He Lingcheng and Wu Qi looked at each other solemnly for a moment, and He Lingcheng stood up suddenly.

"No." He Lingcheng looked nervous, extremely worried, and wished to rush out from here immediately, "You can't let this righteous vixen, Young Master, get together!"

Startled, Wu Qi hurriedly pulled him back, and shook his head with him.

"His own business." Wu Qi said, "Don't interrupt."

He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows: "This is not the young master's own business, it is the entire holy religion's business."

He still remembers it.

If Wen Qingting of the Zhishui Sword Sect hadn't seduced the previous leader Xie Wu back then, how could the Holy Church be defeated like this?

Although Xie Zeli always did some shameful things of bullying men and women, he has re-supported the holy religion. Although He Lingcheng can't understand what Xie Zeli has done these years, he also knows that Xie Zeli is indeed the talent of the leader. Li Hanshan, he is only good at martial arts, if it is his turn to rise to the top, I am afraid that he will not be able to suppress any of the tigers and wolves in the teaching.

Thinking of this, He Lingcheng couldn't help but become even more depressed. Now that Xie Zeli has been poisoned, it seems that the affairs of the teaching center will be handed over to Li Hanshan, but Li Hanshan doesn't understand anything. Xie Zeli has monopolized the power all these years. No one can assist him in dealing with the affairs of the church.

With this precedent, He Lingcheng will inevitably have to be wary of the righteous people who suddenly appear in the church. He is determined to interrupt the intimacy between the young master and Jiang Su at this moment, and must not let this last step come true, but Wu Qi didn't seem to agree with his approach, but Wu Qi's Chinese was not very good, so he could only tug on He Lingcheng's sleeve, frowning and thinking hard about how to persuade He Lingcheng.

"If you don't go there, it will be too late!" He Lingcheng gritted his teeth, "Have you forgotten about Xie Wujiao?"

Wu Qi finally choked out a word and said, "There will be shadows."

He Lingcheng was startled: "Shadow? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wu Qi: "Young master, shadow."

He really couldn't explain it clearly, so he just raised his hand and gestured for a long time, and then He Lingcheng suddenly realized what Wu Qi's words meant.

He felt that Wu Qi was right.

The young master is so innocent, and he was led to this step by the vixen of the Zhishui Sword Sect just today. That is to say, this is obviously the first time for the young master, and men are relatively fragile at this time. Rushing out gave them some kind of fright, what if the young master left a shadow, like the leader, he would no longer be humane?

No, he can't go out.

Anyway, no one suffers from this kind of thing, it's just a moment of joy, people in the evil way, they can see it!

As for what happens afterwards, he can wait until everything is over before having a proper talk with the young master.

With emotion and reason, he believes that the young master can understand his painstaking efforts!

Jiang Su untied his cuff, took off his outer robe, and frowned to wash the blood on his hands and sleeves. He was in too much hurry just now, and the blood on his clothes had already dried up. It is really difficult to wash off the blood by scrubbing.

There was no saponin around him, but the white clothes were troublesome, so the blood stained the clothes and faded away, and the clothes were dyed red, red and white, so ugly that people couldn't help but look at them.

Jiang Su was a little annoyed, he was really not good at doing this kind of thing, now the clothes looked like they might as well not be washed, even if he dried the clothes with internal force, it was like a lot of pink was dyed on the top, it looked like a story It's weird.

He simply threw away his clothes, and then turned his head to see that Li Hanshan was squatting aside, as if he had just finished washing his sword and was about to untie his clothes.

Sensing Jiang Su's gaze, Li Hanshan's movements froze for a moment, and he was really at a loss. He didn't want to take off his clothes in front of Jiang Su, but he felt that his thoughts were a little hypocritical. Even if two big men took off their clothes face to face, so what?

He was so nervous that his fingers seemed to be knotted, but when he turned his head again, Jiang Su rubbed his clothes violently again, but the clothes became more and more messy, and he might not be able to clean them overnight.

Jiang Su stopped watching, Li Hanshan was inexplicably and slightly disappointed.

He simply took off his clothes, and left a pair of close-fitting obscene pants to cover him up, then submerged directly into the stream, with his back to Jiang Su, so as not to let his thoughts run wild, and quickly want to wash off the weird smell on his body.

The stream was too cold, so he simply concentrated on driving his inner energy to keep out the cold, and stopped thinking about it, while Jiang Su rubbed his clothes violently for a while, and finally gave up completely, deciding to throw away the clothes, and change into new clothes when he went back.

He understood.

He used to read martial arts novels and TV dramas, and saw the handsome and handsome white-clothed heroes in them. He really liked it very much, and felt that one day he really went to the world and wanted to be a white-clothed knight.

But he didn't expect white clothes to be so difficult to wash!

In the early years in the Zhishui Sword Sect, if the clothes were dirty, someone would wash them for him, and if they couldn't be cleaned, the senior brother would give him new ones directly. He really didn't think about it so much Now, it seems that if you want to be a white-clothed swordsman, in addition to having money to change new clothes frequently, you must also have advanced martial arts and pay more attention at all times to never let the blood of the enemy splash on your clothes.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su sighed deeply, and turned to look at Li Hanshan who was taking a bath.

There are no lamps and candles in the mountains, and he can only barely recognize things by the moonlight. Li Hanshan is not far from him, and with his back to him, he can roughly see clearly. The young man is thin and the muscles on his back are relaxed. With a straight waistline, it was supposed to be a rather good-looking body, but it was torn apart by several scars on his body.

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning.

The wound on Li Hanshan's shoulder was left that day in Lingxi Mountain. The wound has healed, new flesh has grown, and the scab has not completely come off. There is no water to touch it. Li Hanshan carefully avoided the wound on his shoulder. hurt.

And Jiang Su moved his eyes down, and saw that Li Hanshan also had a deep old wound on the side of his waist, from the side of his waist to the front, Jiang Su couldn't see how long the wound was, but judging from the condition of the scar Well, the wound was obviously extremely deep, and it was in a vital part of the body's internal organs. It was definitely a blessing to be able to save a life.

In addition, Li Hanshan had some shallow scars on his body, Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, thinking, Li Hanshan is the young master of the demon sect, he should have been pampered and waited to inherit the position of leader, what is wrong with his body? Will there be so many scars?

He couldn't help but ask directly, "When did you get the injury on your waist?"

Li Hanshan was startled by his sudden opening, turned around suddenly, and subconsciously pressed the scar on his waist, but he soon felt that something was wrong, it was just a scar, and he saw it when he saw it, and he saw it in front of him. Jiang Su's face is taking a shower, even if he wants to block it, he should block it elsewhere.

Thinking of this, he simply let go of his hand, exposed the scar frankly, and said to Jiang Su: "Someone assassinated my father back then, and I blocked the knife for him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su frowned, thinking about Xie Zeli's attitude towards Li Hanshan these years, for some reason, he felt resentful for Li Hanshan in his heart.

"What about the other scars?" Jiang Su asked, "Are you blocking the knife?"

Li Hanshan didn't seem to come back to his senses for a while, maybe he had never been asked this kind of question before, and he came back to his senses after a while, and said to Jiang Su: "They are all minor injuries, some are from sword practice, and sometimes It was left when I went out to do errands for my father a few times ago."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't know what to say for a while.

He also practices swordsmanship, and has been injured by swordsmanship these years, but his brother can always give him excellent plasters, most of those small injuries will not leave scars, at least on him, there are not as many as Li Hanshan scars.

Li Hanshan is the young master of the Demon Sect. In terms of financial resources, the Demon Sect will never lose to the Zhishui Sword Sect. Jiang Su does not believe in Xie Zeli. He is generally valued by others, but the young master of the Demon Cult must not do anything. People in the Demon Cult don't care about him, which obviously comes from Xie Zeli's attitude towards Li Hanshan.

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, and the hatred for Xie Zeli increased in his heart, and he even felt that his previous methods towards Xie Zeli were too gentle.

But Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su's expression, and felt that Jiang Su might be in a bad mood, and then thought about what Jiang Su had taught his nephew Qi Du, and felt that Jiang Su should not like others not taking him seriously Body, then opened his mouth again, and said seriously: "It's all minor injuries, they've all healed up, and there's no old symptoms left."

Jiang Su asked him directly: "Why is your father treating you so badly?"

Li Hanshan was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously replied, "He's just being stricter."

"My senior brother is also strict, and he insists on the rules of the school without mercy." Jiang Su couldn't help raising his eyebrows in return, "But if someone in the school is injured, he can't wait to use the best ointment to heal him, as long as there is a little scar, he will It will all hurt."

Li Hanshan thought for a while and said, "But my father still gave me the medicine."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su simply got up, walked to Li Hanshan, found a rock and sat down, and asked Li Hanshan seriously: "Did he treat you badly in the past?"

Li Hanshan said: "He just wants me to improve quickly."

"How can you improve your martial arts?" Jiang Su took a deep breath, comparing himself, and said, "I have reached a bottleneck in my cultivation, and it has been difficult to break through for several years. I think you should do the same."

Li Hanshan replied: "But my father said that Xie Wu's leader was not like this back then."

Jiang Su: "..."

"Why can't I do what Xie Wujiao can do?" At this point, Li Hanshan frowned slightly, as if muttering to himself, and said in a low voice, "I don't have his talent and talent, so I can't do it." We can only rely on ten times and a hundred times of hard work to find ways to catch up with him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't want to talk.

He deeply felt that Li Hanshan was definitely fooled by Xie Zeli.

There is nothing wrong with Xie Wu's martial arts being high, but when Xie Wu practiced his martial arts to such a high level, he was already nearly 30 years old. In comparison, Li Hanshan was much younger than him. What would Xie Zeli want Li Hanshan?

He was a little angry, and even felt that he was too merciful to Xie Zeli at the beginning, and that a person like Xie Zeli should not give him a good ending. It's just that the person he's facing now is Li Hanshan, and he can't take his anger out on Li Hanshan, so he has no choice but to hold back his anger, look at Li Hanshan again, and ask him seriously: "You should already understand, Jianghu people Calling me the number one swordsman is not because I come from a famous family, but because of my high martial arts."

Li Hanshan didn't know why Jiang Su said that, so he could only nod.

"Your martial arts are not inferior to mine." Jiang Su said, "I think there should not be many people who can compete with me in today's world."

Li Hanshan whispered: "You and I haven't really competed yet..."

Jiang Su interrupted him: "You are definitely one of them."

Li Hanshan: "I..."

"Your father can't compare to me, otherwise I wouldn't have given him the medicine easily." Jiang Su said, "That is to say, your martial arts are better than Xie Zeli."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"Xie Zeli doesn't feel ashamed." Jiang Su stretched out his hand and tapped Li Hanshan's head with his scabbard, "What are you worried about?"

Li Hanshan seemed to be woken up by Jiang Su's scabbard, and somehow felt that... Jiang Su's words seemed to make sense.

He never thought that his father's martial arts were far inferior to his. After all, Xie Zeli was never willing to compete with him, but when he saw him practice swords, he wanted to suppress him with words, saying that he was not as good as Xie Wu back then, and if he was not as good as Xie Wu back then, the future And how can he assume the position of the leader of the Demon Cult.

This is simply a hoax concocted by Xie Zeli.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Su, wanting to say something to Jiang Su, but saw Jiang Su squatting on the rock, looking seriously into his eyes, his eyes were shining, as if he had seen something he was looking forward to.

"You are very strong." Jiang Su said to him seriously, "In time, you will be stronger than Xie Wu."

After all, Xie Wu had already died with Wen Qingting when he was still standing, and Li Hanshan was different. Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan must live a long life. If he lived for so many years, he did not believe that Li Hanshan could surpass Xie Wu.

And Li Hanshan looked at him, stunned for a while, as if he didn't know where he was, finally recovered his senses, then nodded, and said: "I will work hard, I will definitely live up to my words."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su felt that the direction Li Hanshan understood was somewhat different from what he wanted to express.

He sighed, stood up from the rock, and said to Li Hanshan, "Hurry up and wash."

The weather is too cold, even if he can keep out the cold with his internal energy, it will be a waste of internal energy. No one knows if there will be a sudden fierce battle in the future. He still needs to preserve his strength, and quickly find one clean clothes.

Jiang Su thought for a while, he didn't have many clothes with him, and today he went to the city to look for Fu Wenxiao, he had already brought all of them, but Li Hanshan didn't bring his things with him, the Demon Cult camp was in front of him, that is to say, he You can borrow Li Hanshan's clothes to come and wear them.

Anyway, the size difference between his two bodies is much different, and the borrowed robe is not a big deal, Jiang Su couldn't help nodding, thinking that this is really an excellent way.

He Lingcheng moved another chair and sat in the camp, waiting for Li Hanshan and Jiang Su to come back.

He thought that Li Hanshan should come out of the grove with Jiang Su in the same way as the leader that day, so as to avoid people's eyes and ears, so as not to teach people to gossip, but he waited here for a while, and waited until What happened was that Jiang Su and Li Hanshan were in company. Jiang Su hadn't even put on a robe yet, and others only needed to take a look at him to know that this matter was not simple.

He Lingcheng was very sad.

He called Li Hanshan to stop, wanting to teach the young master well, but Jiang Su didn't stay here, and went straight to other places, He Lingcheng was relieved, at least he didn't have to find an excuse to dismiss Jiang Su .

Li Hanshan didn't know what happened, he was at a loss in his heart, he followed He Lingcheng to the side, and then asked: "Deputy Envoy He, what's the matter?"

He Lingcheng said solemnly, "Young master, I already know."

Li Hanshan was puzzled: "You know?"

"Young master, do you still remember that Jiang Su is from the Zhishui Sword Sect." He Lingcheng said seriously, "And we do not welcome people from the Zhishui Sword Sect."

Li Hanshan was even more puzzled: "Ah? Why?"

"Young master, have you forgotten about Xie Wu's leader?" He Lingcheng couldn't restrain the excitement in his tone, "Back then, Wen Qingting, the head of Zhishui Sword Sect, joined our sect, seduced Xie Wu's leader, and tricked Xie Wu's leader to join us. He is invincible, this is a **** lesson, how can the young master forget it!"

Li Hanshan showed confusion: "Seduction? Aren't they good friends?"

"The young master is too young. The young master still can't see this kind of thing clearly." He Lingcheng sighed, "You should know the relationship between the two of them after a little guesswork. Friends are just a cover for the two of them. This is clearly the right way a beauty trick."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He Lingcheng said again: "Young master, think about it seriously, isn't Jiang Su coming to my teaching, isn't it also a righteous beauty trick?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Seeing that Li Hanshan was silent, He Lingcheng knew that Li Hanshan might not want to believe too much, and thought that this matter was too abrupt, and Li Hanshan might not be able to accept it, so he could only sigh deeply and said, "Young master, think about it carefully." Come to think of it, it’s definitely not that—”

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of someone coming from here, and subconsciously turned his head to look over there. He put Jiang Su in Li Hanshan's clothes and was adjusting his neckline. The solemn black clothes matched his appearance even more. Tall and straight, with a thin waistline and fair complexion—

So lovely.

He Lingcheng swallowed the second half of the sentence back, took a deep breath to calm his mind, and felt that he understood.

Isn't this seduction? Sending such a good-looking person to the Devil's Cult, isn't it really for sex? !

However, Li Hanshan breathed a sigh of relief, and said to He Lingcheng: "Vice Envoy He, I still have something to do, and I have to go back to the city to see Lu Jiu."

He Lingcheng stabilized his mind, darkened his face, tried his best to put on a fierce look, and said to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, I have something to tell you."

Jiang Su was a little surprised, but still nodded, and said, "Tell me."

He Lingcheng didn't shy away from Li Hanshan, and asked directly: "Jiang Shaoxia, I know that your Zhengdao has always had the tradition of seductive demon cult leader."

Jiang Su: "Huh?

There is such a thing? "

"Back then, Wen Qingting seduced our leader Xie Wu, and a few years earlier, there was also a precedent for a righteous hero to seduce a leader." He Lingcheng said, "Now Jiang Shaoxia suddenly appeared in the Devil's Cult, which is really suspicious."

But Jiang Su's attention stopped at He Lingcheng's first sentence.

"My master... what did he do?" Jiang Su opened his eyes wide, unbelievable, "Wait, what are you talking about? My master and Xie Wu still have this kind of relationship?!"

He Lingcheng: "..."

Jiang Su was stunned.

He knew that this was a little Huang Wen written by a certain Tang, but it was fine if the colored content was related to the characters that appeared in the book. Now, according to He Lingcheng, the characters who only appeared in the book as background boards also escaped. Do not open this relationship?

Jiang Su originally respected Wen Qingting and Xie Wu, so he wanted to collect their swords, but he only thought that the two were close friends, but he never thought... Was the story back then like this?

"Jiang Shaoxia doesn't seem to believe it?" He Lingcheng snorted coldly, and said with evidence, "It's been recorded in my teaching—"

Jiang Su: "Can you show me?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

"I'm just curious." Jiang Su frowned, "I thought they were friends for many years, tsk, can there be pure friendship in this world."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan silently raised his hand and said, "Brother Jiang, we can."

Jiang Su nodded, and replied, "Yes, I forgot about the two of us."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng gritted his teeth.

The enemy is so cunning, it is useless to beat around the bush, he can only be more direct, and simply expose the enemy's conspiracy.

"Speak, Jiang Shaoxia." He Lingcheng said, "You are also here to seduce our young master."

Jiang Su looked confused: "...Huh?"

He Lingcheng looked serious: "What exactly do you want to leave our young master? What do you want? Once you get it, can you leave?"

Jiang Su: "..."

"I've heard what you guys did by the river just now." He Lingcheng said, "It's nothing more than a night of fun. If Jiang Shaoxia wants to make up, our Holy Cult will never treat you badly."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't bear it anymore.

He used to think that He Lingcheng was a very good person, and he couldn't understand why He Lingcheng stayed in the Demon Cult, but now it seems that He Lingcheng is usually gentle and virtuous,

But this idea is too crooked, right? What seduction? Why was he seduced? !

"Your young master and I are just friends." Jiang Su said seriously, "I don't like men."

He Lingcheng: "Anyone can say—"

"I don't like people." Jiang Su simply interrupted He Lingcheng's words, and changed his words, "I only have swords in my heart."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He Lingcheng looked at Jiang Su's eyes, and then thought about what Jiang Su had done in the past, inexplicably felt that Jiang Su's words seemed very convincing.

"And I hide countless swords, which means I have countless wives and three thousand harem." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "Is the sword bad? Why should I like people?"

He Lingcheng: "...you swear?"

"I swear." Jiang Su was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say for a while, as if he had forgotten that He Lingcheng couldn't understand what he said, but he still said seriously, "In my life plan for the next twenty years, there is absolutely no , have, love, love, this, thing, thing.”