Lu Jiu didn't understand the way Jiang Su looked at him at the moment.

If just now he just felt that Li Hanshan had a murderous look on his body as usual, then at this moment he already felt that Jiang Su's eyes looking at him were full of murderous intent.

He felt that Jiang Su wanted to tear him into pieces on the spot, but he didn't know what he did wrong to make Jiang Su suddenly change like this.

He was a little panicked, he is a thief after all, if it is a frontal fight, his martial arts ranking is not high, but he can barely deal with some ordinary masters, but now the people who want to kill him in front of him are Jiang Su and Li Hanshan , He had fought against Li Hanshan before, and he knew that this man's martial arts were terrible, and he was absolutely impossible to be the opponent of these two.

He didn't dare to stay here at all, he just wanted to find an opening to escape immediately.

It's just that his way of coming and going has been blocked by Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, if he wants to leave unscathed, it will be somewhat difficult.

And Bai Yusheng in the house has also climbed up to the eaves. He learned martial arts from a teacher in his early years. Although his martial arts are far inferior to those of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, at this time, he thought that he might be useful.

He rushed to Jiang Su's side and wanted to block Lu Jiu together with Jiang Su, but he never expected that Jiang Su, who seemed to be a little distressed at first, looked back at him, and silently put away his sword.

It stinks, he doesn't want to stink his wife.

The rest of the people didn't know why he was like this, but Lu Jiu felt that he had seen an excellent opportunity. This Jiang Su was too underestimating the enemy. If Jiang Su withdrew his sword, he no longer had to be afraid and chose without hesitation. Jiang Su approached Bai Yusheng's direction, thinking that this was the perfect opening for him to escape tonight.

But Li Hanshan quickly kept up with the obstruction, Lu Jiu could only rush towards Jiang Su, and Jiang Su grabbed Bai Yusheng's hand, easily snatched the exquisite folding fan with jade bones and gold from Bai Yusheng's hand, and used the folding fan as a It was a dagger, and it hit Lu Jiu fiercely.

He just wanted to capture Lu Jiu alive so that he could find out the whereabouts of the key, so he was still worrying with Li Hanshan that Lu Jiu would not be hurt. Lu Jiu also knew that their trip was for the key to the sky, and he thought that he was confronting righteous people, so he was naturally confident, but now Jiang Su seemed to be angry, and his attack was much more ruthless than expected, scaring Lu Jiu hurriedly jumped, Fang barely avoided the fan, Jiang Su had already shaken the folding fan by pressing the handle of the fan, and hit Lu Jiu's ankle hard with the unfolded fan bone with his inner strength.

Everyone present heard the cracking sound of bones breaking, and the jade bone fan couldn't bear such a heavy blow, and under Jiang Su's inner strength, it was broken into several pieces and shattered into powder.

Lu Jiu screamed, but he knew he couldn't stop. Enduring the severe pain, he wanted to jump off the eaves. Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, and inserted the long sword in his hand into the roof tiles, aiming at Lu Jiu who was supporting the eaves With that hand, he directly knocked out the raised tiles.

He brought his inner strength with every blow, and in a duel between masters, flying flowers and fallen leaves can kill people, let alone tiles, Jiang Su was more lenient, avoiding the fatal points, but it was enough to kill Lu Jiu's hand Draw countless wounds.

Lu Jiu was originally supporting the eaves with one hand, but now that his hands were in severe pain, he was forced to let go, and almost fell **** the eaves of the next floor. He didn't remember the light work, the eaves collapsed, and he directly followed the fall. Watt fell down.

Bai Yusheng was stunned.

This change came so suddenly, he didn't even realize what happened just now, he could only stare blankly at his empty hands...

His tens of thousands of taels of it broken like this? !

But Jiang Su had already turned his head and chased after him, and Fang Yuanluo had originally planned to wait for the smelly Lu Jiu to come down, so that he could lead someone to hunt him down, but he never expected that Lu Jiu would be so seriously injured When he got down, his body smelled even worse, so Fang Yuanluo silently put on the mask he had prepared, and with a wave of his hand, the guards in Linlang Pavilion covered the large net that had been prepared, trapping Lu Jiu in it .

At this time, Jiang Su landed lightly beside the crowd, looked at Lu Jiu under the big net, and was silent for a long time, then he reluctantly opened his mouth and said, "Give him a bath first, and then ask Master Fu to show him his injuries." .”

Fang Yuanluo clicked his tongue and sighed, "You are too ruthless."

Li Hanshan and Bai Yusheng had already followed. When Jiang Su saw Bai Yusheng, he apologized to him first, and said, "Master Bai, I will pay you back for that fan just now."

"Jiang Shaoxia caught Lu Jiu for Bai, so how could Bai blame Jiang Shaoxia?" Bai Yusheng understood the ways of the world anyway, and he didn't lack such a little money, so he smiled with Jiang Su and said, "This fan is still in Bai's house." There are countless, if Jiang Shaoxia uses it smoothly, Bai can give you a few more."

Jiang Su: "...I still prefer swords."

He took a few steps forward, took the long pole from a Linlang Pavilion guard, and first hooked out the Qingxiao Sword that Lu Jiu had stolen.

The black cloth wrapping Qingxiao Sword was completely soaked by the foul-smelling juice. Jiang Su's heart was heavy. After thinking for a long time, he still didn't stretch out his hand, but gently lifted the black cloth away with his long pole.

What was wrapped in the black cloth was the Qingxiao Sword that he wanted to see, and this sword was just as he had imagined, it was the eternally famous beauty in his imagination.

But this beauty, he stinks.

Can you bear this kind of thing? ? ?

Jiang Su was so angry that he wanted to drag Lu Jiu out from under the big net and beat him again, but Lu Jiu's body was too stinky, beating him would definitely stink his hands, Jiang Su remained silent and hesitated again and again. He just raised the long pole in his hand, knocked on Lu Jiu through the net tied with Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu: "..."

Fang Yuanluo coughed and said, "Brother Jiang, we've already caught him, so there's no need to beat him anymore, right?"

"Lu Jiu, what's the matter with you." Jiang Su cursed with hatred, "You can hide from this stinky juice yourself, can't you let Qingxiao sword dodge together!"

Lu Jiu: "...Huh?"

He didn't understand what Jiang Su meant.

In that critical moment, isn't a man more important than a sword? Who knows if what Jiang Su and the others poured down is poison, what if it is Huagu Powder? If he can dodge, of course he will find ways to make himself dodge first!

Besides, he didn't completely avoid it himself!

"Such a good sword." Jiang Su sighed, "Why don't you know how to feel pity."

Lu Jiu was speechless, his legs and hands were still hurting, looking at Jiang Su, he couldn't help but retort: ​​"This sword is not worth much, the fan you broke just now is worth more than this sword—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Su raised the long pole with no expression on his face, and knocked Lu Jiu hard.

"The matter of the sword." Jiang Su said, "Can you compare it with money?"

Lu Jiu: "..."

Jiang Su snorted coldly: "Vulgar."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Lu Jiu felt that the legendary No. 1 beauty in Jianghu and the No. 1 swordsman in Jianghu might be mentally ill, and he was still unclear.

Bai Yusheng has already beckoned someone to come up and drag Lu Jiu down, so as to clean up the stench on Lu Jiu's body. He needs to find out the whereabouts of the key from Lu Jiu's mouth, but he really can't bear to be stinking like this. Lu Jiu stayed in a room.

After Lu Jiu was dragged down, Bai Yusheng turned his head and invited Jiang Su to participate in the interrogation.

After all, his father had promised to give the key to the Wulin League, and Jiang Su came to arrest Lu Jiu on behalf of the Wulin League, so the interrogation of Lu Jiu should always involve the people of the Wulin League.

Jiang Su readily agreed, but since he wanted to participate, Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao would naturally go together. As for Li Hanshan, Jiang Su never regarded him as an outsider. He was going, and Li Hanshan must go too. .

So Jiang Su turned to Li Hanshan, originally wanting to ask Li Hanshan to go with him, but unexpectedly, Li Hanshan's expression was a little weird. He held the long sword in his hand, shielded the sword behind his back, and muttered: " I... have to go back and see how my father is doing."

Jiang Su knew that he was talking about Xie Zeli, but the others didn't know. Fang Yuanluo was still startled, and subconsciously asked, "Brother Mu, what's wrong with your father?"

Li Hanshan replied awkwardly: "I'm sick."

Fang Yuanluo: "Then pull it here and let Miracle Doctor Fu take a look. The Miracle Doctor is ready to keep the medicine until the illness is cured!"

Li Hanshan: "It's okay, it's just a minor illness."

He really can't lie. Now that he looks like this, Jiang Su can almost tell at a glance that he is talking nonsense, but he doesn't know why Li Hanshan suddenly has an excuse to leave here. He just left, but he didn't dare to turn around, he just forced a smile at the few people, retreated a few steps, and then wished he could turn his head and run away.

Jiang Su frowned, feeling that this not easy.

Li Hanshan ran far away with lightness kung fu, and then calmed down a little, found a roof in the city and sat down, and pulled out his sword from the scabbard extremely nervously.

That thing happened so fast just now, he didn't think about it at all, and he even drew his sword and cut through the fish bubble that Jiang Su threw at Lu Jiu.

His sword also seemed to be smelly.

With a heavy heart, Li Hanshan carefully looked at the nameless sword in his hand, pondered for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to come forward and sniff the tip of the sword.

Although the smell on this sword is not as bad as Lu Jiu's body, people with a sensitive nose can still smell it easily. What's worse is that he just put the returned sword back into its sheath in order to cover up the smell on the sword. I hid the sword in the scabbard, and now it seems... even the scabbard has a strange smell.

When it was over, Li Hanshan felt that he was done playing.

Lu Jiu just stinked the Qingxiao Sword accidentally, and Jiang Su was already so angry that he wished he could peel Lu Jiu's skin and break his bones on the spot.

That Qingxiao sword is not Jiang Su's own collection of swords, it is someone else's sword, it has nothing to do with him, he is so angry, then he...

Li Hanshan silently looked at the nameless sword in his hand.

This sword was given to him by Jiang Su. It used to be one of Jiang Su's favorite hidden swords. Not only that, just now he took the initiative to draw the sword to cut through the fish bubbles, that is to say, he took the initiative to stink the sword.

...Jiang Su will kill him, right?

No, he must get rid of the smell on the sword before Jiang Su finds out all this, he can't let Jiang Su notice this, he can't make Jiang Su angry.

Li Hanshan got up in a hurry when he thought of this, and rushed towards the place where the Demon Cult was stationed outside the city without saying a word.

Li Hanshan didn't know how to deodorize at all, but He Lingcheng was good at it, from sewing to kitchen, he could do everything, Li Hanshan firmly believed that as long as he found He Lingcheng, He Lingcheng would be able to tell him what to do!

Li Hanshan hadn't run so fast for a long time.

He wished he could go back immediately and ask He Lingcheng for help, so he rushed all the way outside He Lingcheng's tent with light kung fu, he forgot to even call the door, and suddenly opened the curtain, he saw that He Lingcheng was sitting with Wu Qi inside, looking at the table decorations , they seem to be drinking tea.

It's just like drinking tea.

Wu Qi's face was indifferent, and the black cat was lying on his lap, and it was meowing one after another. When it meowed, Wu Qi raised his hand and scratched its chin. Harmony, but Wu Qi's eyes are always cold, which makes people a little scared, and he even squeezed his lips tightly, and he didn't even say a word from the beginning to the end. It doesn't look like drinking tea at all, but like visiting debt collector.

On the other side of the table, He Lingcheng was holding a teacup, but his hands were trembling slightly, apparently unable to bear Wu Qi's overly frightening gaze, just when Li Hanshan appeared, He Lingcheng hurriedly smiled at Li Hanshan and asked, "Young Master , why are you back?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

The atmosphere in this room is a bit weird, should he go in and ask He Lingcheng for help?

Forget it, let's go, it's more important not to make Jiang Su angry.

Li Hanshan took a step forward, and said nervously: "Deputy Envoy He, my sword also stinks."

He Lingcheng was still a little dazed: "What?"

Li Hanshan didn't know how to explain what happened just now to He Lingcheng in just a few sentences. After thinking about it, he could only say: "Jiang Su doesn't like others not cherishing swords."

He Lingcheng: "..."

"But I stink my sword." Li Hanshan was a little apprehensive, "He will be angry."

He Lingcheng: "..."

what's up?

How long has this young master known Jiang Su? Aren't they just ordinary friends? Why is the young master so afraid of him being angry? There is nothing more fearful than this!

He had carefully guarded the innocent young master for many years, but he was seduced by the righteous way and fell.

Seeing that He Lingcheng didn't speak, Li Hanshan had to sit down in front of He Lingcheng and Wu Qi, then took out his sword from the scabbard, put it on the table together with the scabbard, and said aggrievedly: "I'm afraid he will find out, so I just put it on the table." The sword was back in the scabbard, but now the scabbard stinks too."

He Lingcheng decided to try his best to bring back the young master's thinking: "The murder sword has a smell, isn't it normal?"

Li Hanshan was startled, not understanding what He Lingcheng meant.

"Young master, if you put this sword outside to dry, it will lose its taste in a few days." He Lingcheng frowned and said, "Don't be misled by that Jiang Su, his attitude towards swords is no longer what normal people should have." gone."

Li Hanshan frowned: "But this is too long."

"Tea leaves." Wu Qi said suddenly, "Wipe with water."

Li Hanshan thought about it carefully, he seemed to have indeed heard such a method from the cook in the teaching center, tea seems to be able to deodorize, this method is worth a try, he was about to thank him and got up, but suddenly remembered another thing thing.

"But what about the scabbard?" Li Hanshan was very troubled, "The tea leaves are stuffed in, so you can't get it out?"

Wu Qi: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

"Is there any other way?" Li Hanshan frowned, "Time is running out, I have to go back earlier."

"White vinegar." Wu Qi gave him a new suggestion, "Soak it."

Li Hanshan: "Isn't that all sour?"

"Aromatherapy." Wu Qi said persistently, "Smoking."

Li Hanshan: "...isn't it strange that it is both fragrant and stinky?"

Wu Qi: "..."

Wu Qi is gone.

Listening to the conversation between the two, He Lingcheng finally opened his mouth helplessly and said, "Young master, give me the sword, and I will return it to you tomorrow morning."

Li Hanshan looked at him in a blink of an eye, and hope seemed to be ignited in his eyes for a moment.

He Lingcheng was speechless.

He doesn't like Jiang Su very much, because he thinks that Jiang Su is quite scheming about the city, not because he shows a simple sword idiot on the outside. He is worried that Jiang Su will plot against the young master one day and make the young master sad, but now if he refuses If you help, I'm afraid the young master will be sad today.

That's all.

As for the future, he just waited and let nature take its course, at least today, he shouldn't refuse the young master's request.

Thinking of this, He Lingcheng turned to look at the nameless sword on the table, reached out to take it, sniffed it a little, and said, "Isn't this smelly?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the black cat in Wu Qi's arms sticking its head out, sniffing at the sword with its nose, then turned away in disgust, stretched out its two paws, and pawed at the sword in the air. up.

He Lingcheng: "What is it doing?"

Wu Qi: "...this sword is like shit."

After he finished speaking, he saw that the curtain of the tent door was lifted here, and the people outside were also in a hurry, just like Li Hanshan, they walked in without even having time to say hello.

It was Jiang Su.

Wu Qi just said those words, and he seemed to be stuck in mid-air. He was sure in his heart that Jiang Su definitely heard it.

Sure enough, Jiang Su's expression was different, but he acted as if he hadn't heard anything, turned directly to Li Hanshan, and said, "They said you were in Vice Envoy He's tent."

Li Hanshan: "..."

After saying this, Jiang Su seemed angry again, and couldn't help muttering, as if comforting himself, and said: "I have sent the sword away, that is no longer my wife, someone else's wife, like everything It doesn't matter."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wu Qi: "..."

But it was precisely this sentence that woke up Li Hanshan suddenly.

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su, then at the nameless sword that He Lingcheng was holding in his hand at the moment, he was a little silent, and almost subconsciously remembered something in his heart.

Jiang Su doesn't like others not cherishing the sword. Jiang Su regards the sword as his wife, so if he thinks about himself and others, his sword should also be his wife.

How could he just watch his wife in someone else's arms?

No, Jiang Su will definitely be angry.

Li Hanshan quickly held down He Lingcheng's hand, snatched back his sword, and then hugged the sword into his arms without thinking.

Yes, this sword is his wife, he should—


What a smell!

Li Hanshan also stinks.

Jiang Su had a headache.

He ordered Li Hanshan to take his sword and rush to take a shower, and clean the sword by the way. The smell was all over his body, and it made him uncomfortable to smell it.

But in this wilderness, the Demon Cult is only stationed here temporarily, and there is no hot water here, and Jiang Su doesn't want to take Li Hanshan and the sword back to the city to wash it again. The smell is too strong, and he really can't bear it for too long.

Li Hanshan also wished to get rid of the smell on his body immediately. He didn't need Jiang Su to say more. He remembered that there was a mountain stream nearby, so he wished to rush there immediately. When he ran to the place, he looked back and saw that Jiang Su had followed him .

Li Hanshan became nervous.

He was just going to wash off the smell on his body, why did Jiang Su follow here?

This is to supervise him to clean the sword, or feel that his body is also be with him...

Li Hanshan coughed and couldn't think anymore.

Jiang Su didn't think much about it, he looked around the situation of the stream, the stream was crystal clear, and there were few people living around it, so no one should see it.

Thinking of this, he walked to the edge of the stream, picked up a handful of water, and tested the temperature a little.

After all, it is not long into spring now, and the stream is indeed a bit too cold, but at least he has internal energy to protect himself, and it will not hurt to wash it a little, so he made up his mind, but when he turned his head, he saw Li Hanshan staring at him intently, Jiang Su Then he frowned and said: "What are you doing in a daze, wash the sword and take a bath."

Li Hanshan hesitated: "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Su stretched out his hand and showed Li Hanshan his sleeves. Just now he injured Lu Jiu, his hand was stained with a lot of blood spattered by Lu Jiu, but he was still wearing white clothes, chasing Lu Jiu When he jumped from the big hole in the eaves, the hem of his clothes was already dusty, and he didn't have time to clean it up afterwards. Seeing that Li Hanshan was lying, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. In the end, he didn't even have time to wash off the blood on his body. Qing Xiaojian, the beautiful wife who has been around for so many years, didn't even touch it, so she rushed over directly.

Jiang Su just wanted to wash off the blood on his body, not Li Hanshan's idea of ​​taking a bath here. Li Hanshan couldn't help being a little disappointed for a while, he sighed, and walked to the edge of the stream, before he squatted down and wanted to After washing the sword clean, Jiang Su raised his sword to block him.

Li Hanshan was puzzled.

"Don't be here." Jiang Su raised his voice, wishing to stop him immediately, "Not here."

Li Hanshan: "Why not."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows: "You smell it yourself, don't you know why?"

Li Hanshan really smelled himself, maybe because the smell was too long, his nose could no longer smell the smell, even if he got close to the tip of the sword, he couldn't detect any abnormalities.

"Go downstream." Jiang Su lowered his voice and ruthlessly refused, "You stink up the water."

Li Hanshan got up aggrieved.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su sighed.

"Forget it." Jiang Su called out to stop Li Hanshan, "Just stay here, it's better to end sooner."

He Lingcheng didn't know where Jiang Su was going to take Li Hanshan. He felt uneasy and wanted to follow up secretly, but he was worried that Jiang Su's martial arts were too high and he could easily find out his whereabouts.

He had no choice but to take Wuqi along.

Wu Qi's martial arts were far superior to his, but he didn't dare to get too close to Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, so he could only **** up his ears and listen carefully in the forest a little far away from them.

Fortunately, it was quiet in the night, and he still vaguely heard the voice of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan talking in the distance.

He Lingcheng's martial arts were too poor, and his hearing was not as good as Wu Qi's, so he pressed his voice and asked him, "What did they say?"

"Don't be here." Wu Qi repeated ruthlessly, "Change to another place."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Jiang Su seemed to lower his voice in the next few sentences, and Wu Qi couldn't hear clearly.

But Wu Qi still understood the last sentence.

"Forget it, let's just stay here." Wu Qi repeated Jiang Su's words in a low voice, "It's better to finish it sooner."

Wu Qi: "..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wait, what the **** is this doing?