Jiang Su felt that his inference was well-founded, and he believed that Xie Zeli would definitely accept his suggestion.

It's just that Xie Zeli still doesn't know the benefits of being with the owner of the ghost market, so he looks at him with anger, as if wishing to cut him into pieces. He was afraid that he would have already cursed at Jiang Su.

Several people around were stunned, no one expected that Jiang Su would say such shocking words, but Jiang Su took a step forward, said to Xie Zeli, "Thank you, Hierarch, you don't have to be angry, you just haven't thought about it carefully. "

Xie Zeli tried his best to endure his anger, and said, "I don't need to think about it!"

"The Palace Master Lou has already left, so you have to find an alternative?" Jiang Su said, "Master, we have already talked about it before, you should know that it is better to choose someone who is famous and famous in the Jianghu than It's better that you drag anyone to bed."

Xie Zeli: "..."

There are also Wu Qi, He Lingcheng and Li Hanshan in this room, Jiang Su unexpectedly came to this kind of thing without any thought of avoiding suspicion, and he was not afraid of other people going out to gossip.

But Xie Zeli didn't have time to stop Jiang Su, Jiang Su had already uttered a lot of words.

"The master of the ghost city and the master of the palace are definitely the same effect." Jiang Su said, "And you are similar in age, you should communicate better than the master of the palace."

Xie Zeli: "...you shut up."

"I understand that the palace master Lou is too young, and there is a generation gap between everyone... er, it is the younger generation, with different vision and experience, so it is difficult to communicate." Jiang Su said seriously, "Young people are always sensitive. , worrying about gains and losses, immature, and need more care and comfort from you, the leader."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli inexplicably agrees with this sentence.

Lou Yan was indeed too difficult to deal with, he was always unhappy and unhappy, Xie Zeli couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart, but it was only a dual cultivation, Xie Zeli didn't understand why Lou Yan made this so complicated.

Hearing Jiang Su's analysis, he was inexplicably... a little moved.

If the owner of the ghost city didn't need him to spend so much talking, this could indeed be a very good choice.

Seeing that Xie Zeli's attitude was relaxed, Jiang Su thought for a while, and couldn't help but move closer to Xie Zeli, first lowered his voice, and said to Xie Zeli, "Xie Zeli, you really have to think about it."

But Xie Zeli has been deceived by Jiang Su too many times. When he saw Jiang Su's expression, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He only thought that Jiang Su must have dug a hole and waited for him again. He was full of vigilance and raised his eyebrows slightly. , Said: "You don't have to say too much, I won't believe your words."

"Fu Miraculous Doctor also said that you don't have much time." Jiang Su ignored Xie Zeli's refusal, and said directly, "It's already like this, so don't pick it."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"I know you don't believe me. You think I'm a righteous person. I'm full of bad things. I think about plotting against you all day long. It's impossible for me to come up with any good ideas." Jiang Su said, "But the leader, think about it carefully and match you and me. Ghost City Master, what good is it for me?"

Xie Zeli was really taken aback. After careful consideration, he felt that what Jiang Su said... seemed to make sense.

"Whether you are with the Lou Palace Master or the Ghost City Master, it is a strong alliance of evil ways." Jiang Su's eyes are serious and sincere, "What benefits will it have for us righteous way?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

That's right, matching him and the owner of the ghost market is indeed not beneficial to Zhengdao, but has many disadvantages.

That being the case, does that also mean...Jiang Su may have made suggestions to him sincerely?

Xie Zeli relaxed.

He began to recall the few exchanges he had with the owner of the ghost market over the years. The two of them were very busy on weekdays, and they didn't meet many times. Most of the time they relied on letters to communicate. For pleasure, not much in the mood to talk about love with others.

This is much better than Lou Yan.

And Xie Zeli also knows how to persuade the owner of the ghost market to agree. This matter is simple, it is nothing more than an additional layer of covenant between the holy religion and the ghost market, and the owner of the ghost market will never talk nonsense to the outside world, making it boring.

Besides, Xie Zeli remembered that there was a brothel in the ghost city, and there were quite a few beauties in it. Although there were not as many as Meiyou Palace, it was enough for him to entertain for a while.

Compared to Lou Yan, for Xie Zeli, this is simply the best combination.

Xie Zeli was very moved.

"It's just that there is still a big obstacle to achieve this." Jiang Su touched his chin and thought seriously, "Master, it's only been a few days, and you probably haven't learned the double cultivation of Meiyou Palace. way?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Jiang Su was right.

A few days ago, Lou Yan was pestering him, but most of the time he didn't study double cultivation, but messed around at will, so that today, Xie Zeli's understanding of the method of double cultivation in Meiyou Palace is only limited to the first few sentences of the heart formula .

Lou Yan never gave him the secret book of Meiyou Palace, Xie Zeli's move was understandable at first, the secret book of a sect's mind method is such an important thing, how can it be handed over to others at will?

But hearing what Jiang Su said today, Xie Zeli began to feel that something was wrong.

What about keeping vigilant and guarding the sect's martial arts? With Lou Yan's character, is he this kind of person?

Of course he is not!

Xie Zeli felt that this was clearly Lou Yan's trick!

As long as he doesn't tell him all about the dual cultivation skills, it will take a day to delay, then he must always be attached to Lou Yan and live by watching Lou Yan's face.

Heh, Lou Yan, you bastard!

"Since the leader hasn't learned the method of double cultivation, maybe we still have to invite the Palace Master Lou back." Jiang Su thought for a while, and then said, "Alternatively, go find the saint of Meiyou Palace and ask her to do it for you." Master taught."

Xie Zeli had long forgotten that Jiang Su in front of him might have other plans, he was trembling with anger, gritted his teeth, and said, "Lou Yuanyin left long ago, heh, no wonder she left in such a hurry."

Jiang Su: "The palace master of that building..."

"He is still nearby and refuses to leave." Xie Zeli snorted coldly, "So he is waiting for me here."

The development of the matter was a little bit beyond Jiang Su's expectation, but it's okay, it's better this way, scum and scum and dogs, I hope the three of them swear to entangle each other to the death, then Jiang Su can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

The more Xie Zeli thought about it, the more angry he became, but Jiang Su wanted to add fuel to the fire.

"Master, for the current plan, you can only learn the method of double cultivation with the master of the palace first." Jiang Su sighed, "Oh, it's a little troublesome, even if the master has learned it... the master of the ghost city will not know it?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli could only sneer.

Lou Yan is a bastard, he will cut Lou Yan to pieces! !

But he couldn't get angry, and when he thought about it casually, he felt tightness in his chest and felt unspeakably uncomfortable. Xie Zeli couldn't help coughing a few times, he was afraid that he would be poisoned again, and he just wanted to take advantage of the time when he could not fully suppress the tears. Suppress this toxicity first.

He also knew that among the few people present, Wu Qi was obviously the only one who was willing to teach him how to suppress poison.

Xie Zeli covered his mouth and coughed a few times, his face was slightly flushed, and he called out: "Wu Qi—"

"Guardian Wuqi." Jiang Su turned his head, interrupted Xie Zeli just in time, and asked curiously, "Has your cat been fed?"

Wu Qi: "...not yet."

Jiang Su: "How can you let the cat be hungry?"

Wu Qi: "..."

Jiang Su waved at Wu Qi very considerately, and said, "Go quickly."

Wu Qi stayed where he was, not knowing what to do for a moment, but he hesitated for a moment before he made a decision between Maomao and the leader.

The leader doesn't seem to be a big deal, but the cat is more important.

Wu Qi gave a stern salute to Xie Ze, then turned his head without hesitation, and left the tent without looking back.

Xie Zeli: "..."

If it was said that Xie Zeli was just a little annoyed just now, and decided to plan ahead and order Wu Qi to pass on his skills before the poison was about to happen, then Xie Zeli at this moment is really angry.

He originally thought that Wu Qi would be so loyal to him that he would be able to put a knife in his ribs, enough to sacrifice his life for him.

But now it seems that Wu Qi is more likely to give his life for the cat.

Xie Zeli felt desolate in his heart, and when he turned his head again, seeing Jiang Su still looking at him with concern, he felt that he was out of breath.

If it weren't for Jiang Su, how could Wu Qi leave! It's all this wimpy, righteous person who wants to anger him all day long!

Xie Zeli could hardly contain the anger in his heart, but before he even got angry or made the next move, Jiang Su rushed to speak and said, "Thank you, Hierarch, do you still remember what Miracle Doctor Fu said?"

Xie Zeli's voice trembled: "You you you...you get out of here."

"Shuangxiu is too hurtful." Jiang Su said seriously, "It's better to bear it by yourself."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"Time is running out, cherish every bit." Jiang Su got up, turned his head again and walked to the door of the tent, took Li Hanshan's arm, turned his head and said, "Shuangxiu shortens life, if you can bear it, Just bear with it."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli picked up the teacup on the table with trembling hands, and threw it at Jiang Su without hesitation.

But how could he hit Zhong Jiangsu.

Jiang Su easily raised his sword, with his back turned to him, but still easily knocked the teacup into the air, and fell not far from Xie Zeli's feet, just splashing the wolfberry soaked water on Xie Zeli's feet.

Xie Zeli fell ill on the spot, clutching his chest and coughing, He Lingcheng paused for a moment, not wanting to be affected at all, wishing he could turn his head and run away immediately.

When he got out of the tent, he saw that Jiang Su had just walked not far away, so he immediately followed and arrived at Jiang Su's side. He admired Jiang Su's ability to hit Xie Zeli's anger with every word, and couldn't help sighing, saying: "Jiang Shaoxia, you I really like to anger our leader."

Jiang Su answered smoothly: "I'm not angry with him, I just told the truth."

If he hadn't learned how Xie Zeli treated Li Hanshan back then, this matter might have turned the page long ago, and he wouldn't be like today, wishing Xie Zeli would get sick all the time.

He Lingcheng still hesitated, thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, Palace Master Lou hasn't left yet."

Jiang Su suddenly turned to look at him.

"He just quarreled with the leader, and the leader told him to leave, so it's not good for him to stay here." He Lingcheng sighed, and said, "He's in Changning City, come back from time to time to have a look, anyway, he just needs to change With a face, the leader will not recognize him."

Jiang Su frowned slightly, and felt that he seemed to have some new thoughts about Xie Zeli.

He Lingcheng hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Do you really think the leader and the owner of the ghost city are a good match?"

Jiang Su nodded.

What is a good match?

Looking at what happened to Hua Shiqing, doesn't the owner of the ghost city like to beat people? Hua Shiqing was bruised all over for nothing. Hua Shiqing is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't know martial arts. He has delicate skin and tender flesh. He can't stand it after a few blows, but Xie Zeli is different!

Even if Xie Zeli's martial arts are blocked by the tears and he can't mobilize his internal energy, he is still a martial arts practitioner after all, and his physique is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people, and it is also better than that of Hua Shiqing, who is weak and weak. Beauty can endure tossing.

And when Xie Zeli learns to double cultivate and restore martial arts, it will be even more different!

Under the excitement, they can still fight each other, and whoever is not sure will kill the other. It is full of surprises, and it is suitable for scum like them.

And this is just one of the points that the two are well matched.

The owner of the ghost city likes to engage in physical confinement, Xie Zeli is good at mental PUA, so well matched, Jiang Su couldn't think of a more suitable attribute than this, and suggested getting married in situ.

Both Li Hanshan and He Lingcheng were puzzled, but they didn't know how to ask. They had reached the edge of the camp, where the Louyan tent was. A few days ago, He Lingcheng questioned Jiang Su here, and Jiang Su Su looked at the tent, but thought of other things, then turned around, looked at He Lingcheng, and said, "Deputy Envoy He, I have something to ask you."

He Lingcheng was startled, nodded, and said, "What does Jiang Shaoxia want to ask?"

Jiang Su said, "Let's talk alone."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan felt inexplicably unhappy, but he always listened to Jiang Su's words, so he consciously walked away a few steps, went to the side, found a place to sit down, dully picked up a branch, and drew circles on the ground.

Jiang Su then turned to look at He Lingcheng, and said, "Maybe it's presumptuous for me to ask that."

He Lingcheng replied: "What does Shaoxia Jiang want to know?"

"Your young master once told me that he seldom lied to Xie Zeli in the past." Jiang Su hesitated a little, but still frowned and asked, "The last time he lied was when he was seven years old. In order to deceive Xie Zeli, he ate a lot Sugar, is there any such thing?"

He Lingcheng was also startled, not sure if what Jiang Su said was what he was thinking, but he nodded and said, "It seems that there is..."

He Lingcheng's father was originally the elder of the church, and he often came to play in the church when he was young, but there were not many children in the church, and his father wanted to discuss matters with the leader of the church, so he wandered around in the church, and it was at that time, He met Li Hanshan for the first time.

He knew that the man was the young master, he looked like a child of six or seven years old, and it was a bit difficult to hold a sword, so the master asked someone to cut a wooden sword for him, every time He Lingcheng saw Li Hanshan, he was practicing sword .

He Lingcheng was curious, he would never practice so hard by himself, not to mention that when the child was six or seven years old, he was at the age of being playful and naughty. The answer was a little different from what he thought.

The young master told him innocently that his father had promised him that as long as he practiced the sword well, he would take him down the mountain in a few days and buy him the crunchy candies he ate last time.

That day, He Lingcheng happened to be carrying a few pieces of candy, so he simply distributed them to the young master, but Li Hanshan didn't dare to reach out to take them. If you practice enough times, your father will be angry if he finds out.

He Lingcheng couldn't help telling him to lie, and the two secretly shared the candies. After returning home, He Lingcheng felt more and more uncomfortable as he thought about it. He didn't understand, why did the leader treat him harshly for a child as sensible as the young master?

He told Jiang Su about this, and Jiang Su couldn't bear the anger in his heart, let alone raise his eyebrows, and then asked: "What's the matter with the scar on his body?"

He Lingcheng did not answer directly, but asked, "Which injury?"

Jiang Su: "..."

good very good.

He Lingcheng said such a sentence, that is to say, Li Hanshan has suffered too many injuries in these years, and He Lingcheng can't even explain it clearly in just a few sentences.

Jiang Su took a deep breath and said, "The one on his waist."

He Lingcheng replied: "When the young master was seventeen years old, someone wanted to assassinate the leader. The young master didn't have a weapon in his hand, and the situation was critical, so he had to block the knife with his body."

But Jiang Su couldn't figure it out. He felt that Li Hanshan was very similar to him. It was impossible for Li Hanshan not to carry a sword with him, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "Where's his sword?"

He Lingcheng replied: "The leader originally did not allow others to wear weapons to see him."

Jiang Su: "But I..."

"Jiang Shaoxia, it's not just once or twice that you ran into the church..." He Lingcheng felt helpless, "You ran so fast, the guards didn't have time to let you untie your sword."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su naturally skipped this question.

Jiang Su: "Where's the injury on his back? It's near the left shoulder."

He Lingcheng frowned and thought for a while, but he was just a little hesitant, not sure, and said: "Maybe it was... a few years ago when the leader and the young master were fighting."

Jiang Su: "..."

"The young master won't take off his clothes in front of me." He Lingcheng explained again, "I'm just guessing."

Jiang Su was a little annoyed: "It's just a competition, it's up to the point, but he is willing to beat his son."

He Lingcheng didn't know how else to defend the leader, but in the end he could only say: "I haven't seen them compete, maybe it was an accidental injury."

Jiang Su snorted, apparently disdainful of this explanation, and asked again: "That day in the ghost market, the owner of the ghost market said that Li Hanshan is the blood of Xie's family. Besides being the adopted son of Xie Zeli, he is also related to Xie Zeli. Is there any other relationship?"

He Lingcheng said, "The young master's mother is from the Xie family."

Jiang Su frowned, but he also understood what He Lingcheng meant.

Xie Wu has no descendants, but he is not the only one in the Xie family, but until now, only Xie Zeli and Li Hanshan are left.

The Devil's Cult pays attention to bloodlines, that is to say, unless Xie Zeli overcomes all difficulties and passes on the position of leader to others, Li Hanshan is the only person who can inherit his current position as leader.

Even if Xie Zeli doesn't like Li Hanshan anymore, he has nothing to do.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su just felt a little relieved, and he had roughly understood what he wanted to know. He saw that Li Hanshan was still sitting and fiddling with branches, and was about to turn around to go back, but He Lingcheng held him back and coughed lightly. With a sound, as if a little embarrassed, he said: "Jiang Shaoxia, I'm sorry, it was He who misunderstood you before."

Jiang Su didn't understand what He Lingcheng meant.

"It's because I have too much prejudice, and I always feel that people in the righteous way have bad intentions." He Lingcheng whispered, "But now...you are kind to the young master, I see it in my eyes, and I will remember it in my heart."

Jiang Su frowned: "Isn't it natural to care about friends?"

He Lingcheng smiled, but stopped talking. Anyway, Jiang Su insisted that they were "friends", and he didn't want to expose them, so he let go, and said one more word, "Thank you."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't have time to answer, and he saw someone sneaking in the bushes beside him, looking around cautiously.

Jiang Su didn't know that face, but He Lingcheng only took a look there, and he understood it, and he was a little dumbfounded, and whispered to Jiang Su: "That's the Palace Master Lou."

Jiang Su: "..."

OK, that's great.

He was holding back his anger towards Xie Zeli and had nowhere to release it, but he didn't want Lou Yan to just send it over by himself, so Jiang Su turned around and went to look for Lou Yan first.

When Lou Yan saw him coming, he wanted to run, but he knew that he couldn't run Jiang Su no matter what, so he stopped in his tracks, smiled at Jiang Su, and asked, "Jiang Shaoxia, what's the matter?"

Jiang Su also smiled at him: "Master Lou, what are you doing here if you don't seek to thank the leader?"

Lou Yan: "I...he doesn't want to see me..."

"Why would the leader not want to see you?" Jiang Su pretended to be surprised, "He hasn't finished learning the dual cultivation skills yet, so he has to wait until you finish teaching him before he can let you go."

What he said was ambiguous, the more Lou Yan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

What does it mean to let him leave after teaching him the method of dual cultivation? Could it be that Xie Zeli wanted to cross the river and demolish the bridge? After learning double cultivation, go to other people to practice together?

Lou Yan was full of doubts, and couldn't help asking: "Jiang Shaoxia, what do you mean?"

"I heard that Master Xie is no longer willing to practice double cultivation with the palace master of the building." Jiang Su pretended to be surprised, "Since this is the case, why should he start looking for another double cultivation partner?"

Lou Yan: "..."

"The leader wants to do this, so I can't help but start thinking about who among the people I know is more suitable for the leader Xie." Jiang Su said, "I thought about it, the owner of the ghost market is pretty good, and I just met the leader Having said that, the leader seems to be a little moved."

Lou Yan: "..."

"Oh, by the way, the leader fell ill again just now, although Doctor Fu said,

Shuangxiu is not good, but how could the leader bear it? "Jiang Su couldn't help sighing, "No one taught him the skills, and no one doubled up with him, and I don't know who the leader will pull into the tent in the end—"

Lou Yan's face was gloomy, and it was almost difficult to suppress the jealousy in his heart. He didn't even listen to what Jiang Su was going to say next, and turned directly to the Demon Cult camp, and hurried over.

"Ah, Palace Master Lou, what are you going to do?" Jiang Su stood there, motionless, and didn't bother to chase after him, "Wait a minute, the leader won't let you enter the camp."

After saying this, he walked back slowly to Li Hanshan who was squatting and drawing a circle, as if he completely forgot what he had done just now.

He Lingcheng: "..."

This man...isn't he really a demon who pretends to be righteous? !