Li Hanshan was not too far away from them, and Jiang Su and Lou Yan didn't talk in a low voice deliberately just now, and he had been paying attention to Jiang Su's movements, so of course he heard all of those few words.

But he didn't understand why Jiang Su would do this.

Even he could see that Jiang Su's words just now were definitely trying to sow discord in order to anger Lou Yan.

It's just that the Lou Yan authorities were confused, and they really cared about this kind of thing, so Jiang Su easily walked him in, and when Lou Yan came back to his senses, it might be too late.

But Li Hanshan couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't help but asked Jiang Su in a low voice, "Is this really good?"

Jiang Su was startled for a moment, and asked back, "What's good?"

"Father said that the palace master of the building is not allowed to come back, he will be angry." Li Hanshan frowned, thought about the horrible scene of Xie Zeli every time he was angry, and said, "If they fight—"

"There will be no fights. Husband and wife quarrel, and they always quarrel at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed." Jiang Su interrupted Li Hanshan, "They will reconcile in a few days, and if they can bring the owner of the ghost market with them, it will be a shame. It was a pleasant surprise, and I’m happy to see it happen.”

He used to speak badly about Xie Zeli, and he would take Li Hanshan's thoughts into consideration. Normally, he would not scold Xie Zeli too much in front of Li Hanshan, but now he can't bear it anymore. He just can't bear it when he thinks about what He Lingcheng said. You have to figure out how Xie Zeli has treated Li Hanshan over the years.

He got angry when he thought about it, and then he really wanted to scold Xie Zeli a few more times, and seeing that Li Hanshan was still worried about whether Xie Zeli and Lou Yan would fight, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, stood up and said to Li Hanshan : "If you are really worried about your father, then let's go and have a look together now."

But Li Hanshan couldn't help asking him: "But aren't you still in a hurry to go back to Linlang Pavilion?"

"Don't worry." Jiang Su said, "As long as you want, we will go over and have a look together."

Sure enough, Li Hanshan got up and walked outside Xie Zeli's tent with Jiang Su.

They came quite early, Lou Yan had just arrived here not long ago, just before he entered the tent, he had already quarreled with Xie Zeli.

Jiang Su had already heard the two arguing outside, but Xie Zeli's voice sounded very strange, his tone was full of lust, and he could only rely on perseverance to suppress his desire.

He hated Lou Yan for deceiving him to death, and at this moment, he only wished that Lou Yan could get out earlier, he absolutely didn't want to show his embarrassment in front of Lou Yan, so he almost hoarse, pointed at the door, and let Lou Yan get out.

Lou Yan was originally full of jealousy and jealousy, and only thought that Xie Zeli would do such a thing behind his back, but most of the jealousy dissipated when he saw Xie Zeli's embarrassment, he was a little worried, and he directly killed himself With arrogance, Xie Ze sternly said cautiously: "I will pass on the kung fu to suppress poison for you first, if there is anything, we will talk about it later."

Although Xie Zeli didn't want him to teach him to suppress the poison, he didn't have the energy to struggle any more. Anyway, Lou Yan didn't want to force him, so he closed his eyes and waited for Lou Yan to use the exercises to suppress the poison for him.

And that being the case, Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, who had already walked outside the tent, naturally couldn't go in and disturb them.

The two had no choice but to find a place to sit outside the tent temporarily, and Jiang Su whispered to Li Hanshan, "I told you, they will be fine."

Li Hanshan nodded slightly and said, "Then... shall we go back to Linlang Pavilion first?"

"Don't worry." Jiang Su said, "Wait a little longer."

He has to wait, no matter what, he has to make another fire for Lou Yan and Xie Zeli.

What's going on with Lou Yan? It looks like he really wants to have a heart-to-heart relationship with Xie Zeli, but Xie Zeli obviously won't respond to this. Jiang Su also can't see scum in love. He wants to wait a little longer to keep things safe. You can also see what's new.

Coincidentally, after talking with He Lingcheng, he really wanted to talk to Li Hanshan.

"I just chatted with Deputy Envoy He." Jiang Su frowned and said, "Talking about what happened to you."

Li Hanshan couldn't help being startled, and asked, "My business?"

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, he didn't know how to bring up this matter, he couldn't say that he heard about Li Hanshan's miserable childhood from He Lingcheng, that's why he hated Xie Zeli, and therefore wanted to have a good talk with Li Hanshan Talk about what happened that year.

But if these words were said directly, it would be a bit too weird. Jiang Su thought for a moment, and then he could only ask Li Hanshan in a roundabout way, saying, "Did you like to practice swords when you were young?"

This question was asked abruptly, but it was Jiang Su's question after all, Li Hanshan didn't think about it, and simply replied: "I still like it."

Jiang Su frowned slightly: "Did you hate it when your father forced you to practice sword?"

"It's better than taking medicine." Li Hanshan said in a low voice, recalling seriously how he practiced swords when he was young. Anyway, he also liked swords very much. It wasn't all unpleasant, so he said firmly, "I don't have any hobbies, just I like practicing swords."

Jiang Su focused all his attention on the first half of what Li Hanshan said.

"Take medicine?" Jiang Su frowned and asked, "What kind of medicine?"

Li Hanshan would not hide Jiang Su, so he said directly to Jiang Su: "I was not in good health when I was young, and I was not suitable for practicing the exercises left by the leader Xie Wu."

Jiang Su: "..."

When Li Hanshan said this, Jiang Su already felt that he understood.

In the matter of martial arts, the talent and physique are all innate, and it is difficult to change the day after tomorrow, but it is not completely immutable.

As Li Hanshan said about his physique at this time, Jiang Su understood that what he was referring to should be the special skills of the Demon Sect. It is really difficult for ordinary people to cultivate this magic skill to the peak. If there is an accident in the middle, it is very likely to go off Obsessed.

And Li Hanshan's tendons are not suitable for practicing magic skills by nature.

But Xie Zeli ignored these, he forcibly changed Li Hanshan's physique with medicine, so that he could successfully practice the exercises left by Xie Wusuo, the process was long and painful, and as far as Jiang Su knew, Xie Zeli himself had never learned it. After passing this exercise, he has the face to let Li Hanshan study hard.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su couldn't help but become even more angry.

After he got to the book, he knew all the martial arts. He had also heard about this method of forcibly changing the physique of the tendons.

This method is extremely dangerous, and the process is even more painful. It is almost equivalent to the body that has been force-fed by countless drugs. It is unbearable for an adult to change, let alone Li Hanshan back then, who was only a child.

Fortunately, although this is going against the sky, once the change is successful, there will be no sequelae, let alone a short lifespan. Otherwise, according to Jiang Su's thinking, even killing Xie Zeli with a sword would not be enough.

If it is said that he only wanted to deal with Xie Zeli slightly, now he has other thoughts and wants to deal with Xie Zeli again, but there is an excellent opportunity in front of him, he can use Lou Yan to deal with Xie Zeli.

It's a pity that Lou Yan in the house hadn't finished preaching the merits, Jiang Su couldn't go in immediately, so he still stopped at the same place, curiously asked Li Hanshan, and said: "If you return to the Demon Sect and take over the position of leader instead of your father, what will happen to the Demon Sect's leader?" Guilty, will someone stop targeting you?"

Li Hanshan thought carefully for a moment, and then seriously replied: "It's a bit much."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su started to have a headache.

According to what Li Hanshan said, I'm afraid there are still countless people in the Devil's Cult who are spying on the position of leader. If Xie Zeli is gone, Li Hanshan will definitely not be able to restrain them.

As for Li Hanshan's character...Jiang Su felt that if he wasn't by Li Hanshan's side, Li Hanshan would definitely be bullied by those people.

That's all, anyway, he's going to visit the Devil's Cult, and when he gets the three keys, his goal is half completed, so he can stay in the Devil's Cult for a few more days and help Li Hanshan deal with some troublesome things first.

Just at this time, Lou Yan seemed to have finished teaching Xie Zeli's merits, and Xie Zeli's poison in his body was a little slowed down, so he wanted to quarrel with Lou Yan again, weakly pointing at Lou Yan and cursing: "Get out of here!"

Lou Yan was worried that Xie Zeli would be poisoned again, so he had no choice but to back out temporarily. As soon as he went out, he saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan outside. Step forward and rush straight to Jiang Su.

"Jiang Shaoxia!" Lou Yan was very excited, "Can you help me again?"

Jiang Su was waiting for Lou Yan to say this, but he still pretended to be a little surprised, saying: "I just accompanied Li Hanshan here, he is a little worried about Xie Jiaozhu's situation."

"Jiang Shaoxia has already helped Lou some time." Lou Yan did not give up, "If Jiang Shaoxia hadn't helped, the leader and I would not be where we are today."

Jiang Su had no choice but to ask, "How do you want me to help you?"

Lou Yan: "Admonish the leader, don't be angry with me again."

Jiang Su nodded and said, "This is easy."

Lou Yan hesitated a little, and then said in a low voice: "The matter of the owner of the ghost market...can I ask the leader to reconsider?"

Jiang Su: "Well..."

"I will pass on the dual cultivation method to him." Lou Yan said, "I will not harm him, nor have I thought of harming him. I have never passed on the dual cultivation method to him in the past, just because...because..."

He lowered his voice, obviously feeling that it would be too embarrassing to admit this in front of others, but Jiang Su already understood what he meant, and Jiang Su always spoke straightforwardly, so he asked Lou Yan back, saying: "I can't stop, so I forgot gone?"

Lou Yan: "...Yes."

Jiang Su couldn't help but sighed, and said: "Explain everything clearly and simply, but it's not for me to decide who the leader wants to choose for a double cultivation."

Lou Yan humbly asked for advice: "Jiang Shaoxia, is there nothing you can do?"

Jiang Su thought about it seriously, then stood up, and motioned for Lou Yan to stay with him and go a little farther away, so as not to be overheard by passers-by, and it would be a little troublesome to pass these words to Xie Zeli's ears.

Jiang Su asked Li Hanshan to wait for a while, but Li Hanshan remained motionless, watching Lou Yan follow Jiang Su away.

He suddenly felt that the scene in front of him... was really strange.

The head of a great sect of the evil way actually humbly begged a person in the right way to apologize to the leader of the demon sect on his behalf?

This is too wrong... No, do people still regard Jiang Su as a person in the righteous way?

Li Hanshan seriously reviewed Jiang Su's actions during this period of time, and couldn't help being a little suspicious.

Jiang Su's attitude and actions towards Lou Yan and Xie Zeli did not show the slightest trace of a righteous person, and Li Hanshan did not think at all that he would sincerely advise Lou Yan.

This should still be calculated.

Li Hanshan looked at Lou Yan, his eyes were full of sympathy.

Probably this is the rush to the doctor.

After being fooled so many times, how can Lou Yan still believe it?

Lou Yan followed Jiang Su to leave the Demon Cult's camp and walked to a slightly remote place. After Jiang Su confirmed that no one was eavesdropping, he turned to look at Lou Yan, sighed deeply on purpose, and said, "Master Lou, what are you doing?" How silly!"

Lou Yan: "Huh?"

"It's been so long, and you still haven't seen it through." Jiang Su said helplessly, "Do you really think that people like Xie Hierarch may be trapped by love?"

Lou Yan: "..."

Lou Yan didn't know.

He has known Xie Zeli for many years, he went to the Holy Church with his elder sister when he was young, met Xie Zeli, and because of the skills he practiced in Meiyou Palace, he fell in love very early, and according to everything he saw in these years As far as Xie Zeli is concerned, it seems that Xie Zeli has never liked anyone at all, not to mention being trapped by love, even if he is to devote more energy to others, it seems impossible for him.

Xie Zeli's favorite person will always be himself.

Lou Yan knew he shouldn't be like this, but he really couldn't restrain his emotions.

If Xie Zeli just wanted to have fun, he would accompany him to enjoy it. Even a dog can have feelings after a long time, let alone a living person who is by his side? He always felt that he could warm Xie Zeli's heart, and he always hoped that in Xie Zeli's eyes, he could be the special one.

He thought that no one would care about his feelings for Xie Zeli if he showed a look of indifference to cynicism, but Jiang Su noticed that Jiang Su didn't even intend to show him any sympathy, so he directly pointed out the matter , For a moment, he didn't know how else to answer.

"If Palace Master Lou wants to influence Master Xie... Palace Master Lou should think twice." Jiang Su sighed, and said, "Today, Master Xie kept you by his side because the dual cultivation method is still beneficial to him, and wait for him to learn double cultivation. Cultivation method, or the poison of enduring tears, Palace Master Lou thinks, will Master Xie still treat you like this?"

Lou Yan was still hesitating. Hearing that Jiang Su had earnestly mentioned this point, he couldn't help but also sighed, and said in a low voice, "But at least for now, he still needs me."

"Just now." Jiang Su said, "When his martial arts recover and everything is settled, you will become the insider he must kill."

Lou Yan: "..."

Jiang Su coughed, as if he felt that he had said something he shouldn't have said, so he smiled at Lou Yan and said, "Master Lou, don't worry too much, Jiang is just guessing wildly, Master Xie might not do that."

Lou Yan: "..."

He had buried a thunderbolt in Lou Yan's heart, and it was obviously useless to say anything to redeem him later, but this was Jiang Su's purpose, he had to finish these words before he patted Lou Yan He raised his shoulders to show comfort, and then said: "Master Lou, you can go back with me, I will persuade you to thank the leader."

Lou Yan originally hoped that he would go there earlier to persuade Xie Zeli, but now his impatient mood has inexplicably lessened, but he still nodded his head as a consent, and then followed Jiang Su back to the Demon Cult camp.

Outside of Xie Zeli's tent, Jiang Su was very polite. For the first time, he really left his sword outside, and he didn't bother with the Demon Cult guards about his wife's rule of not leaving his hand. After entering Xie Zeli's tent Inside, he also spoke sincerely, earnestly acting as Lou Yan's lobbyist.

Xie Zeli was surprised.

It was the first time for him to hear Jiang Su speak in a proper manner, without being irritating indiscriminately, how could he not be surprised?

"Thank you, Hierarch, I will not hide my intention for coming here." Jiang Su said solemnly, "Master Lou thinks you are angry and wants me to act as a lobbyist. I hope you can forgive him."

Xie Zeli snorted coldly and said, "He lied to me, why should I forgive him?"

"If Master Xie is referring to the fact that the poison of enduring tears cannot be cured after double cultivation, I think Palace Master Lou should be really ignorant." Jiang Su said, "Have Master ever thought that after you are poisoned, In order to help the leader suppress the poison in his body, he passed on the merits to the leader several times, but his own skill was greatly damaged, if he really wanted to murder the leader, how could he be so disregarding the gains and losses?"

Xie Zeli raised his eyebrows slightly, and said: "He has repaired the past, so I want to thank him?"

"He's not a dead sheep." Jiang Su decisively reminded Xie Zeli, "Master, I gave you the medicine."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli: "Come here! Get this **** out of my seat!"

Jiang Su still stood where he was, motionless.

The members of the Devil's Cult outside came forward tremblingly, and said, "Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia..."

Xie Zeli yelled, "Why are you being so respectful!"

The members of the Devil's Cult paused, then changed their tone and said tremblingly: "You... you are a sinister villain with a decent face!"

Jiang Su glanced at him, and his legs softened immediately, and he took the initiative to take a step back, trying to avoid it, as if he saw a murderous look in those eyes.

It's too scary. This is the devil who poured medicine on the leader with his bare hands. How dare he offend a small member of the devil's sect?

"The leader doesn't have to drive me away." Jiang Su said, "I will go by myself."

After he finished saying this, he actually turned around, walked to the door of the tent, looked outside, and saw Li Hanshan outside, then as if he remembered something, he turned his head to look at Xie Zeli, and said : "Master, didn't you say last time that you wrote a letter to the owner of the ghost city and asked Han Shan to send it there?"

Xie Zeli raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly: "Oh, you hypocrite, you are very friendly. I think Han Shan has been walking with you these days, and you have already led him to ruin."

Lou Yan: "..."

Jiang Su didn't mind Xie Zeli scolding him harshly, he pursed his lips, smiled slightly at Xie Zeli, and said, "Does the leader still want to send this letter? Jiang can take a trip with Han Shan—"

"No need!" Xie Zeli said coldly, "I have so many people delivering letters for me!"

Lou Yan: "..."

"That's great, the leader is really loved by people." Jiang Su smiled, "Since there is no need to deliver the letter, then Jiang will take a step ahead and borrow the young master of Hanshan to use it, and bring the young master back in a few days."

Xie Zeli really wanted to get angry with him, but he just had a fit once, and he really didn't want to do it again, so he held back his anger and waved at Jiang Su, wishing that Jiang Su would get out as soon as possible.

Jiang Su turned his head and wanted to pull Lou Yan to leave together.

But Lou Yan's expression was obviously different compared to just now, he followed Jiang Su and walked a few steps out, but immediately turned back, walked up to Xie Zeli, and just asked, "Did you write to the owner of the ghost city?" letter?"

Xie Zeli was most annoyed by others meddling in his affairs, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Lou Yan: "I..."

"I remember, I gave you an order just now." Xie Zeli looked at the demon cultist, "Kick Lou Yan out, I don't want to see him."

Lou Yan: "..."

Lou Yan stood there, motionless, just staring at Xie Zeli in a daze, like waking up from a dream, as if he finally saw Xie Zeli clearly at this moment.

"Master Lou is still leaving?" Xie Zeli said coldly, "Do you really want me to drive you away?"

Lou Yan took a step back and said, "You don't need to chase me away."

By now, he should understand that all of this is just wishful thinking.

He shouldn't have hoped for a romantic person like Xie Zeli.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again to look at Xie Zeli, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he turned his head and left the tent without any further thought.

Seeing him leave, Xie Zeli wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but now looking at Lou Yanjue's back, he felt inexplicably...

It seems... there is something unspeakable.

Jiang Su Zao Lou Yan stepped out of the tent, waited outside the tent for a while, and then saw Lou Yan come out with a cold face.

He smiled at Lou Yan and said: "Master Lou, Master Xie has too much prejudice against Jiang, I'm afraid I won't be able to persuade him."

"There is no need to persuade me." Lou Yan said, "If I want to stay here, he can't stop me."

Li Hanshan couldn't help but blurted out and asked, "Do you want to stay here?"

Jiang Su pulled his sleeve calmly, telling him not to say more, Li Hanshan hurriedly shut up again, not daring to say more.

"As long as the Palace Master Lou thinks it through himself." Jiang Su said, "I still have something to do, so I will take my leave first."

Lou Yan nodded, and when Jiang Su turned his head to leave, he sighed again and added a sentence before Jiang Su left.

"I used to think that one day, I would win his heart." Lou Yan smiled and said, "Looking at it now, I think it's not bad."

Jiang Su stopped and looked back at him.

"Body and mind." Lou Yan whispered, "I can always get one of them."

Li Hanshan was very puzzled.

He felt that Lou Yan's words were slightly contradictory. He didn't understand what Lou Yan meant, but Jiang Su had already held his hand and led him to find a horse and rush back to Changning City.

The two rode horses side by side, Li Hanshan thought for a moment, but he could only ask Jiang Su, saying: "What he just said—"

"Do you want to be the leader?" Jiang Su interrupted him, leaving an inexplicable question, "Have you ever thought about what the Demon Society will look like if you become the leader in the future."

" many people in my church want to be the leader, I'm not suitable for this kind of thing." Li Hanshan frowned and said, "I just want to practice swordsmanship, at least swordsmanship doesn't need to be exhausted, and I don't need to fight with others. "

Today is spring, the snow has melted, and the road is full of spring scenery, which is pleasing to the eye, but Jiang Su tilted his head when he heard the words, and smiled slightly at him.

"What are you afraid of?" Jiang Su said, "There is me."

The young chivalrous man was in high spirits, what he said seemed to be a simple matter.

"Actually, intrigue is no different from swordsmanship." Jiang Su said, "It's just a matter of seeing each other's tricks and seeking victory in danger... You are so good at using swords, and you are no worse than others in terms of scheming."

Li Hanshan: "But I..."

"But this kind of thing, it's worth not to learn." Jiang Su sighed, suddenly feeling emotional, and said, "When will you be able to compete with me?"

Seeing that Li Hanshan had recovered from his injury, he really felt itchy, wishing he could drag Li Hanshan out immediately and compete for a few rounds.

But Li Hanshan was still thinking about Jiang Su's last sentence. He was not good at words, so he frowned slightly and said, "But I'm not good at this kind of thing."

He has never cared about this kind of thing, and in the past twenty years, he has devoted himself to studying only one thing.

"Brother Jiang is very powerful, I can tell." Li Hanshan said, "Although I can't speak eloquently like you, I can be your sword."

Jiang Su couldn't help but startled: "What sword?"

"I am willing to be the sword in your hand." Li Hanshan said, "I can cut everything for you and kill the person you want to kill. You don't need to dirty your hands. Whatever you want, I am willing to do it for you."

Jiang Su couldn't help laughing, and said: "My martial arts are not weak—"

Li Hanshan also thought about it, and seemed to feel that such a wording was still inappropriate, so he changed it again.

"Jiang Su." Li Hanshan thought deeply, and then he said what he had been thinking for a long time, "I am your sword."

Unique sword.

Only his sword.