Lu Jiu was stunned for a long time before he suddenly came back to his senses and shouted at Jiang Su: "What's dirty! You're the one who is dirty!"

Bai Yusheng stood a few steps away with a silent expression on his face.

His clothes, his clothes of several thousand taels of gold silk cloud satin, were just thrown on the head of Lu Jiu, a stinky thief?

He didn't know if Lu Jiu was dirty or not, but his clothes were dirty! !

However, Jiang Su was still standing on the legs of Lu Jiu's chair, and said, "It's disgusting to wear other people's clothes, so you are very disgusting now."

Lu Jiu: "You forced me!"

Jiang Su didn't bother to pay attention to his refutation, and simply concluded: "You are dirty."

Lu Jiu: "Bah!"

Jiang Su: "You are dirty."

Lu Jiu: "I didn't!"

Jiang Su: "You are dirty."

Lu Jiu: "..."

It was the first time that Lu Jiu met such an unreasonable and righteous person.

He felt that Jiang Su was simply talking nonsense, but his mouth grew on other people, and he couldn't stop Jiang Su from saying what he wanted to say.

Not to mention that he is still a prisoner of others now. Although he is stubborn and he is still unwilling to confess his behind-the-scenes instigation, he knows in his heart that now his life is in the hands of these people. It is very likely that he will be tortured, so he has no fear and refuses to speak.

But when the person in front of him was Jiang Su, Lu Jiu suddenly started to panic.

This Jiang Su is not a decent person at first sight, and he does not have the restraint of the righteous way at all. No one knows what kind of things Jiang Su will do. If he really offends Jiang Su, Lu Jiu feels that Jiang Su is very angry. Probably dragged him out to the dogs on the spot.

He finally swallowed the anger in his heart, rolled his eyes at Jiang Su, and didn't bother to pay attention to Jiang Su anymore.

Jiang Su also snorted coldly, stepped on the leg of the chair and asked Lu Jiu again: "Tell me, who asked you to steal the key."

Lu Jiu closed his eyes and murmured, "I'm dirty, I'm in so much pain, I don't want to talk."

Jiang Su: "..."

very good.

Jiang Su felt that he had met his match, and met the first person who succeeded in angering him.

He turned his head and looked at the people behind him. Originally, he wanted them to help, first get up the shameless Lu Jiu on the ground, but he didn't want everyone except Li Hanshan to have an indescribably weird expression. Seeing Jiang Su turn his gaze, they hurriedly avoided it, just pretending that they hadn't noticed Jiang Su's gaze.

Jiang Su felt something was wrong.

What happened to these people? Why did one or both of them look at him like this?

He looked at Lu Jiu, combined with what Lu Jiu said just now, he understood what they meant almost instantly.

Don't they... also think that he is a broken sleeve? !

Jiang Su tried his best to explain.

"Lu Jiu is talking nonsense." He tried his best to put on a serious look, "How could I be a broken sleeve?"

Fang Yuanluo couldn't help nodding, and said with a dry smile, "Haha, Brother Jiang, don't worry, I, Fang, trust you."

Bai Yusheng usually smiled and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, Bai understands."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

He didn't speak.

Jiang Su took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, tried to use his ability to persuade everything, and said seriously to several people: "I know you don't believe it in your heart, Master Fu, Deputy Chief Fang, we have known each other for so long, you Do you also think I am such a person?"

Fang Yuanluo continued to laugh dryly: "Haha, Brother Jiang, of course you are not."

After saying this, he remembered that Jiang Su was inseparable from Li Hanshan in the Wulin League, and even... Wait, when he found Jiang Su in the plum garden that time, was Jiang Su drinking with Li Hanshan?

Two people, the flowers are blooming together...

Tut tut.

Fu Wenxiao still didn't speak.

He was carefully recalling the expressions and behaviors of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan when they got along. The tacit understanding between the two cannot be easily achieved in a day or two. General tacit understanding and habit.

Fu Wenxiao thought about it, and put himself into the situation Jiang Su said. If his clothes were dirty, would he wear his friend's clothes at will? What's more...Jiang Su's clothes were only splashed with a few drops of blood. In a short period of time, Fu Wenxiao felt that he could bear it, let alone Jiang Su who had the experience of walking in the rivers and lakes?

After thinking about it, Fu Wenxiao didn't want to talk anymore.

Jiang Su had no choice but to pull Li Hanshan over and clarify seriously: "He and I are just good friends."

Li Hanshan only opened his mouth at this time, and nodded seriously: "Yes, we are just good friends."

Fang Yuanluo: "Haha."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Bai Yusheng: "Yes, yes, yes."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su kicked Lu Jiu's chair leg, couldn't help gnashing his teeth, he didn't bother to explain to a few people, anyway, he was not afraid of the shadow, these people can think whatever they like, no matter how much he thinks, he only has the sword in his heart .

He didn't even want to find a few more people to help, so he stepped forward and dragged Lu Jiu's chair up. The movements he used were a little bigger, as if he had touched Lu Jiu's wound. Lu Jiuyi was so painful that he wailed, but Jiang Su ignored it. He didn't even bother to persuade him politely, so he simply said, "Lu Jiu, have you thought about something?"

Lu Jiu: "No."

"Even if you grit your teeth and don't want to confess anything at this moment, you have already fallen into our hands." Jiang Su ignored his nonsense, bent down and looked directly into Lu Jiu's eyes, and said, "You Do you think that the person who asked you to steal the key can really believe that you didn't say anything?"

Lu Jiu: "..."

"That's all I've said." Jiang Su stood up and said, "You'd better think about it carefully."

He still didn't want to follow Bai Yusheng's suggestion to torture Lu Jiu. He knew exactly what Lu Jiu was like in the book. Although Lu Jiu was a thief, he didn't do anything harmful. The cost of food and clothing is not very good. This is not fair to the rich family he stole from, but it is in line with the logic of a knight. People like Lu Jiu are not heinous, and Jiang Su does not want to torture him.

He had prepared countless speeches at first, but Lu Jiu was so angry that he came back. Now he is too lazy to talk, so he can only ask Bai Yusheng to untie Lu Jiu, first let Lu Jiu go back and rest for a day, and he will come back tomorrow.

Bai Yusheng sighed, picked up Lu Jiu's own clothes with disgust, and was about to untie Lu Jiu, but Lu Jiu suddenly grinned at him and said, "Young Master Bai, you are dirty too."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

Bai Yusheng pulled the strip of cloth and stuffed Lu Jiu's mouth.

He beckoned someone to come over, dragged Lu Jiu out of the house, and several people followed behind the guards, Jiang Su still frowned in thought, turned to look at Li Hanshan, and asked, "Where did Lu Jiu get used to selling stolen things in the past? "

Lu Jiu has stolen a lot of peerless treasures. Those things are expensive and illegal. They can never be freely circulated in the market, and they can't even sell them through common channels. He must have his usual buying and selling channels.

But Li Hanshan is not familiar with Lu Jiu, but he just shook his head once in the past.

Jiang Su was about to continue talking, but suddenly heard a crackling sound, he didn't turn his head, his body had already reacted quickly, grabbed Lu Jiu who was limping, pulled back, and raised the sword in one hand There was a deafening noise, and a bone-penetrating spike was driven into his scabbard.

The force made Jiang Su's wrists a little numb. He looked up and saw several black shadows on the eaves not far away. Seeing that the blow missed, he even threw all the remaining hidden weapons. There was nothing else to cover him, so he could only protect Lu Jiu with the scabbard.

Li Hanshan stepped on the wall and jumped up to the eaves, and rushed straight towards the few people, who were in a hurry to escape, Bai Yusheng yelled for people to follow, but Jiang Su still stood where he was, looking down at his sword.

The bone-piercing nail was more than three inches long, glowing with a strange blue-purple light, as if it had been coated with poison, and it was obviously coming from Lu Jiu, what he just said was right, he ordered Lu Jiu to steal the key Obviously, they are not at ease with Lu Jiu.

He felt that when Lu Jiu was arrested, he would confess his identity in all likelihood, so he wanted to act first.

Jiang Su drew his sword out of its sheath, and was about to take a few bone-penetrating nails off the scabbard, but his heart was gloomy for a moment.

The incident happened suddenly just now, and he had no choice but to raise his sword to block it. Although the scabbard was not damaged in any way, such a small problem could be fixed with a little repair, but he was still a little unhappy.

who! Such a cruel hand on other people's wives! face? !

Such a beautiful big beauty! If you miss one hit, you will have to come again! Still a man!

If he caught those people, he would have even skinned them!

Jiang Su turned his head angrily, looked at the startled Lu Jiu, rolled his eyes again, and asked, "Do you understand? They are here to kill you."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Lu Jiu remained silent, but Jiang Su looked at him, and seemed to have loosened a bit, and Li Hanshan and Bai Yusheng had come back one after the other, but they did not bring back the assassins, Li Hanshan did not When he opened his mouth, Bai Yusheng scolded him first: "They are all Jackdaw's dead soldiers. Seeing us chasing them, they have already killed themselves by biting poison."

After he finished speaking, the guards in Linlang Pavilion dragged the bodies of those people back. Jiang Su glanced at them, and found that they were indeed dead soldiers from the killer organization. I'm afraid they couldn't find any big clues from them. .

Jiang Su could only look at Lu Jiu again, and said, "If you don't tell, no one will be able to protect you."

Lu Jiu: "..."

"You are in Linlang Pavilion now. If Young Master Bai arranges it carefully, Linlang Pavilion can protect you well." Jiang Su said, "But if you leave Linlang Pavilion, they will kill you in a few days."

Hearing what Jiang Su said, Bai Yusheng naturally understood Jiang Su's meaning, hurriedly opened his mouth to follow, and said, "As long as you say so, even if the Bai family spends everything they have, they will definitely protect your safety in this life."

Lu Jiu looked at Bai Yusheng, then lowered his eyes, and murmured, "I... I don't know who it is either."

Jiang Su frowned, waiting for what Lu Jiu would say next.

"No one dares to go to the job I received from the ghost market, and the reward has already been bet at a sky-high price." Lu Jiudao said, "I'm short of money recently..."

Jiang Su: "..."

ghost city.

Jiang Su had also seen this place in the original book, but when they went to the ghost market in the book, it was already at the later stage of the plot. Zhang Wenxue wanted to take Jiang Su to the ghost market to try his luck, maybe he could get the solution Medicine, but he did not expect that after he fed Xie Zeli medicine to disrupt the plot, the ghost market would come so early.

According to the book, the ghost market is the most shady black market on the rivers and lakes. Its location is secretive, and special tokens are required to enter. The owner of the ghost market is like a middleman, who will take the entrustment and distribute it to those who come to the ghost market. People, if Lu Jiu's words are true, who is the employer behind the scenes, I'm afraid only the owner of the ghost market knows.

Jiang Su felt that they still had to go to the ghost market.

After thinking about it, he simply squatted in front of Lu Jiu, and stretched out his hand towards Lu Jiu.

Lu Jiu was a little puzzled: "What are you going to do?"

"Token." Jiang Su said, "You have been to the ghost market, you should have it?"

Lu Jiu was still tied up, so he could only lower his head and tell Jiang Su that the token was on his chest. Jiang Su was about to reach out to take it out, but Li Hanshan couldn't help but frowned, grabbed Lu Jiu directly, and pulled He dragged it up, shook it vigorously, and dropped a bunch of things from Lu Jiu's body.

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

Fu Wenxiao: "..."

Bai Yusheng: "..."

The three met their eyes and felt that they understood.

See, this makes me jealous, and even said that I am not a broken sleeve.

Tsk, can this world get better?

Lu Jiu was dragged by Li Hanshan almost strangled his neck, choked and coughed, but he didn't dare to swear,

And Li Hanshan squatted down to pick and choose, and took out a token from a large pile of unknown tools and props, handed it to Jiang Su, and said: "Everyone has one token. If you take this, they will think you are a token. Lu Nine."

Jiang Su reached out to take it, and Li Hanshan said again: "I will go with you."

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning: "But you don't have a token."

Lu Jiu was lying on the ground, and when he heard Jiang Su say this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said, "What token does he want? He's holding the Demon Cult's Blood Shadow Token, and everyone has to make way for him."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su could not wait to hit his head hard.

He himself didn't feel that Li Hanshan's identity was different, he only regarded Li Hanshan as an ordinary person, and he even forgot that the Li Hanshan that Fang Yuanluo, Fu Wenxiao and others knew was the little-known Mu Yichuan.

However, Lu Jiu knew Li Hanshan's identity. Lu Jiu had never said this before, but the Blood Shadow Token is a token in the Devil's Cult. If it is not a high-ranking person in the Devil's Cult, it will definitely not be able to get this token. Now the Blood Shadow As soon as the word "Ling" comes out, everyone will know that Li Hanshan is a member of the Devil's Cult.

He turned his head to look at Fu Wenxiao, intending to explain, but Fu Wenxiao closed his eyes slightly, as if he had noticed something earlier, he was not surprised, but Bai Yusheng simply smiled and said, "I'm just a businessman."

The implication is that he is too lazy to care about good and evil, as long as it is beneficial to him, it is good. Only Fang Yuanluo opened his eyes wide and turned his eyes back and forth between Li Hanshan and Jiang Su , It took a long time before he sighed as if he was extremely shocked, and said: "So it's like this...Brother Jiang! It's hard for you! It's moving!"

Jiang Su: "...Huh?"

"It's just good and evil, it's not a problem!" Fang Yuanluo nodded seriously, "True love can break through everything!"

Jiang Su: "..."

What is it talking about!

Li Hanshan was really puzzled. He didn't understand what Fang Yuanluo meant, but he knew that his identity had been exposed, but the few people in front of him didn't mind at all. He couldn't help being silent, and then said with a little emotion, "The righteous way really is Nice guy."

Jiang Su: "..."

No, wait.

Although Jiang Su agrees with Li Hanshan's words, why does the young master of the Demon Cult think so?

He was a little confused for a while, Bai Yusheng was worried that the two of them would be embarrassed, and he didn't want to stop the topic here, so he hurriedly said: "Jiang Shaoxia, if you want to pretend to be Lu Jiu and go to the ghost market, you must not take your Take the sword in."

There are people covering their faces everywhere in the ghost city. Jiang Su can use a mask to cover his face so as not to be recognized by others. However, many people in Jianghu are good at recognizing people with weapons. As soon as Jiang Su's sword is displayed, many People can recognize him.

Lu Jiu doesn't use a sword. He is good at soft whips, and he usually wears them around his waist. Jiang Su knows a little about this thing, but he doesn't know how to use it. suffer.

Bai Yusheng had already waved his hand and ordered his followers to come forward. He said a few words to the followers in a low voice, then raised his head and said to Jiang Su: "Today, Lu Jiu was caught by you and me. I'm afraid the news has already spread to the outside world. , and when Lu Jiu was arrested in the past, he was able to escape almost every time, so it would not be unusual for him to escape successfully this time."

The entourage at the side had brought back a tray with a long sword covered with silk, Bai Yusheng took off the silk, turned around and said to Jiang Su: "The best thief in the world never misses, but this time, His goal is the Qingxiao Sword."

Jiang Su: "..."

The one on the tray was the Qingxiao Sword.

The Qingxiao sword in front of him has been cleaned well, and there is no weird smell on it. Finally, it is the thousand-year-old beauty that Jiang Su has longed for for many years. Bai Yusheng couldn't restrain surprise in his eyes, and Bai Yusheng smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to Jiang Su.

Jiang Su: "Such a generous gift..."

"For the Bai family, this is not a big gift," Bai Yusheng said with a smile, "Jiang Shaoxia, no one in Bai's family knows how to use a sword. The Qingxiao Sword in the Linlang Pavilion is just a waste of money. A sword is matched with a hero. This sword is more suitable. you."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan's expression was gloomy, and he was inexplicably depressed.

He thought, this Bai Yusheng really deserves to be a member of the Bai family. In just a short time, he has caught Jiang Su's liking, and he has already begun to want to please Jiang Su.


Isn't it just sending swords? He also has a bunch of swords, if he were to give away swords, he wouldn't lose to Bai Yusheng!

But Jiang Su obviously didn't think so much.

He just picked up the Qingxiao sword, pressed the scabbard lightly, and the sword was out of the scabbard, the blade was cold and sharp, it was really a rare good sword.

He could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart, if he hadn't been in a hurry to go to the ghost market, he would have wished to have a good look at the Qingxiao Sword all night.

wife! beautiful wife! Someone else's beautiful wife!

It's his from today hahahaha! !

Although the location of the ghost market is secretive, it often changes places. It is really difficult for people in the righteous way to find the ghost market, but Jiang Su has Li Hanshan by his side. Of course, the location of the ghost market is very clear to the members of the Demon Cult.

By coincidence, the present ghost market happened to be near Changning City.

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan calculated the distance, and within two or three days, they could go back and forth, but Jiang Su was anxious to find the whereabouts of the key, so they didn't stay in Changning City, and rushed straight to where the ghost city is now .

Jiang Su is in a very good mood recently. Holding the Qingxiao Sword in his hand, the more he looks at it, the more he feels that his wife is really beautiful. Although he is on his way, he is also in a very good mood, even smiling more on his face.

Li Hanshan has been in a very bad mood recently. Whenever he saw Jiang Su staring at Qingxiaojian, he felt so bored in his heart. Thinking that this was a gift from Bai Yusheng to Jiang Su, he felt even more uncomfortable.

At this time, he began to think carefully, Jiang Su gave him the Wuming Sword, but he never gave Jiang Su any gift in return, it was really his fault, he also wanted to see Jiang Su so happy.

After a day's journey, they finally arrived at the location of the ghost market. It was an ordinary ferry, but the river at the ferry was perennially foggy, and there were reeds everywhere. get lost.

Ordinary people just crossed this river and would never go deep into the mist, but the ghost market they were going to was in the mist.

There was a boatman waiting at the ferry, if he didn't show his token, he would just ferry people to the other side. Jiang Su had to pretend to be Lu Jiu, and he put on a mask and a cloak from a distance so that no one would see his face.

Most people going to the ghost market hide their faces. It is not surprising that he is dressed like this. Li Hanshan also wore a mask like him. When he got to the ferry, the boatman took a look at them. He stretched his leg and showed the token to the boatman. The boatman's expression changed, but for a moment, when he saw the Qingxiao Sword on Jiang Su's waist, he smiled and said to Jiang Su, "Xiao Jiu, did you get it?"

Jiang Su was afraid that he would recognize the sound, so he just nodded.

"I heard they said you were caught." The boatman sighed, "I'm still a little worried."

He looked at Li Hanshan, waiting for Li Hanshan to show the token.

Li Hanshan took out the Blood Shadow Token, and only waved it in front of the boatman. The boatman seemed to recognize his identity in an instant. Anything to order?"

Li Hanshan responded casually, but with a cold tone, he said, "Go in and have a stroll."

Jiang Su: "..."

It was rare for him to hear Li Hanshan speak in such a tone, but when he saw the boatman, he reacted... as if the young master of the Demon Cult should be like this.

The boatman didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly invited the two of them to board the boat, leaving the ferry and heading towards the ghost market. Jiang Su stood firm on the boat, looked down at the dark river, and felt a little panicked for a moment, and walked silently into the boat for a few minutes step.

He can't swim, so stay away from the water.

Just now when he thought this way, the boatman opened his mouth, Xiao and Li Hanshan said: "Young master, when the fog enters, you can't talk anymore."

Li Hanshan asked back: "Why?"

"The master has raised strange fish underwater, if he hears big noises, he will come out to bite people." Said the boatman, "We are such a small boat, we can't stand a few twists and turns."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Su silently took another step back and helped Li Hanshan's hand.

Li Hanshan was startled, and asked Jiang Su in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Su was a little embarrassed: "...I can't swim."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su said again: "Things with scales... are a bit disgusting."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't expect Jiang Su to have something to be afraid of.

He thought about it, he had never heard of this kind of thing from other people, so it is impossible for Bai Yusheng to know, that is to say, Bai Yusheng lost to him in this matter.

The clouds cleared in his heart, and the haze of the past few days was swept away. He even took the initiative to hold Jiang Su's hand and said, "It's okay, your qinggong is so good—"

Before the words were finished, the boat reached the undercurrent of the river, and the boat shook suddenly. Jiang Su grabbed Li Hanshan's hand suddenly, as if he was taken aback. Holding Jiang Su's waist, he supported him to stand firm, then lowered his voice, and said to him: "Don't panic, this boat is so big, it can't fall."

His heart was pounding, but not because of the swaying of the ship.

He seemed to be touching Jiang Su's waist for the first time.

Jiang Su closed his eyes, and replied in a low voice: "The river is too wide, there is no place to stay, if it really falls into the water, I'm afraid it will be a little dangerous."

Li Hanshan barely managed to calm down, and replied, "Don't panic, I can swim."

He said these words in his mouth, but he didn't dare to look into Jiang Su's eyes, so he could only avoid looking away, suppressing his flustered and rapid heartbeat, and looked aside.

Then he saw it.

The boatman held on to the oar, but forgot to row. He just opened his eyes wide and looked at them in disbelief.

After a while, he hurriedly turned his head and rowed the boat vigorously, muttering something.

Li Hanshan frowned, and from the shape of his mouth, he barely recognized the sentence that the boatman was muttering.

"What should I do? I still owe Lu Jiu money and haven't changed it. Lu Jiu... Bah." The boatman paused for a moment, and began to repeat, "Young Master, Young Master, Young Master, be respectful, He turned out to be the young mistress' wife!"

Li Hanshan: "..."