Chapter 34: Top Ten Rumors in Jianghu

He Lingcheng paused, with some hesitation and confusion in his tone, and asked, "Life plan?"

"At least for twenty years, I don't have time to talk about love." Jiang Su said seriously, "Love will only affect the speed of my sword."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Unexpectedly, Li Hanshan on the side couldn't stop nodding, agreed aloud, and said: "I see that the disciples in the sect, after indulging in their children's private affairs, it is difficult to allocate so much time to practice swords."

Jiang Su took it for granted: "I'm already busy practicing swords, so I don't have time to fall in love."

Li Hanshan: "Sword manuals look better than people."

Jiang Su: "Practicing swords is more interesting than people."

He Lingcheng: "..."

"I'm sorry." He Lingcheng took a step back, bowed earnestly and sincerely apologized to Jiang Su, "I was thinking too much..."

He must have lost his mind to think that the young master will be tempted.

He has known the young master for so many years, doesn't he know that the young master is almost incapable of being moved by anything other than the sword and the sword manual?

So is Jiang Su.

If Jiang Su was really sent by the righteous way of the martial arts to perform a beauty trick, then it would obviously be faster for him to seduce Xie Zeli, so why bother to stare at the young master who can be called a stone, and suddenly increase the difficulty of his task a hundred times.

As for the words he heard in the woods... Although He Lingcheng was still a little puzzled, but after thinking about it carefully, they were so far apart, and they didn't see what happened. Wu Qi's Chinese is so poor, maybe it was Wu Qi. Did you hear me wrong?

He Lingcheng decided to ask Wu Qi for clarification.

But Fang Fang turned his head and was about to turn around when Jiang Su grabbed his arm and kept him by his side.

"Wait a minute, Deputy Envoy He." Jiang Su looked serious and asked seriously, "I have something to ask you."

He Lingcheng stopped and looked back at Jiang Su, a little puzzled.

"Fushi He, do you want to borrow the classics of your Demon Cult?" Jiang Su said sincerely, "As for my master and your Xiewu leader, I want to see it."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng frowned, carefully watching the expression on Jiang Su's face, sincere and natural, without any distracting thoughts, only pure curiosity.

But he didn't expect that people in the righteous way would be curious about this kind of thing, not to mention that Wen Qingting is Jiang Su's master, and Jiang Su shouldn't be interested in this kind of thing because of emotion and reason.

He Lingcheng hesitated, paused for a moment before speaking, and asked, "You... really want to see it?"

Jiang Su nodded: "I want to see it."

Li Hanshan beside him also nodded his head and said, "I want to see it too."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Forget it, the young master wants to watch it, so let's watch it.

It’s just that they are not in the Devil’s Cult after all, and He Lingcheng couldn’t immediately get the classics that Jiang Su wanted to read. Even if Jiang Su wanted to read it, it shouldn’t be now. He Lingcheng thought for a moment and decided to say yes. But suddenly I heard Xie Zeli's cold voice coming from the tent beside him, saying: "Jiang Su, when will this seat allow you to follow us to Islam?"

Jiang Su couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

He had just heard what Li Hanshan said, and his hatred for Xie Zeli increased sharply in his heart, but at this time Xie Zeli was going to appear in front of him, he couldn't wait to respond to Xie Zeli fiercely, so he turned his head directly , looked at the tent behind him, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Is the leader in there?"

Only then did He Lingcheng mutter and blame himself: "Blame me, why did I pick the place, this seems to be the tent of the Palace Master Lou."

Jiang Su immediately followed He Lingcheng's words and said, "Master, Master Fu only entrusted you with abstinence, why are you here again?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

Xie Zeli snorted coldly. He still felt Fu Wenxiao's words anyway. He tried his best to restrain his irritable temper, but said coldly, "What does it have to do with you?"

Jiang Su simply bypassed the tent, lifted the tent curtain, and walked in directly.

Seeing this, Li Hanshan followed Jiang Su into the tent without hesitation.

He Lingcheng stood outside the tent, hesitant.

He was worried that Jiang Su would provoke Xie Zeli, and if Xie Zeli focused on punishing him, it might embarrass Li Hanshan. Now that He Lingcheng knows that Jiang Su did not come to the Demon Sect to seduce Li Hanshan, Jiang Su is just the young master's friend, so he will naturally try his best Avoid this situation.

He Lingcheng simply hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, wanting to come in and smooth things over for Jiang Su, at least as a peacemaker, lest the leader be angry again.

Inside the tent, Xie Zeli was drinking tea. He was sitting at the table, and he was not in a good mood at first, while Lou Yan was sitting a little far away from him, but he seemed to be a little bit burnt out. This situation is very similar to just now Once they had quarreled, Jiang Su could tell at a glance that the two of them hadn't reconciled until now.

But it has nothing to do with him whether they reconcile or not.

He just wanted to add trouble to Xie Zeli's heart.

"What are you doing here?" Xie Zeli said coldly, "Get out."

Jiang Su looked at him, smiled slightly, and said, "Master Fu has something to tell the leader."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Fu Wenxiao's name was really useful. When Xie Zeli heard that Fu Wenxiao had something to say, he actually stopped talking, looked up at Jiang Su, and waited for Jiang Su to continue.

"Master Fu has a few pieces of advice." Jiang Su said, "It's related to the body of the leader."

Xie Zeli poured himself a cup of tea, his tone softened a little, almost asking the doctor's advice seriously, and said, "What did Master Fu say?"

Jiang Su slowly sat down in front of Xie Zeli, with a calm face, he said, "A senior from the Five Elements Sect drank tea for a long time, and his blood turned green when he died."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Su replied: "If the leader doesn't believe it, you can write a letter to the Five Elements Gate and ask."

But the Five Elements Sect is just a small orthodox sect. If they receive a letter from Xie Zeli, I am afraid that no one will dare to reply. It is obviously impossible for Xie Zeli to send a secret agent to that small sect to investigate such a trivial matter. He picked up the teacup in his hand, snorted coldly, and reached for the pastries on the table beside him.

Jiang Su immediately followed, and opened his mouth and said: "The knights of the Yishan School gained three hundred catties because of their sweetness, and they were extremely annoyed. According to the genius doctor's explanation, eating a bite of dessert is like losing ten days of life."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli felt conflicted in his heart, although he didn't believe that eating a little pastry would make him fat, and he didn't think that eating sweets would reduce his lifespan, but when Jiang Su said that, he felt really uncomfortable, so he simply put down the pastry again.

But today he was angry with Lou Yan for a whole day, and he hasn't eaten yet, and he already feels hungry and thirsty. If he didn't suddenly hear He Lingcheng talking to Jiang Su outside the tent, he should have already passed the meal to others. Even the meal is almost finished.

He looked at the things on the table, his heart was full of shock, he simply waved people to come in, and asked them to prepare dinner, thinking that no one would whisper in his ears when eating, but he didn't want Jiang Su to suddenly appear He uttered a sentence, saying: "Eating supper is equivalent to slow suicide."

Xie Zeli finally couldn't help becoming angry. He felt that every word Jiang Su said was aimed at him deliberately, so he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "You!"

Jiang Su quickly interrupted Xie Zeli's words: "Long-term indulgence can lead to bad temper, has the leader heard of it? There was a disciple in the Wuji Tower who died suddenly on the spot in a rage."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Ze was so angry that his hands shook, but he still shut up.

He still remembered Fu Wenxiao's words, he didn't dare to get angry, he was afraid that he would burst into tears after getting angry, and he couldn't find someone to cultivate, so he could only endure the poison by himself, so he could only close his eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to get rid of the poison. The anger subsides.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Su said these words.

"Master, smile, it's ten years old." Jiang Su said, "Smile brings you and me a beautiful day."

Xie Zeli was silent.

Yes, Fu Wenxiao seems to have said this sentence too.

He struggled for a while, finally raised his head, and looked at Jiang Su again.

"Jiang Shaoxia made a lot of sense." Xie Zeli said in a gentle tone, with a smile on his lips, "I won't be angry."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

If it wasn't for Xie Ze Li laughing like he was crying, Jiang Su would have believed it.

He also greeted Xie Zeli politely, saying: "You don't have to be polite, the leader, you should."

Having said that, he got up, feeling that these few words were enough for Xie Zeli to respond to for a while, and he was going to return to the Devil's Cult with him, and the days to come would be long, he could make Xie Zeli respond like this every day.

He remembered the Qingxiao Sword in Changning City in his heart, since Li Hanshan was fine, he should go back and meet someone else's beautiful wife.

Speaking of others, Jiang Su still felt a little heartbroken.

Li Hanshan was almost used to following him, he didn't need Jiang Su to tell where he was going, he followed him automatically, took two steps, but Xie Zeshou stopped him.

"Han Shan." Xie Zeli still tried to maintain a gentle tone, and said, "It's so late, what are you going to do?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't know how to explain it.

But Xie Zeli remembered what happened during the day today, and couldn't help but ask more, and said: "During the day, why are you in the city?"

Li Hanshan: "I..."

Xie Zeli's gentle tone has disappeared. These days, he has been a little suspicious of the relationship between Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, but today he went to seek medical treatment, and Li Hanshan appeared in Changning City earlier, so he couldn't help thinking wildly. Then there is an invincible key in Changning City, what is Li Hanshan going to do there? Could it have something to do with the key?

Xie Zeli's eyes gradually darkened, and he was full of doubts, but Li Hanshan didn't know how he could explain it.

He is not good at lying, he knows that as long as he tells a lie, it will be easy to be seen through by others, he is very worried that he will expose Jiang Su's plan, so he can only keep silent, bow his head,

Nervously thinking about how to deal with it.

Xie Zeli wanted to press for more questions, but Jiang Su opened his mouth again, and said before the two of them: "Master, you are already old."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su made such a presumptuous sentence for no reason, Xie Zeli felt that Jiang Su was scolding him, but he couldn't get angry with Jiang Su, so he snorted and said, "How can I be considered old?"

"Children are so old, can they be considered old?" Jiang Su clicked his tongue lightly, and said, "Master, people still have to obey the old."

Xie Zeli: "Han Shan is my adopted son!"

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. The children are grown up. It's time to let go." Jiang Su replied, "Adopted son, he is also a junior."

Xie Zeli's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves." Jiang Su said seriously, "The front waves died on the beach."

Xie Zeli: "Jiang Su!"

Jiang Su: "What about your child has nothing to do with you?"

He finally saw Xie Zeli's shortness of breath and his complexion changed, and he was satisfied, but he still didn't forget to ask Xie Zeli a little bit more: "Master, Doctor Fu said that dual cultivation hurts the body, so it's better to endure."

Xie Zeli's voice trembled: ""

Jiang Su got up, turned his head and held Li Hanshan's arm, and dragged him directly to the outside.

He Lingcheng was silent for a moment, and could only salute Xie Ze, who was obviously poisoned, and leave in a hurry.

It's because he thinks too much.

With Jiang Su's mouth and skill, how could he be punished and bullied by Xie Zeli?

It's not easy for Jiang Su not to bully others.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan went back to Changning City together again.

On the way, Li Hanshan frowned in thought, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "I... it's the first time I've seen my father smile like that."

Jiang Su couldn't help coughing, and said, "You don't blame me."

He thought that Li Hanshan still respected Xie Zeli after all, and he was always worried that Li Hanshan would be unhappy if he targeted Xie Zeli so much, but when he thought of Xie Zeli's deliberate suppression of Li Hanshan these years, he couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart, and he wanted to scold him. Be tougher.

Hearing what he said, Li Hanshan was slightly taken aback, shook his head, and said, "I won't blame you."

He has long regarded Jiang Su as his best friend in this life, and he also knows that almost everything Jiang Su does is for his own good. Of course, he cannot be angry with Jiang Su, he trusts Jiang Su, no matter Whatever Jiang Su did, he believed that Jiang Su must have his own reasons.

While speaking, they had already returned to Changning City.

Just now Jiang Su left suddenly, and he never said the reason for his departure. Fang Yuanluo was obviously very worried. He squatted outside the door of Linlang Pavilion, waiting for Jiang Su to come back. Now that he saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan from a distance, he couldn't help but He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand in greeting, and said, "Brother Jiang, Brother Mu! How do you—"

He paused for a moment, opened his eyes wide, turned his eyes around Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, and suddenly swallowed back what he was going to say just now, and forced it into another sentence.

"Brother Jiang." Fang Yuanluo was shocked, "Why are you wearing Brother Mu's clothes?"

Jiang Su didn't think Fang Yuanluo's question was strange, so he answered casually: "My clothes are dirty, I borrow his clothes to wear."

Hearing what Jiang Su said, Li Hanshan nodded and said, "His clothes are dirty, that's why he took my clothes."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fang Yuanluo frowned, thinking carefully.

Jiang Su's clothes are dirty?

Didn't it just splash a few drops of blood from Lu Jiu's body? Not many, children of the rivers and lakes, how can such a little blood be considered dirty?

He even took the initiative to substitute his hygiene concept as a beggar gang. He only felt that the white clothes that Jiang Su usually wore were spotless and conspicuous in the crowd. If the clothes were dirty, then his clothes should be regarded as mud. Soaked out of the ground.

Fang Yuanluo felt that this matter was not simple.

He felt more and more that the relationship between Jiang Su and Li Hanshan was not simple. If they were ordinary friends, two big men borrowed each other's clothes to wear? Isn't it gross?

But he didn't dare to say more, he could only smile awkwardly with Jiang Su, and said, "Brother Jiang, Master Fu has already bandaged Lu Jiu briefly, and Young Master Bai is asking questions, let's go in and have a look together?"

Jiang Su nodded.

He followed Fang Yuanluo and walked outside a room. Fu Wenxiao stood outside, as if he didn't have much interest in interrogating such things.

He was just like Fang Yuanluo. He didn't know why Jiang Su left and was a little worried. When he saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan coming back together from afar, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, next time you don't want to behave like this again." Farewell."

Before Jiang Su could answer, Fu Wenxiao's expression changed, his expression was a little strange, he frowned and said, "This dress...cough, Young Master Bai and Lu Jiu are inside, and Lu Jiu still refuses to tell the whereabouts of the key."

Without thinking too much, Jiang Su pushed open the door and walked in.

Lu Jiu was sitting on a chair. Several ropes were tied around his body, and chains were locked on his hands. There were layers of defense, obviously to prevent him from escaping.

And his complexion was pale, just now his hand was bleeding a lot, maybe it was because of too much blood loss, or maybe it was because the wound was too painful, he was so weak that he could barely sit on the chair, if Bai Yusheng hadn't been talking to him all the time , he might be falling asleep.

And Bai Yusheng was obviously a little impatient, he almost scratched his lips, sweating all over, Lu Jiu didn't want to open his mouth this time, there was a heater in the room, it was too hot, so he took off his coat and put it on the chair , turned around and continued to press Lu Jiu.

"Where is the key?" Bai Yusheng frowned and asked, "Why did you steal the key?"

Lu Jiu just closed his eyes and said nothing.

When the door slammed softly, Bai Yusheng couldn't help turning his head, seeing that it was Jiang Su, he breathed a sigh of relief, before he had time to ask, he saw Jiang Su changing his clothes at a glance.

Bai Yusheng fell silent.

He just felt that something was wrong between Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, but he never expected that the two of them had such a relationship!

It's just that Bai Yusheng is tactful in the world after all. There are some things that he knows he shouldn't talk about, especially this kind of personal relationship. He should never pry into it. Even if he is extremely curious, he can only suppress that curiosity and just talk about business. , Said: "Jiang Shaoxia, it will be good if you come back."

Jiang Su asked: "He won't say?"

Bai Yusheng was a little helpless, and asked Jiang Su to go aside, and then said to Jiang Su in a low voice: "Jiang Shaoxia, have you ever thought that Lu Jiu is just a thief, and this invincible key seems useless to him. "

Jiang Su understood what Bai Yusheng meant, so he asked, "Do you think he stole it for others?"

Bai Yusheng nodded.

"It's been a while since the key was stolen." Bai Yusheng sighed, "I don't think he has the key anymore."

Jiang Su couldn't help looking back at Lu Jiu, frowned slightly, and said, "Can you tell who that person is from him?"

"The one who wants the Unsurpassable Key must be in order to open the secret room." Bai Yusheng said, "But there are seven keys, and ordinary people definitely don't have the ability to gather all the keys."

That is to say, the person behind the scenes is either rich in financial resources or extremely powerful. Even if Lu Jiu knows who that person is, he will never dare to mention that person's name in order to survive in this arena in the future.

"Fu Miracle Doctor is an honest gentleman." Bai Yusheng suddenly changed the topic, and for some reason moved to Fu Wenxiao, but he didn't dare to speak out, just hinted, and said, "With him here, I'm afraid it's not easy to ask for clues."

Jiang Su: "..."

Bai Yusheng: "If Master Fu can be dismissed, Bai can still think of a way."

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that he understood what Bai Yusheng meant.

Bai Yusheng wanted to torture Lu Jiu.

Fu Wenxiao is an upright person and a doctor. He cannot allow this kind of thing to happen, but he also represents the Wulin League. His opinion is very important, and Bai Yusheng has to listen to it.

And Bai Yusheng is just a businessman, he has no right or wrong in his heart, as long as he can get the news and get a favorable result for him, he doesn't mind how the process is, he is an unscrupulous person, if he can get rid of Fu Wenxiao, he was confident that he could get the answer from Lu Jiukou.

But Jiang Su just frowned slightly and said, "Let me try."

He is also unwilling to torture people. It is one thing to injure the enemy during a fight, but it is another thing to abuse the punishment in order to make the enemy submit. He cannot do it. If he can persuade Lu Jiu to speak up, he is more willing This way.

Bai Yusheng had no choice but to sigh, and said, "If Jiang Shaoxia wants to try, then go and try."

Jiang Su walked up to Lu Jiu and called out, "Lu Jiu."

Hearing Jiang Su's voice, Lu Jiu didn't even bother to raise his eyelids, and said angrily, "I don't know, don't ask, I won't tell."

"I just want you to weigh the pros and cons." Jiang Su said, "What good can you do if you hide it for others?"

"Master, I am happy." Lu Jiu cursed and opened his eyes, and said, "What the **** does it have to do with you—"

Lu Jiu's voice paused, and his eyes stopped on Jiang Su's clothes.

Just now, Jiang Su's white dress was too eye-catching, and it looked really good in it. Lu Jiu couldn't help admiring the beauty, but he also remembered very clearly that Jiang Su was definitely wearing white clothes just now.

But now the style of Jiang Su's clothes is very similar to Li Hanshan's.

Lu Jiu has known Li Hanshan for a long time, and Li Hanshan's clothes are always in the same style. He even wondered if Li Hanshan had many identical clothes.

Lu Jiu smiled.

"So you have this kind of relationship." Lu Jiu laughed, "Unexpectedly, the world-renowned number one swordsman in Jianghu is actually a Duanxiu."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

He said it, he actually said it!

Jiang Su was startled, not understanding what Lu Jiu meant.

"Broken sleeve?" Jiang Su was very puzzled, "What did you say?"

"You can even wear clothes together." Enduring the pain in the wound, Lu Jiu laughed at Jiang Su and said, "It's disgusting."

Jiang Su: "...What do you mean?"

Lu Jiu scolded: "Die Duanxiu, disgraceful, shameless."

Jiang Su: "My clothes are dirty, but I just borrowed his clothes."

Lu Jiu: "Hey, there aren't many men who are as nasty as you are, so **** off!"

Jiang Su: "I don't like men."

Lu Jiu: "Die Duanxiu!"

Jiang Su: "I only have the sword in my heart."

Lu Jiu: "Die Duanxiu!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su got angry: "Do you have the ability to say it again?"

Lu Jiu: "Die Duanxiu!"

Jiang Su turned his head, picked up the clothes that Bai Yusheng had put on the back of the chair, and put the robe on Lu Jiu's head with a blank expression. This was so sudden that Lu Jiu was startled Jumping big, pulling back, the whole person fell down with the chair, but Jiang Su looked at him coldly, and said, "Why are you wearing other people's clothes?"

Lu Jiu: "You—"

Jiang Su bent down, raised his sword and knocked on Lu Jiu's chair fiercely, interrupting Lu Jiu's words.

"Lu Jiu." Jiang Su said seriously, "You are dirty."

Lu Jiu: "..."