon.

Bai Yusheng's heart sank to the bottom, thinking of so many people, he even invited Jiang Su, but he still couldn't guard against Lu Jiu.

And Lu Jiu stands lightly on the top of the eaves, as if he came here specially to say hello to him. This is obviously also Lu Jiu's habit. He is proud of himself. Every time he wins, he can't wait to run in front of the original owner, show off.

Bai Yusheng squeezed the folding fan tightly in his hand, walked to the window in a few steps, and before he could speak, he found that there was an extra person behind Lu Jiu.

White clothes, long sword.

That is Jiang Su.

Lu Jiu naturally also found that such a small tail was following behind him, but he was not in a hurry, he even smiled and said: "Jiang Shaoxia, I know you, you will not be able to catch up with me."

Before he finished speaking, he saw another person out of the corner of his eye, turned around hastily, and saw that his way was also blocked by a person.

The man in black was holding a sword, the sword was not out of its sheath, but it seemed to have murderous intent revealed.

He was familiar with this murderous aura, and among the people Lu Jiu knew, there was only one person who always had a murderous aura when he held a sword, and he never concealed his murderous aura.

It's Li Hanshan.

Lu Jiu couldn't help being a little surprised, he cast his eyes on the two of them, suddenly laughed, and said, "It's really strange that the two of you are walking together."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Shaoxia had already thrown his hand, as if he had thrown some hidden weapon at him, but he missed it, throwing it a little high, Lu Jiu dodged lightly, and laughed loudly: "Jiang Shaoxia, you can't hit me! of."

Jiang Su actually smiled at him and said, "I didn't intend to hit you."

Lu Jiu was stunned, then raised his head and looked at the so-called "hidden weapon" in midair.

Under the moonlight, he finally managed to distinguish clearly.

This seems to be... fish bubble?

He was very puzzled, but he saw that Li Hanshan had already made a move, but with a flash of sword light, he quickly retreated a few steps, and the blade was not pointing at him.

Only then did Lu Jiu suddenly come back to his senses, trying to escape in a hurry.

But it seems to be too late.

The foul-smelling juice poured down his head and face, and he almost suffocated after taking a breath. Lu Jiu almost tried his best to avoid most of it, but a lot of things spilled on him, and he covered his mouth and nose, retching A few times, asked: "What kind of poison is this!"

"What poison?" Jiang Su was speechless, "If you say that, Deputy Envoy He will be upset."

Lu Jiu: "...what?"

"This is specially made by Deputy Envoy He for you." Jiang Su replied, "It's called... anyway, it's a tonic soup, with some stinky fish added, maybe a little stinky tofu..."

The stench finally came with the wind, and Jiang Su fell silent.

Wait, it's not wrong that he wanted Vice Envoy He to make some flavorful soup, but this is too stinky, right? !

He felt suffocated, and couldn't help turning his gaze to the Qingxiao sword in Lu Jiu's hand.

The sword was only wrapped in a black cloth, it was not waterproof, and when Lu Jiu dodged, he only cared about himself, a lot of foul-smelling juice was poured onto the black cloth, the hilt was still wet and dripping water, Jiang Su just took a look , he felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over his head, and he couldn't even utter a word.

Jiang Su's heart was twisted like a knife.

Road Nine! Why is your qinggong so poor! What kind of man is he who only cares about avoiding himself!

Someone else's wife! She is still famous for being such a beautiful wife through the ages!

He stinks!